Rev. 16 Feb. 2015




1636 Settler of Hartford, Connecticut

and His Descendants





George Graves (1), referred to in many documents as Deacon George Graves (often spelled Grave, without the final "s"), was born in England[1],[2].  Based on the ages of his children, he may have been born about 1600.  He died Sept. 16731,2 and was buried 27 Sept. 16731.  (According to the Deming genealogy, he died 5 June 1668 in Wethersfield, Conn.)  It is believed that he and all the other "original proprietors" (so called because they received their land from "the crown") of Hartford were buried beneath a large monument (on which their names are inscribed) at the rear of the Centre Church in Hartford1.

It was stated by genealogist John Card Graves of Buffalo, N.Y. that Deacon George Graves had a sister, Sarah Graves, who married Richard Lord of New London, Conn.  (However, the IGI has a record of Sarah Graves marrying Richard Lord in Hartford in 1635[3].  Since he was an original settler at Cambridge, MA, and probably a part of the Hooker pilgrimage to Hartford in 1636, he may not have been Òof New London.Ó[4])  They were related to widow Ann Graves of Great Minores St., St. Botolph Parish, Aldgate (or Olgate), London, England, who by will proven 20 March 1676 gave annuities to the children of Deacon George in case of failure of issue to her grandson Joseph Hardey.

It is also believed that George Graves had another sister, Abigail Graves, who first married William Andrews[5] and married second Nathaniel Barding[6], both in Hartford, CT or vicinity.  (See further discussion in the Appendix.)

It is believed that George Graves was from either Hertford, Hertfordshire9,15, or from Braintree, Essex, England[7].  Because of this, it is interesting to note that there was a John Graves who settled in Roxbury, MA in May 1633[8], coming from Nazing (or Nazeing or Nasing), Essex, England, with wife and 5 children: John, Samuel, Jonathan, Sarah, and Mary.  His wife died soon after arrival, and he then married Judith Alward, or Allard, in Dec. 1635, and had a daughter Hannah.  He died 4 Nov. 1644, and is definitely not the same as John Graves of Concord, MA, mentioned in the next paragraph.  The eldest son of John Graves of Roxbury, also named John, died 5 Dec. 1645.  Nazing is less than 10 miles from Hertford (where George Graves may have been from), so it is possible the two were related.

It was stated by John Card Graves that John Graves of Concord, Mass. was a brother of George. However, there is no known evidence of this relationship, and DNA testing of their descendants has shown this to be incorrect.  Although it was cited as "part of the proof", the only "proof" as far as this author knows is a letter dated 27 Feb. 1675 from an aunt, Anna Graves of London, to John Graves of Guilford, Conn.  She wrote that she was 92 at that time and her only daughter had died Nov. 1674. Based on the present evidence, it seems likely that Anna Graves was a sister-in-law of Deacon George Graves. There is also the possibility that Anna and Ann Graves were the same person.  Research needs to be done in London records to further establish the facts.

The reason this letter was cited as proof is that the date was misread as 1645.  The letter is actually written to John Graves, son of Deacon George Graves, and not to John Graves of Concord.  To establish this, the author has examined a photocopy of the actual letter and seen the envelope which is addressed to John Graves of Guilford, Conn. and not John of Concord.  The brother George mentioned in the letter is not the immigrant Deacon George Graves but the son of George.  The text of the letter is as follows.  This letter and several others were stored in a bank vault in Madison, Conn. in 1990, and copies were in the possession of members of "The Deacon John Grave Foundation, Inc." located in Madison.

                                                                                "London, Febr'y the 27, 1675

Couzen John Graves in New England

My kind love to your wife and children.  Hoping yt these few lines will find you well as I pray ye Lord left me, in considering my age.  Couzen having an oportunity of sending caused me to write this being the sixth letter to you since I received yours yt some of those may come safe to yr hand and to inform you yt hath pleased God to take away from me unto himself my deare and only daughter which is a great greafe and heavy burden to me in my great age (99) but considering whither she has gone I am satisfied.  She departed this life ye 21st day of ye last November 1674.  She had a great desire to hear from you before she died and if she had she would a remembered you at her death.  And now couzen I am of great age and cannot expect to live long but have made my will and have left 50 pounds among you as a token of my remembrance after I am dead.  I have left 10 pounds to yrself, 10 pounds to yr brother George and yr sister 10 pounds which is 30 pounds.  The 20 pounds remainder for yr children. If it shd please ye Lord to take me out of this world before ye letter comes I have left to good bondsmen over here in trust my will.

Ye one is Mr. William Griffing, a Merchant in Austin St. and ye other is Mr. James Arbell at ye White Anchor in ye little Minery.  So I close commiting you to the protection of ye almighty God who never forsakes any yt wholey put their trust in him.

Your loving Aunt till death.

                                                        Anna Graves"


George Graves was one of the original proprietors1,[9],[10] of Hartford, Conn., where he settled about 16361,2, on the south side of Elm St. about opposite the Daniel's Mill1. A sketch map showing the south-side plantation portion of Hartford in 1636 (map shown on next page) shows Deacon George Graves' house lot situated on the Little River between the lots of Governor Edward Hopkins and Stephen Post[11].  He was a weaver1,9 in comfortable circumstances, and was appointed to inspect linen and woolen goods for the Colony at Hartford 3 June 16441,2.  He was chosen "Townsman", as the Selectmen were then called, in 1650

and 16681,9.  He was Deputy to the General Court (Assembly) in 1657 and 16581,9, and fence viewer in 16669.

He was married first in England1,[12], and his two eldest children were born there and brought to America by their father1.  He married second widow Sarah [perhaps Andrews] Ventres1,9, mother-in-law of his son George1,9.

He was against the "withdrawers" from the First Church of Hartford in 1658, but afterwards on Feb. 22, 1670, when the Second Church was organized, he was one of the founders and the first Deacon of the new Church1,9.  The Second Church was organized, as a result of baptismal and synodical controversy, by a group of 31 members of the First Church, under the leadership of the then senior minister, Rev. Whiting[13].  George's wife, Sarah, was also an original member of the new Church9.

Of his second wife it was said (in the Hartford Courant, Feb. 15, 1896) in a sketch of the three prominent women who united with the Church at that time, viz. Sarah Ensign, Sarah Graves, and Margaret Nash, "that she was a sincere Christian Woman who loved her church and whose simple service was a delight and joy, and the legacy of her influence and character helped to mould the belief for the next generation."

The inventory of the estate of George Graves indicated a value of 278 pounds, 13s, 2d1,9.  His will dated at Hartford 17 Sept. 16731,11 specified that his lands should "pay their rates according to their proportion, to the maintenance of the ministree at the new meeting house"11.  He mentions his wife Sarah, sons George and John, son-in-law Jonathan Deming, daughter Mary Dow, and granddaughter Priscilla Markham.

His will follows:

I, George Grave of Hartford, upon the River of Conecticutt, weaver, doe in this my Last Will & Testament give unto Sarah my wife all my houseing & Barne, orchards, Home Lott, Meadow Land, Swamp Land & upland, & whatever is in my house, for her to make use of during the time of her Life, and after her decease to be disposed of as followeth: I doe also hereby give unto my sonn John Grave one parcell of meadow Land Lying in the south meadow between Mr. Richards Land & Mr. Whitings Land, which peice of Land is by estimation allmost Three Acres.  I doe also hereby give unto my son John Grave one parcell of Swamp Land Lying by the Land called the forty Acres, in the south meadow, Between Mr. Goodwins Land and Tho: Catlins Land, which parcell of Land is by estimation Two Acres & a halfe, both which parcells of Land are for him to injoy forever after the death of my wife.  I doe also hereby give unto my sonn-in-law Jonathan Deming my Two Cowes, for him to injoy after my decease.  I dow also give unto my daughter Mary Dow the sume of Tenn pounds, to be paid to her forty shillings in every yeare until the Ten pounds be discharged, next after my decease.  I doe also hereby give unto my daughter Mary Dowe my great Brass pott & pott hooks, & also one feather Bed & Feather Bowlster, & one green Blankett, & one Pillow & two pillow beirs, for her to injoy after my wiveÕs decease.  I doe allso hereby give unto my granddaughter Priscilla Markham my least brass pott & pott hooks, & my Iron Kettle, & two of my best platters, a bigger & a lesser.  I doe allso hereby give unto priscilla Marcum one Flock bed & one Bowlster, for her to Injoy after the death of my wife.  I dow allso hereby give unto my sonn George Grave my house, Barne & Home Lott, orchards & all other of my Lands both meadow, Swamp & upland, Except what is before given away, to him during the time of his life & to his heirs forever, for him to possess after the death of my wife.  I doe allso hereby give unto my sonn George Grave (my debts & the Legacies being payd) my Cattell, my household stuffe & what ever els is mine or due to me from any one, for him to possess & injoy forever, after the death of my wife.  My will also is that all my Land shall pay their rates, according to their proportion, to the Maintenance of the Ministree at the new meeting house.  My will and desire is that my sonn George Grave should take my Estate into his hands & custodie, & the care of my wife, his mother-in-law, & see that shee bee Comfortably provided for during the time of her life, she now not being in a fitt capacittie to help her selfe in this way.  Also, if more than ordinary charges should arise by reason of any Long sickness that should attend her, that then the whole estate should share in the Charge that ariseth.  Allso my will is that all the Lining that shall remayn after my wifes decease, which is not given before, shall be equally divided between my son GeorgeÕs wife & my daughter Dowe.  I doe also hereby make my two sons George Grave & John Grave my Executors of this my last will & Testament.  In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand.

Witness:      John Richards                                     George Grave, Sen.

                    Steven Hopkins

Court Record, page 134, 25 Nov. 1673, Will proven.


The planning for the movement of some of the people of Newtown (later Cambridge), MA, to found Hartford began prior to May 15, 1634.  On this date the General Court gave them permission Òto seeke out some convenient place,Ó promising to confirm it to them, provided the place chosen was not prejudiced to any plantation already settled.

According to WinthropÕs journal[14], under the date of Oct. 15, 1635: ÒAbout sixty men, women and little children, went by land toward Connecticut with their cows, horses, and swine, and, after a tedious and difficult journey, arrived safe there.Ó  This apparently referred to the first group of settlers in Hartford (previously called Suckiaug by the Indians).  Nearly half of this pioneer company from Newtown were recent arrivals from England.  They arrived at their destination toward the end of October, their journey taking about two weeks.  Thirteen men of this group returned to Newtown in November, having stayed in Hartford long enough to claim house lots and help the new settlers get established.

A sketch showing the north-side plantation house lots of these first settlers is on the next page.  The road from Little River to the north meadow was the precursor of present day Front Street.  The road from the Palisado to Centinel Hill is now Main Street.

The first group of settlers, led by Thomas Hooker[15] (picture on page 18), left Newtown on Tuesday, May 31, 1636.  Many were from Newtown, but others came from other Massachusetts towns, or soon after their arrival from England.  The location of his house lot indicates that George Grave arrived in 1636, but it is not known where he came from or exactly when in 1636.

The settlers in 1636 did not make their way through an unmarked, trackless wilderness with only their compass to guide them, as has been stated by some writers.  They followed a beaten path, already trodden that season by several other companies with cattle.  The path led from Newtown on the north bank of the Charles River, through Watertown, Waltham, Weston, Wayland and Framingham, passing north of Cochituate Pond.  Then it turned southward through the present borders of South Framingham, Ashland, Hopkinton and Westborough to Grafton.  Then it crossed the Blackstone River, and went through the present town of Milbury, through Charlton to Sturbridge.  From there it went through Fiskdale and Agawam, to Springfield.  The route was then down the Connecticut River, crossing the river at the ferry at Windsor, finally arriving in Hartford.

At least many of the 1636 settlers were granted lands in the south-side plantation, as shown on the map on page 12.

The original ÒwriteingÓ in which Sequassen and his tribe conveyed the Suckiaug lands to Samuel Stone and William Goodwin in 1636 specified Òall the land from Wethersfield bounds on the south to Windsor bounds on the north, and the whole bredth from Connecticutt river on the east six large miles into the wilderness on the west.Ó  The grant was later renewed and enlarged.

Thomas Hooker


The first meeting house at Hartford was only temporary.  The construction of the second meeting house was begun in 1638 and was probably far enough along to be occupied during the winter of 1638-39.  It was on ÒOld Meeting House HillÓ, near the dwelling of Capt. John Lawrence.  A sketch of it is on the next page.  It was probably 50 feet square, the same size as some later churches in Hartford.  (R‑202, R‑204, R‑214)

Children - Graves[16]

+2.  George Graves, b.c. 1631, m. Elizabeth Ventres, 2 April 1651, d. 3 Dec. 1692.

+3.  John Graves, b.c. 1633, m. Elizabeth (Crittenden) Stillwell, 26 Nov. 1657, d. 31 Dec. 1695.

+4.  Sarah Graves, m. Jonathan Deming, 21 Nov. 1660, d. June 1668.

+5.  Mary Graves, m. Samuel Dow, 12 Dec. 1665, d. Sept. 1673.

+6.  Priscilla Graves, m. William Markham, d.c. 1668.






George Graves (2) was born about 1631 in England, and died 3 Dec. 1692 in Middletown, Conn.  He married Elizabeth Ventres on 2 April 1651 in Hartford, Conn. They moved to Middletown, Conn., where he was made freeman 18 May 1654, Deputy to the General Court in 1656, was Marshall of the Colony for several years, and was appointed to measure the bounds of Wethersfield, Conn. 10 Oct. 1667.  His will (vol. 1, p. 455, Mainwaring's Early Probate Records) mentions his wife Elizabeth, sons George and John, and daughters Mercy, Elizabeth Mitchell, and Sarah Loomis.  (R‑202)

Children - Graves

  7.  George Graves, never married, d. 1699.

  8.  Elizabeth Graves, m. ‑‑‑‑‑‑ Mitchell.

+9.  John Graves, m(1) Susannah Webster, 1681, m(2) Hannah Davis, 1690, d.c. 1702.

+10.  Mercy Graves, b.c. 1670, m. Nathanael Winchell, 15 March 1694, d. after 1700.

  11.  Sarah Graves, m. Jonathan Loomis, 27 Dec. 1688.  He was a son of Nathaniel Loomis and Elizabeth Moore, and was born 31 March 1666.  They lived in Hartford until at least 1694.


John Graves (3) was born about 1633 in England1,2, and died 31 Dec. 16951,[17],[18] in Guilford (now Madison), Conn.  He was buried in East Guilford (now Madison), on the green where the First Church stood at the time.  He came to America with his father.  He was a blacksmith by trade, living at Hartford until 1657[19].

He married Elizabeth (Crittenden) Stillwell2,17, daughter of William and Mary Cruttenden (or Crittenden) of Guilford, on 26 Nov. 1657 in Guilford, Conn.  She was the widow of Jasper Stillwell, and was born about 1639.  Jasper was buried 8 Nov. 1656, and his widow decently waited a year before she married John Graves.  The erroneous information previously published by various authors that John was married twice is corrected and explained by Donald Lines Jacobus in the reference cited below.  Elizabeth was living in 1697/8 when her brother's will referred to her.

After John Graves died in 1695, his widow Elizabeth thirdly married John Sperry of New Haven, CT, and then married as her fourth husband Benjamin Burnett1 or Burwell2.  [This information was rejected by Donald Lines Jacobus in an article in American Genealogist, Vol. 31 p. 174.  He also reiterated that Elizabeth died after 26 Jan. 1697/98 when her brother Thomas Crittenden (New Haven Probate, 2:211) gave £6 to Òmy sister Elizabeth GravesÓ.

John and Elizabeth moved in 1657 from Hartford (Colony of Connecticut) to Guilford, Conn. (under the New Haven Jurisdiction), where John was Town Clerk from 1673 to 1685.  He was deputy to the General Court most of the time from 1670 to 1695, representing Guilford 23 times.  He was Deacon in the First Church.  He was confirmed as Ensign of the train band of Guilford 10 Oct. 1667, was one of the grantees in the Town Patent in 1685, and owned several parcels of land in the town.

John was a freeman of Guilford before 16592, and became a proprietor inhabitant18,[20].  "John naturally [having lived in Hartford until his marriage] sided with the Rossiter[21] or Hartford party in the troubles connected with the absorption of New Haven Jurisdiction by Connecticut."2 In 1669 he was one of 3 townsmen on a committee, ordered by the court, to draw up a list of freemen of Guilford.  John was eleventh on the list of 36 freemen18.

In addition to a home lot of 5-1/4 acres, he owned one parcel of upland in the Great Plaine, 10 acres and 2-1/2 acres of upland marsh in the same plain.  In 1667 he bought from Robert Kitchel, for 27 pounds, the latter's lot in the Little Plain, and 6 acres of upland on the north side of the country highway1,2.  The General Court granted him farm land (part of Guilford Farms) in the southwest part of town which fell within the bounds of Durham when that town was formed[22].

He built in Guilford (in that part that is now Madison, CT) in 1659 the historic old "Graves House"[23] which was still standing in the early 1900's and occupied by his descendants.  (It was built on two lots of land north of Jasper Stillwell's stone house on the east side of South Lane, later called Harbour Street.  A painting of the restored house and a map of its location in present-day Madison are on the next page.  It is called the ÒDeacon John Grave House at Tuxis Farm.Ó)  At that time, it was probably one of the best preserved of the early houses built in this country.  The following history and description of this house was prepared by one of the descendants of John Graves, Mrs. Anne Kelsey Maher, wife of William H. Maher of Toledo, Ohio, after five years of research for the Colonial Dames.  It was published in the Hartford Courant of April 14, 1903.

"Very early in the history of Guilford, attempts were made to survey and allot the eastern part of the town, then called East Guilford, now Madison, and to encourage removal to it by offering a certain portion of land to every settler.  The work went on slowly till 1672, when a third survey and division were made, and the allotments offered to the planters in proportion to their rate account, under three conditions.  The first class, 'those who will take up their properties of land to farme and dwell upon it in three years,' were to have first choice and five acres of upland more than their proportion upon rate account would come to.  If, however, anyone did not build 'a convenient house' in three years, he should forfeit 10 shillings a year thereafter.


Painting of Deacon John Grave House at Tuxis Farm






Location of Deacon John Grave House in Present-Day Madison, CT

Evidently John Graves of Guilford availed himself of this offer, for in 1675 he owned a tract of land in East Guilford and built on it a house, certainly a 'convenient' one, which has stood there more than two centuries and a quarter, and is known as the old Graves house.

It was built after the solid and generous fashion of those times, with heavy oak beams in the corners and across the ceilings, and in the center a rough stone chimney, twelve feet square, whose wide fireplaces opened into all the living rooms.  The roof was covered with cedar shingles.  In front it was two stories high, but the long slope of the back roof reached to within six or eight feet of the ground.  The chambers were finished in native wood, probably butternut, which has darkened almost beyond recognition.  The present owners, who have devoted themselves to the loving task of restoring, as far as possible, the original features of their ancestral home, have rescued much of this wood from the wall-paper under which it had been hidden.  Doubtless the same wood was used in the parlors, but years ago it was covered with many coats of white paint.

In the front rooms were triangular corner cupboards, the pride of the successive mistresses of the old house. Here were kept the glass-stoppered decanters and dainty wine glasses, and on these shelves rested the pewter plates and platters, shining like silver; they are still shining there today.

Our forefathers did their work well in those last years of the seventeenth century, and John Graves builded better than he knew; for after more than two hundred years the old house is still standing solidly, and seemingly abundantly able to brave the storms of two centuries more.

It is owned and occupied by the sixth generation of his descendants, and from attic to parlor is a museum of antiquities; of treasures of old glass, pewter, and china; of rare embroideries and antique furniture; of yellow documents bearing dates in the 1600's; of muskets and cocked hats, regimental coats and swords, with revolutionary memories hanging round them.

Among its most carefully treasured heirlooms is a letter written by Ann Graves of London, dated February 12, 1675, to her nephews, George and John Graves.  In it she tells them she has left them in her will 10 pounds each, and desires them to let her know whether they will have this money sent in money or in goods.  A few years later (the date is not given) John charges his brother for 'money towards the payment of Mr. William Whiting for his charges in sending the goods from England, and more, 2s 6d, to be paid to Mr. Pirpkins for wrighting.' Probably these 'goods' represented the legacy of Mrs. Ann Graves, and one likes to think that they may be the very china and pewter platters now lying in the corner cupboard of the old house.

Naturally we are interested in the personality of the man who built this house, and of those who succeeded him in it, but have long since passed away.  John Graves was the son of George Graves, who came to America in 1639, with his wife, Sarah, his sons George and John, and possibly his daughters, Sarah, Mary, and Priscilla.  It is not certain whether the daughters were born in this country or in England.

The English home of the Graves family [although not necessarily this Graves family] was in the counties Lincoln, Nottingham, Derby and York.  Here they enjoyed various honors, including a coat of arms, and a choice of some fourteen Latin mottoes, beginning with the worldly-wise maxim: 'Aquila non capit muscas,' and ending with the devout aspiration: 'Suprema quaero.'

They also had a pedigree reaching back into France before the time of the Norman conquest.  But six hundred years had gone far to dilute their Norman blood, and the dust lay thick upon their heraldic emblems, when plain George Graves, weaver, came to Hartford, and settled down on the highway, now known as Elm Street, near Little River.

John Graves was about six years old at the time of his migration.  In 1657 he went down to Guilford and married Elizabeth, only child of Jasper Stillwell, who had died a few months before.  [As noted in the section prior to this newspaper excerpt, this has been proven to be incorrect.  Elizabeth was the widow of Jasper.]  Of Jasper Stillwell very little is known, except that he was one of the richer planters of the colony, as shown by the fact that he owned and lived in one of the four stone houses built at the time of the first settlement.

John Graves stepped at once into his father-in-law's [this should be his wife's first husband's] very comfortable shoes, and settled down with Elizabeth in their stone house, just north of Rev. Henry Whitfield's, now owned by the state of Connecticut and famous as the 'Old Stone House.'  As time went on he developed into a very busy and capable man.  He stood so high in the confidence of his townsmen that between 1670 and 1693 he was sent thirteen years to represent them at the General Court at Hartford, and what was even a higher mark of esteem in those days -- they elected him a deacon of the church.

One would think that these offices, with the care of the Stillwell estate, and the raising of his eight children, would have kept him busy; but he still found time to take a hand in most town matters, and there is scarcely a committee on public affairs of that time in which his name does not appear.

It is interesting to note some of the various matters that claimed his attention.  We find him in 1664 'auditating the Towne and minister's booke of accounts;' in 1666 laying out a fence for 'the common oxe-pasture at Sachem's Head.'  The next year he turned his attention to military matters, and at the General Assembly held at Hartford, October 10, 1667, John Winthrop, Jr., Governor, the court 'confirmes John Graves ensign of the Traine Bande of Guilford.'  In 1673 the Court 'grants to Ensign John Graves an hundred acres of land,' but we do not now know where that land was situated, nor for what special service it was given.  In 1690 he was promoted to the rank of captain, and the Court 'approved for him to be commissionated accordingly.'

In the meantime the versatile man had been surveying and settling the boundaries of the town, including 'the line running from the sea tenn miles into the wilderness'; fixing the dimensions of the new school house, and 'engaging a man or men to build it'; ordering the fortifications when the town feared an attack during King Philip's war; and superintending the building of his new house in East Guilford, whose story we are now telling.

In 1685 he was on a committee 'to search the town records and find out what is needful in preparing the charter of the town.'  From 1673 to 1685 the duties of town clerk were added to his other labors.  Five days after the death of their pastor, Rev. Joseph Elliott, in 1694, he was one of a committee appointed  to 'take care for sanctifying the Sabbath and for supply in the ministry.'  This appears to have been the last of his public duties.  In the following year his busy life of sixty-six years came to an end, and the builder of the old Graves house was gathered to his fathers.

In 1685 John Graves, son of the first John, married Elizabeth Foote and at once installed his household goods in the house which his father had built in East Guilford ten years before.  It is not known by which member of the family it had been occupied meanwhile.  In his will the elder John speaks of it as 'the house at Tuxis Farms'; this name is taken from Tuxis Pond, a small body of water in that vicinity, and may have been applied to the whole district or only to that particular homestead.

Much of the story of the house and the people who lived in it can be learned from an old leather-covered book in which the first John Graves and his successors kept their accounts.  It is about six inches wide and twice as long, with leaves of coarse, strong paper, and with slender leather thongs attached to the front edge of each cover by which it was securely tied together when not in use; a most substantial and dignified book, as befitted a man of John Graves's character and standing.

It has come down to the present day, worn and frayed with the service of four generations, and venerable with its weight of two and a quarter centuries.  John Graves, his son John, his grandson John, and his greatgrandson Elias have left their records here.  The earliest item is dated March 6, 1678-9.  An unfamiliar hand of the fifth generation made the last entry: 'Elias Graves died May the 31st 1802 in the 71 year of his age.'

The first owner used the book for strictly commercial accounts, and his entries are chiefly of interest as showing the cost of living in those early days of the colony.  From them we learn that Nathaniel's 'shoose' cost 2s, 6d, and Joseph's pumps, 3s, 6d; John's 'sute' 10s; Mistress Elizabeth's 'wastcoat' 4s; Sarah's 'samar' 6s.  Who in this dawn of the twentieth century knows what manner of garment Sarah's 'samar' was?  Our good mothers would have told us that it was a coat reaching to the knees.

We also know that John paid four pounds of 'swingled flax' for his gloves, one shilling for mending his 'leather britches', and that he paid his church rate in 'inden corne.'

At the death of his father the second John fell heir to the leather book, finding ample unoccupied space in its pages not only for his accounts and memoranda but for those of his successors.  His entries, made in the quaint phraseology and uncertain spelling of those days were not confined to debits and credits, but included any items which its successive owners wished to commit to its safe keeping.  Births, deaths and marriages, the date when he began to take the newspaper, the day when Elias returned from the war, the earmarks of his sheep, the field where he 'soed' flax, the length of the fence between his lot and his neighbor's, all found a place in these family archives.  The result is a curious medley of commercial transactions, farm memoranda, and family chronicles; and a careful study of the yellow and time-stained pages gives many an interesting glimpse of the way our fore- fathers lived, as well as the outlines of the history of four generations of the Graves family.

If the law-givers of Guilford included capacity in their idea of 'a convenient house', the dwelling at Tuxis Farms had good need to be convenient, for in it John Graves 2d and his good wife Elizabeth raised their ten children, beginning with a little Elizabeth and including, of course, a young John.  And every branch of the family was sure to have, in each generation, its own John.

From the leather book and from town records we gather that the second John was a worthy successor of his energetic father, though his activities were less varied. One historian states that John Graves was appointed to keep an 'ordinary', an important and honorable office in those times.  From his frequent charges for meals and other comforts furnished to travelers it seems probable that the John Graves so appointed was the second of that name, and the old house, in his time, served in the capacity of a wayside inn.  It stands on a highway which was the direct route between New York and Boston by way of Saybrook, and doubtless many travelers availed themselves of its shelter and accommodations.  This is a specimen of his accounts:

Mark Mallam Debt

                                                                                                            s           d

To a pot of cider                                                              0          0          3

To two quarts of oats                                                                   0          0          3

To a diner and a tankard of  cider and two quarts of oats         0          1          5

To a pot of phlip                                                             0          0          8

To victuals                                                                                 0          1          3

To two meals of victuals and  a night's lodging                    0          1          0

To victuals for seamen                                                      0          4          0

To expenses for a Branford  gentleman                                 0          0          11

To two pots of cider one  ordered sweetened                         0          7

Under another date he makes a charge for 'diating the workmen engaged in repairing the church.'  This is not so bad as it sounds; 'diating' was John's synonym for boarding.  His successors used the same quaint phraseology.  One of them charges Elijah Evarts for 'diating the schoolmaster.'  Another makes the seemingly disrespectful entry 'for diating Uncle Norton.'

The records of the years 1702-13 show that the Graves house was a busy place during the time of Queen Anne's wars.  John not only continued to furnish food and lodging to travelers but also kept a store of military supplies.  In his spacious chambers sick soldiers were nursed and friendly Indians were fed in Mistress Elizabeth's kitchen.  This is a specimen of the entries of that time:

County Debt in 1709

                                                                                                                        s           d

by a bullet pouch impressed into  her majestie's service                      0          2          0

by a powder horne                                                                                   0          1          6

by a horse jorney to Seabroke  to fetch a doctor to sicke souldier

            in her majesties service

by a souldier three meals whilst  waiting on the sick souldier  0          1          0

by vitling and lodging a souldier                                                    0          0          6

by four meals of victuals to  Indians in the Queen's service      0          2          0

by new pair of stockings and a  snapsack                                          0          3          0

John not only furnished food and lodgings to sick soldiers and friendly Indians but was himself active in military service.  In the account book he writes: 'I went up to hadley in the Queen's service on the 11th of August and taried there till the 27th (in the yeare) 1708, with my horse and all my accoutrements at my owne finding.'

In the Court records of October 1707, we find that 'this assembly do establish and confirm Mr. John Graves to be Lieutenant of the first company or train band in the town of Guilford.'

But in the midst of the alarms of war John did not neglect the arts of peace.  One of his entries reads: 'I began to teach schoole the 16 of December, 1707.'  Then follows a list of his pupils, nine boys, two of them being his own sons.  Probably John taught a private school that winter in one of the rooms of the 'convenient' house at Tuxis Farms.

It behooved a man who was a schoolmaster and the father of ten children to keep in touch with the current events; accordingly we find this entry: Boston News Letters The time of our News Letters began the 23rd of Aprill or the 30th in the yeare 1711.

This was the first paper printed in America, with the exception of one that lived but three or four weeks. When we consider the distance between Boston and Tuxis Farms, and the scarcity of money in those times (a man's wages being 2s 6d per day), it speaks well for John's enterprise that he should subscribe for a weekly paper. Probably a newspaper was a very rare thing in the community and the arrival of the post bringing the Boston News Letter was quite an event.  We can imagine the planters dropping in at Neighbor Graves's that evening, and sitting around him while he held a candle close to the paper and read aloud the news; the arrival of the last ship from England; her passenger list and the reports which she brought; the market price of corn and flax; the last battle with the Indians or French, and the gossip of Boston.

In a later entry John records that in the year 1713 he paid Ebenezer Stone 1 pound 7s for making a drum, and remembering his record with the militia we naturally connect the drum with training days.  But from another entry we learn that it was designed for religious service, being used to summon the people to Sabbath worship.  He writes: 'I had the care of beating the drum on Sabbath days the first day of July 1713.'  The records show that he was paid 20 shillings a year for this service.

In those days the town gave much attention to the draining, or as they called it, the 'drowning' of swamp lands.  As early as 1694 permission was given to John Graves and three others 'to drown a swamp above Tuxis Pond, and to have it set out to them when drowned, to prevent the harboring of varment.'  His descendants still own a tract of marshy land in that neighborhood; perhaps the same swamp which their progenitor 'drowned' more than two centuries ago.

Books were rare in those days, but the Graves house could boast a very modest library, and it occurred to John to place a catalogue of it in the leather book.  It is somewhat interesting as showing the rather depressing nature of the religious literature of the day.  This is the catalogue:

An account of some books of divinitie belonging to me John Graves, with some of their titles.

first The Triumph of a True Christian

one a practicall exposition on the 130 psalme

one harts division the evill of our times

an interest in a book intitled the rare jewell of contentment

two psalme books

one the pious remains of Mrs. Henry William Ludolf on meditation

one the glory departing from New England

one a call to the unconverted

one my peace I give unto you my peace I leave with you

one war with the divell or the young man's conflict with the powers of


one Zion in distress or the groans of the probistant church

one the familier explanation of the Assemblie of devines short cattechism

one old booke called pilgrims progress

one small booke Thirstie siners invited to Christ

one old Testament

one old Bible and part of old Bible

one the horers and terors that seze upon the unpardoned siners in the day of


one the old mens tears

three books of Mr. Wises works

one the quarell of the church espoused

two other paper books

one the dutie of all christians urged

one Mr. Whitmans election sermon

sundry other small paper books

Many of these books are still preserved in the old house.

At the death of John Graves, 2d, in 1726 the homestead at Tuxis Farms passed into the possession of the third John, who was thrice married.  This John seems to have been by nature a very merry and light-hearted fellow, and to have taken his grandfather's leather book at first much less seriously than did his predecessors.  He often relieved the monotony of debit and credit by a joke, or by dropping into poetry, and sometimes by pious precepts and admonitions.  On one occasion, in a fit of exuberance, he closes an account thus: 'June 22, 1749, then reconed with Elijah Evarts and all accounts balanced from the beginning of the world to this day.'

But family cares and public responsibilities gradually subdued his spirits.  Like his father and grandfather he held various offices in church and state.  In 1737 the General Assembly established and confirmed him to be Ensign of the train band.  In 1753 he was chosen deacon of the church.  In 1754 he was appointed Justice of the Peace, which office he held until his death in 1763.

As there was no public building in which his cases could be tried the old Graves house filled a new role and served as a court house.  One of the books in which he recorded the cases tried before him (his docket) is still preserved.  The cases are about equally divided between suits for debt and for Sabbath breaking.

A specimen of the latter shows the rigid Puritan idea of 'sanctifying the Sabbath.'  Leaving out circumlocutions, Squire John records that 'On January 3d, 1758, Lydia Baily being presented and informed against by Richard Bristol, one of the tithing men in the town of Guilford, for the breach of the Law entitled an act for the better observation and keeping of the Sabbath or Lord's day, for that ye sd Lydia Baily on the Sabbath or Lord's day, December the 25th, 1757, in the meeting-house of East Guilford being assembled for Divine service did profain ye Sabbath by Laughing and other vile actions was sentenced to pay three shillings as a fine and costs allowed to be one shilling.'

The old house not only sheltered successive generations of the Graves family but also numbered several slaves among its inmates.  In the accounts of the third John and his son Elias are frequent charges for work done by 'Stepney', 'Bille', and 'Tomme.'  The present generation was always told that these were the names of negro slaves owned by the family.  In one side of the great chimney is a flight of rough stone steps leading from a back chamber to the roof.  These have always been called 'Stepney's stairs,' and there is a tradition that he used them as a means of leaving the house by night, when going on expeditions for his own amusement.  If Stepney really used them for this purpose it was a very easy matter for him to creep down the long slope of the back roof and drop to the ground, and to return by the same route.

Squire John was nearing the limits of his three score years and ten when the breaking out of the French and Indian war brought fears and forebodings into the old house.  There were heavy hearts under its roof one autumn day when he took down the leather book and wrote: 'Sept. the 8, 1755.  Then Elias Graves was prest into the expedition to crownpoint.'

The succeeding records tell the rest of the story of the joy and sorrow, the hopes, fears, and sacrifice that followed each other under the old roof.

'Nov. ye 26, 1755.  This day at night Elias Graves came home from the crownpoint expedition.'

Another entry reads: 'August the 8, 1757.  Then Elias Graves was prest into the expedition to Lake George.'

This is followed later by this: 'April ye 10, 1758. Then Elias Graves listed into the expedition to Canada.'

This latter time it is evident he went as a volunteer, and his commission as an Ensign still hangs on the old walls.

This record is made of his return: 'December 11, 1758. Elias Graves came home from No. 4 this day at night.'

Between the time of Elias's return from Crown Point and the expedition to Lake George his father also saw military service.  The official records in the State Library, at Hartford, show that 'April 24, 1756, John Graves enlisted in the regiments raised for service in the French and Indian war, and was discharged Nov. 23d of the same year.'

This ends the history of that John.

At the death of Squire John, in 1763, the book became the property of his son Elias, as did the homestead, then nearly a century old.  His wife was Mabel Murray, daughter of Jonathan Murray.  His records in the old book are much like those of his forefathers.  He makes no mention of the events of the revolution, but treasures of cocked hats and military coats, of old swords and muskets, still preserved in the house, show that he played his part in that long war.  In the muster roll of a militia company of 1777 he appears as Lieutenant Elias Graves, and in the inscription on his tombstone he is called Captain.

One could wish that he had been less modest and had told us something of the part he played in those long years.

The alarm of war had passed and the proprietor of the old house had grown gray in the occupations of peace, when he made his last entry: '1797.  Soed flax behind the barn and in upper peace hom lot souwest corner.'

Five years later another hand wrote: 'Elias Graves died May 31st, 1802, in the 71 year of his age.'

This was the last entry in the old leather book.  Its pages were filled; its work was done; it was laid away with other heirlooms in the old house whose early days it so vividly recalls.  It continues to tell to successive generations the story of their early and honored ancestors, and recalls the days when kings and queens claimed authority over the land.

The old house continued to shelter the descendants of the man who built it, and is in their possession, staunch and strong, safe and serene, to this day, giving promise of ability to stand the storms of several centuries more.

After the death of Elias Graves, in 1802, it became the home of his son, Hubbard, whose wife was Elizabeth Pierson, then of his granddaughter, Mary Graves Redfield, and then of his greatgranddaughters, Mary and Augusta Redfield, the present owners and occupants of the homestead.

To each generation it has been a sacred duty and a labor of love to keep unaltered every feature of the venerable home of their forefathers.  And were John Graves to now revisit the house which he so solidly built at Tuxis Farms in 1675, he might seat himself before the broad fireplace and never suspect by aught he should see that two hundred and twenty-five years of sun and snow had passed over its roof.

The years have dealt kindly with it, and

'Through every swift vicissitude

Of changeful time, unchanged it has stood.'"

The John Grave Foundation of Madison, CT owns the Deacon John Grave House in Madison.  Pictures, documents and more information can be found on their website at  (R‑201, R‑202, R‑203)

Children - Graves

+12.  John Graves, b. 27 Feb. 1658/9, m. Elizabeth Foote, 12 Jan. 1684/5, d. 1 Dec. 1726.

  13.  Elizabeth Graves, b. 11 April 1661, d. 1662.

  14.  Elizabeth Graves, b. 16 Sept. 1665, d. 3 June 1669.  Bur. 4 June 1669.

  15.  Sarah Graves, b. 14 March 1668, m. Thomas Robinson, Jr., 17 Jan. 1694, d. 10 Sept. 1715.  He died 1712.

  16.  Abigail Graves, b. 6 March 1670, m. (Ensign) Ebenezer Benton, 14 June 1694, d. 10 April 1753.  He was born 1663 and died 22 Jan. 1758.

+17.  Joseph Graves, b. 27 Aug. 1672, m. Margaret Wilcoxson, c. 1697, d. 1714.

  18.  Daniel Graves, b. 17 Sept. 1675, d. 8 Nov. 1675.

+19.  Nathaniel Graves, b. 27 Jan. 1678, m. Elizabeth Barron, 25 Nov. 1709, d. Jan. 1727.

  20.  Hannah Graves, b. 12 Jan. 1680, m. Nathaniel Stone, 6 Jan. 1709, d. 21 March (or May) 1757.  He was a son of Nathaniel Stone and Mary Bartlett of Guilford, Conn., was born 7 Oct. 1678, and died 6 Aug. 1752.


Sarah Graves (4) was born in Hartford, Conn., and died 5 June 1668 in Wethersfield, Conn., in child-bed, at the birth of her daughter Comfort.  She married Jonathan Deming, son of John, on 21 Nov. 1660.  He was born about 1639 in Wethersfield, Conn., and died 8 Jan. 1700 in Wethersfield, at about 61 years of age.  After Sarah died, he married second Elizabeth Gilbert, daughter of Joseph (or Josiah) and Elizabeth Gilbert, on 25 Dec. 1673 in Wethersfield.  All children of Sarah and John were born in Wethersfield.  (R‑202, R‑204)

Children - Deming

+21.  Jonathan Deming, b. 27 Nov. 1661, m(1) Sarah Bow, c. 1681, m(2) Abigail Fyler, 5 Jan. 1709, d. 22 June 1727.

  22.  Sarah Deming, b. 12 Aug. 1663, m. Jonathan Riley, 13 July 1681.

  23.  Mary Deming, b. 11 July 1665, m. Joseph Smith, 26 Nov. 1685, d. 1687.

+24.  Comfort Deming, b. 5 June 1668, m(1) Nathaniel Beckley, 18 May 1693, m(2) Thomas Morton, 2 Feb. 1710, d. 13 July 1736.


Mary Graves (5) married Samuel Dow of Hartford, Conn. on 12 Dec. 1665.  He was born 1621, and died 2 June 1690 in his Hartford home, although John Card Graves said he moved to Hadley, Mass.  He was a sailor, with little money.  How he met and succeeded in marrying the daughter of a very substantial Hartford citizen can only be surmised.  He was home about the end of 1671, and was at sea 1672-4.  After that he may have settled down.  That he had more than one child is evident from some court proceedings: "A General Courte Held at Hartford, Oct. 8, 1674: Mary Dowe of Hartforde, informeing this Court that her husband being gone to sea and not having heard of for nearly two yeares, and leaving her destitute of supplyes necessary for the mayntenance of herself and children, she is fallen into debt and knowes not how to pay the same without it be by the sale of her house and lott, and therefore desired this Court to empower her so to doe, -- the Court considering the permises doe see good reason to grant her desire, and doe accordingly give her full power to grant, bargain, and sell the sayd house and lott, and her deed therein shall be esteemed good and valid in the law."

A probate record in Hartford gives an inventory for Samuel Dow of 21 pounds, 15 shillings, taken 24 Oct. 1690 by George Graves, Sr.[24] and Thomas Olcott.  (R‑202, R‑205)

Children - Dow

  25.  Sarah Dow, bapt. 2 Feb. 1672 (Second Church, Hartford, Conn.).  It is not known what became of her.

+26.  Edmund Dow


Priscilla Graves (6) married William Markham of Hartford, Conn.  She died about 1668, and definitely before 1673. He was born in 1621 and died in 1689 (or was killed 4 Sept. 1675 at "Beers Hill", Northfield, Mass., according to Families of Early Hartford, Conn., by Barbour).  They lived in Hadley, Mass.  He married second Elizabeth Webster, and had four children by her.  (R‑13, R‑202, R‑204)

Children - Markham

+27.  Priscilla Markham, b. 1654, m. Thomas Hale, 18 Nov. 1675, d. 15 April 1712.






John Graves (9) first married Susanna (or Susannah) Webster, daughter of Robert Webster and Susannah Treat, on 11 May 1681.  She was born 26 Oct. (or Feb.) 1658 and died 1688.  He married second Hannah Davis (or Davies), daughter of Philip Davis of Hartford, Conn., in 1690. She was admitted to full communion in First Church of Hartford on 20 March 1698.  He was deputy to the General Court from Middletown, Conn. in 1676.  His will, made in Hartford in 1702, mentions son John, and daughters Mehitable, Elizabeth, and Sarah.  (R‑202, R‑212)

Children - Graves, by Susanna Webster

  28.  Mehitable Graves, m. James Henderson, 1 Jan. 1701 (Hartford, Conn.).  He died 1745-6.  She was living at Hartford as late as 1761.

  29.  Elizabeth Graves, b.c. 1683, m. Ebenezer Dudley (of East Guilford, Conn.), 26 Oct. 1713, d. 7 Oct. 1775.  He was born about 1686 and died 1751.

Children - Graves, by Hannah Davis

  30.  Hannah Graves, b. 5 July 1691, died young.

  31.  Lydia Graves, b. 25 June 1693, died young.

+32.  John Graves, b. 3 March 1695, m(1) Phebe Hand, 19 Nov. 1719, m(2) Kerziah Norton, 1 Aug. 1723, d. 8 Oct. 1771.

  33.  Susannah Graves, b. 6 Sept. 1696, died young.

  34.  Mary Graves, b. 12 Sept. 1697, died young.

  35.  Sarah Graves, b. 25 Sept. 1698, m. Jonathan Munger (of Woodbury, Conn.), 4 Jan. 1721, d. 31 Dec. 1725.


Mercy (or Mary) Graves (10) was born about 1670 in Hartford, CT, and died after 1700 in Farmington, CT.  She married Nathanael Winchell, son of Nathanael Winchell and Sarah Porter, on 15 March 1694.  He was born 7 Aug. 1665 in Windsor, CT, and died 4 Oct. 1741 in Farmington, CT.  All their children were born in Windsor, CT.  (R‑38)

Children - Winchell

  36.  Nathanael Winchell, b. 23 Dec. 1694.

  37.  Hannah Winchell, b. 5 Nov. 1695, m. Ebenezer Hurlbut, 11 May 1710.  He was b. 17 Jan. 1683 in Middletown, CT.

+38.  Hezekiah Winchell, b. 20 June 1697, m. Mary Cole, d. 27 Dec. 1760.

  39.  Mercy Winchell, b. 29 Feb. 1700, m. Amos Bronson, 13 June 1748.

  40.  Zebediah Winchell



John Graves (12) was born 27 Feb. 1658/91,2,17 in Guilford, New Haven Co., CT, and died 1 Dec. 17261,2,17.  His will was admitted to probate 30 Dec. 1726.  He married Elizabeth Foote, daughter of Lt. Robert Foote and Sarah Potter of Branford, CT, on 121 (or 62) Jan. 1684/5.  She was born 8 March 1664 in that part of New Haven, CT, which in 1670 became part of Wallingford, and died 14 May 1730 in Guilford, CT.  They lived in Guilford (now Madison), CT.

John was made a freeman of Guilford Sept. 24 (no year given).  When he married Elizabeth Foote in 1685, he installed his household goods in the house his father had built ten years before in Guilford (now Madison), called "the house at Tuxis Farms"[25].

When John's father died in 1695, John fell heir to his father's leather-bound account book.  The first date in the book was March 6, 1678/9.  His father had used it for commercial accounts only, but John used it for other information as well.  (R‑202, R‑203)

Children - Graves

  41.  Elizabeth Graves, b. 17 July 1686, d. 28 May 1687.

+42.  Mehitable Graves, b. 1 (or 5) Feb. 1687/8, m. Cornelius Hull 1 Feb. 1715/16, d. 16 July 1747.

+43.  John Graves, b. 1 Feb. 1690, m(1) Elizabeth Stevens, 10 May 1714, m(2) Abigail Starr, 1728, m(3) Mrs. Naomi (Dudley) Blatchley, 1753, d. 17 July 1763.

  44.  Ann Graves, b. 29 Aug. 1692.

+45.  Noadiah Graves, b. 4 Dec. 1694, m. Sarah ‑‑‑‑‑‑, d. 24 July 1751.

+46.  Mindwell Graves, b. 4 Nov. 1696, m. Nathaniel Stevens, 11 (or 10) Nov. 1713, d. 11 Feb. 1771.

+47.  Sarah Graves, b. 14 April 1699, m. Thomas French, 14 Dec. 1720, d. 30 May 1784.

+48.  David Graves, b. 31 Jan. 1701, m. Prudence Willard, 17 Feb. 1725, d. 16 Nov. 1726.

+49.  Elizabeth Graves, b. 4 Jan. 1703, m. Daniel Redfield, 27 March 1728, d. 2 Nov. 1775.

+50.  Ebenezer Graves, b. 15 July 1705, m. Mary Isbell, 12 Feb. 1730, d. 1 March 1785.


Joseph Graves (17) was born 27 Aug. 1672 and died 1714. He married Margaret Wilcoxson about 1697.  She was born 1673 in Killingworth, CT, and died 2 (or 9) Feb. 1763 in Guilford, CT.  The information that Margaret was a Wilcoxson is from "A Preliminary Report on the Descendants of William Wilcoxson" by Thomas Wilcoxson, 1937.  Margaret was a daughter of Joseph Wilcoxson, b. 1636, Concord, MA, d. 1689, Killingworth, CT, and married in 1658 in Stratford, CT to Anna, an American Indian who died in 1708 or later.  Joseph Wilcoxson was a son of William Wilcoxson, b. 1601, St. Albans, London, England, and d. 1651-2, Stratford, CT, married Margaret Birdseys, b. 1611, d. 1655, Windsor, CT, daughter of John Birdseys of Berkshire, England, who died 1649 in Glastonbury.  William was a son of John Wilcoxson of England.

In Oct. 1718, permission was given by the General Court to James Hooker and John Graves (brother of Joseph) of Guilford, CT to sell the real estate of Joseph.  In 1719, Joseph's brother Nathaniel was appointed guardian of Joseph's son Daniel.  (R‑2, R‑202)

Children - Graves

  51.  Hannah Graves, b. 30 Oct. 1699, m. Samuel Leete, 26 Nov. 1723, d. 26 March 1770.  He died 20 Feb. 1751.

  52.  Abigail Graves, b. 22 Feb. 1702, m. ‑‑‑‑‑‑ Way.

+53.  Daniel Graves, b. 9 April 1704, m(1) Elizabeth Stevens, 20 Jan. 1732, m(2) Elizabeth Lee, 20 Dec. 1755, d. 12 Sept. 1782.

  54.  Thankful Graves, b. 15 (or 18) Feb. 1706 (Guilford, CT), m. Moses Page (of Branford, CT), 20 Oct. 1731 (Branford, CT).  Information on descendants      is in Families of Ancient New Haven, (originally published as New Haven Genealogical Magazine), p. 1336 (Page family) (R‑5).

+55.  Joseph Graves, b. 14 Feb. 1709, m(1) Ann Latimer, 7 June 1733, m(2) Elizabeth ‑‑‑‑‑‑, d. 23 May 1770.


Nathaniel Graves (19) was born 27 Jan. 1678 at Guilford, Conn., and died Jan. 1727.  He married Elizabeth Barron of Concord, Mass., daughter of Ellis Barron and Sarah Ingersol, on 25 Nov. 1709.  She was born 26 Oct. 1687 at Groton, Mass., and died 16 Oct. 1782.  After Nathaniel died, she married Seth Morse.  (R‑202)

Children - Graves

  56.  Mary Graves, b. 11 Oct. 1712 (Groton, Mass.), d. 31 Oct. 1715.

+57.  Ann Graves, b. 8 Feb. 1714, m. Stephen Dudley, 15 Nov. 1736, d. 7 July 1782.

  58.  Mary Graves, b. 6 April 1716, m. Nehemiah Griswold (of Guilford, Conn.), 23 Jan. 1745, d. 25 Nov. 1776.  He died 31 Dec. 1787.

+59.  Nathaniel Graves, b. 26 Nov. 1722, m. Rebecca Elliott, 27 May 1756, d. 29 Nov. 1799.



Jonathan Deming (21) was born 27 Nov. 1661 in Wethersfield, Conn., and died 22 June 1727 in Wethersfield.  He first married Sarah Bow, daughter of Alexander and Sarah Bow, about 1681.  She was from Middletown, Conn., and was born 20 June 1662.  He married second Abigail Fyler, daughter of Zerubabel Fyler and Experience Strong, on 5 Jan. 1709.  She was born 8 April 1683 and died 24 Dec. 1754.  After Jonathan died, Abigail married Abraham Waterhouse.

Jonathan Deming was a blacksmith.  Of his early life little can be found.  It is not proven that he was the Jonathan Demon, Jr., who lived in Middletown and married Sarah Bow, but the theory is supported by many facts. His home was in Stepney Parish, near the Middletown line, and it would seem that the name Jonathan Demon, Jr., which frequently appears in the Middletown records, must refer to him.  These records indicate that he married Sarah Bow in 1681, and that they had a son Daniel born soon after, and baptized 21 Aug. 1681.  His wife's father died in 1678, and in July 1681, Jonathan disposed of land which he had received as his wife's portion of the estate of her father.  In 1689 he received a gift of land from Thomas Allen, who had died the year before.  At this time he was still called a resident of Middletown.  In 1709 Jonathan Deming, then aged forty-eight, was married in Wethersfield to Abigail Fyler.  There is nothing on the Wethersfield records to show the history of his life previous to this marriage.  At his death his estate was divided between his two sons and their mother, Abigail. It is evident, therefore, that if he had been married previous to his marriage to his marriage to Abigail Fyler, his former wife and her children must have died before he did.

His estate was valued at about fifteen hundred pounds, and included fifteen acres of land given to him by the General Court, which had been assigned to his father, "he having been very helpful to his father."  This land was afterwards laid out by the widow of Jonathan Deming, Jr., and the other heirs of Jonathan Deming, Sr. brought suit to obtain title to their inherited right, which the Court was obliged to recognize, and the land in controversy was divided among all of the heirs.  (R‑204)

Children - Deming, by Sarah Bow

  60.  Daniel Deming, b. 1681, bapt. 21 Aug. 1681, probably died before 1709.

Children - Deming, by Abigail Fyler

+61.  Daniel Deming, b. 5 Nov. 1709, m. Mehetabel Russell, 19 Nov. 1729, d. 23 April 1748.

+62.  Charles Deming, b. 26 June 1714, m. Ruth Warner, d. 1780.


Comfort Deming (24) was born 5 June 1668 in Wethersfield, CT, and died 13 July 1736.  She first married Nathaniel Beckley on 18 May 1693.  He was born in 1652 and died in 1697.  She married second Thomas Morton on 2 Feb. 1710.  (For information on the Beckley family, see Caraoleen Beckley Sheppard, The Descendants of Richard Beckley of Wethersfield, Conn., Hartford, CT, 1948.)  (R‑30)

Children - Beckley

+63.  Joseph Beckley, b. 19 Sept. 1695, m(1) Mary Judd, 23 Oct. 1723, m(2) Sybil Porter, 29 March 1953, d. 30 Jan. 1772.

  64.  Mary Beckley, b. 1 March 1697, m. Thomas Hopkins, 1 March 1717, d. 7 March 1754 (or 1759).



Edmund Dow (26) is known mainly by the record of his son George.  He may have had other children.  (R‑205)

Children - Dow

+65.  George Dow, bapt. 7 Aug. 1720, married.



Priscilla Markham (27) was born in 1654, and died 15 April 1712 in Enfield, Conn., aged about 58.  She married Thomas Hale, son of Thomas Hale and Jane Lord[26], on 18 Nov. 1675.  He was baptized 19 Jan. 1650/1 at Hartford, Conn., and died 22 April 1725 at Enfield, Conn.  After Priscilla died, Thomas married second Sarah (Patch) Osborn on 17 Dec. 1713.  She may have been the widow Sarah Hale who died 6 July 1748 at Somers, Conn., widow of Samuel Osborn of Enfield.

Thomas owned the Covenant of the Second Church, Hartford, 22 Oct. 1676, and his daughter Martha was baptized the same day.  He was the first Town Clerk of Enfield, and Deacon of the church there.

The first child of Thomas and Priscilla was born in Hartford, the last in Enfield, and the others in Hadley, Mass.  (R‑11, R‑13, R‑206)

Children - Hale

+66.  Martha Hale, b. 10 Oct. 1676, m. David Burt, 28 June 1706, d. 20 Oct. 1714.

+67.  Thomas Hale, b. 8 Oct. 1678, m. Mary Miller, 23 June 1714, d. 14 July 1760.

+68.  John Hale, b. 26 Nov. 1680, m(1) Abigail Gleason, 21 Nov. 1716, m(2) Susannah (Risley) Colt, c. 1723, d. 24 May 1753.

  69.  Samuel Hale, b. 2 July 1683, d. 6 Aug. 1689.

+70.  Priscilla Hale, b. 9 Sept. 1685, m. John Miller, 5 Jan. 1715/16, d. 4 Feb. 1766.

+71.  William Hale, b. 18 Feb. 1687, m(1) Mary (Colt) Keeney, m(2) Mary (Bedortha) Barker, 15 Dec. 1738, d. before 1759.

  72.  son, b. and d. 10 Jan. 1689.

  73.  Joseph Hale, b. March 1691, d. 1773.

  74.  Samuel Hale, b. 22 Sept. 1698, d. 19 Jan. 1774.






John Graves (32) was born 3 March 1695 in East Guilford, Conn., and died 8 Oct. 1771.  He first married Phebe Hand on 19 Nov. 1719.  He married second Kerziah Norton, daughter of Samuel Norton and Abigail Ward, on 1 Aug. 1723.  She was born 21 Dec. 1700.  He was known as "ye smith".  (R‑202)

Children - Graves, by Keziah Norton

  75.  George Graves, b. 30 May 1724.

  76.  Phebe Graves, b. 29 Jan. 1726, m. Enos Hull, 6 Aug. 1752.  He was born 12 Jan. 1725, son of Thomas Hull and Hannah Sheather of Killingworth, Conn.

  77.  Samuel Graves, b. 3 Aug. 1728, d. 25 Nov. 1736.

  78.  Joanna Graves, b. 8 Oct. 1730.

  79.  Sarah Graves, b. 23 Jan. 1733.

+80.  John Graves, b. 9 Oct. 1735, m(1) Elizabeth Graves, 20 Dec. 1760, m(2) Sarah Dudley, d. 13 April 1791.

  81.  Submit Graves, b. 13 Jan. 1738, m. Adna (?) Cowles, 1768, d. 1772.

  82.  Keziah Graves, b. 27 June 1743.

+83.  Samuel Graves, b. 11 June 1746, m. Anna Hern, 3 March 1774, d. 7 July 1822.

+84.  Rufus Graves, b. 27 Sept. 1749, m. Elizabeth Benton, 7 Nov. 1773.



Hezekiah Winchell (38) was born 20 June 1697 in Windsor, CT, and died 27 Dec. 1760 in Kensington, CT.  He married Mary Cole.  She was born about 1700 in Farmington, Hartford Co., CT, and died 3 Jan. 1794 in New Britain, Hartford Co., CT.  All their children were born in Kensington, CT, except for Ezekiel, who may have been born in Farmington, CT.  (R‑38)

Children - Winchell

  85.  Solomon Winchell, b. 3 Feb. 1728.

  86.  Hezekiah Winchell, b. 1 March 1730.

  87.  Ezekiel Winchell, b. 11 March 1732, d. 4 Nov. 1737.

+88.  Dan Winchell, b. 20 Nov. 1736, m. Lois Curtiss, 9 Oct. 1755, d. 9 Jan. 1808.

  89.  child



Mehitable Graves (42) was born 1 (or 5) Feb. 1687/88 in Guilford, New Haven Co., CT, and died 16 July 1747 in Durham, Middlesex Co., CT.  She married Cornelius Hull, son of Joseph Hull and Elizabeth Swan (or Mary Merwin), on 1 Feb. 1714/15 in Durham, CT.  He was born 26 Sept. 1687 and died 24 March 1756, both in Killingworth, Middlesex Co., CT.  They were buried in Old Durham Cem., Durham, CT.  Their children were born in Durham, CT.  The birth, marriage, and death records of many from this family were recorded in History of Durham, Connecticut by William Chauncey Fowler, L.L. D., 1866.  (R‑61)

Children - Hull

  90.  Joseph Hull, b. 29 April 1716, m. Sibel Coe, 1 Jan. 1746 (Durham, CT), d. 14 July 1786.  Both bur. Old Durham Cem.

  91.  John Hull, b. 14 Jan. 1717/18, d. NJ.

  92.  Cornelius Hull, b. 5 Oct. 1719, d. 30 June 1722 (Durham, CT).

  93.  Elizabeth Hull, b. 25 April 1721, m. ‑‑‑‑‑‑ Chipman, m(2) Lt. Samuel Parsons (or Persons), 21 Jan. 1746, d. 6 July 1783 (Durham, CT).  Both bur. Old Durham Cem.

+94.  Cornelius Hull, b. 31 Oct. 1723, m. Abigail Chipman, 1 Jan. 1745/46.

  95.  Mehetable Hull, b. 30 Sept. 1725.

  96.  Jehiel Hull, b. 28 Feb. 1728/29, m. Ruth Phelps, 8 Nov. 1750 (Durham, CT), d. 3 Feb. 1822 (Fairfield, Franklin Co., VT).  Bur. North Fairfield-Herrick Cem. (Fairfield, VT).


Deacon John Graves (43) was born 1 Feb. 1690 (according to Mrs. Baker, or 5 Feb., according to John Card Graves) in East Guilford, Conn., and died 17 July 1763.  He first married Elizabeth Stevens on 10 May 1714.  She was a sister of Nathaniel Stevens, who married Mindwell Graves, John's sister, and a daughter of Lt. Nathaniel and Sarah Stevens of East Guilford.  Elizabeth died 30 April (or 20 Feb.) 1725.  John married second Abigail Starr in 1728. She was born 20 March 1700 and died 1752.  He married for his third wife Mrs. Naomi (Dudley) Blatchley, daughter of John Dudley and widow of Aaron Blatchley, in 1753.  She was born Oct. 1690 and died 22 Sept. 1770.  (R‑202, R‑203)

Children - Graves, by Elizabeth Stevens

  97.  Anna Graves, b. 12 April 1715, m. Thomas Griswold (of Guilford, Conn.), 19 Feb. 1735, d. 29 May 1801.  He died 16 Jan. 1784.

  98.  John Graves, b. 16 April 1717, d. 17 Feb. 1718.

+99.  John Graves, b. 28 April 1719, m(1) Abigail Pierson, 15 Oct. 1744, m(2) Phebe Hart, 16 July 1747, d. 13 Dec. 1759.

+100.   Ezra Graves, b. 3 July 1722, m. Elizabeth Graves, d. 29 Sept. 1747.

Children - Graves, by Abigail Starr

+101.   Simeon Graves, b. 12 Nov. 1729, m(1) Naomi Dudley, 6 June 1750, m(2) ‑‑‑‑‑‑, d. 2 Jan. 1801.

+102.   Elias Graves, b. 10 April 1733, m(1) Mabel Murray, 23 Feb. 1763, m(2) Mrs. Mary (Cleveland) Hubbard, 29 March 1780, d. 31 May 1802.

  103.   Timothy Graves, b. 3 Dec. 1740, died young.


Noadiah Graves (45) was born 4 Dec. 1694 in East Guilford (now Madison), CT1,17, died 24 July 1751 in Durham, CT (according to the tombstone inscription), and was buried in the Old Burial Ground, Durham, CT.  He married Sarah ‑‑‑‑‑‑1,17.  She was born about 1692, died 10 May 1777 in Durham, CT (tombstone inscription), and was also buried in the Old Burial Ground.  They lived in Durham, CT, where all their children were born and baptized.

Noadiah was named as a full share proprietor of Durham in the 1724 list of proprietors.  On 28 or 29 April 1733, Sarah was baptized and by baptism admitted into full communion of the Church of Christ of Durham.

Like other towns in Connecticut, people in Durham owned slaves.  When slaves were married, it was done only with the consent of their masters.  Their infants were not infrequently offered in baptism by their believing masters.  Ceasar, negro child belonging to Noadiah Graves, was baptized at Durham June 20, 1742[27].

On 12 April 1749, Noadiah and two others of Durham[28] bought 500 acres of land in Bedford (now known as Granville[29]), MA.  On 20 June 1750, Noadiah's name appears in a list of the settlers of Bedford township of that date.  The number of persons was 79, and the number of dwelling houses was 7328.  Noadiah returned to Durham, CT, where he died.  The inscription on his tombstone in the Durham Cem. reads: "In memory of Mr. Noadiah Grave who died July 24, 1751 in his 57th year".  His wife's inscription in the same cemetery reads: "In memory of Mrs. Sarah, wife of Mr. Noadiah Grave who died May the 10th 1777 in the 85th year of her age".  (R‑202, R‑203)

Children - Graves

  104.   Sarah Graves, b. 20 March 1720, bapt. 1 May 1720, m. Aaron Parmalee (of Goshen, Conn.), 5 April 1753.  Sarah is also listed as #144, daughter of Daniel Graves and Elizabeth Stevens.  One of the listings is obviously wrong.

  105.   Noadiah Graves, b. 20 June 1721, bapt. 25 June 1721.  He settled in Durham, CT, and had no children.  He was Corporal in Capt. Eldad Lewis' Company in the campaign of 1757 against the French and Indians for the relief of Fort William Henry.  He probably died young, since he was not mentioned in his father's will.

  106.   Elizabeth Graves, b. 21 June 1723, m(1) Ezra Graves, m(2) Moses Sheldon, 20 April 1749.  For descendants, see Ezra Graves (#100).

  107.   Abigail Graves, b. 25 (or 23) Sept. 1725, bapt. 30 Sept. 1725, m. Stephen Norton (of Durham, CT).  He was born 7 June 1724, died 13 Nov. 1808, and was a son of John and Elizabeth Norton of Killingworth, CT.

+108.   David Graves, b. 5 Oct. 1728, m. Hannah Wetmore, 9 Dec. 1753, d. 24 Jan. 1777.

+109.   Roswell Graves, b. 5 Dec. 1731, m. Lois Coe, d. on or after 1810.


Mindwell Graves (46) was born 4 Nov. 1696 and died 11 (or 12) Feb. 1771.  She married Capt. Nathaniel Stevens of Claremont, N.H. on 11 (or 10) Nov. 1713.  He died 9 March (or May) 1747.  Nathaniel was a son of Lt. Nathaniel and Sarah Stevens of East Guilford, Conn., and brother of Elizabeth Stevens who married Mindwell's brother John.  (R‑24, R‑36)

Children - Stevens

  110.   Mindwell Stevens, b. 26 (or 2) Feb. 1715, m. Jonathan Crampton (of East Guilford, CT), 26 (or 20) Nov. 1733, d. 22 Jan. 1761.  He d. 2 Jan. 1792.

  111.   Nathaniel Stevens, b. 6 June 1720 (or 1721), m(1) Sarah ‑‑‑‑‑‑, m(2) ‑‑‑‑‑‑ Griswold, d. 8 Oct. 1798.  His 1st wife d. 24 May 1746.  His 2nd wife d. 23 March 1786.

+112.   Sarah Stevens, b. 16 March 1722, m(1) Ebenezer Bishop, 2 Nov. 1737, m(2) William Chittenden, 29 April 1754, d. 6 (or 5) Oct. 1802.

  113.   Priscilla Stevens, b. 20 May (or March) 1724, m. Benjamin Crampton (of East Guilford, CT), 8 April 1742.  He d. 8 May 1814.

  114.   Elizabeth Stevens, b. 8 Jan. 1727, m. (Deacon) Timothy Hill (of East Guilford, CT), 27 Oct. 1748, d. April 1801.  He d. 6 Feb. 1781.

+115.   Elihu Stevens, b. 8 April 1731, m(1) Rachel Meigs, 31 Oct. 1750, m(2) Jerusha Leonard, d. 26 or 27 Jan. 1814.

  116.   Eliakim Stevens, b. 4 Oct. 1734, m. Susannah Elizabeth French (#121), 7 Jan. 1756 (or 1750), d. 14 (or 24) Jan. 1784.

  117.   Mabel Stevens, b. 8 Oct. 1739, m. Timothy Munger (of East Guilford, CT), 20 (or 21) Oct. 1757, d. Dec. 1826.


Sarah Graves (47) was born 14 April 1699 in East Guilford, Conn., died 30 May 1784 in Killingworth, Conn., and was buried in the East Cem., North Killingworth.  She married Deacon Thomas French of North Bristol, Conn. on 14 Dec. 1720 in North Bristol.  He was born 30 Oct. 1698 in Guilford, Conn., and died 16 Jan. 1772 in North Madison, Conn.  (R‑1, R‑203)

Children - French

  118.   Sarah French, b. 30 Jan. 1722, m. Jonathan Dudley, 26 June 1742, d. 15 Nov. 1751.

  119.   Ebenezer French, b. 7 Nov. 1723, d. 18 Nov. 1723.

+120.   Enos French, b. 20 Dec. 1725, m. Mary Wilcox, 6 Nov. 1752, d. 26 May 1811.

  121.   Susannah Elizabeth French, b. 6 June 1728, m. Eliakim Stevens (#116), 27 Jan. 1746.

  122.   Ichabod French, b. 17 Sept. 1730, d. Feb. 1763.

+123.   Philemon French, b. 12 May 1733, m. Mary Dudley, 27 Oct. 1757.

  124.   John French, b. 28 June 1735, m. Mary Wilcox (or Thilcox?), 10 Dec. 1759.  These are the ancestors of Mrs. Pauline J. Kelton (R‑1).  See book on the French family by Lowell French of Flint, Mich.

  125.   Diadema French, b. 29 Oct. 1737, m. Ephriam Wilcox (of Middletown, Conn.), 24 Aug. 1761.

  126.   Didymous (or Didymus) French, b. 24 April 1741, m. Jerusha Stevens, 25 Dec. 1766 (Middletown, Conn.).


David Graves (48) was born 31 Jan. 1701 and died 16 Nov. 1726.  He married Prudence Willard, daughter of Thomas Willard and Abigail Bradley of Guilford, Conn., on 17 Feb. 1725.  She was born 2 March 1701 and died Nov. 1737. After David died, Prudence married Zachary Field, son of (Sergeant) Ebenezer Field, on 1 March 1732.  (R‑202)

Children - Graves

+127.   David Graves, b. 15 March 1726, m. Temperance Dudley, 5 Oct. 1749, d. 2 Nov. 1779.


Elizabeth Graves (49) was born 4 Jan. 1703 in Guilford, New Haven Co., CT, died 2 Nov. 1775 in Clinton, Middlesex Co., CT, and was buried in Indian River Cem., Killingworth/Clinton, CT.  She married Daniel Redfield, son of Theophilus Redfield and Priscilla Grinnel, on 27 March 1728 in Killingworth, CT.  He was born 22 Sept. 1707 in Killingworth, CT, died 11 Jan. 1758 in Clinton, CT, and was buried in Indian Hills Cem., Clinton, CT.  All their children were born in Killingworth, CT, except for Roswell who was born in Guilford, CT, and Margaret whose birthplace is unknown.  (R‑42)

Children - Redfield

+128.   Daniel Redfield, b. 27 Feb. 1728/29, m. Margaret Crane, 21 Nov. 1749, d. 20 Jan. 1788.

+129.   Roswell Redfield, b. 4 Sept. 1731, m(1) Lucy Murry, 6 June 1755, m(2) Mehetabel Post, 2 Nov. 1758, d. 1764.

  130.   Margaret Redfield

+131.   John Redfield, b. 6 May 1735, m(1) Amanda Russell, 8 June 1758, m(2) Mary Gale, d. 14 May 1813.

  132.   Elizabeth Redfield, b. 29 July 1737.

+133.   Samuel Redfield, b. 23 Nov. 1741, m(1) Elizabeth Hilliard, 1765, m(2) Eunice ‑‑‑‑‑‑, d. 8 Jan. 1812.

+134.   Sylvester Redfield, b. 13 May 1744, m(1) Martha Merrill, 26 Dec. 1770, m(2) Margaret ‑‑‑‑‑‑, d. 9 Sept. 1823.


Ebenezer Graves (50) was born 15 July 1705 and died 1 March 1785.  He married Mary (or Marian) Isbell, daughter of Robert Isbell and Elizabeth Hall, on 12 Feb. 1730. She was born 31 Dec. 1712 (or 19 April 1708, according to R‑212), and died 6 May 1764 at Guilford, Conn.  They lived in Guilford.  (R‑202)

Children - Graves

+135.   Ebenezer Graves, b. 22 Nov. 1730, m. Mary Willard, 14 April 1757, d. 14 Jan. 1814.

  136.   Gilbert Graves, b. 15 Aug. 1732, d. 10 July 1754.

+137.   Eli Graves, b. 20 July 1734, m. Hannah Wilcox, 14 July 1757, d. 29 Jan. 1795.

  138.   Elizabeth Graves, b. 4 Sept. 1736, m. John Graves, 20 Dec. 1760, d. 17 April 1766.  See #80 for descendants.

+139.   Ambrose Graves, b. 10 Sept. 1738, m(1) Catherine Field, 24 Jan. 1765, m(2) Silence Dudley, 17 July 1778, d. 2 April 1822.

+140.   Israel Graves, b. 4 Nov. 1740, m. Rebecca Dudley, d. 10 Nov. 1817.

  141.   Mary Graves, b. 25 March 1743, d. 23 July 1754.

  142.   Ann Graves, b. 21 Feb. 1745, d. 8 July 1776.



Daniel Graves (53) was born 9 April 1704 in North Guilford, CT, and died 12 Sept. 1782.  He first married Elizabeth Stevens on 20 Jan. 1732.  She was born about 1710 and died 9 April 1751.  He married second Mrs. Elizabeth Lee, widow of John Lee, on 20 Dec. 1755.  She died 8 July 1798.  (R‑202)

Children - Graves, by Elizabeth Stevens

  143.   Elizabeth Graves, b. 14 Oct. 1732, d. 21 Aug. 1751.

  144.   Sarah Graves, b. 21 Dec. 1733, m. Aaron Parmalee, 15 April 1753.  He was b. 12 April 1733, son of Abraham Parmalee and Mary Bishop.  They lived in Guilford, CT.  She is also listed as #104, daughter of Noadiah Graves and Sarah ‑‑‑‑‑‑.

  145.   Daniel Graves, b. 29 Feb. 1736, d. 7 Aug. 1751.

+146.   Abraham Graves, b. May 1737, m. Catherine Hall, 14 March 1764, d. 22 July 1794.

  147.   Lucy Graves, b. 8 Nov. 1739, m. John Lee.

  148.   Thankful Graves, b. 1742, d. 14 Aug. 1751.

+149.   Benjamin Graves, b. 1747, m(1) Freelove Barnes, 8 Dec. 1772, m(2) Mrs. Abigail Coe Chittenden, d. 16 April 1829.

  150.   Eunice Graves, b. 1 March 1749, d. 13 June 1751.


Joseph Graves (55) was born 14 Feb. 1709 and died 23 May 1770.  He first married Ann Latimer on 7 June 1733 at Durham, Conn.  He married second Elizabeth ‑‑‑‑‑‑.  He lived in Durham, where his first child was born, and afterwards at Middletown, Conn., where all the other children were born.  (R‑202)

Children - Graves

  151.   Ann Graves, b. 28 March 1734, bapt. 31 March 1734, d. 10 Nov. 1777.

  152.   Silence Graves, b. and d. 12 Jan. 1736/7.

+153.   Joseph Graves, b. 30 May 1738, m. Lois Higbe, 15 Feb. 1770, d. 1821.

  154.   Joel Graves, b. 19 Jan. 1740, d. 1 Nov. 1747.

  155.   Margaret Graves, b. 27 Feb. 1741, d. 18 March 1776.

  156.   Thankful Graves, b. 28 July 1742, d. 18 Nov. 1742.

  157.   Josiah Graves, b. 5 April 1742, never married, d. 14 June 1772.  Graduated from Yale, was a minister, licensed to preach 13 March 1770.

  158.   Jonathan Graves, b. 22 May 1746, d. 25 Feb. 1748.

  159.   Mercy Graves, b. 3 June 1748.



Ann Graves (57) was born 8 Feb. 1714 in Guilford, Conn. (VR), and died 7 July 1782.  She married Stephen Dudley, son of Miles Dudley and Rachel Strong, on 15 Nov. 1736 in Guilford, Conn., by Andrew Ward, J.P. (VR).  Stephen was born 10 May 1711 and died 3 Oct. 1798.  He was of Guilford, Conn., and was a farmer.  The births of all the children listed below are in the vital records for Guilford, Conn.  (Conn. VR, and R‑210)

Children - Dudley

  160.   Miles Dudley, b. 3 Nov. 1737, never married, d. 1814.

  161.   Nathaniel Dudley, b. 20 Sept. 1746, d. 3 July 1756.

  162.   Stephen Dudley, b. 6 June 1751, never married, d. 21 Jan. 1820.


Nathaniel Graves (59) was born 26 Nov. 1722 and died 29 Nov. 1799.  He enlisted 8 Sept. 1755 in 2nd Co., 4th Conn. (Guilford) Regt., in the Indian War, and was discharged 8 Dec. 1755.  He married Rebecca Elliott on 27 May 1756.  She was born 8 Sept. 1733 and died 27 July 1820.  (R‑202)

Children - Graves

  163.   Nathaniel Graves, b. 12 Feb. 1757, never married, d. 18 Sept. 1832.

  164.   Sarah Graves, b. 8 April 1762, m. Ebenezer Munger, 1780, d. Jan. 1839.  He was born 3 June 1755, died 10 April 1834, and was a son of Ebenezer Munger and Anna Lee.



Daniel Deming (61) was born 5 Nov. 1709 in Wethersfield, Conn., and died 23 April 1748 at sea.  He married Mehetable Russell, daughter of Rev. Noadiah Russell and Mary Hamlin, on 19 Nov. 1729 in Middletown (?), Conn. She was born 27 May 1704, and died 6 Jan. 1784 in Rocky Hill, Conn.

Daniel Deming lived in that part of Wethersfield called Stepney, and was the owner of considerable land, some of which he inherited through his mother from his grandfather Filer.  At his death his estate was valued at 3871 pounds sterling.  In his will of 3 Aug. 1748 he leaves to his widow his "riding mare" and his "great silver cup," and to his son Jonathan his home and house lot.  A diary kept by his wife records the following account of her husband's death: "My husband departed from his own house March 25, 1748.  April the 9th day he sailed out of New London, and died April the 23rd day. July 24 news came of his death."  His death was caused by consumption.  (R‑204)

Children - Deming

  165.   Jonathan Deming, b. 14 Sept. 1730, m. Jerusha Williams, 27 Jan. 1763, d. 31 March 1799.

  166.   Abigail Deming, b. 29 Sept. 1732, m. John Goodrich (of Glastonbury, Conn.), 3 (or 8) Oct. 1761, d. 12 June 1799.

  167.   Mary Deming, b. 23 July 1734, d. 24 July 1734.

  168.   Lydia Deming, b. 24 Dec. 1738 (or 24 Dec. 1735, or 2 Dec. 1738), m. Ebenezer Goodrich 2nd (of Wethersfield, Conn.), 10 Jan. 1760, d. 8 April 1834.


Charles Deming (62) was born 26 June 1714 in Wethersfield, Conn., and died in 1780.  He married Ruth Warner, daughter of Lieut. Andrew Warner and Sarah Graves.  He was a resident of Saybrook, Conn. in 1739, in which year he deeds to his brother Daniel land in Wethersfield, which he had received from their father Jonathan.  In 1737 he appeared on the land records as of Wethersfield, and made frequent transfers of land.  It would appear then, that he moved to Saybrook about 1738. The name of his wife has been supplied by descendants, but no record of his marriage has been found in Wethersfield or Saybrook.  Her parents' names are taken from a book called One of the Warner Family.  In his will, which was probated in Guilford, Conn., 7 March 1780, Charles Deming names his wife Ruth and his children as given below, with the exception of Stephen, who may have died before his father.  No record has been found to show the dates of birth and death of his children.  They were probably all born in Saybrook.  (R‑204)

Children - Deming

  169.   Stephen Deming, never married.

  170.   Daniel Deming, b. 11 April 1751, m. Cynthia Hunt, 24 Jan. 1780, d. 15 May 1816.

  171.   Samuel Deming, b. 20 Nov. 1755, m. Huldah Dewey, 20 Dec. 1781, d. 11 Dec. 1803.

  172.   James Deming, never married.

  173.   Lydia Deming, b. 22 Sept. 1760, m(1) ‑‑‑‑‑‑ Crampton, m(2) Isaac Bartholomew, 1784, d. 20 June 1835.

  174.   Charles Deming, b. 28 Aug. 1768, m(1) Hannah Warner, m(2) Judith Boardman, m(3) Clarissa Brundage, d. 16 April 1815.

  175.   Elizabeth Deming, m. ‑‑‑‑‑‑ Hinsdale.

  176.   Anna Deming, m. ‑‑‑‑‑‑ Hopkins.

  177.   Abigail Deming, m(1) Solomon Hodges, m(2) Benjamin Wyman.

  178.   Sarah Deming, m. Daniel Holbrook.



Joseph Beckley (63) was born 19 Sept. 1695 and died 30 Jan. 1772, both in Wethersfield, CT.  He first married Mary Judd, daughter of Benjamin Judd and Susannah North, on 23 Oct. 1723 in Wethersfield.  She was born 6 Feb. 1702, probably in Farmington, CT, and died 16 April 1750 in Wethersfield, CT.  He married second Sybil Porter on 29 March 1753 in Wethersfield.  She was born in 1704, died 6 June 1783 in Wethersfield, CT, and was daughter of Joseph Ranney and widow of Capt. Amos Porter.  The children listed below, all by Joseph BeckleyÕs first marriage, were all born in Wethersfield.  (R‑30)

Children - Beckley, by Mary Judd

  179.   Mary Beckley, b. 6 April 1725, d. 21 June 1725.

  180.   Josiah Beckley, b. 28 April 1726, m. Ann ‑‑‑‑‑‑.

  181.   Joseph Beckley, b. 23 Aug. 1727, m(1) Pede Hancock, m(2) Elizabeth Boardman.

  182.   Thankful Beckley, b. 11 Nov. 1728, m. (Lt.) Nathaniel (?) Dickinson.

  183.   Ruth Beckley, b. 11 Oct. 1730, d. 3 Nov. 1730.

  184.   Eunice Beckley, b. 11 Nov. 1731, m. Job Hart.

  185.   Mary Beckley, b. 12 Jan. 1733, m. Isaac Pratt.

+186.   Zebedee Beckley, b. 8 March 1734, m. Hannah ‑‑‑‑‑‑, d. 4 Dec. 1776.

  187.   Hepsebah Beckley, b. 16 April 1735, m. John Woods.

  188.   Silas Beckley, b. 5 Nov. 1736, never married, d. 11 Nov. 1757.  He enlisted 28 March 1757 in 10th Company, Capt. Whittlesey, was at Fort William Henry, and was buried at Canaan, CT.

  189.   Abigail Beckley, b. 22 Dec. 1737, m. Zachariah Hart.

  190.   Ruth Beckley, b. 7 April 1739, d. 16 April 1740.

  191.   Comfort Beckley, b. 14 Sept. 1740, d. 28 April 1741.

  192.   David Beckley, b. 17 Feb. 1742, m. Hepzibah Wilcox.

  193.   Jonathan Beckley, b. 12 Feb. 1743, d. 28 March 1743.

  194.   Dorcas Beckley, b. 6 March 1744, m. David Deming.

  195.   Honour Beckley, b. 3 July 1745, m. Elisha Marsh.



George Dow (65) was baptized 7 Aug. 1720 in the Second Church, Hartford, Conn.  It is supposed that this was an adult baptism, since dates then fit much better.  George Dow apparently settled in Wethersfield and had at least one child.  (R‑205)

Children - Dow

  196.   Edmund Dow, b. 1728, m. Sarah Sillman (or Stillman), 9 Dec. 1750, d. 3 March 1786.



Martha Hale (66) was born 10 Oct. 1676 in Hartford, Conn., and died 20 Oct. 1714 in Springfield, Mass.  She married David Burt, son of Nathaniel Burt and Rebecca Sikes, on 28 June 1706 in Springfield, Mass.  He was born 20 May 1668 and died 5 July 1735, both in Springfield, Mass.

After Martha died, David married second Joanna (Dibble) Allen of Suffield, intention published 2 July 1715.  She was born 4 Oct. 1672 in Windsor, Conn., died 4 May 1741 in Springfield, Mass., daughter of Samuel Dibble and Hephzibah Bartlett, and widow of William Allen.

All the children of Martha and David were born in Springfield, Mass.  (R‑11, R‑206)

Children - Burt

  197.   Martha Burt, b. 8 July 1707, m. Azariah Allen, 11 Jan. 1727/8, d. 12 Oct. 1782 (Enfield, Conn.).

  198.   David Burt, b. 20 Aug. 1709, m(1) Sarah Colton, 5 Sept. 1732, m(2) Rebecca (Jones) (Severance) Alvord, Oct. 1774, d. 13 April 1777 (Longmeadow, Mass.).

+199.   Abigail Burt, b. 20 Aug. 1709, m. Thomas Hale, 10 Jan. 1733/4, d. 28 March 1773.

  200.   Priscilla Burt, b. 18 May 1711, m. Nathaniel Bliss, 25 Sept. 1733, d. 12 April 1769 (Wilbraham, Mass.).

  201.   Rebecca Burt, b. 3 Oct. 1714.


Thomas Hale (67) was born 8 Oct. 1678 at Hadley, Mass., and died 14 July 1760 at Enfield, Conn.  He was a cooper. He married Mary Miller, daughter of Obadiah Miller, Jr. and Benedicta Lawton, on 23 June 1714 in Springfield, Mass.  She was born 2 Feb. 1687/8 in Springfield, and died 22 March 1760 in Enfield, Conn.

The will of Thomas Hale, dated 2 Oct. 1753, proved 2 Sept. 1760, named his wife Mary; children, Mary Green, Sarah Hale, and Jerusha Hale; and grandchildren, Norman Green, Thomas Green, Daniel Green, James Green, John Green, and Mary Green; Sarah Hale and Jerusha Hale to have remainder, and are appointed executrices.  Witnesses: Thomas Hale, Hannah Hale, Ephraim Terry.

All their children were born in Enfield, Conn.  (R‑11, R‑206)

Children - Hale

  202.   Mary Hale, b. 22 Oct. 1715, m. John Green (from Kilkenny, Ireland), 10 Sept. 1734, d. 1784.

  203.   Martha Hale, b. 16 Oct. 1717, d. 20 April 1719.

  204.   Sarah Hale, b. 14 Jan. 1719/20, never married, d. 16 Jan. 1808.  Her will, dated 22 July 1795, proved 13 Feb. 1808, mentioned nephews, Daniel Green, James Green, and Obadiah Green, the last-named executor.  Witnesses: Eleanor Hale, Christopher Parsons, Eliphalet Terry.

  205.   Jerusha Hale, b. 25 April 1723, never married, d. 16 Jan. 1811.  Her will, dated 22 July 1795, proved 15 Oct. 1811, was identical in terms with the will of her sister Sarah.

  206.   Hannah Hale, b. 31 July 1725, d. 25 Nov. 1730.


John Hale (68) was born 26 Nov. 1680 in Hadley, Mass., and died 24 May 1753 in Enfield, Conn., in his 73rd year (gravestone).  He first married Abigail Gleason, daughter of Isaac Gleason and Hester Eggleston, on 21 Nov. 1716 in Enfield, Conn.  She was born 14 March 1692 and died 19 April 1721, both in Enfield.

He married second Susannah (Risley) Colt, daughter of Richard Risley and Rebecca Adams, and widow of Abraham Colt, about 1723.  She was born about 1690, and died 17 Nov. 1757 in Enfield, Conn., aged 67 (gravestone).

Isaac Gleason conveyed 1 Dec. 1731 to John Hale and Abigail Hale, minor children of Abigail Hale alias Gleason, dec'd.  On 29 March 1732, entry was made of 20 acres upon Isaac Gleason's right owned by "John Hale and Abigail Hale children of John Hale of Enfield; and Abigail Hale his wife (deceased)."

Susannah Hale, "widow woman," of Enfield conveyed, 6 Feb. 1756, to Samuel Flagg of Hartford, her title in the commons of Hartford derived from her grandfather, Jeremiah Adams of Hartford, deceased; recorded, 15 Feb. 1794.

All John's children were born in Enfield, Conn. (R‑11, R‑206)

Children - Hale, by Abigail Gleason

+207.   Abigail Hale, b. 3 July 1718, m. Isaac Chandler, 28 Feb. 1740/1, d. 18 June 1796.

  208.   John Hale, b. 10 May 1720, d. 11 Oct. 1735.

Children - Hale, by Susannah R. Colt

  209.   Martha Hale, b. 3 April 1724, m. Samuel Warriner, 12 May 1748, d. 13 Dec. 1812.

  210.   Rebecca Hale, b. 7 Feb. 1725/6, d. young.

+211.   Thomas Hale, b. 3 Nov. 1727, m(1) Elizabeth Bush, 15 June 1753, m(2) Rebecca (Allen) Parsons, d. 4 April 1797.

  212.   Rebecca Hale, b. 3 Nov. 1727, m. Edward Collins, 26 March 1747, d. 1 Aug. 1786.

  213.   David Hale, b. 21 Feb. 1731/2, d. 22 Sept. 1795.


Priscilla Hale (70) was born 9 Sept. 1685 in Hadley, MA, and died 4 Feb. 1766 in Springfield, MA.  She married John Miller on 5 Jan. 1715/16 in Enfield, CT.  (R‑34)

Children - Miller

+214.   Eunice Miller, m. Isaac Kibbe.


William Hale (71) was born 18 Feb. 1687 in Hadley, Mass., and died before 1759 in Enfield, Conn.  He first married Mary (Colt) Keeney, daughter of Abraham Colt and Hannah Loomis, and widow of Ebenezer Keeney.  He married second Mary (Bedortha) Barker of Springfield, Mass. on 15 Dec. 1738 in Springfield, Mass., intention published 1 Dec. 1738 at Enfield, Conn.  She was born 3 June 1694, widow of Oliver Barker, and daughter of Samuel Bedortha and Mary (Remington) Leonard.

He received a deed from his father in 1718, and on 3 April 1725 was called "late of Enfield, now of Glastonbury."

On 12 Dec. 1733, David Hills, guardian of Ebenezer Keney (aged 15), son of Ebenezer Keney, deceased, asked to be released, and the said minor chose his father-in-law [that is, his step-father], William Haile of Glastonbury (alias Hall) for guardian.  On 14 June 1731, Abraham Coult, Sr., of Glastonbury, conveyed 27 acres for love and affection to "my son and daughter," William Hale and his wife Mary, mentioning his grandson Ebenezer Keeney and the heirs of his son Abraham Coult, deceased. William Hale Jr. of Enfield sold about 28 acres to Nehemiah Strickland of Glastonbury, 8 Feb. 1745/6.

On 26 April 1759, William Hale, Hannah Hale, and Mary Hale, of Enfield, and Abraham Hale, of Derby, Conn., conveyed to Jonathan Hale of Enfield.

The first 3 children of William and Mary were born in Enfield, Conn., and the last 2 at Glastonbury, Conn. (R‑11, R‑206)

Children - Hale, by Mary C. Keeney

+215.   William Hale, b. 5 May 1724, m. Hannah Brewer, c. 1747, d. 31 Aug. 1807.

  216.   Abraham Hale, b. 10 March 1727, m. Martha Smith, 3 March 1756 (Derby, Conn.), d. 1812 (Derby, Conn.).

  217.   Jonathan Hale, b. 4 July 1729, d. 21 Jan. 1812.

  218.   Hannah Hale, b. Dec. 1731, m. Christopher Helms Terry, 21 Oct. 1762 (Enfield, Conn.), d. 22 Oct. 1784 (Enfield, Conn.).

  219.   Mary Hale, b. Oct. 1733, m. (Capt.) Joseph Booth, 21 Oct. 1762 (Enfield, Conn.), d. 11 March 1809 (Enfield, Conn.).






John Graves (80) was born 9 Oct. 1735 at East Guilford, Conn., and died 13 April 1791.  He first married Elizabeth Graves (#138), daughter of Ebenezer Graves and Marion Isbell, on 20 Dec. 1760.  She was born 4 (or 24) Sept. 1736 and died 17 April 1766 (or 1767?).  He married second Sarah Dudley.  She was born 14 March 1744 and died 19 Nov. 1799.  He lived in Guilford, Conn.  (R‑202)

Children - Graves, by Elizabeth Graves

+220.   John Graves, b. 16 Oct. 1761, m. Hannah Crane, d. 28 April 1819.

  221.   George Graves, b. 9 April 1763, married.  No children.  Lived in Westmoreland, N.Y.

+222.   Titus Graves, b. 3 April 1765, m. Rachel Dudley, d. 1814.

Children - Graves, by Sarah Dudley

  223.   Miriam Graves, m. Joseph Bartlett, 23 May 1787, d. 23 Sept. 1791.  He was b. 8 Nov. 1757, d. 23 Aug. 1787, and was son of Joseph Bartlett and Sarah Cruttenden of Guilford.


Samuel Graves (83) was born 11 June 1746, and died 7 July 1822 in Stonington, Conn.  He married Anna Hern on 3 March 1774 in New London, Conn.  She died 29 Jan. 1830, aged 73 years.  He was in the 6th Conn. Regt. under Col. Parsons and is said to have been wounded in the battle of Bunker Hill and was lame thereafter.  They lived in Stonington, Conn.  (R‑202)

Children - Graves

  224.   Samuel H. Graves, b. 17 April 1777, d. 11 Feb. 1824.  Moved to Hebron, Conn.

+225.   William Graves, b. 7 Feb. 1779, m. Abigail Peters, 28 March 1809, d. 14 July 1859.

  226.   Thomas Graves, b. 15 Feb. 1782, d. 29 March 1812.

+227.   John Graves, b. 25 June 1784, m. Elizabeth Peters, d. 15 July 1868.

  228.   Anna Graves, b. 27 July 1786, m. Oliver Denison, 3 March 1811, d. 24 Feb. 1825.

  229.   Hannah Graves, b. 12 Aug. 1789, never married, died at an advanced age at Stonington, Conn.

  230.   Amanda Graves, b. 12 May 1792, m. Henry Levett (or Levelt ?), 30 Nov. 1818.

  231.   Barnabas Graves, b. 8 April 1795, m. Mrs. Eleanor Whitney, d. 11 Jan. 1818.  She was daughter of Isaac Cogswell and Molly Loomis of Charlotte, Vt.


Rufus Graves (84) was born 27 Sept. 1749.  He married Elizabeth Benton, daughter of Ebenezer Benton and Abigail Graves (#16), on 7 Nov. 1773.  She was born 20 Dec. 1745.  They lived in Sunderland, Vt.  (R‑202)

Children - Graves

  232.   Elizabeth Graves, b. 2 Oct. 1774.

  233.   Rufus Graves



Dan Winchell (88) was born 20 Nov. 1736 in Kensington, Hartford Co., CT, and died 9 Jan. 1808 in Cardiff, Onondaga Co., NY.  He married Lois Curtiss, daughter of Jonathan Curtiss and Deborah Mix, on 9 Oct. 1755 in Wallingford, New Haven Co., CT.  She was born 23 June 1737 in Wallingford, CT, and died 5 Feb. 1818 in Cardiff, NY.  It is not known were Deborah was born, the next 3 were born in Farmington, CT, and all the others were born in Kensington, CT, except for Roxanna born in Goshen, CT.  (R‑38)

Children - Winchell

+234.   Deborah Winchell, b.c. 1753, m. Benjamin Bradley, d. after 1780.

  235.   Lois Winchell, b. 6 June 1756.

  236.   Sarah Winchell, b. 25 June 1757.

  237.   Ezekiel Winchell, b. 26 Feb. 1758.

  238.   Ira Winchell, b. 22 Dec. 1759, d. 1775 (Battle of Bunker Hill).

  239.   William Winchell, b. 3 Nov. 1762.

  240.   Chauncey Winchell, bapt. 10 June 1764.

  241.   Charlotte Winchell, bapt. 15 Dec. 1765.

  242.   Mary Winchell, bapt. 28 Dec. 1766.

  243.   Rosetta Winchell, bapt. 27 July 1769.

  244.   Candace Winchell, bapt. 28 Oct. 1770.

  245.   Miles Curtis Winchell, b. 20 March 1774.

  246.   Roxana Winchell, b. 10 March 1781.

  247.   Diadema Winchell, bapt. 18 Aug. 1782.

  248.   Ira Winchell, bapt. 18 Aug. 1782.



Cornelius Hull (94) was born 31 Oct. 1723 in Durham, Middlesex Co., CT.  He married Abigail Chipman, daughter of Joseph Chipman and Anna Cunningham, on 1 Jan. 1745/45 in Durham, CT.  She was born about 1724 in Haddam, Hartford Co., CT.  Their children were born in Durham, CT.  (R‑61)

Children - Hull

  249.   Sylvanus Hull, b. 13 Oct. 1746, m. Phebe Smith, d. 23 Oct. 1818 (Durham, CT).  Both bur. Old Durham Cem. (Durham, CT).

  250.   Cornelius Hull, b. 5 March 1748, m. Thankful Root, d.c. 1827.

  251.   Abigail Hull, b. 26 July 1749.

  252.   Samuel Hull, b. 10 Dec. 1752, d. 29 Jan. 1830 (Lowell, Middlesex Co., MA).

  253.   Ann Hull, b. 3 Feb. 1755, d.c. 1844 (CT).

+254.   Huldah Hull, b. 6 March 1758, m. Elah Norton, d. 19 Aug. 1839.

  255.   Charles Hull, b. 5 May 1760, d. 24 May 1825 (Durham, CT).

  256.   Giles Hull, b. 4 July l762.



John Graves (99) was born 28 April 1719 in Guilford, CT, and died 13 Dec. 1759.  He first married Abigail Pierson of Woodbridge, East Jersey, daughter of John Pierson and Ruth Woodbridge, on 15 Oct. 1744, by Rev. John Pierson, in Woodbridge, East Jersey (now called New Jersey).  She died 29 Dec. 1745 in her 21st year.  He married second Phebe (or Phoebe) Hart of Wallingford, CT on 16 July 1747 in Farmington, CT, by Rev. Mr. Curtis (VR).  After he died, she married second Jonathan Crampton, son of John Crampton and Hannah Evarts, in 1761.  Jonathan was born 14 March 1717 and died 2 Jan. 1792.  Phebe died 7 Feb. 1763.  (R‑202, R‑211)

Children - Graves, by Abigail Pierson

  257.   Ruth Graves, b. 18 Dec. 1745, m. Ambrose Evarts, 1746 (date must be wrong) (Guilford, Conn.), d. Oct. 1805.  He was b. 13 March 1740, d. 3 July 1815, son of Judah Evarts and Abigail Dudley.


Ezra Graves (100) was born 3 July 1722 in East Guilford, CT, and died 29 Sept. 1747.  He married his cousin Elizabeth Graves, daughter of his uncle Noadiah Graves.  She was born 21 June 1723.  She married second Moses Sheldon on 20 April 1749 in Durham, CT.  (R‑202)

Children - Graves

  258.   Elizabeth Graves, b. 15 Nov. 1745, d. 17 April 1762.


Simeon Graves (101) was born 12 Nov. 1729 in East Guilford, CT, and died 2 Jan. 1801.  He first married Naomi Dudley on 6 June 1750.  She was born 26 Aug. 1719 and died 27 Aug. 1754.  The name of his second wife is not known.  She was born in 1738 and died 30 Oct. 1788. (R‑202)

Children - Graves, by Naomi Dudley

  259.   Abigail Graves, b. 25 Nov. 1751 (Guilford, CT), d. 10 Feb. 1822.

Children - Graves, by second marriage

+260.   Timothy Graves, b. 1759, married, d. 6 Jan. 1859.

  261.   Rhoda Graves, b. 1761, m. Stephen Conklin, 1783, d. 19 July 1840.


Elias Graves (102) was born 10 April 1733 in East Guilford, CT, and died 31 May 1802.  He first married Mabel Murray, daughter of Jonathan Murray and Dorcas Way, on 23 Feb. 1763.  She was born 11 July 1740 (?) and died 10 May 1779.  (Her year of birth may have been 1742, since she supposedly died at age 36.)  He married second Mrs. Mary Cleveland Hubbard of Southold, Long Island, NY on 29 March 1780. She was born in 1751 and died 21 June 1826.  Elias was in the Indian War from 8 Sept. to 30 Nov. 1755 in Lt. Col. Andrew Ward's Co. of Col. Elihu Chauncey's Regt.  He served under Major Elliott for relief of Fort Wm. Henry in Aug. 1757 in Capt. Ward's Co. from Guilford in Gen. Lyman's Regt. from 10 April to 13 Dec. 1758.  In the Revolutionary War he served as Lieut. in Capt. Bezaliel Bristol's Co. from 6 Oct. to 6 Dec. 1777, Col. Whiting's Regt. at Peekskill, NY, and as Capt. of the 6th Co., 7th Conn. Regt. in 1778 and 1779.  He was Justice of the Peace at Guilford, CT in 1782-3.  (R‑202)

Children - Graves, by Mabel Murray

  262.   Mabel Graves, b. 7 Oct. 1764, d. 14 Nov. 1764.

  263.   John Graves, b. 20 Aug. 1767, d. 1 Oct. 1787.

Children - Graves, by second marriage

  264.   Mabel Graves, b. 1 Jan. 1781, never married, d. 5 Oct. 1848.

+265.   Hubbard Graves, b. 19 Dec. 1782, m. Betsey Pierson, 30 Nov. 1817, d. 27 Dec. 1863.

  266.   Oliver (or Olive) Graves, b. 1784, died young.

  267.   Mary Graves, b. 26 Aug. 1785, m. E. Kimberly.



David Graves (108) was born 5 Oct. 1728 in Durham, CT, was baptized 6 Oct. 1728 in Durham1,27, and died 24 Jan. 1777.  He married Hannah Wetmore[30], daughter of Samuel Wetmore and Hannah Hubbard (not Anna Roberts, as was stated by J. C. Graves), who "acknowledged to Covenant" on 9 Dec. 1753.  She was born 18 Dec. 1725 in Middletown, CT, and died 14 April 1804.  He was out with the Lexington Minute Men in the Rev. War, and was a farmer. Hannah joined the church at Norfolk, CT in 1762 and her husband in 1764.  They were both received into the church at Oxford, CT on 4 Oct. 1767.  They removed their church relations to Southbury, CT 4 Feb. 1770, and it is probable that their residence was changed at the same time.  (R‑3, R‑202)

Children - Graves

+268.   Timothy Graves, b. 1 Feb. 1754, m. Martha Comstock, 1789, d. 20 June 1848.

+269.   Lewis Graves, b. 7 Nov. 1755, m. Elizabeth Steele, 1780, d. 10 May 1816.

  270.   Sarah Graves, b. 27 Aug. 1757, m. Reuben Sherwood (of Ridgebury, CT), 2 Feb. 1774, d. 24 Jan. 1776.

+271.   David Graves, b. 16 Oct. 1760, m. Mary Gridley, 21 Dec. 1788, d. 1 Dec. 1814.

+272.   Noadiah Graves, b. 23 Sept. 1762, m(1) Martha Baldwin, 27 Feb. 1788, m(2) Hannah Aldrich, 9 July 1823, d. 14 May 1850.

+273.   Hannah Graves, b. 12 Feb. 1765, m. John Comstock, 1785, d. 4 April 1804.

  274.   Polly Graves, b. 11 Sept. 1767.

  275.   Millie Graves, b. 27 May 1773, m. Noah Day, 27 Jan. 1791, d. 26 Aug. 1854 (Winfield, NY).  He was b. 27 May 1766, d. 8 Oct. 1845 (Winfield, NY), son of Noah Day and Ann Loomis.


Roswell Graves (109) was born 5 Dec. 1731 in Durham, CT, was baptized 16 Jan. 1732 in Durham1,27, and died on or after 1810.  He married Lois Coe, daughter of John Coe and Hannah Parsons.  She was born 13 Aug. 1732 in Haddam, CT, and was baptized 20 Aug. 1732 in Durham, CT27.  She was admitted to the Church on 6 Feb. 1756/7.

On 26 Dec. 1756, Roswell and Lois, his wife, were listed by Rev. Goodrich of Durham among those who own and acknowledge their baptismal covenant1,27, and on 6 Feb. 1757 Lois was admitted to full communion in the Church of Christ at Durham1,27.  (Rev. Goodrich had become pastor of the church 24 Nov. 1756.)  Their first 3 children were baptized by Rev. Goodrich.

Roswell and his brothers David and Noadiah and their sister Elizabeth Sheldon bought and divided deed to 100 acres in Bedford (later Granville) in western MA1.  In 1759 Roswell conveyed land in Durham to Joseph Camp1,[31] by deed dated 4 April 1759, and recorded Dec. 26, 1759.  Roswell and his family moved to Bedford about 1760, after the baptism of their third child1.  Wilson, in his History of Granville, Mass., lists Roswell and his father Noadiah as settlers in Bedford, but does not mention Roswell's brothers David and Noadiah.  Roswell's wife was admitted to the Church of Granville by letter from the Church of Durham27.

Roswell and Lois had 9 sons and 2 daughters.  During the Rev. War, Roswell's two oldest sons served in the war from Granville, MA, Ezra in Capt. Lebbeus Ball's Co. and Roswell in Capt. William Cooley's Co. (Wilson, 1954, History of Granville, p. 319).  His third son, Seth, served in Capt. Camp's Co., Conn. Troops, in 1777, and in other companies.

In 1790, part of Roswell's family was still living in Granville[32] and part had moved to nearby eastern NY state.  The 1790 census of Granville, MA indicates that in 1790 Roswell's sons Seth, Eleazer, Asher and Enoch were married and living in Granville.  The 1790 Granville census also lists a Roswell Graves (1 male over 16 and 3 females) which is probably Roswell's son Roswell.  The 1790 census of nearby Canaan Town, NY[33] lists Rosel Graves (3 males over 16 and 3 females) which is believed to be Roswell Sr., 2 of his sons, his wife Lois, and daughters Chloe and Eunice.

On Nov. 8, 1791, Stephen Rensselaer leased a farm to Roswell Graves in Rensselaer Co., NY33,[34].  It also appears that Roswell's son Ezra was living in Stephentown, Albany Co., NY (see 1790 census).  Roswell's son Rufus removed from Saratoga, NY33 (Albany Co., later Rensselaer Co.), where he was Captain of a militia company in 1797, to Chazy, Clinton Co., NY.

The earliest record of Roswell Sr. in Chazy was in 180534.  His son Asher was living there in 1795 when Asher's son Elizur was born there on June 2 of that year.  Roswell's son Rufus moved to Chazy in 1797, and Ezra, Seth, and Chandler moved there by 1800.  In 1802, Enoch was of "Champlain"[35] when his intention to wed Doritha Tibbals, widow, was posted in Granville, MA29.  The first town meeting of Chazy, NY was held the first Tuesday of April 1804 at the home of Roswell's son Eleazer[36].  At this meeting Eleazer was chosen one of the 3 assessors; Rufus one of the 6 fence viewers; Ezra, Pathmaster for District 4; Seth one of the 2 Overseers of the Poor and one of the three Pound-Keepers36.  The Graves Genealogy (R-202) says that Jr. moved to Chazy.  However, if he moved there, he and his brother Enoch were back in Granville, MA in 1804, where they were active in organizing a company, formed 21 Sept. 1804, "to view and purchase, for a new settlement", lands in Licking Co., OH (later Granville, OH) (Bushnell, 1889, pp. 25-26).  Roswell Jr. and his brother Enoch left Granville, MA with their families and arrived in Ohio 2 Nov. 1805[37], where they settled and where they both died (Bushnell, pp. 156 and 168).

Roswell Sr. was a member of the Chazy Church when it was organized in 180534.  On May 8, 1805, a road was laid out "Leading from the State Road by Roswell Graves' toward Plattsburgh"36.  In 1810 he was still a resident of Chazy (1914 census of Chazy, NY: Roswell Graves, 1 male over 45 and 1 female).  In 1813, about the time of the evacuation of Chazy36, his sons Asher and Rufus moved from Chazy to McGrawville, NY.  It is not known when or where Roswell Sr. died.  (R‑202, R‑203)

Children - Graves

+276.   Ezra Graves, bapt. 26 Dec. 1756, married.

+277.   Roswell Graves, b. 18 June 1758, m. Hannah Rose, 11 May 1780, d. 29 Dec. 1850.

+278.   Seth Graves, bapt. 21 Sept. 1760, m. Elizabeth Matthews, d. 8 March 1838

+279.   Eleazer Graves

+280.   Asher Graves, b. 20 Dec. 1765, m. Elizabeth Spelman, 30 Sept. 1788, d. 21 July 1828.

+281.   Enoch Graves, b. 13 Sept. 1766, m(1) Rhoda Rose, 5 Nov. 1789, m(2) Mrs. Doritha Tibbals, 28 Nov. 1802, m(3) Hannah ‑‑‑‑‑‑, m(4) Mindwell Everett, July 1822, d. 16 April 1836.

  282.   Matthew Graves

  283.   Chandler Graves; he was a resident of the Chazy region of Champlain, NY in 1800.  On March 25, 1805, a road was laid out Òleading from the house of Chandler Graves to GravesÕ grist millÓ.  In 1818 he was mentioned in connection with a superstition, ÒCremation to prevent consumptionÓ.  ÒA few days after burial, Messrs. Chandler Graves, Aaron Adams and Seth Graves took up the remains in the night and burned it to protect the dead manÕs sister from the disease.  However, soon after she fell victim to the same disease.Ó36

+284.   Rufus Graves, b.c. 1772, m. Polly Clark, 1804, d. 13 Oct. 1827.

  285.   Chloe Graves, m. Aaron Day.  Moved to McGrawville, N.Y.

  286.   Eunice Graves



Sarah Stevens (112) was born 16 March 1722 and died 6 (or 5 or 3) Oct. 1802.  She first married Ebenezer Bishop of East Guilford, Conn. on 2 Nov. 1737.  He died 27 Oct. 1747. She married second William Chittenden of Guilford, Conn. on 29 April 1754.  He died 14 Jan. 1786.  (R‑24)

Children - Bishop

  287.   Luther Bishop, b. 23 July 1738, d. 8 Sept. 1738.

+288.   Leah Bishop, b. 24 Nov. 1739, m. Samuel Evarts, 30 March 1758, d. 13 June 1819.

  289.   Luther Bishop, b. 17 Oct. 1741, d. Dec. 1759 ("in the war").

+290.   Ebenezer Bishop, b. 10 April 1745, m. Deborah Stone, d. 1811.

+291.   Sarah Bishop, b. 9 March 1748, m. Caleb Benton, 29 Jan. 1767, d. 17 April 1825.


Elihu Stevens (115) was born 8 April 1731 in Guilford, CT, died 26 or 27 Jan. 1814 in Claremont, Sullivan Co., NH, and was buried in Old Village Cem., Claremont, NH.  He first married Rachel Meigs, daughter of Josiah Meigs and Mary Hand, on 31 Oct. 1750.  She was born 26 Feb. 1733, and was also buried in Old Village Cem., Claremont.  He married second Jerusha Leonard of Sunderland, VT, widow of Col. Neadiah Leonard.  Elihu lived in Claremont, NH.

Elihu moved to Claremont in 1775.  He was an ardent Whig and served as justice of the peace, often sitting at trial of those accused of being Tories.  (R‑36)

Children - Stevens

  292.   Josiah Stevens, b. 12 Aug. 1752 (Guilford, CT), m(1) Abigail Dudley, m(2) Mrs. Matilda Chase Brewer, 9 Sept. 1790, d. 10 April 1827.

  293.   Elihu Stevens, Jr., b. 21 March 1755, m. Lucretia Walker, d. 2 April 1798.

  294.   Henry Stevens, b. 7 Feb. 1757, drowned.

  295.   Roswell (or Rosewell) Stevens, b. 8 Aug. 1760, m. ‑‑‑‑‑‑ Chapin.

  296.   Meigs Stevens, b. 28 April 1763, m. Lucretia Evarts, 27 Jan. 1790, d. 1845.

+297.   Ziba Stevens, b. 28 April 1763, m. Lydia Kirtland, 26 May 1785, d. 2 Jan. 1834.

  298.   Linus Stevens, b. 19 Jan. 1766, m. Lovewell Felt, d. 1850.

  299.   Rachel Stevens, b. 9 July 1768, m. Roswell Clapp.

  300.   Lecta Stevens, m. Sylvanus Church.

  301.   Jerusha Stevens, m. Benedict Roys (or Royes or Rice).

  302.   Betty Stevens, b. 31 Dec. 1770.

  303.   Eliza Stevens, b. 2 Oct. 1773.



Enos French (120) was born 20 Dec. 1725 in NY, and died 26 May 1811.  He married Mary Wilcox (or Thilcox) on 6 Nov. 1752.  She died 28 Sept. 1777.  (R‑37)

Children - French

  304.   Mary French, b. 30 Sept. 1753 (Guilford, CT), d. 5 Oct. 1828.

  305.   Ebenezer French, b. 17 April 1755, d. 4 April 1758.

  306.   Sene French, b. 9 Nov. 1757.

  307.   Ebenezer French, b. 11 Oct. 1760.

  308.   Deborah French, b. 8 Jan. 1763.

  309.   Sarah French, b. 10 Feb. 1765.

+310.   Enos French, b. 12 May 1767, m. Mehetable Payne, 20 March 1794, d. 9 May 1839.

  311.   Thomas French, b. 176-.


Philemon French (123) was born 12 May 1733.  He married Mary Dudley, daughter of Deacon David Dudley and Mary Talman, on 27 Oct. 1757 in Hartford, Conn.  She was born 14 Jan. 1743.  (R‑210)

Children - French

  312.   Katie French, b. 8 Feb. 1761, never married.

  313.   Thomas French, b. 20 Aug. 1762.

  314.   Lois French, b. 25 Nov. 1764, m. David Field.

  315.   Amasa French, b. 26 May 1767, m. Ichabod Field.

  316.   Philemon French, b. 25 Oct. 1770, m. ‑‑‑‑‑‑ Nettleton.

  317.   Mary French, b. 2 Dec. 1779, m. ‑‑‑‑‑‑ Brown.



David Graves (127) was born 15 March 1726 at East Guilford, Conn., and died 2 Nov. 1779.  He married Temperance Dudley on 5 Oct. 1749.  She was born 26 Aug. 1730 and died 20 June 1822.  (R‑202)

Children - Graves

  318.   Prudence Graves, b. 18 Oct. 1750, m. Aaron Blatchley, 17 Oct. 1769, d. 18 April 1821.  He was b. 6 April 1750, d. 7 April 1826, son of Moses Blachley and Mary Field of East Guilford, Conn.

  319.   David Graves, b. 6 Feb. 1753, d. 10 March 1755.

  320.   David Graves, b. 11 Sept. 1756, d. 10 Aug. 1769.

  321.   Nancy Graves, b. 22 Sept. 1758, m. Stephen Evarts, d. 24 Aug. 1829.

  322.   Clarissa Graves, b. 4 Nov. 1764, m(1) Preston Kelsey, m(2) James Thomas, d. 8 July 1848.

  323.   Naomi Graves, b. 4 Dec. 1768, never married, d. 11 Sept. 1855.



Daniel Redfield (128) was born 27 Feb. 1728/29 in Killingworth, New Haven Co., CT, and died 20 Jan. 1788 in Clinton, CT.  He first married Margaret Crane on 21 Nov. 1749.  She was born in Killingworth, CT.  All their children were born in Clinton, CT.  (R‑42)

Children - Redfield

  324.   Ruth Redfield, b. 9 Sept. 1750, d. 11 Oct. 1756 (Clinton, CT).

  325.   Simeon Redfield, b. 12 Dec. 1752, m. Mercy Williams, 11 Dec. 1777 (Clinton, CT).

  326.   Nathaniel Redfield, b. 22 April 1755.

+327.   Ruth Redfield, b. 28 Sept. 1756, m. Job Buell, d. 6 Nov. 1839.

+328.   Elizabeth Redfield, b. 22 May 1759, m. Martin Evarts, 2 Feb. 1791.

+329.   Mary Redfield, b. 19 Jan. 1761, m. Daniel Wilcox, 1779, d. 23 Aug. 1821.

  330.   Margaret Redfield, b. 29 Jan. 1763.

+331.   Daniel Redfield, b. 4 Sept. 1764, married.

+332.   Ebenezer Redfield, b. 17 March 1767, m. Phebe ‑‑‑‑‑‑.

  333.   Mary Lucy Redfield, b. 15 March 1771.


Roswell Redfield (129) was born 4 Sept. 1731 in Guilford, CT, and was lost at sea in 1764.  He first married Lucy Murry on 6 June 1755 in Clinton, CT.  She died 16 Oct. 1756.  He married second Mehetabel Post on 2 Nov. 1758 in Clinton, CT.  She died 12 June 1814 at age 74.  All RoswellÕs children were born in Clinton.  (R‑42)

Children - Redfield, by Lucy Murry

+334.   Martin Redfield, b. 10 Jan. 1756, m. Lydia Griffing, 26 Aug. 1778, d. 30 April 1833.

Children - Redfield, by Mehetabel Post

+335.   James Post Redfield, b. 3 July 1760, m. Chloe ‑‑‑‑‑‑, 13 Feb. 1783, d. 27 Sept. 1829.

+336.   Roswell Redfield, b. 27 April 1762, m. Juliana Stevens, 20 March 1787, d. 15 Feb. 1838.

+337.   Augustus Redfield, b. 3 Nov. 1764, m. Anna Grinnell, d. 30 Aug. 1832.


John Redfield (131) was born 6 May 1735 in Killingworth, CT, and died 14 May 1813 in Guilford, CT.  He first married Amanda Russell, daughter of Rev. Samuel Russell and Dorothy ‑‑‑‑‑‑, on 8 June 1758.  She was born 1 May 1733 and died 22 March 1783, both in Guilford, CT.  He married second Mary Gale.  She was born in 1744.  All his children were born in Guilford, CT.  (R‑42)

Children - Redfield, by Amanda Russell

+338.   John Redfield, b. 12 June 1759, m. Eunice Joyce, 13 Jan. 1780, d. 3 Oct. 1795.

+339.   Samuel Redfield, b. 12 Sept. 1762, m. Nancy Fairchild, 26 May 1782, d. 1837.

+340.   Juliana Redfield, b. 18 Aug. 1766, m. Nathaniel Gibbs Ingraham, d. 28 Dec. 1797.

+341.   Jared Redfield, b. 1 Jan. 1771, m. Sarah Chrittenden, 26 Jan. 1792.

  342.   Amanda Redfield, b. 15 July 1775, m. (Col.) Ledyard Seymour, d. 24 Jan. 1795 (New York, NY).  He d. at age 20.


Samuel Redfield (133) was born 23 Nov. 1741 in Killingworth, CT, and died 8 Jan. 1812 in Clinton, CT.  He first married Elizabeth Hilliard in 1765.  She died 13 May 1790 in Clinton, CT.  He married second Eunice ‑‑‑‑‑‑.  All SamuelÕs children were born in Clinton, CT.  (R‑42)

Children - Redfield, by Elizabeth Hilliard

+343.   Samuel Redfield, b. 1766, m. Martha Lane, 1786, d. 15 March 1800.

+344.   Elizabeth Redfield, m. George Morgan, 25 March 1788.

+345.   Phebe Redfield, b. 7 June 1771, m. David Dibbell, Jr., 11 April 1792, d. 20 Nov. 1858.

  346.   David Redfield, died young.

  347.   Isaac Redfield, died young.


Sylvester Redfield (134) was born 13 May 1744 in Killingworth, CT, and died 9 Sept. 1823.  He first married Martha Merrill on 26 Dec. 1770 in Clinton, CT.  She was born in 1752, and died 11 March 1807 in Clinton, CT.  He married second Margaret ‑‑‑‑‑‑, widow of Mr. Ferrell or Farrell.  All SylvesterÕs children were born in Clinton.  (R‑42)

Children - Redfield, by Martha Merrill

+348.   Lucy Redfield, b. 21 Jan. 1772, m. Aaron Baldwin, d. 3 Oct. 1804.

+349.   Rebecca Redfield, b. 13 Feb. 1774, m. Abner Farnham, Jr., 7 Oct. 1801, d. 1860.

+350.   Sylvester Redfield, b. 18 Aug. 1776, m. Sarah Paddock, d. after 1859.

  351.   Cynthia Redfield, b. 27 Oct. 1781, never married, d. 15 Aug. 1802.

  352.   Benjamin Redfield, b. 16 July 1784, d. 6 Sept. 1821 (Òby his own handÓ).

+353.   Wealthy Redfield, b. 16 Sept. 1789, m. Leet Hurd, d. after 1859.

+354.   Martha Redfield, b. 14 Oct. 1794, m. James Harvey Hurd.

+355.   Catherine Redfield, b. 9 Oct. 1796, m. Marvin Williams, d. after 1859.

Children - Redfield, by Margaret ‑‑‑‑‑‑

+356.   Phebe Ann Redfield, b. 22 Dec. 1808, m. Edward Griswold, 1827.



Ebenezer Graves (135) was born 22 Nov. 1730 and died 14 Jan. 1814.  He was in Capt. Andrew Ward's Co., Col. Elihu Chauncey's Regt. from 8 Sept. to 8 Dec. 1755 in the French and Indian War, and was out with the Lexington Minute Men in the Rev. War.  He married Mary Willard, daughter of Josiah Willard and Mary Goodale, on 14 April 1757.  She was born 10 Oct. 1732 and died 16 March 1820. (R‑202)

Children - Graves

  357.   Anna Graves, b. 8 March 1758, m. Fiske Bartlett (of Georgia, Vt.).  No children.

+358.   Luman Graves, b. 1 Jan. 1760, m. Abigail Todd.

+359.   Ezra Graves, b. 28 April 1762, m. Abigail Scranton, d. 17 Aug. 1822.

  360.   Tamsen Graves, b. 21 Feb. 1764, m. Rev. William Stone, 11 Dec. 1787, d. 14 June 1840.  He was b. 10 July 1759, graduated from Yale College, d. 20 March 1840, son of Seth Stone and Rachel Leet of Guilford, Conn.

  361.   Luther Graves, b. 19 Feb. 1766, never married, d. Guilford, Ohio.

+362.   Mary Graves, b. 20 Aug. 1769, m. Samuel Parmelee, 23 Jan. 1793, d. 1 March 1817.

+363.   Adah Graves, b. 24 Sept. 1771, m. Abel Blair, 5 Dec. 1796, d. 22 Oct. 1842.

+364.   Justus Graves, b. 9 Oct. 1773, m(1) Betsey Fowler, 25 Nov. 1801, m(2) Mrs. Temperance Harris, 19 April 1824.

  365.   Julius Graves, b.c. 1775, d. 13 Oct. 1781.


Eli Graves (137) was born 20 July 1734 and died 29 Jan. 1795.  He married Hannah Wilcox, daughter of Joseph Wilcox and Hannah Goodale of Guilford, Conn., on 14 July 1757.  She was born 15 Sept. 1733 and died 1 Jan. 1805. He was in Major Elliott's Co. for the relief of Fort Wm. Henry in Aug. 1757, and went out with the Minute Men on the Lexington Alarm in the Rev. War.  They lived in Guilford, Conn.  (R‑202)

Children - Graves

+366.   Gilbert Graves, b. 21 Sept. 1758, m. Eliza Kelsey, 29 Oct. 1784, d. 22 July 1840.

+367.   Milton Graves, b. 28 Oct. 1761, m(1) Lucy Buell, m(2) Sarah Comstock, d. 6 May 1816.

  368.   Hannah Graves, b. 21 May 1764, m. William Parmelee (of Guilford, Conn., as his second wife), d. 19 Jan. 1834.

  369.   Elizabeth Graves, b. 22 June 1768, m. Eli Tuttle.

  370.   Mabel Graves, b. 4 March 1772, d. 28 Jan. 1837.


Ambrose Graves (139) was born 10 Sept. 1738 and died 2 April 1822 (or 22 Sept. 1818, according to R‑210).  He first married Catherine Field, daughter of David Field and Abigail Tyler of Branford, Conn., on 24 Jan. 1765. She was born 19 Aug. 1745 and died 20 Nov. 1777.  He married second Silence Dudley, daughter of Josiah (or Joseph) Dudley and Silence Dowd of Guilford, Conn., on 17 July 1778.  She was born 14 July 1745 and died 2 April 1822.  He was in Capt. Andrew Ward's Co. from Guilford, Gen. Lyman's regiment, from 10 April 1758 to 13 Dec. 1758; and in Capt. Scranton's Co., 2nd Conn. Troops, French and Indian War, from 31 March to 22 Nov. 1760.  He lived in Guilford, Conn.  He moved to Sunderland, Vt., according to R‑210.  (R‑202, R‑210)

Children - Graves, by Catherine Field

+371.   Edmund Graves, b. 30 Oct. 1765, m. Beulah Hill, 30 March 1791, d. 15 June 1827.

+372.   Ambrose Graves, b. 1767, m. Nancy Hopson, 3 Jan. 1789, d. 6 May 1843.

  373.   Nabby Graves, b. 1769, m. Charles Caldwell, 14 Sept. 1788, d. April 1835.  He was b. 27 Jan. 1769, son of Samuel Caldwell of Guilford, Conn.  They moved to Georgia, Vt.

  374.   Catherine Graves, b. 1773.

  375.   Augustus Graves, b. 1775.

  376.   Mindwell Graves, b. 24 Jan. 1776, d. 1 March 1865.

Children - Graves, by Silence Dudley

  377.   Artemesia Graves, b. 8 Sept. 1779, never married, d. 17 April 1874.


Israel Graves (140) was born 4 Nov. 1740 and died 10 Nov. 1817.  He married Rebecca Dudley, daughter of Ebenezer Dudley and Rebecca Munger of Guilford, Conn.  She was born 1751 and died 8 Nov. 1828.  They lived in East Guilford, Conn.  (R‑202)

Children - Graves

  378.   Chloe Graves, m. Ashley Bradley, 1789, d. 20 March 1836.  He was b. 1756, d. 6 Oct. 1817, son of Benjamin Bradley of East Guilford, Conn., now Madison.

  379.   Rebecca Graves, b. 26 Feb. 1771, m. William Dowd, 1793, d. 13 Jan. 1857.  He was b. 1768, d. 2 June 1831, son of Ebenezer Dowd.

  380.   Rachel Graves, b. 1774, m. Orrin Dowd, 1800 (Madison, Conn.), d. 10 Nov. 1802.  He was b. 1773, d. 1820.



Abraham Graves (146) was born May 1737 in North Guilford, Conn., and died 22 July 1794.  He married Catherine Hall of Wallingford, Conn. on 14 March 1764.  She was born 1739 and died 1 May 1804.  (R‑202)

Children - Graves

+381.   Corine Graves, b. 9 Nov. 1764, m. Josiah Coan, 17 May 1786, d. 29 Aug. 1827.

+382.   Daniel Graves, b. 21 Dec. 1766, m. Stucie Griswold, d. 1835.

+383.   Sarah Graves, b. 22 Feb. 1770, m. William Collins, 1 June 1795, d. 14 June 1835.

+384.   Abraham Graves, b. 14 Dec. 1773, m. Lydia Lindley, d. 8 June 1853.

  385.   Rachel Graves, b. 23 Feb. 1776, m. Bela Benton, d. 5 May 1855.

  386.   Nancy Graves, b. 1789, d. 4 July 1804.  Mr. Cheney (R‑32) believed that this Nancy Graves might be the one who m. James Irving of Norwalk, CT about 1790.  However, his Nancy is probably another one.


Benjamin Graves (149) was born 1747 at North Guilford, Conn., and died 16 April 1829.  He first married Freelove Barnes on 8 Dec. 1772.  She was born 1740 and died 27 Aug. 1810.  He married second Mrs. Abigail Coe Chittenden.  She was born 26 May 1757.  She had first married Abraham Blachley who was born 25 Jan. 1760 and died 31 Dec. 1786.  She married second Daniel Chittenden.  After Daniel died, she married Benjamin as her third husband.  (R‑202)

Children - Graves

+387.   John Graves, b. 10 Dec. 1775, m. Jerusha Rossiter, 7 May 1797, d. 24 June 1846.

  388.   Jerusha Graves, b. 10 Dec. 1775, m. Amos Chittenden, 30 Sept. 1794, d. 19 Sept. 1817.  He died 10 Aug. 1813, at age 47.  Lived in North Guilford, Conn.

  389.   Elizabeth Graves, b. 27 June 1779, m. James Maltby (of Northford), 1829.

  390.   Rufus Graves, b. 17 June 1781, d. young.

  391.   Freelove Graves, b. 25 Dec. 1784, m. Seth B. Flower, d. 12 Sept. 1848.



Rev. Joseph Graves (153) was born 30 May 1738 and died 1821, both at Middletown, Conn.  He married Lois Higbe on 15 Feb. 1770.  He was founder and pastor of the Third Baptist Church in Middletown.  He was in Capt. Andrew Ward Jr.'s Co., General Lyman's Regiment in the French and Indian War from 10 April to 13 Dec. 1758; in Major Talcott's Co. for relief of Ft. Wm. Henry in Aug. 1757; and was Quartermaster of a troop in the First Regiment of Conn. Light Horse in 1776.  (R‑202)

Children - Graves

  392.   Lois Graves, b. 20 Nov. 1770, m. Samuel Wilcox (of Cromwell, Conn.).

  393.   Olive Graves, b. 3 May 1772, never married, d. 4 March 1849.  Memorial book published 1849.

+394.   Sarah Graves, b. 12 Dec. 1773, m. Elijah Addis, 28 April 1801, d. 29 March 1850.

+395.   Josiah Graves, b. 27 Sept. 1775, m. Lucy Merriman, d. 24 July 1825.

+396.   Margaret Graves, b. 8 July 1777, m. Amos Doolittle, 23 Sept. 1798, d. 24 April 1834.

+397.   Joseph Graves, b. 29 July 1779, m. Anna Tyler, 1805, d. 24 Feb. 1855.

  398.   Mercy Graves, b. 12 June 1781, m. Daniel Hurlburt, Jr., 13 Oct. 1801 (Middletown, Conn.).  He was son of Daniel Hurlburt and Hannah Higbee.

  399.   Anne Graves, b. 29 June 1783, m. Joseph Ives.

  400.   Abigail Graves, b. 6 March 1785, m. Amos Lewis.



Zebedee Beckley (186) was born 8 March 1734 in Wethersfield, CT, was killed while in the army 4 Dec. 1776, and was buried at Canaan, CT.  He married Hannah ‑‑‑‑‑‑.  She may have died 25 Aug. 1810 at age 79.  All their children were born in Wethersfield, CT.  (R‑30)

Children - Beckley

  401.   Solomon Beckley, b. 12 Sept. 1756, m. Chloe Kirkham.

  402.   Hannah Beckley, bapt. 12 Feb. 1758, m. Charles Nott, Jr.

  403.   Rhoda Beckley, bapt. 15 Nov. 1759, m. Isaac Bidwell.

  404.   Anne Beckley, b. Aug. 1762, m. Benjamin Dix.

  405.   Zebedee Beckley, b. 31 Dec. 1763, m. Elizabeth Belding.

  406.   Abigail Beckley, m. Isaac Judd, after May 1789, d. after 1804.

+407.   Josiah Beckley, b. 1 May 1768, m. Mary Norton, 1787, d. 12 Oct. 1861.

  408.   Theodosia Beckley, b. 1772 (?), m. Simeon Stedman, 19 Oct. 1806 (Berlin, CT).



Abigail Burt (199) was born 20 Aug. 1709 in Springfield, MA, and died 28 March 1773.  She married Thomas Hale, son of Thomas Hale and Experience Burt, on 10 Jan. 1733/4.  He was born 26 Oct. 1705 and died 8 Jan. 1797.  (R‑22, R‑206)

Children - Hale

  409.   Abigail Hale, b. 9 Feb. 1735, m. (Deacon) Eleazer Smith, 9 March 1774, d. 24 June 1812 (Amherst, MA).  He was b. 27 Jan. 1724/5 at Hadley, MA, d. 4 Jan. 1816 at Amherst, MA.

+410.   Silas Hale, b. 27 July 1737, m. Hannah Parsons, 29 Jan. 1761, d. 14 Oct. 1802.

+411.   Abner Hale, b. 26 April 1740, m. Martha Burt, 7 May 1767, d. 30 March 1803.

  412.   Martha Hale, b. 26 April 1740, m. Ebenezer Wood, 21 March 1764, d. 26 March 1809.

+413.   Thomas Hale, b. 27 July 1744, m(1) Ann Stebbins, 3 Feb. 1774, m(2) Annis Parsons, 7 Feb. 1788, d. 29 March 1819.

  414.   Experience Hale, b. 15 Nov. 1747, m. Jonah Cooley, 3 Feb. 1774, d. 8 May 1782.



Abigail Hale (207) was born 3 July 1718 and died 18 June 1786, both in Enfield, Hartford Co., CT.  She married Isaac Chandler, son of Henry Chandler and Lydia Abbott, on 28 Feb. 1741 in Enfield, CT.  He was born about 1716 in Andover, Essex Co., MA, and died 5 June 1787 in Enfield, CT.  Their children were born in Enfield, CT.  (R‑61)

Children - Chandler

  415.   Abigail Chandler, b. 11 Sept. 1741, m. Israel Smith, d. Oct. 1791 (Bainbridge, Chenango Co., NY).  Two children.

  416.   Chloe Chandler, b.c. 1742.

  417.   Isaac Chandler, b. 24 June 1743.

  418.   Mehitable Chandler, b. 17 Dec. 1744.

  419.   David Chandler, b. 24 Sept. 1747.

  420.   Lydia Chandler, b. 23 Oct. 1749.

  421.   John Chandler, b. 13 Feb. 1752, m. Aschsah Terry, 13 Feb. 1752, d. 21 April 1827 (NY).  Eleven children.

  422.   Susanna Chandler, b. 3 Feb. 1754.

+423.   Henry Chandler, b. 20 Feb. 1756, m. Penelope Terry, d. 21 July 1826.

  424.   Lovice Chandler, b. 14 Aug. 1758.

  425.   Nathaniel Chandler, b. June 1760.


Thomas Hale (211) was born 3 Nov. 1727 and died 4 April 1797, both in Enfield, Hartford Co., CT.  He first married Elizabeth Bush, daughter of Jonathan Bush and Rachel Kibbe, on 15 June 1753 in Enfield.  She was born 12 Jan. 1727/8 and died 2 Sept. 1779, both in Enfield.

He married second Rebecca (Allen) Parsons, daughter of Azariah Allen and Martha Burt, granddaughter of John Allen, and widow of Joseph Parsons.  She was born 13 Nov. 1730 in Enfield, and died there 10 June 1793, in her 63rd year (gravestone).

He may be the "Thomas Hail" who served in 1757 in the Militia Company of Capt. Ammi Trumbull of Windsor, which marched to the relief of Fort Edward.

He was listed at Enfield in the 1790 census with two females, doubtless his wife and daughter Martha.

His will, dated 15 April 1794, proved 26 June 1797, gave to each of his sons, John Hale, Thomas Hale, Jr., Reuben Hale, and Phinehas Hale, and his daughters, Elisabeth Chapen, Dorcas Meacham, and Martha Tennant, one shilling in addition to former gifts; to son, Eli Hale, executor, the remainder.  Witnesses: Polly Terry, Eliphalet Terry, Jr., Eliphalet Terry.  Eli Hale gave bond with John Meacham.

All his children were born in Enfield.  (R‑11, R‑206)

Children - Hale, by Elizabeth Bush

+426.   Elizabeth Hale, b. 19 Aug. 1753, m. Ephraim Chapin (probably).

+427.   John Hale, b. 4 April 1755, m. Clara Terry, 13 Feb. 1776, d. 25 Oct. 1815.

+428.   Eli Hale, b. 25 Oct. 1756, m. Eleanor Killam (?), d. 23 Aug. 1808.

  429.   Ruth Hale, b. 22 June 1759, d. young.

+430.   Thomas Hale, b. 1 June 1760, m. ‑‑‑‑‑‑.

  431.   Ruth Hale, b. 15 Dec. 1762, d. young.

  432.   Dorcas Hale, b. 28 July 1764, m. Isaac Meacham, 30 Dec. 1784 (Monson, Mass.).  He may have been b. 13 April 1761, Lynn, Mass., son of Isaac Meacham and Ruth Dennell.

  433.   others



Eunice Miller (214) married Isaac Kibbe.  (R‑34)

Children - Kibbe

+434.   Freelove Kibbe, m. Joshua Smith.



William Hale (215) was born 5 May 1724 in Enfield, Conn., and died 31 Aug. 1807 in Tyringham (now Monterey), Berkshire Co., Mass.  He married Hannah Brewer, daughter of John Brewer and Hannah Merriman, about 1747.  She was born 4 April 1729, and died 10 Nov. 1817 in Tyringham, Mass.  They were both buried in Center Cem., Tyringham. All their children were born in Tyringham, except Josiah and Nathaniel, who were born in Enfield, Conn.  (R‑13)

Children - Hale

  435.   William Hale, b. 9 Jan. 1748, m. Sarah Townsend, d.c. 1833 (Tyringham, Mass.).

  436.   Nathan Hale, b. 4 March 1750, d. 1754 (Tyringham, Mass.).

+437.   John Hale, b. 10 Jan. 1752, m. Abigail Hall, d. 24 Nov. 1803.

  438.   Nathaniel Hale, b. 18 March 1754, d. 6 Oct. 1756 (Enfield, Conn.).

+439.   Josiah Hale, b. 21 Aug. 1756, m. Abigail Joslin, 1 June 1780, d. 1797.

  440.   Nathaniel Hale, b. 28 Dec. 1758, m(1) ‑‑‑‑‑‑, m(2) Sarah Shaw, 9 May 1790 (New Marlboro, Mass.).

+441.   Hannah Hale, b. 17 Jan. 1761, m. Zebadiah Joslin, 12 Sept. 1782.

  442.   Mary ("Polly") Hale, b. 28 Oct. 1763, m. James Sweet, 8 Aug. 1782 (Tyringham, Mass.).

  443.   Sarah ("Sally") Hale, b. 4 March 1766, m. John Joslin.

+444.   Gideon Hale, b. 2 March 1768, m. Anna Northrup, d. 20 Feb. 1814.

  445.   Abigail Hale, b. 19 Dec. 1769, d. 17 June 1852 (Tyringham, Mass.).

+446.   Salathiel Hale, b. 4 July 1772, m. Sally Danforth, 1 Feb. 1800, d. 20 Dec. 1834.






John Graves (220) was born 16 Oct. 1761 and died 28 April 1819.  He married Hannah Crane, daughter of Daniel Crane, in June 1787.  She was descended from Henry Crane: (1) Henry, (2) John, (3) Ebenezer, (4) Daniel, (5) Hannah. She was born 1764 and died 16 Jan. 1852.  John served in the Rev. War in Capt. Vail's Co. from Guilford, 8 months and 20 days in 1781, and probably was a member of the 5th Co., 3rd Regt. from Hartford in 1780.  They lived in Madison, Conn.  (R‑202)

Children - Graves

+447.   Henry Crane Graves, b. 4 June 1788, m. Ruth Crampton, d. 12 Dec. 1848.

  448.   Elizabeth Amelia Graves, b. 17 Feb. 1791, m. Phineas Dowd.  He was b. 15 Jan. 1785, d. 2 Sept. 1849, son of Phineas and Ruth Dowd.  They lived in Bergen, N.Y.

  449.   Nancy Miriam Graves, b. 10 Sept. 1793, d. 16 March (or May) 1849.

+450.   Sherman Graves, b. 20 Sept. 1795, m. Anna Griswold, 4 Nov. 1819, d. 12 Sept. 1875.

+451.   Rebecca Graves, b. 4 March 1798, m. Willys M. Dowd, 18 Aug. 1820, d. 28 Oct. 1873.

+452.   John Adams Graves, b. 1 Sept. 1800, m. Amelia Bailey, 5 Dec. 1825, d. 6 Sept. 1837.


Titus Graves (222) was born 3 April 1765 and died 1814.  He married Rachel Dudley.  They lived in Amenia, Dutchess Co., NY (close to the Connecticut border, only about 45 miles from Hartford, CT). (R‑202)

Children - Graves

  453.   Caleb Woodward Graves, b. 23 Dec. 1798, died young.

+454.   Mary Dudley Graves, b. 21 March 1801, m. Alfred Hoyt, 2 Feb. 1819.

  455.   Sarah Graves, b. 11 July 1804, m. ‑‑‑‑‑‑ McCurdy.

  456.   John D. Graves, b. Aug. 1807.

+457.   Elijah Henry Graves, b.c. 1811, m. Elmira Mills, d. after 1870.



William Graves (225) was born 7 Feb. 1779 and died 14 July 1859.  He lived in Stonington, Conn., and moved to Hebron, Conn.  He married Abigail Peters, daughter of Jonathan Peters and sister of Elizabeth Peters who married his brother John, on 28 March 1809.  She died 21 Aug. 1866 at Hebron, aged 76 years.  (R‑202)

Children - Graves

  458.   Abby Ann Caroline Graves, b. 18 March 1810, d. 5 July 1854.

+459.   William Barnabas Graves, b. 29 Jan. 1815, married, d. 1 Dec. 1848.


John Graves (227) was born 25 June 1784 and died 15 July 1868.  He lived in Stonington, Conn., and moved to Hebron, Conn.  He was a broom maker.  He married Elizabeth Peters, daughter of Jonathan Peters of Hebron, Conn., and cousin of Gov. John S. Peters.

Some historical and family information was compiled by Addison G. McKee, one of their grandsons, partly from General History of Connecticut, London, 1781, and from History of Rev. Hugh Peters, both by Rev. Samuel Peters. The Peters family came from Normandy into England with William the Conqueror in 1066.  John Peters was knighted by Henry the 8th, and his grandson, John, was created a Baron by King James I in 1603.

Ten barons succeeded from Sir John Peters.  Their coat of arms was granted by King William I with the motto, "Sans Dieu Rien".  Brothers William, Thomas and Hugh Peters, being Puritans, migrated to New England in 1634 to avoid the Protestant inquisition in England.  Their father, William, was a merchant of Fowey, and "had many sons and daughters by Elizabeth, his wife".  It has been noted by many writers on Peters family history that large families were the rule, there seldom being one of less than 8 or 10.

The Rev. Thomas Peters settled at Saybrook, Conn. in 1634, and was the first clergyman and Englishman to arrive in that colony.  He founded an Academy there that bore his name until it became Yale College, moved to New Haven, Conn., and eventually became Yale University.

Hugh settled in Boston, remained there 7 years, and became one of the trustees of the university of New Cambridge, now Harvard.  Later he returned to England where he became Chaplain to Cromwell and mixed religion and politics so successfully that he was beheaded as a "regicide" on Oct. 16, 1660.

William Peters arrived in Boston in 1634 and had six sons and four daughters, all of whom married and had families.  One of his sons was a captain in the British service and died in London childless.

William, the fourth son of William of 1634, married Mary Russell and had six sons and two daughters.  When his last child, John, was only eleven days old his father, a captain of a troop of horse, was killed in battle at Andover, Mass., by the Indians and French in Oct. 1696.

John Peters married Mary, granddaughter of Gen. Thomas Harrison who was executed by Charles 2nd in 1660 for being one of the judges of Charles I.  John and Mary moved from Boston to Hebron, Conn. in 1717 and had 16 children.

The youngest son of John and Mary Peters was Bemslee Peters.  Bemslee's oldest son was Dr. John Samuel Peters who lived in Hebron all his life and was one of the best known and most popular men in the state.  He was twice governor of the state and was at one time General in command of the state troops.  He never married.

Jonathan, another son of John and Mary Peters of 1717, had a son named Jonathan who married Abigail Thompson, daughter of John Thompson of Hebron, Conn.  Their 2nd son was also named Jonathan.  He married Caroline Cone of Andover, Mass., and had 3 sons and 2 daughters, one of whom, Elizabeth, married John Graves.   (R‑25, R‑202)

Children - Graves

+460.   John Samuel Graves, b. 2 Sept. 1807, m. Polly Mervin, 27 July 1837, d. 22 Jan. 1892.

+461.   Elizabeth Adelaide Graves, b. 2 Dec. 1809, m. Addison McKee, 29 Dec. 1829, d. 12 May 1892.

  462.   Frances Matilda Graves, b. 29 Jan. 1812, m. Charles Hamlin Pelton (of Chatham, Conn.), 28 Sept. 1836, d. 25 March 1843.  He was b. 12 June 1805, Portland, Conn., son of Abner Pelton, Jr. and Esther Hamlin.  After she died, he married second Emily Hall, daughter of Noah Hall of Meriden, Conn.

+463.   Thomas Eugene Graves, b. 15 May 1814, m. Sarah M. Thatcher, d. 25 Jan. 1881.

+464.   Oliver Denison Graves, b. 1 Aug. 1817, m(1) Elizabeth H. Fietler, 19 June 1843, m(2) Caroline T. Burchard, 3 May 1854, d. 19 March 1895.

  465.   Abigail Thompson Graves, b. 2 Oct. 1820, m. George Gilbert Goodrich, 15 May 1842.  He was b. 23 Aug. 1819, son of Amos Goodrich and Rebecca P. Barnes.  They lived in Gildersleve, Conn.

  466.   Mary Peters Graves, b. 19 June 1823, d. 1860.

  467.   Amanda Emily Graves, b. 14 July 1826, married.

  468.   Hannah Cornelia Graves, b. 25 July 1830, m. Rev. John Tallman, 27 April 1864, d. 6 March 1893 (Wash., D.C.).  He was a son of Frances Maria Hazelton and Thomas Tallman of Thompson, Conn., and was a graduate of Yale College and a Congregational minister.

  469.   Ann H. Graves, b. 18 Jan. 1833, m. J. V. Smith (of Union, N.Y.).



Deborah Winchell (234) was born about 1753, and died after 1780 in CT.  She married Benjamin Bradley, son of Louis Bradley and Sarah Judd.  He was born about 1753 and died after 1780, both in CT.  (R‑38)

Children - Bradley

  470.   Chauncey Bradley

  471.   Almon Bradley

+472.   Sarah Bradley, b. 12 Aug. 1780, m. Jacob Leach, 21 March 1804, d. 22 Feb. 1862.

  473.   Judd Bradley

  474.   Julia Bradley, m. ‑‑‑‑‑‑ Fulton.

  475.   Mary Bradley, m. ‑‑‑‑‑‑ Ennis.

  476.   Ariel Bradley

  477.   Deborah Bradley, m. ‑‑‑‑‑‑ Demmon.

  478.   Luanna Bradley

  479.   Sophronia Bradley

  480.   child

  481.   Benjamin Bradley, b. 1894.



Huldah Hull (254) was born 6 March 1768 in Durham, Middlesex Co., CT, and died 19 Aug. 1839 in Killingworth, Middlesex Co., CT.  She married Elah Norton, son of John Norton and Mary Griswold.  He was born 8 May 1757 in Durham, CT, and died in Sept. 1817 in Killingworth, CT.  They were buried in Stone House Cem., Killingworth, CT.  (R‑61)

Children - Norton

+482.   Polly Norton, b. Feb. 1791, m. Jeremiah Buell, 7 Sept. 1809, d. 27 Aug. 1872.

  483.   Charlotte Norton, b.c. 1793, m. Richard Bristol, d. 1 Sept. 1875.  He was b. 15 July 1794, d. 1 March 1868.  Both bur. Old Killingworth Cem. (Killingworth, CT).



Timothy Graves (260) was born 1759 and died 6 Jan. 1849.  He married ‑‑‑‑‑‑.  He lived in East Guilford, Conn.  He served in Capt. Vail's Co. and in Capt. Hand's Co. in March and April 1776.  He was a retired pensioner at Madison, Conn. in 1840.  (His service is shown in DAR Lineage Book, vol. 29, p. 264.)  (R‑202)

Children - Graves

+484.   James Graves, b. 4 March 1786, m. Roxana Whedon, d. 5 Nov. 1837.

  485.   John Graves, b. 18 Jan. 1789, d. 19 Sept. 1790.

+486.   John Graves, b. 12 Feb. 1792, m. Rebecca Wilcox, 22 Sept. 1816, d. 26 Jan. 1869.



Hubbard Graves (265) was born 19 Dec. 1782 and died 27 Dec. 1863.  He married Betsey Pierson on 30 Nov. 1817. She was a daughter of Samuel Pierson, a descendant of Abraham Pierson, first president of Yale College.  She was born 2 June 1791 and died 11 Feb. 1881.  (R‑202)

Children - Graves

  487.   Elias Cleveland Graves, b. 12 June 1820, d. 14 May 1822.

  488.   William Cleveland Graves, b. 13 Aug. 1826, d. 22 Jan. 1827.

+489.   Mary Elizabeth Graves, b. 23 April 1826, m. Gustavus Kimberly Redfield, d. April 1895.

  490.   Anna Augusta Graves, b. 12 June 1830, d. 14 April 1833.



Col. Timothy Graves (268) was born 1 Feb. 1754, and died 20 June 1848 in Hoosick, Rensselaer Co., N.Y.  He married Martha ("Patty") Comstock, daughter of Samuel Comstock and Elizabeth Baldwin, in 1789.  She was born 21 June 1760 and died 19 Feb. 1844.  His application for pension shows that he was living at Derby, Conn. when he enlisted, moved to Canaan, N.Y. about 1777 and enlisted again while living there.  He was Lt. Col. of a N.Y. Regt. of Militia, 1797-1800.  He moved from Canaan to Hoosick, Rensselaer Co., N.Y. in 1787.  Timothy Graves, his wife Martha, her parents, and other family members are buried at Shady Plains Cem., Hoosick Falls, N.Y.

The following sketch of Timothy Graves and his son Timothy is from History of Rensselaer Co., New York, by Nathaniel Bartlett Sylvester, pub. 1880, and posted at  It is believed that the drawings are of Timothy Graves and his wife Hannah.

ÒTIMOTHY GRAVES. Very little is known of the ancestors of the subject of this sketch, except that  they were of English origin and settled in New England previous to the Revolutionary war. The grandfather of Timothy Graves was named David G. He was born Oct. 5, 1 728, in New England, probably Connecticut. Married Hannah Wetmore, who was born Dec. 18, 1725. Of this union eight children were born, viz.- Timothy, Sr., Lewis, Sarah, David Jr. Noadiah, Hannah, Polly, and Millie. David G. was a farmer by occupation. He died June 6, 1777, and his wife April 14, 1804.

Timothy, Sr., was born Jan. 1, 1754, in Connecticut. He followed the occupation of his father. He married Martha Comstock, who was born in Connecticut June 21, 1760. Of this alliance eight children were born, viz.: Cyrus, Esther, Asher, John, Martha, Ann, John (second), and Timothy, all of whom are dead except Ann and Timothy.

Timothy, Sr., was a soldier in the Revolutionary war, and drew a pension for his valuable services. He was a colonel of the State militia for several years, and was a man who took a deep interest in everything pertaining to the various interests of the town.

He and his wife were members of the Presbyterian Church, of which he was a deacon. He lived respected, and died June 20, 1848, at the ripe old age of ninety-five years, five months, and nineteen days.

Mrs. Graves died Feb. 19, 1844, and was buried in the cemetery at Hoosick Falls, by the side of her husband.

Timothy Graves, Jr., was born in Hoosick, on the farm where he now resides, Aug. 3, 1 803. He is the youngest of a large and respectable family of children. His brother Cyrus was a soldier in the war of 1812.

Timothy has continued to follow the occupation of his father and grandfather, and owns the old homestead, - a fine farm half a mile south of Hoosick Falls. He married Frances, daughter of Wm. Thomas, March 14, 1838. She was born Nov. 15, 1810. Two children were born to bless this union, viz.: Warren H., who is a farmer of Rockton, Ill., and Frances E., who married Chas. Platt, and is now residing in Wichita, Kan. Mrs. Graves was a member of the Presbyterian Church. She died March 4, 1849.

Mr. Graves married for his second wife Margaret A., daughter of Jacob and Christine Stover, of Pittstown, and granddaughter of Martin Stover, a native of Germany, Nov. 6,1851. She was born Feb. 26, 1820. Of this union two children have been born, viz.: Jacob A., who is at home, and Hattie A., residing at home, but engaged as one of the teachers in the public school at Hoosick Falls. As an evidence of her ability, she has taught five consecutive years in the place where she was reared.

Mr. Graves was a captain in the State militia for some years. In polities he is a staunch Republican, and has very little sympathy with those who declare our last war a failure. As a man, he is respected by all. He never aspired to fill official positions, but, in his quiet, unassuming way, has tried to fulfill the duties of a true and loyal citizen.

He and his wife are members of the Presbyterian Church at Hoosick Falls.Ó

 (R‑3, R‑202)

Children - Graves

+491.   Cyrus Graves, b. 9 June 1790, m. Loraine Baldwin, d. 22 Aug. 1859.

+492.   Esther Graves, b. 15 June 1792, m. Samuel Hafford, 4 Jan. 1816, d. 15 Aug. 1838.

+493.   Asher Graves, b. 24 June 1794, m. Phebe Hurd, d. 29 April 1857.

  494.   John Graves, b. May 1796, died in infancy.

  495.   Martha Graves, b. 12 Nov. 1797, d. 3 Jan. 1838.

  496.   Ann Graves, b. 13 June 1799, m. ‑‑‑‑‑‑ Carpenter.

+497.   John Graves, b. 15 March 1801, m. Anna Bridges, d. 7 Feb. 1844.

+498.   Timothy Graves, b. 3 Aug. 1803, m(1) Frances Thomas, 1839, m(2) Margaret A. Stover, d. 31 May 1881.


Lewis Graves (269) was born 7 Jan. 1755 in Durham, Conn., and died 10 May 1816 in Denmark, Lewis Co., N.Y.  He married Elizabeth Steele in 1780.  She was born 28 March 1763 in New Hartford, Conn., and died 10 June 1852 in Denmark, Lewis Co., N.Y.  He served in Capt. Allen's Co., Col. Elmore's Regt. in the Rev. War, and was stationed for a time at Fort Dayton, Herkimer, N.Y.  He enlisted for a year on 24 May 1776.  He was Capt. of a company of Militia in Saratoga Co., N.Y. in 1798.  He moved from Greenfield, Saratoga Co., N.Y. in 1802 to Lewis Co., N.Y., where he was Justice of the Peace, Judge, and Legislator, representing Lewis Co. in the N.Y. Legislature in 1808 and 1810.  Their first five children were born in New Canaan, Conn., the next one was born in Columbia Co., N.Y., and the last two were born in Greenfield, Saratoga Co., N.Y.  (R‑202)

Children - Graves

+499.   David L. Graves, b. 9 Sept. 1781, m. Polly Gordon, d. Sept. 1850.

  500.   Lewis Graves, b. 13 July 1783, d. 1785.

  501.   Sarah Graves, b. 4 April 1785, m. Amore Wilson, d. 5 June 1859.

+502.   Lewis Graves, b. 17 April 1787, m. Clara Bond, d. 1860.

+503.   Elizabeth Graves, b. 16 March 1789, m Henry R. Bond, Dec. 1812, d. 7 April 1857.

  504.   Warren Graves, b. 9 March 1791, never married, d. Dec. 1817.

  505.   Hannah Graves, b. 8 April 1793, bapt. 4 Sept. 1895 (Greenfield, N.Y.), m. Ezra Wilson, d. 18 Oct. 1865.  He was b. 29 Nov. 1789, d. 25 Sept. 1874.

  506.   Sophia Graves, b. 22 March 1795, bapt. 21 June 1795 (Greenfield, N.Y.), m. Lyman Holcomb, 25 Aug. 1829, d. 22 May 1853.


David Graves (271) was born 16 Oct. 1760 and died 1 Dec. 1814.  He married Mary Gridley on 21 Dec. 1788.  She was born 2 March 1764 and died 4 Jan. 1844.  He was in the Guilford Company during the Rev. War after the Lexington alarm.  They lived in Copenhagen and Denmark, Lewis Co., N.Y.  Several of the following children were born and baptized at Greenfield, Saratoga Co., N.Y., where their parents lived from 1797 to 1802.  (R‑202)

Children - Graves

+507.   Lyman Graves, b. 12 Dec. 1789, m. Elizabeth Bedell, 11 Feb. 1820, d. 5 Nov. 1857.

  508.   Mille Graves, b. 10 Dec. 1790, m. Abner Nash, 10 Dec. 1807.  He was b. 7 Sept. 1785, son of Joel Nash of Copenhagen, N.Y.  They moved to Whitby, western Canada.

  509.   Noah Gridley Graves, b. 28 April 1793, d. 20 Oct. 1814.

+510.   Samuel Whitmore Graves, b. 8 Jan. 1795, m. Lucinda Stuart, 20 March 1832, d. 1 July 1873.

  511.   Olive Graves, b. 25 May 1797, m. Consider H. Morrison, 18 Nov. 1819, d. 15 April 1879.

  512.   Irene Graves, b. 16 (or 11) April 1799, m. Josiah (or Levi) Clark, 16 Jan. 1832, d. 1884.

  513.   Muriel K. Graves, b. 2 (or 1) July 1802, m. Truman Murray, 27 Feb. 1831, d. 15 Nov. 1842.  He was b. 9 Aug. 1805 (Fairfield, N.Y.), d. 22 Oct. 1879, descended from Jonathan Murray: (1) Jonathan, (2) Jehiel, (3) Ichabod, (4) Truman.

  514.   Fanny Graves, b. 28 Dec. 1804, d. 15 Dec. 1847.

  515.   Nancy Graves, b. 8 July 1807, m. Moses Barker, d.c. 1883.  They lived in Clarkson, N.Y.


Noadiah Graves (272) was born 23 Sept. 1762, was baptized 26 Dec. 1762, and died 14 May 1850.  He saw considerable service during the Rev. War.  He was in Capt. Charles Norton's Co., 10th Conn. Militia in 1719; served with his brother Timothy in Col. Morris Graham's Regt. of N.Y. "Levies"; and in Col. Robert Van Rensselaer's Regt. of N.Y. Militia.  He also did some service in the War of 1812.  He was ensign in the Washington Co., N.Y. Militia in 1803 and Capt. in 1807.  He moved from Hoosick to Chestertown, N.Y. in 1796.  He first married Martha Baldwin, daughter of Hezekiah Baldwin and Abigail Peet, on 27 Feb. 1788.  She was born 15 Oct. 1766 and died 27 Sept. 1822.  He married second Mrs. Hannah (Aldrich) White on 9 July 1823.  She was born 17 Aug. 1780 and died 22 Aug. 1827.  (R‑202)

Children - Graves

  516.   Truman Graves, b. 16 Aug. 1789, d. 12 June 1816.

  517.   Abigail Graves, b. 23 Nov. 1791, m. Elisha Graves, d. 1 Dec. 1824.

+518.   Sheldon Graves, b. 18 Sept. 1794, m. Maria Wait, 1815, d. 6 May 1862.

  519.   Amanda Graves, b. 16 Dec. 1796, d. 16 Aug. 1816.

+520.   Lewis Baldwin Graves, b. 1 Nov. 1801, m. Alvira T. White, 18 March 1827, d. 9 Dec. 1871.

+521.   Israel Peet Graves, b. 1 Sept. 1804, m. Elmira Sherman, 16 Jan. 1834, d. 24 Oct. 1891.


Hannah Graves (273) was born 12 Feb. 1765, was baptized 17 March 1765, and died 4 April 1804.  She married John Comstock in 1785.  He was a brother of Martha Comstock who married Hannah's brother Timothy, and son of Samuel Comstock and Elizabeth Baldwin.  See the Comstock Genealogy for more information on the descendants of this family.  (R‑3, R‑208)

Children - Comstock

  522.   Zorvaster (or Zoroaster) Comstock, b. 9 Aug. 1786, d. 19 Sept. 1788 (Hoosick Falls, N.Y.).

  523.   Samuel Comstock, b. 8 April 1788, m. Louisa Brintnall, d. 5 May 1878.

  524.   Lorinda Comstock, b. 7 Jan. 1790, d. 30 Oct. 1819.

  525.   Anson Comstock, b. 21 March 1792, m. Rachael Hitchcock, d. 1866.  Lived in Glenn Falls and Chittenago, N.Y.  Had 8 children.

  526.   Betsey Comstock, b. 24 Sept. 1793, m. John Gordon, d. 9 Jan. 1833.  (Comstock Genealogy gives her death as April 1841.)

  527.   Zorvaster Comstock, b. 28 Oct. 1795, m. Adria (or Anna) Whitehead, d. 6 April 1841.  Had 2 children.

  528.   Melanctor(n) (?) Comstock, b. 7 March 1797, m. Ann Dayton, d. 13 April 1836 (Hoosick Falls, N.Y.).  Had 4 children.

  529.   Melissa Comstock, b. 15 Jan. 1799, m. Isaac Lottridge, d. 7 April 1840.

  530.   Cyrus Comstock, b. 21 Oct. 1800, never married, d. 11 Aug. 1837.

  531.   Atilla Comstock, b. 8 Sept. 1802, m. James Mallory, Jr., d. 10 April 1883.



Ezra Graves (276) was baptized 26 Dec. 1756 in Durham, CT, and died in Chazy, NY.  The name of his wife is not known.  He went with his parents from Durham, CT to Granville, MA about 1760.  He served in the Rev. War from Granville, MA[38] in Capt. Lebbeus BallÕs Co.  In 1790 he was married and living in Stephentown, NY with 2 daughters (1894 census).  About 1800 he had moved to Chazy, NY, at which time he was a miller there in his brother SethÕs grist mill, and was a miller until his death.  At the first town meeting of Chazy, the first Tuesday in April 1804, Ezra was chosen Pathmaster for District 4.  On Dec. 1, 1804 a road was laid out ÒLeading from MountieÕs Bay to Intersect the one Running from Lake Champlain due west on the north line of DeanÕs Patent at Ezra GravesÓ.36  (R‑203)

Children - Graves

  532.   daughter, b. by 1790.

  533.   daughter, b. by 1790.


Roswell Graves (277) was born 18 June 1758, was baptized the same day, both in Durham, CT, and died 29 (or 20[39]) Dec. 1850 in Granville, OH.  He married Hannah Rose on 11 May 1780.  She was born 12 May 1762 and died 12 March 1839 in Granville, OH.  They were both buried in Old Colony Burial Ground, Granville, OH.

Hannah Rose was a daughter of John Rose and either his first or second wife (according to Descendants of Robert Rose of Wethersfield and Branford, Connecticut, who came on the ship "Francis" in 1634 from Ipswich, England, by Christine Rose, 1983).  John first married Ruth Holcomb on 9 May 1745.  She died 2 April 1759, and he then married Keziah (Goss) Haskell on 23 June 1761.  She died 7 Aug. 1815.  However, based on her date of birth (documented in burial records in Ohio Cemetery Records), she was a child of her father's second marriage, making her a Mayflower descendant.  This lineage is: (1) William White and Susanna ‑‑‑‑‑‑, (2) Anna White and John Hayward, (3) Judith Hayward and Philip Goss, (4) Philip Goss and Keziah Cooley, (5) Keziah Goss and John Rose, (6) Hannah Rose.

Roswell went with his parents from Durham, CT to Granville, MA about 1760.  He served in the Revolutionary War from Granville, MA in Capt. William CooleyÕs Co.  They lived in East Granville, MA, where he was admitted to the church Dec. 1, 1796, and his wife was admitted Jan. 20 1799.  The Graves Genealogy (R‑202) says they moved to Chazy, NY, and afterwards to Granville, OH, but if he moved to Chazy he was back in Granville, MA on Aug. 1, 1804, at which time he became a member of the Licking Company, formed Sept. 21, 1804 to Òview and purchase new lands in Ohio, for a settlement thereÓ.

The following account is from Granville, Massachusetts to Ohio, A Story of the Migration and Settlement, by Horace King, Granville, Ohio.

Roswell Graves was a signer of The Licking Company contract, and he was forty-five years old when he and his brother Enoch joined the "Rose Party" with their families for the migration to Ohio.  He was one of twenty-four members who organized the settlement church on May 1, 1805 in Granville, Massachusetts, and he served a term as Grand Juror in 1808 when the Licking County government was organized.  He became one of Granville's most colorful citizens and was also one of the oldest when he died on Dec. 29, 1850 at ninety-three years of age.

Granville had a great fondness for parades, and the most spectacular of these was during the 1840 Whig campaign for Ohio candidate William Henry Harrison.  The symbol of this campaign was the log cabin supplied with hard cider and decorated with coonskins.  It was a full size structure on a platform mounted on eight giant mill wheels and drawn by twenty-six oxen, one for each state in the Union at that time.  The occasion was the Fourth of July and the starting point was the Public Square in Newark.  Roswell Graves, then eighty-three years old, was one of the team drivers and he walked the entire seven miles from Newark to Granville.  When the float arrived at the Buxton Inn that afternoon, "Uncle Razzle" received a prolonged ovation from the hundreds of villagers who had gathered for the celebration.

Roswell Graves acquired three village lots at the Company land sale, one at 135 East College Street which he sold to Allen Sinnet in 1821, another at 123 East Elm Street which was the siet of a furniture factory of one of the Blanchard brothers in 1860, now an apartment house, and a third at 216 East College Street where he built his house in 1822, the house that is pictured here.

This house was built of bricks that might have come from the Sinnet Kiln which was built near the site of the Sinnet house, also of 1822, at 135 East College Street, less than a half block away.  Allen Sinnet had purchased this lot from Roswell Graves the year before, and the bricks for the Graves house may have been barter for a part of the purchase price.  The Graves house is a three bay, two story design which is fairly common in Granville.  There are evenly spaced windows in the second story, and two windows and the entrance in the first story.  This plan provided a stair hall at one exterior wall and a well proportioned living area extending to the other exterior wall.

The lintels of the first floor openings are a cut stone with unusual shouldered outer corners, and the second story lintels are the common keystone cut at the outer corners.  The original entrance was probably a simple door opening, but the present entrance is furnished with a Tuscan style canopy which could date from the 1860's.  One of the most distinctive features of this property is the well preserved iron fence set on a free stone wall along the College Street front, and this is known to be the oldest iron fence in Granville.  (R‑16, R‑202, R‑203)

Children - Graves

+534.   Statira Graves, b. 3 April 1781, m(1) John Phelps, published 3 Oct. 1802, probably m(2) Joel Andrews, d. 25 Oct. 1855.

  535.   Hannah Graves, b. 31 July 1784, d. 25 May 1792.

+536.   Claudius L. Graves, b. 5 Sept. 1790, m. Secta Rose, 7 Nov. 1811, d. 4 May 1875.

+537.   Roswell Graves, b. 18 March 1794, m(1) Sarah Ridley, 18 Jan. 1818, m(2) Caroline (‑‑‑‑‑‑) Dexter, 23 Dec. 1860, d. aft. 6 Aug. 1870.

  538.   Gustavus Adolphus Graves, b. 14 Feb. 1799 (Granville, MA), d. 4 July 1813.


Seth Graves (278) was born in 1760 in Durham, CT, was baptized there 21 Sept. 1760, and died 8 March 1838.  He married Elizabeth Matthews and they were among the first settlers of Chazy, NY.  They went there on horseback in 1807, and located at a place called Saxe's Landing.  They found a large tree blown over and peeled bark for covering of a hut beside the tree.  Eventually they owned large tracts of land there, along with a hotel, a saw mill and a grist mill.  The grist mill was erected about 1800, on the east side of the Little Chazy River at the upper end of Chazy Village. Elizabeth died 5 May 1850 at age 82.  He was a soldier in the Revolutionary War in Capt. Camp's Company, Conn. Troops, from 29 April to 21 June 1777.  He was also in other companies.  He was on the U.S. Revolutionary War Pension rolls for Clinton Co., NY.  They lived in Chazy, NY.

At the first town meeting in 1804, Seth was chasen one of the two Overseers of the Poor, and one of three Pound-Keepers.  In 1807, five families moved three miles up from Chazy Landing (SaxeÕs Landing) to what became East Chazy, but for many years was called ÒThe Five NationsÓ.  Seth and his brother Eleazer were two of this group.  ÒOn the 19th of June, 1816 there was a heavy fall of snow, and sleighing was good from the Five Nations to the city.  Seth Graves came out with his big covered sleigh, drawn by four horses, and with Rev. Mr. Boynton, Deacon Wells, Deacon Ransom and others, proceeded to the city in grand style.  Reining up to the inn of Francis Chartonett, they remained a while and had a jovial time, a sort of holiday of relaxation.Ó  Seth was a resident of Chazy in 1818.  SethÕs son Salmon was miller after the death of his Uncle Ezra, and SalmonÕs brother Chauncey succeeded him.36  (R‑202, R‑203)

Children - Graves

+539.   Solomon Graves, m. Lucy Ransom, 3 June 1810.

  540.   Ora Graves

  541.   Betsey Graves, m. Ichabod Ransom (of Chazy, N.Y.), 17 Sept. 1809 (Chazy, N.Y.).  He was b. 10 March 1778, Shelburne Falls, Mass., d. 10 Sept. 1843, Plattsburg, N.Y.

  542.   Lois Graves, m. Ransom Beckwith (of Chazy, N.Y.).

  543.   Tirza Graves, m. Lyman Lewis.

  544.   Lucinda Graves, b. 2 April 1797, m. William Henry Brockway, 18 Nov. 1818, d. 23 Sept. 1874.  He was b. 10 Nov. 1796, d. 5 Feb. 1884, son of Daniel Brockway and Phebe Harrington.

  545.   Laura Graves, b. 1800, m. Alvin Hall, d. 3 Aug. 1889.  He was from Chazy, N.Y.

+546.   Chauncey Graves, b. 1802, m. Rowena Wells, d. 5 Jan. 1878.


Asher Graves (280) was born 20 Dec. 1765, probably at Granville, MA, and died 21 July 1828 at McGrawville, NY.  He married Elizabeth Spelman (or Spellman) on 30 Sept. 1788 in Granville, MA.  She was born 8 May 1769 in East Granville, MA, and died 21 Jan. 1849 in McGrawville, NY.  They moved from Chazy, N.Y. to McGrawville, Cortland Co., NY in 1813.  They were both buried in McGrawville Cem.45

Asher was living in Granville, MA in 1790 with his wife and daughter Charlotte (1894 census).  He was of Chazy, NY as early as 1795 when his son Elizur was born there.  In 1813, about the time of the evacuation of Chazy (because of the British military threat), Asher moved from Chazy to McGrawville, NY[40].  In April 1824, the Congregational Church in Homer, NY46 received Asher Graves and his wife from the church in Chazy, NY, and on Jan. 19, 1826, the Congregational Church of Homer, NY gave Asher and his wife a letter of dismissal to the Presbyterian Church in Cortland Village[41].  (R‑21, R‑202, R‑203)

Children - Graves

+547.   Charlotte Elizabeth Graves, b. 5 Dec. 1789, m. Hubbell Ransom, 28 March 1809, d. 31 Oct. 1844.

+548.   Asher Graves, b. 12 Nov. 1792, m. Achsa Webster, 16 Sept. 1819, d. 24 Dec. 1873.

+549.   Elizur Graves, b. 2 June 1795, m(1) Maria Wilbur, c. 1820, m(2) Rhoda Purdy, 1833, d. 27 March 1857.

+550.   Spellman Graves, b. 25 Aug. 1797, m(1) Laura King, m(2) Mary Lester (Leonard) Kinney, 1847, d. 2 Jan. 1853.

  551.   Betsey Graves, b. 16 June 1800, m. Dr. Hiram Brockway.  Living in McGrawville in 1833.

+552.   Philena Graves, b. 12 April 1802, m. Hiram McGraw, d. 13 May 1850.

+553.   Minerva Graves, b. 15 Aug. 1804, m. John McGraw, d. 11 Nov. 1882.

+554.   Lyman Graves, b. Dec. 1805, m. Elizabeth Purdy (?), d. Dec. 1878.


Enoch Graves (281) was born 13 Sept. 1766, probably in Granville, MA, died 16 (or 13[42]) April 1836 at Granville, OH, and was buried in Old Colony Burial Ground, Granville, OH.  He first married Rhoda Rose, daughter of Justus Rose and Deborah Barlow, on 5 Nov. 1789 in Granville, MA.  She was born 24 Aug. 1770 in Granville, MA, and died in 1802 in MA (death published 28 Nov. 1802 in Granville, MA).  He married second Mrs. Doritha Tibbals (widow) of Granville, MA on 28 Nov. 1802.  In 1805 they moved from Granville, MA to Granville, OH as part of the Timothy Rose party.  (EnochÕs first wife, Rhoda, was a sister of Timothy.)  He thirdly married Hanah ‑‑‑‑‑‑.  She died 8 June 1821 in Granville, OH.  He fourthly married Hannah ‑‑‑‑‑‑.  She died 8 June 1821 in Granville, OH[43],44.  He fourthly married Mindwell Everett in July 1822.  She was born 30 Jan. 1771 and died 24 July 1869.  She was the widow of Arunah Clark of Hartford, OH.

Enoch was of Champlain35, Clinton Co., NY, when his intention to wed Doritha Tibbals was published 28 Nov. 1802 at Granville, MA.  He and his brother Roswell were members of the Licking Company formed in Granville, MA in 1804 to purchase land in Ohio.  They were both pioneers of Granville, OH.  Enoch was chosen Petit Juror of Granville, OH in 1808[44].

The following letter was written by Austin Graves to his surviving family and was addressed to either his brother Alonzo or Enoch in Granville, OH, on the death of his father, Enoch.  It was folded in the shape of an envelope and sealed with red wax.  There was no stamp on the letter, but on the left corner a printing marked Middlebury, O. May 4.  In the right corner written in ink Ò12 1/2Ó.

                                                                    North Springfield, Portage Co., Ohio

                                                                                April 27th 1836

Dear Friends:


Your letters both came to hand on the 25 of this inst. bearing the heavy tidings of Death.  When I first saw they were both from Granville, the thought strick me, there was something the matter.  When I first read them I was about to exclaim Oh my father, would to God I had died for thee, but alas he is gone and what can I say but thanks be to God for the evidence he has left, of his Christian race.

I believe he has fought the good fight and kept the faith and now his troubles are at an end, of which he has been no stranger to.  He has braved the howling wilderness for his family.  He has buried children and bosom friends and I do not doubt but many a tear has stolen down his furrowed cheek for me.

Little did I think when I saw him last, that I should never see him again, but now he is gone, I feel myself bereaved of a parent and friend.  Oft shall death and sorrow reign ere we all do meet again, but in fancies wide domain, there shall we all meet again.

These words have often occurred to me this winter and now I can feel the truth of them indeed at heart.

But to you Alonzo,

I would say, you are the youngest of the family, but death spares not any, you are bereaved of a parent as well as myself, which perhaps you will miss more on the account of being with him.  But we must bear our loss together.  I hope and think you did not let him suffer, for anything you could do in his sickness.

To you Mother,

You have lost a companion and friend, but long hath the almond tree flourished with him, and those that look out of the windows.  He sleepeth and will till the great trump shall sound to wake the dead.

Twice have you now buried your bosom friend and your head is fast blossoming for the grave.  But you may outlive any of us.  May the kind hand of heaven support you under all your trials and guard and direct you.

To Rhoda,

You are the only surviving sister, and sooner or later we must part.

To Brother Strong,

I feel as if we ought all of us to be ready, for I think we ought all of us to take warning by this, that we might go when our Master calls in peace.

To sister Lucy,

When I first saw the letters, I thought of you being sick.  But I found it otherwise and you enjoy comfortable health.

We all of us enjoy comfortable health at prresent and we ought to be thankful for it.

To Enoch,

You are the oldest now of the family but we have not gone in succession by age, but our father is gone and we know not which of us go next.  Well do I remember of sitting on his parental knee but now we shall no more hear of his soothing voice.  But I trust his immortal part has winged its way through the trackless air to fairer world on high, where it now sings in sweet angelic strains.  He is gone and we must soon follow and if Jordons proud wave was stayed till he pass gently over, what could we ask more for him, but we must ask for ourselves and may God grant that we receive.

                                                        /s/ Austin Graves

P.S.  I have not seen Harman, perhaps for three or four weeks, but am looking for him almost every day.  If nothing prevents I think possible I may be down in the month of May


All the following children were born in Granville, MA, except for Alonzo who was born in Granville, OH.

(R‑39, R‑202, R‑203)

Children - Graves, by Rhoda Rose

  555.   Orpha Graves, b. 16 Feb. 1791, m. Joshua (or Joseph) Linnel, 1809, d. Sept. 1833 (Granville, OH).

  556.   Abi (or Abba or Abigail) Graves, b. 9 March 1793, m. Timothy Spellman, 1812, d. 12 Oct. 1818 (Granville, OH).

+557.   Enoch Graves, b. 6 Aug. 1795, m. Lucy Clark, 12 Dec. 1816, d. 1 Dec. 1842.

  558.   Rhoda Graves, b. 4 June 1797, m. Strong Clark, 1814 (Granville, OH), d. 1 Jan. 1843 (Hartford, OH).

+559.   Austin Graves, b. 7 July 1799, m. Cynthia Lavina Mead, 11 Dec. 1823, d. 23 Sept. 1846.

Children - Graves, by Doritha Tibbals

+560.   Frederick Harmon Graves, b. 2 Feb. 1804, m(1) ‑‑‑‑‑‑, m(2) Laura Emily Churchill, 15 Aug. 1832, d. 28 March 1878.

Children - Graves, by Hannah ‑‑‑‑‑‑

+561.   Alonzo Graves, b. 22 April 1813, m. Masina Shumway, 16 June 1840, d. 27 May 1866.


Eleazer Graves (279), Matthew Graves (282), and Chandler Graves (283) have not left enough information that has been found to know yet which of them had the son listed below.  (R‑202)

Children - Graves

+562.   David Graves, b. 5 Nov. 1785, m. Abigail Raynsford, 10 Sept. 1808, d. 12 March 1871.


Rufus Graves (284) was born about 1772, probably in Granville, MA, and died 13 Oct. 1827 at age 55 in McGrawville, Cortland Co., NY[45].  He married Polly Clark of Black River, NY in 1804 at Chazy, NY.  She died 4 Aug. 1835 at age 5345 (born about 1782).  He was Capt. of a Militia Co. in 1797 in Saratoga Co., NY.  He moved from Saratoga Co. to Chazy, NY, and then to McGrawville, NY in 1813 (at about the time of the evacuation of Chazy, because of the threat from the British).  On Jan. 19, 1826, the Congregational Church of Homer, NY gave Rufus and his wife a letter of dismissal to the Presbyterian Church of Cortland Village, NY (D.A.R. rec., v. 155, p. 76).  On March 1, 1833, the Presbyterian Church was organized at McGrawville, and Polly was present at the meeting which was held at the home of Lester Graves[46].  Their first four children were born at Chazy, NY, and the last three at McGrawville, NY.  (R‑202, R‑203)

Children - Graves

+563.   Austin Graves, b. 11 Feb. 1805, m. Sophronia Cowles, 24 Feb. 1827, d. 13 Feb. 1877.

+564.   Lester Graves, b. 26 May 1807, m(1) Olive Holton, m(2) Eunice (Dodge) Kellogg, 25 Oct. 1857, d. 26 Aug. 1887.

+565.   Calista Jane Graves, b. 20 Jan. 1810, m. Elisha Coburn, d. 1888.

+566.   Rufus Byington Graves, b. 16 March 1812, m. Sophia Greenman, 23 March 1835, d. 21 Feb. 1891.

+567.   Lucy Ann Graves, b. 20 Nov. 1815, m. Benjamin Greenman, d. 1871.

  568.   Mary Jane Graves, b. 1 Dec. 1818, m. Silas Crandall, d. March 1871.

  569.   Roswell Graves, b. 9 Dec. 1821, m. Polly Mather, d. March 1858 (McGrawville, NY).  Polly was a sister of Amelia Mather who married Walter Godfrey Graves, #1130.



Leah Bishop (288) was born 24 Nov. 1739 and died 13 June 1819.  She married Samuel Evarts of Guilford, Conn., son of Samuel Evarts and Ruth Dudley, on 30 March 1758.  He was born 9 April 1734 and died 16 March 1817.  (R‑24)

Children - Evarts

  570.   Luther Evarts, b. 17 Jan. 1759.

  571.   Martin Evarts, b. 18 Dec. 1760, m. Betsey Redfield.

  572.   Solomon Evarts, b. 4 Feb. 1763.

  573.   Augustus Evarts, b. 6 May 1765, m. Sarah Richardson.

  574.   Joel Evarts, b. 14 June 1768, d. 6 Dec. 1768.

  575.   Ruth Evarts, b. 12 Dec. 1769, never married, d. 13 June 1819.

  576.   Marcia Evarts, b. 22 May 1772, m. William Starr.

  577.   Joel Evarts, b. 6 April 1775, m. Delea Munger.

  578.   Linus Evarts, b. 10 Sept. 1777, m. Rebecca Wadsworth (widow).

  579.   Sarah Evarts, b. 1779, m. Amos Dudley.

  580.   Lucia Evarts, b. 15 Aug. 1783, m. Joseph Evarts.


Ebenezer Bishop (290) was born 10 April 1745, and died in 1811 in Georgia, Vt.  He married Deborah Stone of Guilford, Conn., daughter of Reuben Stone and Ann Evarts. She was born 21 Oct. 1748 at Guilford, Conn., and died in 1820 in Georgia, Vt.  They moved to Georgia, Vt.  (R‑24)

Children - Bishop

  581.   Sarah Bishop, b. 30 March 1772, m. Edmund Goodrich.

  582.   Harvey Bishop, b. 1774, d. 1790.

  583.   Rhoda Bishop, m. William Wright.

  584.   Luther Bishop, b. 13 July 1782, m. Abigail Grosvenor.

+585.   Deborah Bishop, b. 1785, m. John Laughlin, 14 Sept. 1806.


Sarah Bishop (291) was born 9 March 1748 and died 17 April 1825.  She married Caleb Benton of Guilford, Conn., son of Caleb Benton and Sarah Stone, on 29 Jan. 1767.  He was born 17 Aug. 1742 and died 25 Dec. 1831.  They moved to Amenia, Dutchess Co., N.Y.  (R‑24)

Children - Benton

  586.   Linus Benton, b. 20 March 1768, d. 11 Sept. 1778.

  587.   Joel Benton, b. 13 May 1772, m. Delia Sears.

  588.   Sarah Benton, b. 17 Sept. 1774, m. Stephen Reed.

  589.   Betsey Benton, b. 20 Jan. 1777, m. Amos Beecher.

  590.   Juliana Benton, b. 20 Dec. 1779, m. William Jermond.

  591.   Clarissa Benton, b. 9 June 1782, d. 3 Oct. 1793.

563    Parnel Benton, b. 4 Jan. 1785, m. Benjamin Jarvis.

  592.   William Alfred Benton, b. 30 Aug. 1788, m. Cythera Reed.



Ziba Stevens (297) was born 28 (or 14) April 1763 (or 1767) in Claremont, Sullivan Co., NH, and died 2 Jan. 1834 in Claremont.  He married Lydia Kirtland, daughter of Gideon Kirtland and Lydia Wilcox, on 26 May 1785.  She was born 13 Oct. 1764 and died 23 Nov. 1829.  (R‑36)

Children - Stevens

  593.   Ziba Stevens, b. 16 April 1786.

  594.   Cynthia Stevens, b. 5 Dec. 1787.

  595.   Sylvia Stevens, b. 10 Dec. 1789, d. 24 April 1790.

  596.   Eli Stevens, b. 20 July 1791, d. 30 May 1795.

  597.   Charles Stevens, b. 15 June 1793.

+598.   Ely Stevens, b. 13 Jan. 1796, m. Clarinda Fisher, d. 26 Dec. 1836.

  599.   Daniel Stevens, b. 6 Jan. 1799, d. June 1832.

  600.   Sylvia Stevens, b. 31 July 1804, d. 9 March 1840.

  601.   Henry Stevens, b. 31 Dec. 1806, m. Dorothy Cove, 15 Jan. 1827, d. 22 Nov. 1835.



Enos French (310) was born 12 May 1767 and died 9 May 1839.  He married Mehetable Payne on 20 March 1794.  She was born 17 Jan. 1778.  (R‑37)

Children - French

  602.   Elizabeth French, b. 9 June 1795, m. Ebon Curtis.

  603.   Edmond French, b. March 1797.

  604.   Mable French, b. 9 Nov. 1800, d. 12 April 1836.

  605.   Orinda French, b. Oct. 1802.

  606.   Lucinda French, b. 22 March 1805.

+607.   Marcus L. French, b. 15 June 1807, m. Louisa M. Storrs, 24 Aug. 1835, d. 12 Aug. 1877.

  608.   Fanny French, b. 10 Jan. 1811, d. 26 Oct. 1835.

  609.   Sabra French, b. 3 March 181-.

  610.   Mary French, b. 26 April 1817.

  611.   Kitty French, b. 17 May 1821.

  612.   Orson French, b. 1 April 1826.



Ruth Redfield (327) was born 28 Sept. 1756 and died 6 Nov. 1839, both in Clinton, CT.  She married Job Buell in Clinton.  He was born in Clinton, CT.  All their children were born in Killingworth, CT.  (R‑42)

Children - Buell

  613.   Jesse Buell, b. 20 Nov. 1799.

  614.   Charles I. Buell, b. 28 Sept. 1781.

  615.   Frances Buell, b. 9 May 1784.

  616.   Mary (ÒPollyÓ) Buell, b. 4 July 1786.

  617.   Artemisia Buell, b. 12 Nov. 1788.

  618.   Charles Buell, b. 14 July 1793.

  619.   William Buell, b. 20 March 1796.

  620.   Benjamin Buell, b. 17 April 1798.

  621.   Frederick Buell, b. 11 Feb. 1800.


Elizabeth Redfield (328) was born 22 May 1759 in Clinton, CT.  She married Martin Evarts, son of Samuel Evarts and Leah Bishop, on 2 Feb. 1791.  He was born in Athens, NY.  (R‑42)

Children - Evarts

  622.   William Henry Evarts, b. 6 Nov. 1791.

  623.   Elizabeth Evarts, b. 26 June 1793.

  624.   Daniel Redfield Evarts, b. 16 Nov. 1794.


Mary Redfield (329) was born 19 Jan. 1761 in Clinton, CT, and died 23 Aug. 1821.  She married Daniel Wilcox in 1779.  He died 3 Sept. 1802 in Clinton, CT.  (R‑42)

Children - Wilcox

  625.   Selah Wilcox, b. 23 Jan. 1780, m. Maria Williams, d. 5 Aug. 1842.  2 children.

  626.   Daniel Wilcox, b. 1 Jan. 1795, d. 1 Sept. 1821.

  627.   Mary Ann Wilcox, b. 18 Dec. 1797, m. Charles Stevens.  3 children.


Daniel Redfield (331) was born 4 Sept. 1764 in Clinton, CT.  He married ‑‑‑‑‑‑.  (R‑42)

Children - Redfield

  628.   Millicent Redfield

  629.   Harriet Redfield

  630.   Jerusha Redfield

  631.   Daniel Redfield


Ebenezer Redfield (332) was born 17 March 1767 in Clinton, CT.  He married Phebe ‑‑‑‑‑‑.  She died 10 Sept. 1832 at age 64.  (R‑42)

Children - Redfield

+632.   Elizabeth Redfield, b. 1791, m. John Farnham, d. 1857.

+633.   Lucy Redfield, b. 1793, m. Martin Griswold, 3 March 1822.

+634.   William Harvey Redfield, b. 1797, m. Elizabeth Elderkin, 1821.

  635.   Eben Redfield, b. 4 June 1801.

  636.   Phebe Redfield, b. 1807, never married, d. 10 Sept. 1832.



Martin Redfield (334) was born 10 Jan. 1756 in Clinton, CT, and died 30 April 1833 in Guilford, CT, at age 77.  He married Lydia Griffing on 26 Aug. 1778.  She was born in 1760 on Long Island, NY, and died 24 Aug. 1823 in Clinton, CT.  All their children were born in Clinton.  (R‑42)

Children - Redfield

  637.   Roswell Redfield, b. 3 Feb. 1780.

  638.   Nathaniel Redfield, b. 18 Jan. 1782.

  639.   Daniel Griffing Redfield, b. 20 June 1789.


James Post Redfield (335) was born 3 July 1760 in Clinton, CT, and died 27 Sept. 1829 in Pochaug (Westbrook), CT.  He married Chloe ‑‑‑‑‑‑ on 13 Feb. 1783.  She was born 17 April 1765 and died 5 Dec. 1799.  All their children were born in Westbrook, CT.  (R‑42)

Children - Redfield

  640.   Chloe Redfield, b. 7 Jan. 1781.

  641.   James Post Redfield, b. 18 Sept. 1786.

  642.   Alanson Redfield, b. 16 April 1789.

  643.   Horace Roswell Redfield, b. 1 Sept. 1793.

  644.   John Post Redfield, b. 10 Sept. 1795, never married, d. 1859 (Meriden, CT).


Roswell Redfield (336) was born 27 April 1762 and died 15 Feb. 1838, both in Clinton, CT.  He married Juliana Stevens on 20 March 1787 in Clinton.  She was born 2 Feb. 1763 in Killingworth, CT.  (R‑42)

Children - Redfield

  645.   Nancy Redfield, b. 2 March 1788.

  646.   Jennette Redfield, b. 14 July 1790.

  647.   Elias Redfield, b. 7 Nov. 1792.

  648.   Julia Redfield, b. 24 Feb. 1796.

  649.   Hiel Stevens Redfield, b. 22 Aug. 1798.

  650.   Jared Crane Redfield, b. 17 Feb. 1803.


Augustus Redfield (337) was born 3 Nov. 1764 and died 30 Aug. 1832, both in Clinton, CT.  He married Anna Grinnell.  She was born 26 March 1765, and died 4 July 1841 in Meriden, CT.  (R‑42)

Children - Redfield

  651.   Nancy Redfield, b. July 1784 or 1785, d. 1795.

  652.   George Redfield, b. 4 Oct. 1786.

  653.   Electa Redfield, b. 9 Aug. 1788.

  654.   Mehetabel Redfield, b. 11 April 1790.

  655.   Phebe Redfield, b. 3 March 1792.

  656.   Augustus Redfield, b. June 1794, d. Nov. 1795.

  657.   Nancy Redfield, b. Aug. 1796.

  658.   Susan Maria Redfield, b. Nov. 1800.

  659.   Mary Ann Redfield, b. 7 Nov. 1807.



John Redfield (338) was born 12 June 1759 in Guilford, CT, and died 3 Oct. 1795 in Port au Prince, Hispaniola.  He married Eunice Joyce, daughter of Joshua Joyce, on 13 Jan. 1780.  She was born in Middletown, CT, and died about 1848.  All their children were born in Guilford, CT.  (R‑42)

Children - Redfield

  660.   Eunice Redfield, b. 6 May 1781.

  661.   John Redfield, b.c. 1785.

  662.   Julia Redfield, b. 19 July 1789, never married, d.c. 1816.

  663.   Mary Redfield, b.c. 1792, never married, d.c. 1824.

  664.   Amanda Redfield, b. Feb. 1795, d. 3 Oct. 1795 (Guilford, CT).


Samuel Redfield (339) was born 12 Sept. 1762 in Guilford, CT, died in 1837 in Perrysburg, Cattaraugus Co., NY, and was buried in Dayton, NY.  He married Nancy Fairchild, daughter of Asher Silvanus Fairchild and Thankful Hubbard, on 26 May 1782 in Guilford, CT.  She was born 3 Aug. 1763 in Guilford, CT, and died 10 Jan. 1845 in Perrysburg, NY.  (R‑42)

Children - Redfield

+665.   Samuel Russell Redfield, b. 11 Dec. 1782, m. Sarah Gould, 14 Feb. 1803.

  666.   Mary Redfield, b. 4 Aug. 1784, m. Ebenezer Roberts, Feb. 1828.

  667.   Harvey Fairchild Redfield, b. 23 Sept. 1786 (Killingworth, CT), d. 7 July 1807.

+668.   Amanda Russell Redfield, b. 14 May 1789, m. Timothy MÕElwain Shaw, 7 Oct. 1812.

+669.   Nancy Redfield, b. 25 July 1791, m. Oliver Phelps, 4 Oct. 1812.

+670.   Bela Hubbard Redfield, b. 1 Oct. 1794, m. Frances Dewey, 26 Jan. 1824, d. after 1870.

+671.   Frederick Augustus Redfield, b. 23 June 1797, m. Abigail Blaisdell, 17 March 1818, d. 8 Jan. 1851.

  672.   Frances Redfield, b. 17 March 1800 (NY), d. 18 May 1822.

+673.   William Morgan Redfield, b. 22 Dec. 1802, m. Phebe Palmer, Jan. 1830.

+674.   Charles Seabury Redfield, b. 2 April 1806, m. Caroline Jane Pease, 31 Jan. 1833.


Juliana Redfield (340) was born 18 Aug. 1766 in Guilford, CT, and died 28 Dec. 1797 in NY.  She married Nathaniel Gibbs Ingraham.  All their children died before 1860.  (R‑42)

Children - Ingraham

  675.   Ezra LÕHommedieu Ingraham

  676.   Nathaniel Gibbs Ingraham, Jr.

  677.   Martha Ingraham, m. Alexander Phoenix.

  678.   Samuel Dana Ingraham

  679.   John Redfield Ingraham

  680.   David Gelston Ingraham

  681.   Benjamin Gale Ingraham

  682.   Frederick Redfield Ingraham


Jared Redfield (341) was born 1 Jan. 1771 in Guilford, CT, and died in Oxford, OH.  He married Sarah Chrittenden on 26 Jan. 1792 in CT.  She was born 13 Oct. 1775.  (R‑42)

Children - Redfield

  683.   Richard Redfield, b. 25 Sept. 1793, d. 21 Sept. 1794.

  684.   Sarah Redfield, b. 11 Nov. 1795.

  685.   Eliza Redfield, b. 18 July 1798, d. 13 Sept. 1808.

  686.   Amanda Redfield, b. 26 Nov. 1803, d. 26 Oct. 1804.

  687.   Elizabeth Redfield, b. 3 Sept. 1809.



Samuel Redfield (343) was born in 1766, died 15 March 1800, and was buried in Indian River Cem., all in Clinton, CT.  He married Martha Lane in 1786 in Clinton.  She was born 12 Jan. 1768 in Clinton, CT.  All their children were born in Clinton, CT.  (R‑42)

Children - Redfield

+688.   Elizabeth Redfield, m. Samuel Carter.

  689.   Grace Redfield, b. 1788, d. 17 March 1796 (Clinton, CT).

+690.   Isaac Redfield, b. 19 Sept. 1792, m(1) Amelia Wright, m(2) Elva Cabey.

+691.   David Redfield, b. 6 Dec. 1794, m. Chloe Kirtland, 30 Jan. 1821, d. 12 Nov. 1852.


Elizabeth Redfield (344) was born in Clinton, CT.  She married George Morgan, son of Theophilus Morgan and Phebe ‑‑‑‑‑‑, on 25 March 1788 in Clinton, CT.  He was born in Clinton, CT.  All their children were born in Clinton.  (R‑42)

Children - Morgan

  692.   Elias Morgan, b. 26 July 1789.

  693.   John Morgan, b. 3 Dec. 1791.

  694.   Charles Morgan, b. 21 April 1795.

  695.   Wealthy Ann Morgan, b. 6 Sept. 1798, never married.  Lived with her brother, Charles.


Phebe Redfield (345) was born 7 June 1771 and died 20 Nov. 1858, both in Clinton, CT.  She married David Dibbell, Jr., son of David Dibbell, on 11 April 1792 in Clinton, CT.  He was baptized in Clinton.  All their children were born in Clinton, CT, and all except Charles were living there in 1859.  (R‑42)

Children - Dibbell

  696.   Samuel Redfield Dibbell, b. 23 Dec. 179-.

  697.   Elizabeth Dibbell, b. 31 Aug. 1794, m. Levi Hull.

  698.   Charles Dibbell, b. 24 Sept. 1796, d. 25 April 1814.

  699.   Mary Dibbell, b. 3 Jan. 1798, m(1) Jared Carter, m(2) Charles Stevens.

  700.   David Dibbell, b. April 1801.



Lucy Redfield (348) was born 21 Jan. 1772 in Clinton, CT, and died 3 Oct. 1804.  She married Aaron Baldwin, son of Deacon Baldwin, in Clinton, CT.  He was baptized in Clinton.  (R‑42)

Children - Baldwin

  701.   Clarissa Baldwin

  702.   Aaron Baldwin, d. before 1859.

  703.   William Baldwin, d. before 1859.

  704.   Lucy Baldwin, living in NY in 1859.


Rebecca Redfield (349) was born 13 Feb. 1774 and died after 1860, both in Clinton, CT.  She married Abner Farnham, Jr., son of Abner Farnham and Elizabeth Wilcox, on 7 Oct. 1801 in Clinton, CT.  He died 10 March 1844 in Clinton.  All their children were born in Clinton, CT.  (R‑42)

Children - Farnham

  705.   George Wilcox Farnham, b. 30 June 1803, m. Caroline Thomson.  Living in NY in 1859.

  706.   Martha Farnham, b. 21 March 1807, m. Jedediah Chapman (of New Haven, CT).

  707.   John Redfield Farnham, b. 8 June 1810, m. Artemisia Chittenden, 8 Nov. 1837.

  708.   Mary Elizabeth Farnham, b. 9 Aug. 1813, m. Alfred Hull.

  709.   Charles Augustus Farnham, b. 21 July 1816, m. Margaret Aydelotte, d. 16 Dec. 1843 (Cincinnati, OH).


Sylvester Redfield (350) was born 18 Aug. 1776 in Clinton, CT, and died after 1859.  He married Sarah Paddock of Catskill, NY.  (R‑42)

Children - Redfield

  710.   Nathan Redfield, never married, d. before 1860.

  711.   George Redfield

  712.   Robert Redfield


Wealthy Redfield (353) was born 16 Feb. 1789 in Clinton, CT, and died after 1859.  She married Leet Hurd on 21 Feb. 1810.  He was a brother of James Harvey Hurd who married WealthyÕs sister Martha, and son of Caleb Hull Hurd and Mary Griswold.  (R‑42)

Children - Hurd

  713.   George L. Hurd, b. 26 Nov. 1813, m. Julia Buell, 4 May 1847.

  714.   Andrew J. Hurd, b. 31 Jan. 1816.

  715.   Mary G. Hurd, b. 27 Oct. 1819.

  716.   Wealthy A. Hurd, b. 8 April 1823.

  717.   Rebecca Hurd, b. 8 Feb. 1826.

  718.   Elizabeth Hurd, b. before 1831, d. 7 Aug. 1831.


Martha Redfield (354) was born 14 Oct. 1794 in Clinton, CT.  She married James Harvey Hurd, son of Caleb Hull Hurd and Mary Griswold, on 1 Oct. 1815.  (R‑42)

Children - Hurd

  719.   Samuel Giles Hurd, b. 1 Jan. 1817, d. 5 Sept. 1842.

  720.   Harriet Amelia Hurd, b. 1 Aug. 1818, d. 22 Feb. 1845.

  721.   Beckwith Denison Hurd, b. 29 Jan. 1820, m. Orril Ann Holmes, 26 July 1845, d. 25 April 1849.

  722.   Caroline Celia Hurd, b. 3 Sept. 1822, d. Oct. 1842.

  723.   Ann Adelia Hurd, b. 7 March 1826, d. 8 Sept. 1834.

  724.   Clementine Pamelia Hurd, b. 19 Oct. 1829, m. Jesse Givens, 13 Sept. 1849, d. 27 Feb. 1851.

  725.   Laura Eliza Hurd, b. 30 May 1832, m. Benjamin Griswold, 2 Nov. 1854.


Catherine Redfield (355) was born 9 Oct. 1796 in Clinton, CT, and died after 1859.  She married Marvin Williams.  (R‑42)

Children - Williams

  726.   Sylvester Williams

  727.   Daniel Williams


Phebe Ann Redfield (356) was born 22 Dec. 1808 in Clinton, CT.  She married Edward Griswold in 1827 in Clinton, CT.  (R‑42)

Children - Griswold

  728.   Clarissa H. Griswold, b. 1828.

  729.   Levi E. Griswold, b. 1832.

  730.   Eliza A. Griswold, b. 1837.



Luman Graves (358) was born 1 Jan. 1760 in Guilford, CT[47].  His name is usually spelled Louman in the town records of Georgia, VT.  He served in the Rev. War in Capt. Henry's Guilford Co., March and April 1776, and in Capt. Vail's Guilford Co.  He served three years in Capt. Painter's Co. of a Regt. of Artificers in the Rev. War.  He married Abigail Todd, daughter of Timothy Todd and Abigail Crane.  (According to R‑212, they married in 1791, but that doesn't agree with the birthdates of the children.)  She was born 26 July 1760 and died 19 Feb. 1810.  They lived in Georgia, VT.  Their first 3 children were born at Guilford, CT, and the last 5 were born at Georgia, VT.  (R‑202)

Children - Graves

  731.   Julius Graves, b. 23 March 1786, d. 1 April 1806 (Georgia, Vt.).

  732.   William Henry Graves, b. 5 Nov. 1788.

  733.   Amelia Graves, b. 22 Sept. 1790.

  734.   Abigail Graves, b. 15 Oct. 1793.

  735.   Samuel Graves, b. 14 July 1796.

  736.   Chauncey Dana Graves, b. 10 Aug. 1798.

  737.   Matilda Graves, b. 25 April 1800.

  738.   Mary C. Graves, b. 27 July 1803.


Ezra Graves (359) was born 28 April 1762 and died 17 Aug. 1822.  He was a soldier in the Rev. War in Capt. Vail's Co., Guilford, Conn., 8 months and 20 days in 1781.  He married Abigail Scranton, daughter of Josiah Scranton and Abigail Batchley.  She was born 8 July 1765 and died 27 Oct. 1801.  They lived in East Guilford, Conn.  (R‑202)

Children - Graves

  739.   Sophronia Graves, b. 1 June 1789, d. 2 Dec. 1789.

  740.   Fordyce Graves, b. 20 June 1791, d. 1 July 1812.

  741.   Huldah Morrison Graves, b. 8 July 1799, d. 24 Nov. 1819.


Mary Graves (362) was born 20 Aug. 1769 and died 1 March 1817.  She married Samuel Parmelee, son of Samuel Parmelee and Leah Bishop, on 23 Jan. 1793.  He was born 6 March 1770 and died 20 Aug. 1843.  (R‑202)

Children - Parmelee

  742.   Sarah Bishop Parmelee, b. 24 Oct. 1804, m. Frederick Augustus Graves.  See #783 for descendants.


Adah Graves (363) was born 13 Aug. 1770 (or 24 Sept. 1771) in Guilford, CT, and died 22 Oct. 1842 in Georgia, Franklin Co., VT.  She married Abel (or Abble) Blair, son of Absalom Blair and Martha Young, on 5 Dec. 1796 in the Congregational Church in Georgia, VT.  He was born 25 Dec. 1771 in Williamstown, Berkshire Co., MA, and died 17 July 1832 in Georgia, VT.  They were both buried in the Georgia Plains Cem.

[There is a record for the marriage of Adah Graves to Millon (?) Flowers on 3 Oct. 1827 in Pawlet, VT, by Oliver Hanks, J.P.  She is shown as living in Rupert, VT.  This is apparently not the same Adah, since the marriage date is prior to the death of Abel Blair, and the wills of Abel Blair and Adah (Graves) Blair strongly indicate that she married only once.  Abel left his entire estate to his wife Adah Graves Blair in his will.  AdahÕs will in Georgia, VT shows her name as Adah Blair.  Women did not keep their maiden name after marraige nor revert to it after divorce or widowhood.]

Abel Blair was one of four children (William, Young, Abel, and Dolly) who left Williamstown, MA for VT.  William settled in Shelburn, VT, and Young and Dolly settled in Georgia and married there.  Abel was one of the first doctors in Georgia, VT.  He was the first postmaster in town and was town clerk from 1809 to 1819.

The first two children of Adah and Abel were born in Williamstown, MA, and the others were born in Georgia, VT.  (R‑35)

Children - Blair

  743.   Anna Blair, b. 14 Nov. 1797.

+744.   Horace Porter Blair, b. 16 Nov. 1798, m(1) Lucia J. ‑‑‑‑‑‑, 1826, m(2) Mary Esther Allen, m(3) Susan Colton, d. 14 July 1873.

+745.   Amanda Blair, b. 22 April 1800, m. Thomas Northrup.

  746.   Luther Graves Blair, b. 24 Aug. 1801.

  747.   Abel Willard Blair, b. 20 Oct. 1804, never married, d. 23 Sept. 1862.  He lived in the family home until his death.

  748.   Fidelia Blair, b. 18 June 1807, d. 15 July 1808.

  749.   Erastus Franklin Blair, b. 29 Oct. 1809.

+750.   Augustus Harrison Blair, b. 29 June 1813, m. Catherine M. ‑‑‑‑‑‑.


Justus Graves (364) was born 9 Oct. 1773.  He first married Betsey Fowler, daughter of William Fowler and Olive Coan, on 25 Nov. 1801.  She was born 26 Sept. 1778 at Guilford, Conn., and died 17 Oct. 1822.  He married second Mrs. Temperance Harris on 19 April 1824.  They moved to Ohio, and he died at the home of his son Frederick at Milan, Ohio.  (R‑202)

Children - Graves, by Betsey Fowler

  751.   Hannah Graves

+752.   Albert Gallatin Graves, b. 8 March 1803, m. Deborah Meigs Crampton, 15 May 1828, d. 15 Aug. 1856.

  753.   Adelia Graves, m. ‑‑‑‑‑‑ Martin, (Milan, Ohio).

  754.   Phebe Ann Graves, b. 10 Oct. 1815, m. Noah H. Tindall, 25 Sept. 1836.  Lived in Pennington, N.J.

+755.   Frederick William Graves, b. 25 March 1813, m. Mercy Leland, 14 March 1835, d. 2 April 1896.

  756.   Betsey Amelia Graves, m. James M. Fowler.

  757.   Harriet Louisa Graves, m. in Ohio.

+758.   Claudius L. Graves, b. 1807, m(1) Mary Ann Clark, 6 Jan. 1830, m(2) Catherine DeMedicies, d. 1863.



Gilbert Graves (366) was born 21 Sept. 1758 and died 22 July 1840.  He lived in Guilford and Killingworth, Conn. He was a soldier in the Rev. War in Capt. Hand's Co. from Guilford in March and April 1776, and in 4th Regt., Conn. Line, 1 Feb. to 31 Dec. 1781.  He married Eliza (or Elizabeth) Kelsey of Killingworth on 29 Oct. 1784.  She was born 1762 and died 23 Oct. 1851.  (R‑202)

Children - Graves

  759.   Sally Graves, b. Sept. 1785, d. 5 May 1858.

  760.   Hannah Graves, b. 1787, m. Oliver Gleason.  Lived in N.Y. City.

  761.   Roxana Graves, m. William Woodford (of Ohio).

  762.   Eli Graves

  763.   Betsey Graves, b. 16 Jan. 1798, m. Amos Hall (of Guilford, Conn.), 13 May 1819, d. 30 Aug. 1867.  He was b. 18 Jan. 1795 and d. 11 June 1847.

  764.   Polly Graves, b. March 1801, m. Abram Griswold (of Madison, Conn.).

  765.   Alethe Graves, m. ‑‑‑‑‑‑ Gaines.

+766.   William Graves, b. 1808, m. Emily Dickinson, 27 Feb. 1833, d. 31 Jan. 1886.


Milton Graves (367) was born 28 Oct. 1761 in East Guilford, Conn. (VR), and died 6 May 1816.  He was in Capt. Vail's Guilford Co. in the Rev. War.  He first married Lucy Buell of Killingworth, Conn.  She was born 1762 and died 30 March 1806.  He married second Sarah Comstock of Essex, Conn.  (R‑202)

Children - Graves, by Lucy Buell

  767.   Augustus Graves, b. 6 Dec. 1792, m. Wealthy Gladding, d. Aug. 1837.

  768.   Frederick Graves, b. 4 July 1794, d. 6 Jan. 1808.

  769.   Clarissa Graves, b. 27 Aug. 1799, m. Morris A. Little, d. 23 May 1863.

Children - Graves, by Sarah Comstock

  770.   Freelove Graves, b. 1809.

+771.   Ebenezer M. Graves, b. 1811, m. Mary C. Beers, d. 2 Oct. 1898.



Edmund Graves (371) was born 30 Oct. 1765 in Guilford, CT, and died 15 June 1827 in Sunderland, VT.  He married Beulah Hill of East Guilford, CT, daughter of Abner Hill (1830-1801) and Sarah Bevins[48] (1854/1-1804), on 30 March 1791 in Sunderland, VT.  She was born 18 Sept. 1773 in Guilford, CT, and died 31 July 1841 in Sunderland.  He was an Ensign in the Vermont Militia in 1793, and is listed in the 1790 census as "Edmond" Graves in Sunderland.  They lived in Sunderland, VT.  (R‑31, R‑202)

Children - Graves

+772.   James Anson Graves, b. 13 May 1793, m. Hermione Hitchcock, 20 June 1820, d. 2 Feb. 1841.

  773.   Sarah ("Sady") Graves, b. 11 April 1795, never married, d. 30 May 1844.  Bur. Union Church Cem., Sunderland, VT.

+774.   Edmund Augustus Graves, b. 31 March 1800, d. 12 Aug. 1801 (aged 1 yr, 4 mos., 12 days, Sunderland, VT, Union Church Cem.).

  775.   Edmund Augustus Graves, b. 3 June 1802, m. Jane Landon, 2 Oct. 1834, d. 26 March 1884.

  776.   Lyman Graves, b. 21 June 1805, d. 27 July 1805.

  777.   Orasmus Hill Graves, b. 4 Sept. 1808, d. 28 Dec. 1812 (aged 4 yrs., 3 mos., 20 days, Sunderland, VT, Union Church Cem.).

  778.   Beulah Marie (or Maria) Graves, b. 14 Sept. 1814, m. John Landon, 21 May 1839.


Ambrose Graves (372) was born 1767 and died 6 May 1843, both in Guilford, Conn.  He married Nancy Hopson, daughter of Ebenezer Hopson and Mary Davis, on 3 Jan. 1789.  She was born 29 Sept. 1770 and died 6 Nov. 1856.  (R‑202)

Children - Graves

  779.   Betsey Graves, b. 23 Jan. 1790, m(1) William Parmelee (who was lost at sea), July 1809, m(2) Charles Butler, 2 July 1813, d. 10 Oct. 1865.

+780.   Richard Graves, b. 20 June 1792, m. Esther Bills, d. May 1848.

  781.   Harry Graves, b. Jan. 1795, d. Aug. 1829 (at sea).

  782.   William Graves, b. May 1800, d. 12 Dec. 1843.

+783.   Frederick Augustus Graves, b. 25 June 1802, m. Sarah A. Parmelee, 20 Nov. 1830, d. 15 June 1878.

+784.   George Ambrose Graves, b. 5 April 1804, m. Elizabeth Jacobs, 31 March 1831, d. 26 Dec. 1849.

  785.   Mary Ann Graves, b. 15 Nov. 1809, m(1) John R. Leete, m(2) William Blatchley, 9 May 1841.  Her first husband died 8 Dec. 1834.



Corine (or Carine) Graves (381) was born 9 Nov. 1764 in Wallingford, and died 29 Aug. 1827 in Madison, both in New Haven Co., CT.  She married Josiah Coan, son of John Coan and Mabel Crittenden, on 17 May 1786 in Madison, CT.  He was born 20 Nov. 1760 in Guilford, and died 2 Feb. 1836 in Madison, both in New Haven Co., CT.  All their children were born in Madison, CT.  (R‑62)

Children - Coan

+786.   Josiah Coan, b. 3 Aug. 1786, m. Susan Fowler, 1813, d. 28 June 1874.

  787.   William Coan, b. 21 Dec. 1790, d. 12 June 1867.

  788.   Elisha Coan, b. 19 Aug. 1794, d. 1848.

  789.   Catherine Coan, b. 26 Nov. 1796, d. 11 Feb. 1817 (Guilford, New Haven Co., CT).

  790.   Peter Coan, b. 11 Sept. 1799, d. 1836 (North Madison, New Haven Co., CT).

  791.   Daniel Coan, b. 2 Nov. 1801, d. 3 July 1802 (Madison, New Haven Co., CT).

  792.   Rachel Coan, b. 27 Sept. 1805.

  793.   Hannah Coan, b. 8 June 1809.


Daniel Graves (382) was born 21 Dec. 1766 and died 1835. He married Stucie Griswold.  He moved from Guilford, Conn. to New York State between 1790 and 1795 with his brother Abraham and sister Sarah Collins.  Abraham and Sarah settled in the town of Lisle, Broome Co. and in the town of Sanford, and lived on the banks of the Susquehanna River about 4 miles above Binghamton, N.Y.  (R‑202)

Children - Graves

+794.   Abram Graves, b. 1795, m. Elizabeth Miller, 1818, d. 3 Jan. 1858.

  795.   Daniel Graves, married and settled in Rochester, N.Y.  Had two children, Vincent and Amanda.

+796.   William Graves, m(1) Asenath Sneden, m(2) Sarah Maria Bostwick, d. 1850.

  797.   Polly Graves, m. ‑‑‑‑‑‑ Ervin.

+798.   Clinton Graves, married.

  799.   Elizabeth Graves, m. Hiram Bessie, c. 1821, d. 1842.

+800.   Hiram Graves, b. 1809, m. Phebe Sneden, d. 5 April 1865.


Sarah Graves (383) was born 22 Feb. 1770, probably in Guilford, CT, and died 14 June 1835 in Barker, Broome Co., NY.  She lived in Guilford.  She married William Collins of Lanesborough, MA, son of Daniel Collins and Sarah Lyman, on 1 June 1795[49].  He died 16 June 1820 in Barker, NY, aged 52 years.  William was not shown in the 1790 census, but he apparently was included in the family of Daniel Collins of Lanesborough, who was listed with 2 males over 16 and 3 under 16.  The first child of Sarah and William was born in MA, and the others in NY.  (R‑32)

Children - Collins

+801.   Graves Collins, b. 19 Dec. 1796, m. Polly Secor, d. 5 March 1864.

  802.   Sally Collins, b. 1798; living in 1864.

  803.   William Collins, b. 1803; living in 1864.

  804.   Daniel Collins, b. 1806.

  805.   Laura Collins, b. 1811; living in 1864.


Abraham Graves (384) was born 14 Dec. 1773 and died 8 June 1853.  He married Lydia Lindley.  They moved from Guilford, Conn. to Lisle, Broome Co., N.Y.  (R‑202)

Children - Graves

+806.   Edward Graves, b. 27 Nov. 1803, m. Susan Rose, 10 Oct. 1826, d. 19 Aug. 1881.

  807.   Monson Graves, b. 23 Oct. 1805, d.c. 1887 (age 82).

  808.   Abraham Graves, Jr., b. 6 March 1808, never married, d. 1841.

+809.   John Graves, b. 24 Nov. 1810, m. Maria Catherine Upright, 23 Feb. 1834, d. 12 Sept. 1900.

  810.   Catherine Graves, b. 13 Jan. 1813, married.

  811.   Mary Elizabeth Graves, b. 27 March 1815, m. Alanson B. Chatfield.

  812.   Lucy Ann Graves, b. 10 July 1817, married.



John Graves (387) was born 10 Dec. 1775 at North Guilford, Conn., and died 24 June 1846.  He married Jerusha Rossiter, daughter of William Rossiter and Submit Chittenden, on 7 May 1797.  She was born 8 Sept. 1773 and died 24 Feb. 1843.  (R‑202)

Children - Graves

  813.   Minerva Graves, b. 1799, d. 23 Dec. 1820.

  814.   Rufus Graves, b. 1801, d. 22 Jan. 1821.

  815.   Benjamin R. Graves, b. 1805, d. 28 May 1844.

  816.   Freelove Graves, b. 1811, d. 26 Dec. 1829.

  817.   Submit Graves, b. 27 Jan. 1819, m. ‑‑‑‑‑‑ Tucker.



Sarah Graves (394) was born 12 Dec. 1773 in Middletown, Conn., and died 29 March 1850 in Cromwell, Conn.  She married Elijah Addis on 28 April 1801.  He was born in 1770 in Middletown, Conn., and died there.  (R‑10)

Children - Addis

+818.   Austin Heroic Addis, b. 22 Dec. 1808, m. Lucy Ann Phillips, 13 May 1832, d. 31 March 1853.


Rev. Josiah Graves (395) was born 27 Sept. 1775 and died 24 July 1825, both at Middletown, Conn.  He was the founder and pastor of the first "Free Will Baptist Church" in Conn.  He was later pastor of the church of the same denomination in Providence, R.I.  He married Lucy Merriman.  She died 19 April 1864.  At least the first four children listed below were born at Middletown. (R‑202)

Children - Graves

+819.   Josiah Merriman Graves, m(1) Mary Bailey, 20 May 1832, m(2) Mary A. Stiles, 9 May 1837.

+820.   Joshua Bradley Graves, b. 1812, m. Eliza Rosekraus, 14 Sept. 1834, d. 1 June 1872.

+821.   Henry H. Graves, b. 1813, m. Emma E. Forbes, 12 July 1837, d. 22 July 1887.

  822.   Sarah Graves, m. George Earle (of Middletown, CT).

  823.   Loly M. Graves, d. 8 Oct. 1825.

  824.   Roxy Graves, d. 25 Aug. 1825.


Margaret Graves (396) was born 8 July 1777 and died 24 April 1834, both in Middletown, Conn.  She married Amos Doolittle, son of Abisha Doolittle and Sibyl Eglestone, on 23 Sept. 1798 in Middletown.  He was born 31 March 1776 and died 5 Feb. 1858, both in Middletown.  They were both buried in Miner Cem., Middletown, Conn.  (R‑2)

Children - Doolittle

+825.   Abisha Doolittle, b. 1 May 1801, m. Mary Kelsey, 20 Oct. 1824, d. 29 April 1886.


Deacon Joseph Graves (397) was born 29 July 1779 at Middletown, Conn., and died there 24 Feb. 1855.  He was a farmer.  He married Anna Tyler in 1805 at Old Haddam, Conn.  She died 1 April 1867 at 90 years, 8 months of age.  They lived in Middletown.  (R‑202)

Children - Graves

  826.   Anna Graves, b. 12 Aug. 1806, m. Elijah Hubbard, 3 Nov. 1822.

+827.   Joseph Graves, b. 9 Dec. 1808, m. Louisa Ann Rood, 16 Oct. 1833, d. 28 Nov. 1852.

+828.   Patrick Marshall Graves, b. 2 Oct. 1815, m. Julia B. Higby, 10 May 1846, d. 18 Oct. 1860.



Josiah Beckley (407) was born 1 May 1768 in Wethersfield, CT, and died 12 Oct. 1861 in Weathersfield, VT.  He married Mary (ÒMollyÓ) Norton in 1787.  She was born 29 Dec. 1767 in Whitehall, NY, and died 29 Nov. 1838 in Weathersfield, VT.  All their children were born in Weathersfield, VT.  (R‑30)

Children - Beckley

  829.   Chester Beckley, b. 24 March 1788, m. Eunice Field.

  830.   Josiah Beckley, b. 19 Oct. 1789, m(1) Lucretia Nichols, m(2) Lydia Bird, m(3) Minerva Bird.

  831.   Lovina Beckley, b. 6 Sept. 1791, d. 30 Sept. 1799.

  832.   Sarah Beckley, b. 22 March 1794, m. Cleaveland Redfield.

+833.   Cyrus Beckley, b. 7 March 1796, m(1) Lucinda (Salmon?) Fifield, 21 April 1828, m(2) Lucretia Davis, 16 Nov. 1834, d. 28 Feb. 1866.

  834.   Asel Beckley, b. 7 Oct. 1797, d. 15 Aug. 1814.

  835.   Olive Beckley, b. 11 Nov. 1799, b. 11 Nov. 1799, m. Sumner Hicks.

  836.   Martha Beckley, b. 24 Nov. 1801-2, m. Emery Gale.

  837.   Dorcas Beckley, b. 26 Oct. 1803, m. John D. Abbott.

  838.   Rev.) Guy Beckley, b. 25 Dec. 1805, m(1) Caroline Walker, m(2) Phylia Baker.

  839.   Luke Beckley, b. 18 April 1808, m. Emily Taylor.

  840.   daughter, b. 4 Dec. 1810, d. 1 March 1811.

  841.   son, b. 7 March 1812, d. 4 July 1812.

  842.   Nancy Beckley, b. 18 June 1814, m. Sabin Felch.



Silas Hale (410) was born 27 July 1737 and died 14 Oct. 1802.  He married Hannah Parsons, daughter of Moses Parsons and Hannah Stebbins, on 29 Jan. 1761 in Enfield, CT.  She was born 21 Aug. 1739 and died 29 April 1836, both in Enfield, CT.  (R‑22, R‑206, R‑213)

Children - Hale

+843.   John Hale, b. 12 May 1763, m. Eunice Colton, 15 Nov. 1792, d. 14 Sept. 1837.

  844.   Hannah Hale, b. 22 Jan. 1766, m. Benjamin Baxter, 22 Jan. 1794.

  845.   Flavia Hale, b. 23 Dec. 1767, m. Asahel Colton, d. 13 Oct. 1840.

  846.   Celia Hale, b. 13 Dec. 1768.

  847.   Lucina Hale, b. 20 Aug. 1770.

  848.   Ruby Hale, b. 12 Jan. 1773, m. John Webber, 26 Feb. 1801.

  849.   Abigail Hale, b. 30 Aug. 1774, d. 8 Aug. 1776.

  850.   Experience Hale, b. 29 June 1776, d. 1 Nov. 1776.

  851.   Silas Hale, b. 10 May 1778.


Abner Hale (411) was born 26 April 1740 and died 30 March 1803.  He married Martha Burt, daughter of David Burt and Sarah ‑‑‑‑‑‑, on 7 May 1767.  She died 16 Dec. 1834 at age 94.  (R‑213)

Children - Hale

  852.   Elam Hale, b. 30 July 1769.

  853.   Amy Hale, b. 4 Aug. 1772, d. 2 Nov. 1838.

  854.   Abner Hale, b. 7 May 1776, d. 19 Sept. 1777.

  855.   Abner Hale, b. 10 May 1778.

  856.   David Hale, b. 21 Oct. 1780.

  857.   Martha Hale, b. 11 April 1782.

  858.   Chauncy Hale, b. 26 Dec. 1785.


Thomas Hale (413) was born 27 July 1744, and died 29 March 1819 in Longmeadow, MA.  He first married Ann Stebbins, daughter of Jonathan Stebbins and Margaret Bliss, on 3 Feb. 1774.  She died 17 April 1787.  Thomas married second Annis (or Annas) Parsons, daughter of Moses Parsons and Hannah Stebbins of Enfield, CT, on 7 Feb. 1788.  She died 16 Nov. 1823.  (R‑213)

Children - Hale, by Ann Stebbins

  859.   Anne Hale, b. 22 Nov. 1777, m. Amos Parker, 2 Oct. 1805.

  860.   Abigail Hale, b. 29 April 1781, m. Isaac Corkins, 18 Oct. 1801.

  861.   Lydia Hale, b. Aug. 1785, m. Henry Avery (of Stafford, CT), 31 Jan. 1811.



Henry Chandler (423) was born 20 Feb. 1756 in Enfield, Hartford Co., CT, and died 21 July 1825 in Bainbridge, Chenango Co., NY.  He married Penelope Terry, daughter of Selah Terry and Michal Terry.  She was born 24 Jan. 1769 in Enfield, CT, and died 25 March 1841 in Bainbridge, NY.  They were buried in Bixby Cem., Bainbridge, NY.  (R‑61)

Children - Chandler

  862.   Penelope Chandler, b. 21 Dec. 1783.

  863.   Sophia Chandler, b. 7 Oct. 1786 (Enfield, CT).

+864.   Abigail Chandler, b. Jan. 1788, m. Calvin Niles, c. 1808, d. Feb. 1843.

  865.   Michael Chandler, b. 10 Feb. 1790.

  866.   Son, b. May 1792, d. 1792.

  867.   Henry Chandler, b. 23 Sept. 1793.

  868.   Selah Terry Chandler, b. 11 Dec. 1795 (Brattleboro, Windham Co., VT).

  869.   Rufus L. Chandler, b. 11 April 1798.

  870.   David Chandler, b. 16 March 1800.

  871.   Lockwood Chandler, b. 11 March 1802, m. Mary Ann ‑‑‑‑‑‑, d. 1870.  Both bur. Greenlawn Cem. (Bainbridge, NY).

  872.   Lois Chandler, b. 22 Aug. 1804.



Elizabeth Hale (426) was born 19 Aug. 1753 in Enfield, Hartford Co., CT.  She married a Chapin, probably Ephraim Chapin, son of David Chapin and Thankful Prior.  He was born 22 Aug. 1759 in Enfield.  (R‑11, R‑206)

Children - Chapin

  873.   Ephraim Chapin, b. 10 Feb. 1774 (Enfield, Conn.).


John Hale (427) was born 4 April 1755 in Enfield, Conn., and died there 25 Oct. 1815, aged 60 (gravestone).  He married Clara Terry, daughter of Selah Terry and Michal Terry, on 13 Feb. 1776 in Enfield.  She was born 26 Jan. 1756 and died 23 May 1830, both in Enfield.

He responded with an Enfield company to the Lexington Alarm, 1775, and was in service 15 days.

He was listed in the 1790 census for Enfield with four boys under 16 and three females.

Lemuel Kingsbury and Clara Hale of Enfield were granted administration, 6 Nov. 1815, on the estate of John Hale of Enfield, and gave bond with Luther Hale of Simsbury.  Inventory: $2,251.03.  Distribution was made, 2 May 1817, consideration being given to what the heirs had previously received: to son, Chancey Hale, $130.00; to son, Luther Hale, $120.00; to son, Calvin Hale, $120.00; to son, John Hale, $1,075.00; to daughter, Ruth Rowley, $55.00; to daughter, Clarissa Chandler, $35.00; to daughter, Michal Brainard, $60.00; to Zenas Hale, $120.00; dower of the widow, Clara Hale, $528.00.

All their children were born in Enfield, Conn.  (R‑11, R‑206)

Children - Hale

  874.   John Hale, b. 7 Aug. 1778, bapt. 3 Aug. 1783.  On 11 Feb. 1818, being of Victor, Ontario Co., N.Y., he conveyed to Chauncey Hale of Enfield.

+875.   Zenas Hale, b. 7 July 1780, m. Mary Hancock, 8 April 1802, d. 16 June 1849.

+876.   Luther Hale, b. 17 May 1782, m. Harriet Marsh, 1807, d. 13 June 1864.

  877.   Clarice (or Clarissa) Hale, b. 25 March 1784, m. Daniel Chandler, 11 Aug. 1803 (Enfield, Conn.), d. 11 March 1843 (Eaton, Canada East).  11 children.

  878.   Michal Terry Hale, b. 27 Sept. 1786, m. ‑‑‑‑‑‑ Brainard.

+879.   Calvin Hale, b. 19 Feb. 1790, m. Anna Case, d. May 1870.

  880.   Chauncey Hale, b. 10 Nov. 1792, d. 18 March 1793.

  881.   Ruth Hale, b. 8 June 1794, m. Job Rowley, Jr., 26 March 1815 (Enfield, Conn.), d. 1886 (gravestone, Hartford, Conn.).

  882.   Chauncey Hale, bapt. 25 June 1797, m. Sophia C. ‑‑‑‑‑‑, d. 29 March 1830 (Enfield, Conn., age 33 on gravestone).  She m(2) as Mrs. Sophia P. Hale to James Sackett of Westfield, Mass. on 31 Dec. 1834 in Enfield.


Eli Hale (428) was born 25 Oct. 1756 and died 23 Aug. 1808, both in Enfield, Conn.  He married Eleanor (probably Killam).  She was born 1 May 1755 and died 4 Feb. 1840, both in Enfield, probably the daughter of Lot Killam and Jemima Pease.

Eli served under Capt. John Simons of Enfield in the 7th Co., Col. Wolcott's Regt., 1776.  In the 1790 census, Eli is listed at Enfield, with a boy under 16 years and two females.

His will, dated 13 June 1808, proved 20 Sept. 1808, gave dower to wife Eleanor; the farm, stock and utensils to only son, Eli Hale; 40 pounds to daughter, Eleanor King; and 40 pounds apiece to daughters Betsa Hale and Jemima Hale at marriage or when of age; wife and son executors.  Witnesses: Sarah Meacham, Sally Meacham, Jr., and John Reynolds.  Eli and Eleanor Hale gave bond, with Levi Meacham.

All their children were born in Enfield, Conn.  (R‑11, R‑206)

Children - Hale

  883.   Eleanor Hale, b. 27 June 1780, m. Nahum King, Jr., 20 June 1799 (Enfield, Conn.), d. 6 Sept. 1851.  Six children.

  884.   Eli Hale, b. 15 May 1784, d. 25 Sept. 1845.

  885.   Elizabeth Hale, b. 24 April 1791, m. Richard Colton, 14 Dec. 1808 (Enfield, Conn.), d. 2 Nov. 1865 (Northfield, Mass.).

  886.   Jemima Hale, b. 3 Sept. 1793, m. William Hancock, 8 May 1816 (Enfield, Conn.).


Thomas Hale (430) was born 1 June 1760 in Enfield, Mass. He was living in Wolcott, Seneca Co., N.Y. in 1821.  He married.

He served in 1776 under Capt. Hezekiah Parsons of Enfield , 2nd Co., 3rd Batt.; enlisted 10 April 1777 for 3 years under Capt. Thomas Abbe of Enfield, discharged 10 April 1780.

He made affidavit, 19 May 1818, at Wolcott, N.Y., that he was aged 57 in June last.  He served 7 mos., 3 days in Capt. Parson's Co., Col. Sage's Regt., in New York City; then enlisted in Hartford Co., Conn., in 1777 for 3 years in Capt. Thomas Abby's Co., Col. Willis's Regt.; discharged April 1780 at Scotch Plains, N.Y.

On 7 Feb. 1821, aged 61, he stated he had a wife to support and two sons, one of whom has fits and has lost the use of his feet.

He was at the battles of York Island, Elizabethtown, Hackensack, and Paramus.  (R‑11, R‑206)



Freelove Kibbe (434) married Joshua Smith.  (R‑34)

Children - Smith

+887.   Eunice Smith, m. Bailey Goodrich.



John Hale (437) was born 10 Jan. 1752, was christened 12 Jan. 1752, and died 24 Nov. 1803, all in Tyringham (now Monterey), Berkshire Co., Mass.  He married Abigail Hall, daughter of Ebenezer Hall and Anna Pease, probably about 1776.  She was born 28 Oct. 1758, and died 16 April 1833 in Tyringham.  They were both buried in Tyringham Cem., Tyringham, Mass.  He served in the Rev. War.  All their children were born in Tyringham.  (R‑13)

Children - Hale

  888.   Anna Hale, b. 7 Aug. 1777, m. Horace DeWolf, 1803 (Becket, Berkshire Co., Mass.), d. 25 June 1842.

  889.   Abigail Hale, b. 21 July 1779, m. Peter Abbott, d. 4 Feb. 1873.

  890.   infant son, b. and d. 11 April 1781.

+891.   John Hale, b. 21 March 1783, m. Jeneverah Gifford, 29 May 1806, d. 18 May 1863.

  892.   William Hale, b. 17 March 1785, m. Sally Crocker, 2 Dec. 1807 (Tyringham, Mass.), d. 2 Nov. 1868 (Tyringham, Mass.).

  893.   Mary ("Polly") Hale, b. 5 June 1787, m. Ludwick Jones, d. 8 Aug. 1868 (Grafton, Ohio).

  894.   Hannah Hale, b. 20 March 1787, d. 4 Aug. 1861 (Tyringham, Mass.).

  895.   Eli Hale, b. 5 July 1791, m. Lucy Crittenden, 14 Nov. 1813 (Tyringham, Mass.), d. 6 July 1864 (Tyringham, Mass.).

  896.   Martha Hale, b. 13 Oct. 1793, d. 27 Sept. 1853 (Tyringham, Mass.).

  897.   Candace Hale, b. 24 April 1796, m. Elnathan Pratt, d. 15 April 1842.

  898.   Lucinda Hale, b. 14 March 1803, m. Jared L. Tyrrel, d. 24 March 1885 (Tyringham, Mass.).


Josiah Hale (439) was born 21 Aug. 1756 in Enfield, CT, and died in 1797.  He married Abigail Joslin on 1 June 1780 in Tyringham, Berkshire Co., MA.  He served in the Rev. War.  (R‑13)

Children - Hale

  899.   Abraham Hale

  900.   Achsa Hale

  901.   Esther Hale

  902.   James Hale

  903.   Jesse Hale

  904.   Josiah Hale

  905.   Nathan Hale

  906.   Nathan Hale


Hannah Hale (441) was born 17 Jan. 1761 in Tyringham, Mass.  She married Zebadiah Joslin on 12 Sept. 1782 in Tyringham.  (R‑13)

Children - Joslin

  907.   Josiah Joslin, m. Betsey Bostwick.


Gideon Hale (444) was born 2 March 1768, died 20 Feb. 1814, and was buried in Tyringham Cem., all in Tyringham, Mass.  He married Anna Northrup.  (R‑13)

Children - Hale

  908.   Celire Hale, b. 11 June 1802.


Salathiel Hale (446) was born 4 July 1772, died 20 Dec. 1834, and was buried in Center Cem., all in Tyringham, Mass.  He married Sally Danforth on 1 Feb. 1800 in Tyringham.  (R‑13)

Children - Hale

  909.   Betsey Hale, b. 15 Dec. 1801.

  910.   Clarinda Hale, b. 30 Jan. 1804.

  911.   Gideon Hale, b. 10 Sept. 1813.






Henry Crane Graves (447) was born 4 June 1788, and died 12 Dec. 1848 in Fairfield, Conn.  He married Ruth (or Clarissa) Crampton, daughter of Darius Crampton and Prudence Munger.  She was born 21 Jan. 1795 and died 9 Oct. 1829.  They lived in Fairfield, Conn.  (R‑202)

Children - Graves

  912.   Harriet Charlotte Graves, b. 6 March 1816, m. Frederick Webb.  Lived in Stamford, Conn.

  913.   Clarissa Amelia Graves, b. 21 Jan. 1819, d. 8 Sept. 1829.

  914.   Hannah Maria Graves, b. 2 Dec. 1820, m. George Frederick Tracy.  Lived in Bridgeport, Conn.

  915.   Sarah Elizabeth Graves, b. 12 Feb. 1823, m. William Waterbury.  Lived in Stamford, Conn.

  916.   Henry Seymour Graves, b. 8 May 1825, m. Julia Betts.  His wife and 2 daughters died.

+917.   Francis Sherman Graves, b. 17 Nov. 1827, m. Josephine Vichton Blackman.


Hon. Sherman Graves (450) was born 20 Sept. 1795 and died 12 Sept. 1875 (or 1873).  He married Anna Griswold, daughter of John Griswold and Hannah Dudley of Guilford, Conn., on 4 Nov. 1819.  She was born 18 Sept. 1800 and died 7 Dec. 1860.  He was Trustee of Guilford Institute from 1854 to 1875, and Representative in the Legislature in 1860.  (R‑202)

Children - Graves

  918.   Elizabeth Graves, b. 15 Sept. 1820, d. 20 Sept. 1849.

+919.   John Graves, b. 17 Feb. 1822, m(1) Nancy Landon, 25 April 1849, m(2) Mrs. Florilla Bailey, 18 Jan. 1863, d. 4 Nov. 1883.

  920.   Catherine Graves, b. 16 May 1824, m. Lewis Rossiter Elliott (of Guilford), 17 Nov. 1858.  He was b. 23 June 1819, d. 9 June 1893.

  921.   Harriet Graves, b. 26 Sept. 1825, d. 18 May 1849.


Rebecca Graves (451) was born 4 March 1798 and died 28 Oct. 1873.  She married Willys M. Dowd on 18 Aug. 1820. He was born 21 June 1794 and died 20 May 1877.  They lived in East Berlin, Conn.  (R‑202)

Children - Dowd

  922.   Rev.) Charles F. Dowd, b. 1825 (Madison, Conn.).  Lived in Saratoga Springs, N.Y.


John Adams Graves (452) was born 1 Sept. 1800 in East Guilford, CT, died 6 Sept. 1837 in Iowa, and was buried in Mallory Cem., Toolesboro, Louisa Co., IA.  He married Amelia Bailey, daughter of Jabez Bailey, Jr. and Lucretia Savage, on 5 Dec. 1825 in Madison, New Haven Co., CT.  She was born 10 Dec. 1810 in CT, was from Durham, CT, and died between 1870 and 1880.

They were both natives of Conn., and moved to Ashtabula Co., Ohio between 1827 and 1835.  John went to Louisa Co., Wisconsin Territory (now Iowa) in 1836 and entered some government land.  The following year he moved his family to his homestead.

After John died, his widow married Riley Mallory on 19 July 1838 in Louisa Co., Wisconsin Terr.  He was born about 1808 in CT, and was a farmer.  The family was listed in the 1850 census for Jefferson Twp., Louisa Co., IA.  She married her third husband, William W. Wood, on 23 Sept. 1872.  (R‑8, R‑15, R‑202)

Children - Graves

+923.   Frances Amelia Graves, b. 9 June 1827, m(1) Samuel Sala, 25 Dec. 1843, m(2) James H. Cook, 12 April 1870, d. 19 Jan. 1917.

+924.   Henry Sherman Graves, b. 24 Feb. 1829, m. Mary E. Terstegge, 13 Jan. 1862, d. 3 June 1888.

+925.   John Morris Graves, b. 15 Jan. 1831, m(1) Matilda Whitney, m(2) Alletha Anna Witt, 4 Jan. 1861, d. 21 Oct. 1901.

+926.   George W. Graves, b. 13 Nov. 1835, m. Sarah Ellen Fairbanks, June 1856, d. 15 Feb. 1879.

+927.   Ann Eliza Graves, b.c. 1838, m. Robert W. Searl, 3 Sept. 1857.

  928.   Ralph Graves (may have been a Mallory rather than a Graves)



Mary Dudley ("Polly") Graves (454) was born 21 March 1801.  She married Alfred Hoyt, son of Ezra Hoyt and Mercy Jeffry, on 2 Feb. 1819.  He was born 30 Sept. 1795 in Stamford, Fairfield Co., CT, and died 11 July 1852 in Central America.  (R‑57)

Children - Hoyt

  929.   Sarah Hoyt

  930.   Mary Hoyt, b. 13 Oct. 1821, m. J. J. Austin, d. 1 Nov. 1843.

  931.   Alfred Dudley Hoyt, b. 20 Nov. 1823 (New York City, NY), m. Julia A. Van Dursen (or Van Dusen), 28 Dec. 1848.  She was dau. of Henry Van Dusen and Mary Ann Bostwick.

  932.   Albert Caleb Hoyt, b. 25 Nov. 1826 (Red Hook, NY), d. 9 July 1859 (Havana, Cuba).

  933.   George Edwin Hoyt, b. 19 Sept. 1828 (Albany, NY), m. Catherine Lyons.

  934.   Robert Graves Hoyt, b. 20 Sept. 1830 (Albany, NY), m. Charlotte Lyons.

  935.   Elizabeth Hoyt, b. 14 Nov. 1832 (Albany, NY), m. Rufus Wright.

+936.   John Ludlow Hoyt, b. 18 Oct. 1834, m. Frances Elvira Henry, 23 Oct. 1863, d. 16 Jan. 1921.

  937.   Titus Graves Hoyt, b. 26 Oct. 1837 (Albany, NY).

  938.   William Shields Hoyt, b. 10 Jan. 1839 (Albany, NY), d. 19 Sept. 1841 (Brooklyn, NY).

  939.   Franklin Hoyt, b. 16 Feb. 1842 (Brooklyn, NY).

  940.   Anna Hoyt, b. 25 March 1846 (Brooklyn, NY), d. 24 Aug. 1847 (Brooklyn, NY).


Elijah Henry Graves (457), sometimes called Henry Elijah Graves, was born about 1811, and died after 1870, possibly in Granby, Oswego Co., NY.  Based on census records, he was living in Whitestown, Oneida Co., NY in 1830 and 1840, Herkimer Co., NY in 1850, Trenton, Oneida Co., NY in 1855, Lee, Oneida Co., NY in 1860, and Granby, Oswego Co., NY in 1870.

He married Elmira Mills.  Her first name was also given as Emily, Mary, Mira, and Polly.

It appears that George Graves raised Elijah but was almost certainly not his father.  George was born about 1778, died 30 April 1860 in Whitestown, NY, and first married Mindwell ‑‑‑‑‑‑.  A Mindwell Graves died 8 Aug. 1824.  He married second Roxana Barnard, widow of Elisha Barnard.

George, a farmer and blacksmith, was born in Conn.  He is listed as owner of land in 1814 in Whitestown.  In 1835 he was living next door to Elijah and was over 45 years of age.  In 1840 he was listed as 60-70 and his wife as 50-60.  In 1835 he owned 50 acres of land and had 12 cattle, 3 horses, 17 sheep, 7 hogs, and manufactured 30 yards of flannel.

George joined the Whitestown Presbyterian Church 3 Jan. 1817.  A canvas taken by the Whitesboro Presbyterian Society between 1813-1816 lists him as head of family; wife Mindwell; mother to Mr. Graves, Sarah; and Elijah Wright, child taken to bring up.  The will and probate of it state that George never had any children and had no relations surviving.  A special provision states that on death or remarriage of wife Roxana that remainder of his estate go to the six children of Henry E. who lived with him from age of 18 months to 21 years.

There is a church record in Whitestown for the marriage of Thomas Graves to Mindwell Williams, both of Whitestown, on 6 Dec. 1802.  A Mindwell Graves died 8 Aug. 1824.  A Thomas Graves died 12 Sept. 1811 at age 29 in East Windsor, Conn.  Was this the Mindwell that married George Graves?  Could George's name have been George Thomas Graves?  Could Elijah Wright have been a son of one of George Graves's sisters, and thus a Graves descendant?

It appears that the father of Elijah Henry Graves was Titus Graves, brother of George Graves.  In support of this, George Graves is reported to have had no children, his brother Titus died in 1814, Elijah Henry (sometimes called Henry Elijah) was born about 1811 (making him about 2-3 when Titus died) and George stated that Henry E. Graves lived with him from the age of 18 months (a very close match), and the oldest son of Elijah Henry Graves was named George Titus Graves (probably for his uncle who raised him and his father).  Elijah Henry Graves would not have been listed in the 1810 census that included his siblings because he was not born until later.  (R‑58, R‑59)

Children - Graves

+941.   George Titus Graves, b. 11 April 1832, m. Helen Lorinda Davis, 18 Sept. 1856, d. 20 June 1912.

  942.   Mary Graves, b. 1835 (Whitestown, Oneida Co., NY), prob. m. Oliver K. Gilbert (1992 census, Granby, NY).

  943.   Phebe Ann Graves, b. 1839 (Oneida Co., NY).

  944.   James Henry Graves, b. June 1842 (Oneida Co., NY), m. Sara Andrews, d. 1920 (Poland, Herkimer Co., NY).

  945.   William T. Graves, b. 1844 (Oneida Co., NY).

  946.   Lyman G. Graves, b. 1847-8 (Oneida Co., NY).

  947.   Edwin E. Graves, b. 1851.

  948.   Charles T. Graves, b.c. 1857.



William Barnabas Graves (459) was born 29 Jan. 1815 and died 1 Dec. 1848, both in Hebron, Conn.  He married.  (R‑202)

Children - Graves

  949.   Abigail Ann Caroline Graves, d. 5 July 1854.



John Samuel Graves (460) was born 2 Sept. 1807 in Hebron, Conn., and died 22 Jan. 1892.  He married Polly Mervin, daughter of Philo Mervin and Polly Starr of Brookfield, Conn., on 27 July 1837.  She was born 17 March 1818 and died 12 Aug. 1882.  (R‑202)

Children - Graves

  950.   Adele Graves, b. 1 Aug. 1838, m. Rev. John Seibold. He was formerly of Buffalo, N.Y., and later Chaplain U.S.A. at Fort Logan, Colo.

+951.   John Graves, b. 5 Oct. 1840, m(1) Louise Del Monte, m(2) Carrie Patrick, 8 Nov. 1876.

  952.   Marian Graves, b. May 1842, died in infancy.

  953.   Elizabeth Graves, b. 28 April 1844, m. S. Miller VanWyck.  Lived in Poughkeepsie, NY.

  954.   Virginia Graves, b. 2 May 1846, m. Dr. B. S. Lewis, (New Haven, CT).

  955.   Wilhelmina Graves, b. 5 Dec. 1848, m. C. C. Fitzgerald, (Elizabeth, NJ).  He was b. 19 March 1832 (Clifton, NJ).

  956.   Dr.) William Boardman Graves, b. 13 Aug. 1856 (New Haven, Conn.), m. Jessie Urquhart Masson, 1 June 1881 (Brooklyn, N.Y.).  She was b. 1 Jan. 1855, Essex, Conn., daughter of Capt. Thomas Lansing Dirk Masson and Melvina Maria Urquhart.  Lived at 426 Main St., East Orange, N.J.  He was a physician.  No children.

  957.   Florence Graves, b. 30 Nov. 1861, m. Albert M. Ritter, Berlin, Conn.

  958.   Carleton Graves, b. 25 Nov. 1864 (New Haven, Conn.), m. Maud Moore (of New Haven, Conn.), Fall 1890 (Stanley, Rio Grande Co., Colo.).


Elizabeth Adelaide Graves (461) was born 2 Dec. 1809 and died 12 May 1892.  She married Addison McKee of Windsor, Broome Co., N.Y. on 29 Dec. 1829 (or 16 Jan. 1841, according to Addison Graves McKee) in Hebron, Conn.  They started for Windsor, N.Y. the next day with an ox sleigh. Addison was born 1 April 1804.

Addison McKee was descended from Andrew McKee who was born in Scotland in 1692, came to America in 1708, and settled in East Hartford, Conn., later called South Manchester.  He later bought and owned all the country which now includes the village of South Manchester, and the Cheney silk mills.

His grandson, Captain Robert McKee, was a Lexington man and later a soldier in the revolution, as was also his brother Joseph.  Robert was secretary of the embassy to France in 1800-1803.  During the War of 1812 he manufactured powder for the government.  He was the father of ten children, the oldest of whom was Addison McKee.

Addison Graves McKee wrote that he was a soldier in the Civil War of 1861-5, together with a brother-in-law, a father-in-law, and uncle and seven cousins, making 11 in all.  "His ancestors and relatives were in every  war that they could get into from the time of their arrival in this country in 1634 and 1708 to date.  (R‑25)

Children - McKee

  959.   Addison Graves McKee, b. 15 Feb. 1843.

  960.   child

  961.   child

  962.   child


Thomas Eugene Graves (463) was born 15 May 1814 in Hebron, Conn., and died 25 Jan. 1881.  He married Sarah M. Thatcher.  They lived in Newton, Mass. 1867-73, then returned to Conn. and lived in West Killingly.  He was a lawyer of ability and was interested in historical research.  (R‑202)

Children - Graves

  963.   A. Eugene Graves, b. Thompson, Conn., never married, d. in Colo. of an injury.  He was a mining engineer and was on Gen. Weitzel's staff in the Civil War.

  964.   Dr.) Thomas Thatcher Graves, b.c. 1841 (Norwich, Conn.), m. Emma J. Royce, 7 June 1871 (Newton, Mass.), d. 1893 (committed suicide in Colorado).  He was Aide-de-camp to Gen. Weitzel in Civil War, 1861-4.  She was daughter of Augustus E. Royce and Elizabeth Taylor.

  965.   Frank H. Graves, b. Thompson, Conn.  A lawyer, he is said to have mysteriously disappeared soon after the family left Newton.

  966.   Alice E. Graves, b. Thompson, Conn., m. James Hazelton Tallman, 20 Oct. 1873.  He was b. 3 July 1847, son of Rev. John Tallman of Thompson, Conn., who married as his second wife Hannah Cornelia Graves, daughter of John Graves and Elizabeth Peters.  They lived in N.Y. City.


Oliver Denison (or Dennison) Graves (464) was born 1 Aug. 1817 in Hebron, Tolland Co., Conn., died 19 (or 18) March 1895 in Vineland, N.J., and was buried at Norwich, Conn. He was brought up to the trade of cabinet making in his father's cabinet shop.  He received a common school education, with an occasional term at a private academy in Lebanon, Conn.  At the age of 21 he went to Avon, Conn. and worked there several months, then went to Norwich, Conn. to work at his trade, and then returned to Hebron.

He first married Elizabeth H. Fietler of Lebanon, Conn. on 19 June 1843.  He conducted his cabinet making business in Marlboro, Conn. starting in 1843.  In 1844 he returned to Hebron, built a house and lived in it 4 years.  He then sold the house and moved to Norwich, Conn., working at his trade until he received an appointment on 20 Jan. 1854 as mail agent on the Norwich and Worcester Railroad.  He stayed at that job for 7 years and 5 months.  While there he often saw notices of Hammonton and Vineland, N.J. advertised in various papers, and in April 1862 he visited both places.  On May 3, 1862 he purchased a lot in Vineland.  He built a number of houses in Vineland, becoming more of a builder and carpenter than a cabinet maker.

In Vineland he served for several years as Judge and Inspector of Elections, and also held the office of Commissioner of Deeds for 5 years.  He was then elected Chosen Freeholder and then Commissioner of Appeal.  After the formation of the Borough of Vineland he was chosen a Councilman for 3 years, and then was elected as Mayor, 1885-88.

He married second Caroline T. Burchard, daughter of Joseph N. Burchard of Norwich, Conn., on 3 May 1854 in Carthage, N.Y.  She was educated in Canton and Watertown, N.Y.  In 1888 she gave her height and weight as 5 ft. and 100 lbs.  They lived in Vineland, N.J.  He was a Democrat and a member of the Episcopal Church.  He also held high office in the Masons.  He had no children.  (R‑25)



Sarah Bradley (472) was born 12 Aug. 1780 in Litchfield, Litchfield Co., CT, and died 22 Feb. 1862 in Lyons, Wayne Co., NY.  She married Jacob Leach, son of Richard Leach and Mary Strong, on 21 March 1804 in Litchfield, CT.  He was born 8 Dec. 1777 in Torrington, Litchfield Co., CT, and died 4 April 1853 in Lyons, NY.  They were both buried in a rural cem. in Lyons, NY.  Their first 2 children were born in Litchfield, CT, and all the others were born in Lyons, NY.  Since Lyons became the county seat of Wayne Co. when it was created from Ontario Co. in 1823, the older children born in Lyons were born in Ontario Co. and the younger ones in Wayne Co.  (R‑38)

Children - Leach

  967.   Sarah Amelia Leach, b. 25 May 1806, m(1) Lyman Avery, m(2) William Teller, d. 10 March 1874.

+968.   Belinda Leach, b. 22 Aug. 1807, m. Bartlett Robinson Rogers, 31 Dec. 1829, d. 30 Jan. 1864.

  969.   Miles Strong Leach, b. 17 Aug. 1810, m(1) Electa Hutchinson, 1 Jan. 1835 (Lyons, NY), m(2) Almira Granger, 29 June 1852, d. 16 Jan. 1875 (Lyons, NY).  Electa was b. 11 May 1809 and d. 30 Aug. 1830, both in Lyons, NY.  Almira was b. 26 July 1820 in Penfield, Monroe Co., NY, and d. 26 June 1891 in Lyons, NY.

  970.   Albert Bradley Leach, b. 6 March 1812, m(1) Pamela Hartmann, 6 Feb. 1840, m(2) Almeda Moore, 1 Nov. 1854, d. 3 May 1865 (Lyons, NY).  Pamela was b. 9 March 1819 and d. 14 March 1854, both in Lyons, NY.  Almeda was b. 26 March 1833 in Butler, NY, and d. April 1911.  Albert and both wives were bur. in rural cem., Lyons, NY.

  971.   Edwin Benjamin Leach, b. 27 Feb. 1814, m(1) E. Westfall, m(2) W. Sheldon, d. 24 Feb. 1859.

+972.   Marietta Leach, b. 25 Dec. 1815, m. Charles Allen, 21 Sept. 1837, d. 7 April 1893.

  973.   Heman Jacob Leach, b. 11 Nov. 1817, m(1) Elizabeth G. Pitts, 12 Aug. 1852 (Walden, Columbia Co., NY), m(2) Frances Mabel Peabody Kline, 30 March 1880, d. 1 March 1898 (Lyons, NY).  Elizabeth was b. 6 July 1827 and d. 30 June 1878.

  974.   Adeliza Leach, b. 10 Feb. 1820, m. Benjamin Fisher, d. 14 Aug. 1869.

+975.   Henry Winchell Leach, b. 21 Oct. 1822, m. Christine Aspell, 27 Feb. 1846, d. 31 May 1886.

+976.   Augustus Mortimer Leach, b. 1 Nov. 1825, m(1) Mary Jane Smith, 7 June 1853, m(2) Emma Jerome Richards, d. 10 Aug. 1901.



Polly Norton (482) was born in Feb. 1791 and died 27 Aug. 1872, both in Killingworth, Middlesex Co., CT.  She married Jeremiah Buell, son of Jeremiah Buell and Dinah Kelsey, on 7 Sept. 1809 in Killington, CT.  He was born 5 Aug. 1786 and died 8 Dec. 1854 in Killingworth, CT.  They were buried in Old Killingworth Cem., Killingworth, CT.  Their children were born in Killingworth, CT.  (R‑61)

Children - Buell

  977.   Betsey Buell, b. 8 July 1811, m. Martin L. Field.  Six children.

  978.   William Buell, b. 17 Aug. 1812, m. Eliza Ann Chatfield, 14 Oct. 1838.  She was b. 1 Oct. 1818, daughter of Joel Chatfield.  Five children.

+979.   Almira Buell, b. 8 Feb. 1814, m. John Griswold, 30 March 1836, d. 18 Sept. 1901.

  980.   Lois Buell, b. 11 Jan. 1816, m. Chauncey Russell, 18 Jan. 1846 (Killingworth, CT), d. 18 April 1898 (CT).  Five children.  Bur. Bare Plain Cem. (North Branford, New Haven Co., CT).

  981.   Dinah Buell, b. 3 Nov. 1817, m. Benjamin M. Stevens, d. 12 Oct. 1851 (Madison, New Haven Co., CT).  Both bur. Rockland Cem. (Madison, CT).  Four children.

  982.   Mary (ÒPollyÓ) Eliza Buell, b. 27 April 1820, m. Jeremiah Kelsey Lane, 28 Oct. 1846 (Killingworth, CT), d. 28 May 1893.  He was b. 11 Jan. 1822, d. 18 Aug. 1891.  Both bur. Parker Hill Cem. (Killingworth, CT).  Two children.

  983.   Miriam Rebecca Buell, b. 21 Oct. 1822, m. Stephen Wheaton Rose, 28 May 1846, d. 19 June 1890.  He was b. 19 Sept. 1821, d. 4 March 1893.  Both bur. Bare Plain Cem.  Six children.

  984.   Jeremiah Sherman Buell, b. 4 Nov. 1824, m. Frances Jedediah Hull, 12 Sept. 1852, d. 26 June 1910 (Madison, CT).  She was b. 19 July 1826, daughter of Dr. Luther Hull, d. 4 Feb. 1905 (Madison, CT).  Both bur. West Cem. (Madison, CT).  Six children.

  985.   Fanny Maria Buell, b. 24 Oct. 1828, m. Linus L. Wilcox, 5 Oct. 1858, d. aft. 1880.  He was b. 6 July 1819.  Moved to Durham, Hancock, IL.  Three children.

  986.   Thankful Matilde Buell, b. 13 July 1830, m. Jarvis N. Burr, c. 1857, d. 16 Aug. 1858 (Durham, IL).  He was b. March 1828 (CT), d. 11 Jan. 1911 (Los Angeles Co., CA).



James Graves (484) was born 4 March 1786 and died 5 Nov. 1837.  He was from East Guilford, CT.  He married Roxana Whedon.  She was born 3 Jan. 1791 and died 1 Dec. 1872.  (R‑202)

Children - Graves

  987.   Susan Graves, b. 26 Feb. 1810, m. Samuel Griswold, d. 24 Sept. 1854.

  988.   Abigail Graves, b. 11 Aug. 1813, m(1) Daniel Benton (he d. 1836), m(2) Albert Wildman (of Guilford, CT).

  989.   Roxana Graves, b. 24 April 1817, m. Benjamin Kelsey, d. 21 Sept. 1899 (East River, Conn.).  He d. 14 Nov. 1900.


John Graves (486) was born 12 Feb. 1792 and died 26 Jan. 1869.  He was from East Guilford, Conn.  He married Rebecca Wilcox on 22 Sept. 1816.  She was born 1792 and died 2 Feb. 1846.  (R‑202)

Children - Graves

  990.   Sarah Graves, b. 20 March 1818, d. 27 May 1818.

  991.   Elizabeth Graves, b. 20 March 1818, d. 31 May 1818.

  992.   Sarah Elizabeth Graves, b. 20 April 1820, d. 18 June 1874.

  993.   Frances Miriam Graves, b. 13 Aug. 1824, m. William Dowd Meigs (of Pittsfield, Mass.), 15 Sept. 1849, d. 6 Aug. 1851.  He was b. 1825, son of Bezaleel Ives Meigs and Eliza Dowd of East Berlin, Conn.  He m(2) Amanda Smyth of Albany, N.Y., 26 April 1853.



Mary Elizabeth Graves (489) was born 23 April 1826 and died April 1895.  She married Gustavus Kimberly Redfield, son of Lyman Redfield and Clarissa Parmelee.  He was born 14 Nov. 1822 and died 12 Dec. 1855.  The family house at Guilford, Conn. descended to their children.  (R‑202)

Children - Redfield

  994.   Mary E. Redfield

  995.   Augusta O. Redfield



Cyrus Graves (491) was born 9 June 1790 and died 22 Aug. 1859.  He married Loraine Baldwin at Palmyra, N.Y.  He was a Lieut. in Renssalaer Co. Militia Co in 1816 and Capt. in 1818.  (R‑202)

Children - Graves

  996.   Martha Graves, m. George H. Norton.

  997.   David Graves


Esther Graves (492) was born 15 (or 12) June 1792 in Hoosick Falls, N.Y., and died 15 Aug. 1838 in Fremont, Sandusky Co., Ohio.  She married Samuel Hafford, son of Ebenezer Hafford and Priscilla Booth, on 4 Jan. 1816 in Hoosick Falls.  He was born 6 April 1790 in Middleboro, Mass., and died 2 Dec. 1871 in Fremont, Ohio.  They were both buried in Oakwood Cem., Fremont.  They moved to Ballville Twp., south of Fremont, Ohio, in 1835, and settled on 200 acres of land still owned (in 1977) by great-granddaughter Margaret Hafford Thomas.  Samuel married second Betsy Griswold Andrus on 20 June 1840. She died 25 July 1849, and he thirdly married Sallie (Griswold) Fitch on 23 Sept. 1852.  She died 30 Nov. 1892.

Samuel was a farmer, and fought in the War of 1812. He and Esther were both Presbyterian.  All their children were born in Hoosick Falls, and they were all buried in Oakwood Cem., Fremont, except for Samuel (bur. in San Pedro, Calif.) and Esther (place not known).  (R‑3, R‑207)

Children - Hafford

+998.   James H. Hafford, b. 12 Sept. 1816, m(1) Florilla Williams, 11 Jan. 1838, m(2) Nannie or Mamie Butts, 9 Nov. 1875, d. 12 March 1886.

  999.   Ebenezer Hafford, b. 30 March 1818, never married, d. 20 Sept. 1838 (Fremont, Ohio).

+1000.   Eveline Hafford, b. 22 Nov. 1819, m. Edward Tindall, 7 Dec. 1837, d. 2 Sept. 1898.

+1001.   Harriet Hafford, b. 7 June 1821, m. Orrin Roberts, 24 April 1848, d. 10 Nov. 1861.

+1002.   Esther Ann Hafford, b. 11 Sept. 1823, m. William Bottom Sheldon, 17 Sept. 1845, d. 21 Oct. 1887.

+1003.   Louisa Hafford, b. 5 Aug. 1825, m. Wesley Colby, 25 Nov. 1847, d. 10 June 1889.

+1004.   Samuel Hafford, b. 15 Feb. 1828, m. Elizabeth Hohenschield, 23 May 1860, d. 23 March 1909.

+1005.   Warren Graves Hafford, b. 11 June 1830, m(1) Caroline Fitch, 1 Jan. 1856, m(2) Julia Purple, 13 March 1867, d. 31 Aug. 1895.


Asher Graves (493) was born 24 June 1794 and died 29 April 1857.  He married Phebe Hurd.  She was born 17 Nov. 1799, and died 26 Nov. 1878 in Hoosick Falls, N.Y.  He was First Lieut. in Rensselaer Co. Militia Co. in 1818. They lived in Hoosick, N.Y.  (R‑202)

Children - Graves

+1006.   Aaron H. Graves, b. 13 June 1821, m. Elizabeth Thayer, 25 Jan. 1849.

  1007.   Marcia Ann Graves, b. 9 Nov. 1829, d. 27 April 1842.


John Graves (497) was born 15 March 1801 and died 7 Feb. 1844.  He went to Sandusky Co., Ohio with his sister Esther, and married Anna Bridges, daughter of Amzie Bridges and Percis Thrall.  She was born 3 Dec. 1813 and died 24 Sept. 1896.  They were both buried in Oakwood Cem., Fremont, Ohio.  (R‑3)

Children - Graves

  1008.   Martha Graves, b. 1839, m. Eben F. Hafford, 24 Jan. 1861, d. 1919.

  1009.   Antoinette B. ("Nellie") Graves, b.c. 1843, m. ‑‑‑‑‑‑ Neason.


Timothy Graves (498) was born 3 Aug. 1803 in Hoosick, N.Y., and died 31 May 1881 on the farm where he was born at Hoosick Falls, Rensselaer Co., N.Y.  He first married Frances Thomas, daughter of William Thomas and Jerusha Rich of Hardwick, Vt., in 1839.  She was born 15 Nov. 1810 and died 4 Nov. 1849.  He married second Margaret A. Stover.  She was born 26 Feb. 1820, and died 16 April 1903 in Hoosick Falls, N.Y.  (R‑3, R‑202)

Children - Graves, by Frances Thomas

+1010.   Warren Henry Graves, b. 29 Oct. 1839, m. Clarissa A. Farnsworth, d. 22 March 1919.

  1011.   Frances Elizabeth Graves, b. 24 March 1842, m. Charles M. Platt.  He died 24 May 1880 at Wichita, Kans., where she later lived.

Children - Graves, by Margaret A. Stover

  1012.   Jacob Asher Graves, b. 9 July 1853, never married, d. 23 Oct. 1940 (Hoosick Falls, N.Y.).

  1013.   Harriet A. Graves, b. 23 Aug. 1854, never married, d. 5 Nov. 1944 (Hoosick Falls, N.Y.).  Both she and her brother Jacob lived on the farm where their father and grandfather had lived.



David L. Graves (499) was born 9 Sept. 1781 in New Canaan, Fairfield Co., CT, and died Sept. 1850 in Aurora, IL.  He married Polly Gordon in Denmark, Lewis Co., NY.  She died in 1849 at age 52.  They moved west in the fall of 1841 and settled on a farm that is now in Ustick, Whiteside Co., IL.  (R‑202)

Children - Graves

  1014.   Elizabeth Graves, b. 1819, m. Oliver Baker (of Ustick, IL), 22 June 1843, d. 5 July 1874.

  1015.   Emily Graves, d. in childhood.

  1016.   Warren Lewis Graves, b. 18 April 1830, m. Mary T. Annan, 3 July 1856 (Whiteside Co., IL), d. 1904.  She was b. 3 June 1832 (Scotland), daughter of William Annan and Catherine Todd, d. 12 Oct. 1917 (Union Grove, Whiteside Co., IL).  Both bur. Grove Hill Cem. (Morrison, Whiteside Co., IL).


Lewis Graves (502) was born 17 April 1787 in New Canaan, Fairfield Co., CT, and died in 1860 in Union Grove, Whiteside Co., IL.  He married Clara Bond.  She died in March 1863, aged 74 years.  Their children were born in Denmark, Lewis Co., NY.  (R‑202)

Children - Graves

  1017.   Allen Graves, b. 23 April 1815, m. Sylvia Baker, d. aft. 1860.

  1018.   Wilson Graves, b. Oct. 1816, d. summer 1838.


Elizabeth (ÒBetsyÓ) Graves (503) was born 16 March 1789 in New Canaan, Fairfield Co., CT, and died 7 April 1857 in Ustick Township, Whiteside Co., IL.  She married Henry R. Bond, son of Nathaniel Bond and Lucy Palmer, in Dec. 1812 in NY.  He was born 10 March 1787 in CT (or NY), and died 18 July 1862 in IL.  They were buried in Cottonwood Cem., Whiteside Co., IL.  This family was recorded on the 1850 census in District 37, Whiteside Co., IL; their children were born in NY.  Henry and daughter Elizabeth were recorded on the 1860 census in Ustick, IL, post office Morrison.  (R‑61)

Children - Bond

  1019.   Egbert Bond, b. 26 Sept. 1813, d. 26 Oct. 1845 (NY).

  1020.   Nathaniel L. Bond, b. 26 Jan. 1815, d. 20 Feb. 1900 (IL).

  1021.   Elizabeth Bond, b. 20 Dec. 1816, never married, d. 14 Feb. 1903 (IL).  Bur. Cottonwood Cem.

  1022.   Henry Bond, b. 7 Dec. 1818 (Denmark, Lewis Co., NY), m. Lucy A. Ingham, d. 14 Dec. 1904 (IL).  Both bur. Cottonwood Cem.

  1023.   Harriet R. Bond, b. 15 Feb. 1821, never married, d. 3 Feb. 1906 (IL).  Bur. Cottonwood Cem.

+1024.   Warren G. Bond, b. 13 April 1823, m. Harriet M. Canfield, 13 July 1844, d. 24 Oct. 1896.

  1025.   Allen Bond, b. 29 July 1828, m. Harriet J. Mead, 27 Dec. 1853 (Rock Island Co., IL), d. 5 July 1865 (Nashville, Davidson Co., TN).

  1026.   Alice Bond, b.c. 1830.  She was recorded on the 1850 census with this family; no proof she was one of their children.



Lyman Graves (507) was born 12 Sept. 1789 in New Canaan, Columbia Co., NY, and died 5 Nov. 1857 in Denmark, Lewis Co., NY.  He married Elizabeth ("Betsey") Bedell on 11 (or 16) Feb. 1820 in Greenbush, NY.  She was born 1 Aug. 1791 in Greenbush, Rensselaer Co., NY, and died 28 Sept. 1860 in Denmark, Lewis Co., NY. He was Comet in the Lewis Co. Militia in 1821.  All their children were born in Denmark, NY.  (R‑17, R‑202)

Children - Graves

  1027.   Olive Graves, b. 19 April 1821, m. Adam S. Cratsenberg (or Cratzenberg), 26 March 1843.

  1028.   Melissa Graves, b. 22 June 1822, m(1) ‑‑‑‑‑‑, m(2) John Cratsenberg, 20 Dec. 1846, d. 3 March 1894.  John was b. 13 May 1822.

+1029.   Sylvester Graves, b. 23 Sept. 1826, m. Elmina M. Mantle, 2 Jan. 1848, d. 11 Sept. 1850.

  1030.   Ephraim Graves, b. 10 July 1828, m(1) Lucy Ann Canfield, 27 Feb. 1854, m(2) ‑‑‑‑‑‑, m(3) ‑‑‑‑‑‑.  Lucy was b. 1829.  Son Monroe.

  1031.   Pamelia (or Pamela) Graves, b. 25 June 1831.


Samuel Whitmore (or Warren) Graves (510) was born 8 Jan. 1795 and died 1 July 1873.  He married Lucinda Stuart (or Stewart) on 20 March 1832.  She was born 23 Sept. 1800.  He lived in Adams Basin, Spencerport, and Brockport, N.Y. until the death of his wife on 14 Jan. 1864.  He then lived with his son Andrew at Janesville, Wisc. and Fruitport, Mich. until his death.  (R‑17, R‑202)

Children - Graves

+1032.   Andrew Wright Graves, b. 13 April 1833, m. Martha A. Barlow, 7 Jan. 1857, d. 25 March 1889.  He was probably called Wright.

  1033.   Mary Graves, b. 27 (or 17) July 1834, m. J. Warren Harrison, 1 June 1868.  Lived in North Greece, N.Y.

  1034.   Emily Graves, b. 30 Jan. 1836, d. 25 Oct. 1837.



Sheldon Graves (518) was born 18 Sept. 1794, and died 6 May 1862 in Chesterton, N.Y.  He married Maria Wait about 1815.  She was born about 1794 in Easton, N.Y., and died 7 Nov. 1867.  (R‑202)

Children - Graves

  1035.   Reuben Graves, b.c. 1818, d. 28 Sept. 1830.

  1036.   Milton Graves, b. May 1820, d. 17 Feb. 1829.

  1037.   Martha Caroline Graves, b. 4 June 1826, m. Rev. Cicero Barber, 20 May 1868 (Chesterton, N.Y.).  Lived in Fort Edward, N.Y.

+1038.   Horatio Graves, b. 8 Dec. 1829, m. Anna R. Potter, 2 April 1866.

+1039.   Henry C. Graves, b. 6 Oct. 1833, m. Arminta B. Potter, 20 Nov. 1868.

  1040.   John Wesley Graves, b. Aug. 1840, d. 8 Jan. 1843.

  1041.   Mary Fletcher Graves, b. 17 Oct. 1838, m. Rev. Simon McChesney, 2 April 1860, d. 22 July 1861.


Lewis Baldwin Graves (520) was born 1 Nov. 1801 and died 9 Dec. 1871.  He married Alvira T. White, daughter of James L. White and Hannah Aldrich, on 18 March 1827.  She died 4 Feb. 1875.  They lived in Union City, Branch Co., Mich.  (R‑202)

Children - Graves

  1042.   Augustus Noadiah Graves, b. 21 Jan. 1828, never married, d. 17 Feb. 1874.

  1043.   Hannah Alvira Graves, b. 3 May 1829, m. ‑‑‑‑‑‑ Spencer, d. 14 Aug. 1870.

  1044.   Amanda Laura Graves, b. 24 Feb. 1832, m. A. H. Cutler.  Lived in Jackson, Mich.

  1045.   Prudence Eliza Graves, b. 15 May 1835, d. 15 May 1848.

  1046.   Myron D. H. Graves, b. 25 June 1838, d. 20 June 1841.


Israel Peet Graves (521) was born 1 Sept. 1804 and died 24 Oct. 1891.  He married Elmira Sherman on 16 Jan. 1834. She was born 24 Dec. 1814 and died 1 Nov. 1861.  They lived in Chesterton, Warren Co., N.Y.  (R‑202)

Children - Graves

  1047.   Susan M. Graves, b. 27 April 1838, m. Charles F. Richardson (of N.Y. City), 13 May 1864, d. 25 Sept. 1865.

  1048.   Charlotte E. Graves, b. 26 June 1841.  Lived in Chesterton, N.Y.



Statira Graves (534) was born 3 April 1781 (or 1789 according to the Phelps Family) in East Granville, MA., and died 25 Oct. 1855 in Granville, OH.  She married John Phelps, son of John Phelps and Anna Baker, in 1802, marriage published 3 Oct. 1802 at Granville, MA.  He was born 8 Dec. 1779 in Colebrook, CT, and died 25 Oct. 1839 in Granville, OH.

He was a farmer.  They first settled in East Granville, MA, where their first two children were born.  They moved to Granville, Ohio in 1806, where their other children were born.

The 1850 census shows William Cluff, Statira's grandson, living with Statira and Joel Andrews.  It would appear that Statira remarried after the death of her first husband, and that she took in Hannah's youngest child when Hannah remarried and moved away.  (R‑16, R‑209)

Children - Phelps

+1049.   Ralzemon Phelps, b. 26 Dec. 1802, m. Emma Pinney, 20 April 1829, d. 8 July 1873.

+1050.   Hannah Phelps, b. 12 Oct. 1804, m(1) Chester C. Clough, 3 Dec. 1824, m(2) Albert G. Heater, 16 June 1841.

  1051.   John Baker Phelps, b. 31 Oct. 1806, m. Wealthy Lott.  Settled in St. Albions, OH.  No children.

  1052.   Almira Phelps, b. Oct. 1809, never married, d. 18 June 1835.

  1053.   Anna Phelps, b. 8 Dec. 1812, m. Asahel Griffin.

  1054.   Elihu O. Phelps, b. 27 March 1816, m. Elizabeth ‑‑‑‑‑‑.


Claudius L. Graves (536) was born 5 Sept. 1790 at Granville, Hampden Co., MA, and died 4 May 1875.  He married Secta (or Electia or Electa or Lecta) Rose, daughter of Hiram Rose and Sabra Cooley, on 7 Nov. 1811 in Granville, OH.  She was born 24 March 1794 (or 27 March 1795) in Granville, MA, and died 9 March 1873. He enlisted and served in the War of 1812 and was taken prisoner under Gen. Hull.  He was the second settler of Hartford Co., OH.  (R‑202, R‑203))

Children - Graves

  1055.   Philantha Graves, b. 11 Nov. 1812.

  1056.   Augustus G. Graves, b. 18 Jan. 1815.

  1057.   William Graves, b. 16 Aug. 1817, d. 5 Dec. 1817.

  1058.   Lovina Graves, b. 9 Dec. 1819.

+1059.   Rufus H. Graves, b. 8 March 1821, m. Hester A. Knoll, Sept. 1850.

  1060.   Lyman Graves, b. 8 Feb. 1823.  Lived in Leola, Adams Co., Wisc.

  1061.   Henry Graves, b. 7 Oct. 1827, d. 13 Dec. 1828.

  1062.   Francis Graves, b. 9 Sept. 1832, d. 3 Feb. 1847.

  1063.   Chloe Graves, b. 7 Sept. 1840.


Roswell Graves (537) was born 18 March 1794 in Granville, Hampden Co., MA, and died after 6 Aug. 1870, probably in IA.  He first married Sarah (ÒSallyÓ) Ridley, daughter of John Ridley and Abigail Holmes, on 15 Jan. 1818 in Licking Co., OH.  She was born 17 Jan. 1798 in VT, and died after 1856 when she was recorded on the 1856 Iowa State Census.  This family was recorded on the 1830 census in Granville, Licking Co., OH and the 1840 census in Hartford, Licking Co., OH.  Roswell and Sarah have not been found on the 1850 census.  They were recorded on the 1856 Iowa State Census in Dubuque Co., IA with a 22-year old John Graves, born in Ohio.  The children listed below are probably the children of Roswell and Sarah.  There may be more children than the ones listed below.  Roswell married second Caroline (‑‑‑‑‑‑) Dexter on 23 Dec. 1860 in Dubuque Co., IA.  She was born about 1805 in CT, died in 1876, and was buried in Center Grove Cem., Dubuque, Dubuque Co., IA.  The inscription on her gravestone reads ÒThe First Lady Teacher in IowaÓ.  The name of her first husband is not known, but her son was Francis A. Dexter who married Mary Iowa Kirby on 29 May 1862 in Dubuque Co., IA.  He was born in 1827 in PA, died 12 Aug. 1906 in Los Angeles Co., CA, and was buried in Pomona Cem. and Mausoleum in Pomona, Los Angeles Co., CA.

Roswell was also recorded on the 1860 census in New Hampton, Chickasaw Co., IA, post office New Hampton in the household of Chandler Graves and his wife, and her family.

In 1870, recorded as a 76-year old man born in MA, Roswell and Caroline were living with F. A. Dexter and family in Dubuque, Dubuque Co., IA.  The date of the census was 6 Aug. 1870.  An ÒR. GravesÓ, age 76, born in MA, was recorded on the 1870 census in Franklin, Story Co., IA, post office, Ames with Isaac and Clarinda Finch.  This could be the same person.  (R‑60)

Children - Graves

+1064.   Clarinda Graves, b.c. 1822, m. Isaac Decker Finch, 10 Dec. 1840, d. aft. 1880.

+1065.   Chandler Matthius Graves, b.c. 1829 (or 25 Feb. 1828), m(1) Abigail Lathrop, (2) Mary Carkins, 16 Nov. 1854, m(3) Sarah Carkins, 14 Feb. 1861, d. 28 June 1864.

  1066.   John Graves, b.c. 1834.  Only recorded on the 1856 Iowa census.



Solomon (or Salmon M.) Graves (539) married Lucy Ransom, daughter of Hazel Ransom and Zeviah Wills, on 3 June 1810.  She was born 14 Aug. 1779 in Colchester, Conn.  They lived in Chazy, N.Y.  (R‑202, R‑203)

Children - Graves

  1067.   James M. Graves, b. 19 Feb. 1811, d. 9 Feb. 1827.

  1068.   Seth Graves, b. 26 Dec. 1812, d. 16 Feb. 1813.

  1069.   George R. Graves, b. 2 Oct. 1819, b. 16 March 1828 (or 1825).

  1070.   Zeviah Graves, b. 14 Sept. 1821, m. George Place, 4 April 1844 (Chazy, N.Y.), d. 20 Dec. 1892 (Waterman, Ill.).

  1071.   Eliza Graves, b. 11 July 1831, d. 9 Oct. 1832.

  1072.   Claudius Graves, b. 15 Oct. 1833, d. 1850 (Sandusky, Ohio).


Chauncey Graves (546) was born 1802 at Chazy, NY, and died 5 Jan. 1878 in Lowell, MA.  He married Rowena Wells.  She was born in 1798 in Chazy, NY, and died Aug. 1864 at age 66.  (R‑202)

Children - Graves

  1073.   Emeline Graves, m. ‑‑‑‑‑‑ Tyler.  Lived in Lowell, MA.

  1074.   Elvira Graves, m. ‑‑‑‑‑‑ Seeley.  Lived in Foxboro, MA.

  1075.   Electa Graves, m. ‑‑‑‑‑‑ Tryon.  Lived in Brashton, NY.

  1076.   William H. B. Graves, b. 11 July 1829 (Chazy, NY), m. Frances J. Higby, 23 June 1869.  She was b. 5 Jan. 1830, Wellsboro, Essex Co., NY, daughter of Alanson Higby.  Lived in Dannemora, NY.  No living children.

+1077.   Joel W. Graves, b. 5 May 1832, m(1) Louise McCullough, 1 June 1854, m(2) Susanna C. Collins, 2 June 1875, m(3) Isabella Hall, 13 Feb. 1889.

  1078.   Edgar Graves

  1079.   Mary Graves, m. ‑‑‑‑‑‑ Carley.  Lived in Lowell, MA.

  1080.   Caroline Graves

  1081.   Kate Graves; lived at 73 Cabot St., Lowell, MA.



Enoch Graves (557) was born 6 Aug. 1795, died 1 Dec. 1842 in Granville, OH, and was buried in Old Colony Burial Ground, Granville, OH[50].  He married Lucy Clark on 12 Dec. 1816.  She was born 19 Dec. 1794 and died 13 Feb. 1864.  He died 1 Dec. 1842 in Granville, Ohio.  All their children were born in Granville, Ohio.  (R‑202)

Children - Graves

+1082.   Orval Graves, b. 23 Sept. 1817, m. ‑‑‑‑‑‑, 16 May 1844, d. 9 Feb. 1889.

  1083.   Orlinda Graves, b. 24 March 1820, d. 11 Sept. 1876.

  1084.   Orpha Graves, b. 30 Jan. 1825, m. Samuel Root, 2 Oct. 1845.  He was b. 4 July 1820, Granville, Ohio, d. 14 Sept. 1846, son of Martin Root and Mary Barrett.  She afterward lived in Dubuque, Iowa.

+1085.   Alvah Graves, b. 14 June 1831, m. Emily Hopkins, 10 Sept. 1854.


Austin Graves (559) was born 7 July 1799 in Granville, MA[51], and died 23 Sept. 1846 in Alexandria, Ohio.  He married Cynthia Lavina Mead, daughter of Ira Mead, on 11 Dec. 1823.  She was born 8 Oct. 1806 in Rutland, Vt., and died 15 Aug. 1876 in Hartford, Ohio.  The Meads were the first white settlers in Rutland, VT.  Their ancestors settled in America at Greenwich, CT in 1640.  Cynthia married second Revel Gordon Everett of Hartford, Ohio on 7 April 1870.  The first four children of Austin and Cynthia were born in Granville, Ohio, Charity was born in Hartford, Ohio, and the other three at Alexandria, Ohio.  (R‑39, R‑202)

Children - Graves

  1086.   child, b. and d. 27 July 1824 (Granville, OH).

+1087.   Ira A. Graves, b. 22 July 1825, m. Edna Hildreth, d. 9 Feb. 1876.

  1088.   Cynthia A. Graves, b. 26 April 1827, m. Horace Matherwax Sheldon, 22 March 1848 (Alexandria, OH), d. 15 July 1866 (OR or MO).  He was b. 18 Aug. 1823, son of James Manning Sheldon.

  1089.   Lovina A. Graves, b. 24 Jan. 1829, m. George Daws, 4 April 1847 (Alexandria, OH), d. (IA).

+1090.   Philander A. Graves, b. 29 Jan. 1831, m(1) Martha E. King, 15 March 1854, m(2) Melvina Lockwood, 1899, d. 20 Nov. 1914.

  1091.   Philena O. Graves, b. 27 Oct. 1833, m. ‑‑‑‑‑‑, 20 March 1855 (Alexandria, OH), d. (Hartford, OH).

  1092.   Charity V. Graves, b. 23 Sept. 1839, d. 9 Dec. 1860 (Hartford, OH).

+1093.   Martha C. Graves, b. 18 Feb. 1843, m. Arthur Henry Hamiston, d. (MO).

  1094.   Arthur M. Graves, b. 29 Sept. 1845, d. 19 Sept. 1848 (Alexandria, OH).


Frederick Harmon Graves (560) was born 2 Feb. 1804 in Granville, Mass. (or Ohio?), and died 28 March 1878 in Richfield, Ohio.  He first married about 1825.  The name of his first wife is not known.  After she died, he married second Laura Emily Churchill on 15 Aug. 1832. He was a veterinary surgeon at Richfield, Ohio.  (R‑202)

Children - Graves, by 1st wife

  1095.   Abby D. Graves, b. 30 Nov. 1827, m. Peter Parker, 1845, d. Oct. 1871 (Coldwater, Mich.).

  1096.   Riley Graves, b. 1 Jan. 1829, m. Nancy Adams. Lived in Centre Village, Delaware Co., Ohio, where he died.

Children - Graves, by Laura E. Churchill

+1097.   Edward Sherman Graves, b. 28 Nov. 1833, m. Eveline Elizabeth Thomas, 3 Dec. 1857, d. 3 July 1880.

  1098.   Edwin Harmon Graves, b. 28 Nov. 1833, d. 11 March 1835.

+1099.   Edmond Augustus Graves, b. 30 Nov. 1835, m. Sarah Tuttle, 6 Nov. 1863, d. 27 Nov. 1887.

  1100.   Emily Maria Graves, b. 16 Aug. 1837, m(1) J. Thomas Barney, 28 May 1856, m(2) Nathan S. Britten, 8 April 1869.  They lived in Flushing, Mich.

+1101.   Enoch Harmon Graves, b. 9 Nov. 1839, m. Huldah Mosier.

+1102.   Elbert Lewis Graves, b. 29 July 1842, m. Emma McKee, 15 May 1878.

  1103.   Elmour John Graves, b. 2 Aug. 1845, d. 30 March 1846 (Richfield, Ohio).

  1104.   Elvin Francis Graves, b. 28 April 1847, d. 7 Dec. 1847.

  1105.   Martha Alice Graves, b. 29 Sept. 1848, m. Eugene Shall, 5 July 1867.  He died 15 April 1896.  Lived in Oceanside, San Diego Co., Calif.

+1106.   Alfred Austin Graves, b. 20 May 1851, m(1) Kate McKay, 1881, m(2) Annie Lewis, 27 Sept. 1891.

+1107.   Frank Ferdinand Graves, b. 3 Feb. 1854, m. Laura Boyce, 4 Oct. 1876.

  1108.   Eva Agnes Graves, b. 13 June 1856, d. 26 Nov. 1860 (Shelbyville, Mo.).


Alonzo Graves (561) was born 22 April 1813 and died 27 May 1866, both in Granville, Ohio.  He married Masina Shumway on 16 June 1840.  (R‑202)

Children - Graves

  1109.   Orpha M. Graves, b. 20 Aug. 1841, m. Martin Rose, 5 Oct. 1870, d. 30 July 1873 (Granville, Ohio).

  1110.   Lucelia E. Graves, b. 19 July 1843, d. 21 Aug. 1874 (Granville, Ohio).

  1111.   Linnie A. Graves, b. 6 June 1859.



David Graves (562) was born 5 Nov. 1785 at Durham, Conn., and died 12 March 1871.  His parents died when he was quite young, and he was brought up by his uncle Joseph Camp.  He moved from Durham to Sheffield, Mass. about 1814 and lived 2 miles northwest of the Center near Hubbards Mills, afterwards on the turnpike to Hudson.  He moved to East Bloomfield, N.Y. 4 Dec. 1829, where he lived for several years, then moved to Lima, Livingston Co., N.Y. about 1837 and lived there until his death.  He married Abigail Raynsford on 10 Sept. 1808 in Guilford, Conn.  She was born 22 May 1788 and died 21 Dec. 1845. Their first three children were born in Durham, Conn., the next seven at Sheffield, Mass., and the last one in Pittsford, Mass.  (R‑202)

Children - Graves

+1112.   Ransford Dunreith Graves, b. 10 Aug. 1809, m. Mary Ann Stone, 10 Dec. 1833, d. 2 July 1895.

  1113.   Joseph S. Graves, b. 18 Jan. 1811, d. 7 Jan. 1890.

  1114.   Persis A. Graves, b. 13 Jan. 1813, m. Riverius Carrington, 3 Feb. 1838 (Canandaigua, N.Y.), d. 11 Aug. 1867.  He was b. 18 Oct. 1806, son of Joseph Stiles and Rhoda Carrington.

  1115.   Worthington O. Graves, b. 11 Dec. 1815, d. 23 Dec. 1871.

  1116.   E. Judson Graves, b. 26 Sept. 1817.

  1117.   Matilda Graves, b. 8 July 1820.

  1118.   Celestia M. Graves, b. 27 Aug. 1822.

  1119.   Ann Jane Graves, b. 13 June 1825, d. 1 Aug. 1843.

  1120.   Mary Graves, b. 22 Sept. 1827, d. 21 Nov. 1862.

  1121.   Henrietta B. Graves, b. 6 Oct. 1829.

  1122.   William Pitt Graves, b. 31 Oct. 1832.



Austin Graves (563) was born 11 Feb. 1805 in Chazy, Clinton Co., NY (on Lake Champlain), and died 13 Feb. 1877 at Leroy, WI.  He married Sophronia Cowles on 24 Feb. 1827 in Homer, Cortland Co., NY.  She was born 23 July 1805 in New Lebanon, NY, and died 17 Jan. 1888.  All their children were born in McGrawville, Cortland Co., NY.

In 1825 Austin was a sergeant in the company of infantry organized as aid to the Military Organization of New York state.  He was present at the first meeting of the Presbyterian Church of McGrawville which was organized March 1, 183346.  (R‑202, R‑203)

Children - Graves

  1123.   Sophronia Emerett Graves, b. 18 June 1828, d. 21 Oct. 1828.

  1124.   Ermina Graves, b. 28 Sept. 1829, m. Peter Potter, 31 Dec. 1846, d. 28 Sept. 1848.

  1125.   Austin Adelmar Graves, b. 19 Nov. 1831, m(1) Mary E. Bishop, 26 May 1857, m(2) Annie Cary, July 1887.  Lived at 723 College Ave., Racine, Wisc.

+1126.   Lorenzo Hand Graves, b. 22 Feb. 1834, m. Emma McGraw, 22 May 1860.

+1127.   Myron Gardner Graves, b. 30 Sept. 1836, m. Lydia A. Kenyon, 26 Dec. 1869.

  1128.   Russell Cowles Graves, b. 14 Nov. 1841.

  1129.   Lucian Clark Graves, b. 16 July 1844.


Lester Graves (564) was born 26 May 1807 at Chazy, NY, and died 26 Aug. 1887, age 80, at McGraw, NY. He first married Olive Holton.  She was born 18 June 1806 at Hamilton, Madison Co., NY., and died 30 July 1855 at McGraw, NY.  He married second Mrs. Eunice (Dodge) Kellogg, daughter of Amasa Dodge and Eunice Shepard, on 25 Oct. 1857.  She was born 21 Jan. 1809 in West Winfield, NY., and died 10 May 1892.  They lived in McGrawville (later McGraw), NY.

Deacon Lester Graves was of McGraw, NY in 1813 when his father moved there.  In 1825, Lester was a musician in the company of infantry organized as aid to the Military Organization of New York.  The first meeting of the Presbyterian Church of McGraw was held at LesterÕs home when it was organized March 1, 183346.  (R‑202, R‑203)

Children - Graves, by Olive Holton

+1130.   Walter Godfrey Graves, b. 9 Nov. 1831, m. Amelia P. Mather.

+1131.   Rufus Holton Graves, b. 4 Aug. 1833, m(1) Eleanor C. Phelps, 20 Aug. 1856, m(2) Mrs. Augustus Cuoen, 30 Nov. 1880, d. 1 Sept. 1886.

  1132.   Emeline Sophia Graves, b. 22 April 1835, m. Lyman Wilbur Graves, March 1858, d. Sept. 1878.  See #1176 for descendants.

  1133.   Emerette Sophronia Graves, b. 11 July 1837, m. Oliver Parker Dow, 20 March 1861.  Lived in Palmyra, Wisc.

  1134.   Spellman Graves, b. 8 March 1839, d. 4 Feb. 1840.

  1135.   Franklin Josephus Graves, b. 8 Dec. 1840, d. 28 March 1858.

  1136.   Ezra Benedict Graves, b. 3 Oct. 1842, d. 20 July 1843.

  1137.   Harriet Elizabeth Graves, b. 10 Feb. 1844, d. 8 Sept. 1845.

+1138.   Elbert Newton Graves, b. 17 Feb. 1846, m. Annie Sophy Bean, 3 Nov. 1874, d. 11 May 1895.

  1139.   Cornelia Ermina Graves, b. 17 Aug. 1847, d. 1 Feb. 1848.

+1140.   Austin Ernestus Graves, b. 8 Nov. 1848, m. Libbie A. Penney, 14 Nov. 1871.


Calista Jane Graves (565) was born 20 Jan. 1810 in Chazy, NY, and died in 1888.  She married Elisha Coburn of McGrawville, NY.  (R‑203)

Children - Coburn

  1141.   Amelia Coburn, b. 1832, m. ‑‑‑‑‑‑ Crandall, d. 1917.


Rufus Byington Graves (566), called Byington, was born 16 March 1812 in Chazy, N.Y., and died 21 Feb. 1891 in Byron Center, Genesee Co., N.Y.  He moved with his parents to McGrawville, N.Y. in 1813.  He married Sophia Greenman on 23 March 1835.  She was born 17 Feb. 1816 and died in 1894.  They lived in McGrawville and Upper Lisle, Broome Co., N.Y.  He was at the home of his son, Adin, in Byron Center when he died. His widow subsequently lived with her daughter, Julia, at Cortland, N.Y.  (R‑202, R‑203)

Children - Graves

  1142.   Homer B. Graves, b. 19 Sept. 1839, d. 1840.

+1143.   Edwin D. Graves, b. 30 Dec. 1840, m. Emma S. Lewis, 12 Feb. 1868.

  1144.   Julia E. Graves, b. 20 June 1843, m. DeForest (or Dr. Forest) Hakes, 20 June 1866.  He was b. 21 Nov. 1835, son of Jesse Hakes, Jr. and Polly Eymer.

  1145.   Calista C. Graves, b. 20 Aug. 1847, m. Louis Taylor.  Lived in Long Prairie, Todd Co., Minn.

+1146.   Adin Webb Graves, b. 5 April 1850, m. Ida May Richmond, 15 May 1873.

+1147.   Charles Graves, b. 14 June 1853, m. Sarah M. Butterfield, 2 May 1871.

  1148.   Rachel Graves, b. 22 Aug. 1857, m. Burt Smith, d. 6 June 1885.


Lucy Ann Graves (567) was born 20 Nov. 1815 in McGrawville, NY, and died in 1871.  She married Capt. Benjamin Greenman.  He was born in 1811 and died in 1883, brother of Sophia Greenman who married Lucy AnnÕs brother Rufus.  (R‑203)

Children - Greenman

  1149.   Lucy Ann Greenman, m. ‑‑‑‑‑‑ Ostrander.

  1150.   Mary Jane Greenman, m. Alfred Atkins.

  1151.   Laura Livinia Greenman, m. Wesley Walker.

  1152.   Lucian Greenman

  1153.   Frank Greenman

  1154.   Henry Benjamin Greenman, m. Catherine McGraw (dau. of Marcus McGraw).



Charlotte (ÒLottieÓ) Elizabeth Graves (547) was born 5 Dec. 1789 in Granville, MA, died 31 Oct. 1844 in Jonesville, MI, and was buried at Jonesville.  She married Hubbell Ransom on 28 March 1809 in Chazy, NY.  He was born 26 Aug. 1787 in Shelburne Falls, MA.  His parents had moved to Chazy and then to McGrawville, NY.  Charlotte and Hubbell lived in Jonesville, MI many years.  (R‑203)

Children - Ransom

  1155.   Fidelia Ransom, b. 25 Jan. 1810, m. Dr. Hiram Brockway, d. in Calif.  They were members at the first meeting of the church at McGrawville, when it was organized March 1, 1833.

  1156.   Justin Ransom, b. 1812 (Solon, NY), m. Eleanor Palmer.

  1157.   Harvey Ransom, b. 1814 (Homer, NY), m. Lydia B. Goss, 1838 (VT).

  1158.   Eliza A. Ransom, b. 1816.

  1159.   Alonzo Ransom, b. 1819.

  1160.   Charlotte Ransom, b. 1821.

  1161.   Rebecca Ransom, b. 1823, m(1) Selah Devine, m(2) William Devine.

  1162.   Lyman G. Ransom, b. 1827, d. at Onaga, KS.

  1163.   Amelia L. Ransom, b. 1829, m. Ezekiel Flanders.  Lived in Mendon, MI.

  1164.   Martha Ransom, b. 1833.

+1165.   Helen Henrietta Ransom, b. 20 Feb. 1836, m. William Hobson.


Asher Graves (548) was born 12 Nov. 1792 (or 1791?) in Chazy, NY, died 24 Dec. 1873 (or 1872) in McGrawville, NY (or Winetka, IL?), and was buried in Graceland Cem., Chicago, IL.  He married Achsa (or Abisah or Alchsah) Webster, daughter of Abel Webster and Lydia Keeney, on 16 (or 19) Sept. 1819 at Fabius, NY.  She was born 31 Oct. 1798, and died 21 May 1872 in Winnetka, Cook Co., IL.  He moved with his parents to McGrawville, NY in 1813.  He took part in establishing a Baptist Church at McGrawville in 1831, was one of the first Trustees, and was a member of the committee that built the church building.  He owned ÒPiety HillÓ, and gave land to the Baptist and Methodist churches for a cemetery.  All their children were born in McGrawville except the last two, who were born at Blodgetts Mills, NY.  They may have moved to Winnetka, Ill. in 1836, although they are also said to have moved to Blodgetts Mills in that year.  (R‑202, R‑203)

Children - Graves

+1166.   Riley Merrill Graves, b. 22 April 1821, m. Ruth Maria Webster, 26 July 1846.

+1167.   Julius Spencer Graves, b. 21 Nov. 1822, m. Maryette Peckham, 24 May 1846.

+1168.   Melvin Webster Graves, b. 11 Sept. 1824, m. Emma Hunt, 25 Dec. 1855, d. 8 Oct. 1863.

  1169.   Charlotte Ann Graves, b. 31 May 1826, d. 28 March 1827.  Bur. McGrawville Cem.

  1170.   Charlotte Tryphena Graves, b. 27 March 1833, m(1) Michael Leber, m(2) Lafayette Howe, d. 20 Sept. 1890.  Lived in Evanston, Ill.

+1171.   Ann Lydia Graves, b. 14 May 1835, m. Charles F. Gray, 11 Oct. 1855 (Texas Valley, Cortland Co., N.Y.).  He was a banker, and was born 7 Jan. 1830 in Buffalo, N.Y.

  1172.   James Graves, b. and d. 19 Feb. 1837.

+1173.   Evelyn Gennette Graves, b. 8 Feb. 1838, m. Rev. Henry T. Scovill, 31 Oct. 1870 (Winnetka, Ill.).  Lived in Evanston, Ill.

  1174.   Lorenzo Graves, b. 21 April 1840, d. 22 April 1840.


Elizur Graves (549) was born 2 June 1795 in Chazy, NY, and died 27 March 1857 in Palmyra, WI.  He first married Maria Wilbur, daughter of David Wilbur and Mary Peck, about 1820.  She was born 8 July 1799.  He married second Rhoda Purdy of Norwich, NY, daughter of Jeremiah Purdy and Lydia Thompson, in 1833 in Norwich, NY.  She was born 25 April 1803 in NY, and died in 1858 in Palmyra, WI.

According to war records, Elizur enlisted June 29, 1812 at Chazy, NY in Capt. DixÕs Co., New York Militia, and was honorably discharged Nov. 30, 1812.  He served in the Canadian campaign.  He received a land grant in Palmyra, WI for his war service.

Elizur probably moved from Chazy to McGrawville, NY at the time of the evacuation of Chazy, when his father moved there in 1813.  In 1838, Elizur united with the Presbyterian Church of McGrawville, NY, which had been organized in 1833.

Elizur had 5 children by his first wife and 7 by his second wife.  He lived in McGrawville (later McGraw) until after the 1850 census, when he decided to join his older children in Palmyra, WI.  The 1850 census for Cortlandville, Cortland Co., NY, listed Elizur, Rhoda, and all their children, but none of the children by his first marriage.  When he left McGrawville with his second wife, Rhoda, and their young family, their son Willard was ten or twelve years old.  They drove to the Erie Canal and traveled by canal boat to Buffalo, NY, where they embarked for Milwaukee, WI, and from there by land to their new home, Palmyra.  Elizur purchased a farm in the outskirts of Palmyra and soon had the best farm in that locality (so he thought).  His grandson Elizur Hiram Graves lived on this farm as a small boy.

In 1855, Elizur was a resident of Palmyra.  In a statement sworn to before a Justice of the Peace, for the purpose of applying for land grants, it was stated that he was 59 years old on April 5, 1855.  His land grant (granted for his War of 1812 service) was near the town of Palmyra.

In 1857 almost all of ElizurÕs family had typhoid fever, and five members of the family died within 2 years of each other.  Elizur died of blood poisoning, March 27, 1857, his daughter Catherine Maria of tuberculosis Òcontracted on her honeymoonÓ, Helen also of tuberculosis probably contracted from her sister, and George of Òtyphoid fever relapseÓ.  ElizurÕs wife Rhoda died in 1858 on pneumonia, it was thought as a result of overwork in caring for her sick family.

Elizur had given his land grant to his sons by his first marriage, and he left his other property to the children of his second marriage.  His son, Willard, gave his share of his inheritance to his younger brothers and worked his way through college.  (R‑202, R‑203)

Children - Graves, by Maria Wilbur

  1175.   David Wilbur Graves (called Wilbur), b. 3 Aug. 1821, m. Delia Clark (of Palmyra, Wisc.), d. Aug. 1854 (Palmyra, WI, of cholera).  Delia died at La Crosse, WI.  Had 2 children.

+1176.   Lyman Wilbur Graves, b. 26 April 1823, m(1) Julia Ann Duncan, c. 1844, m(2) Emeline Sophia Graves, 9 Feb. 1858, d. 18 July 1876.

  1177.   Cynthia M. Graves, b. 14 March 1825, m. Edwin Boynton (of McGrawville, N.Y.), 12 Oct. 1843, d. La Crosse, WI.  Lived in Palmyra, WI and Winnetka, IL.

+1178.   Hiram M. Graves, b. 17 Feb. 1827, m. Lois Elizabeth Slosson, 5 Feb. 1851, d. 26 May 1881.

+1179.   Orlando Wilbur Graves, b. 27 April 1829, m. Sarah A. Clark, 11 May 1854, d. 24 June 1892.

Children - Graves, by Rhoda Purdy

  1180.   Catherine Maria Graves (called Maria), b. 2 Nov. 1835, m. John Harris (of Nova Scotia), d. 1853.

  1181.   Helen Eliza Graves, b. 5 June 1837, never married, d. 1858.

+1182.   Willard Purdy Graves, b. 31 July 1838, m. Lucy Melvina Libby, 19 Dec. 1864, d. 12 Jan. 1922.

  1183.   Elijah Spellman Graves, b. 17 Feb. 1840, never married, d. 1863.  He died in Colorado, during an epidemic of mountain fever.  There were so many ill that there were not enough well to care for the sick.  His grave could not be identified.  He was searching for gold at the time.

  1184.   George Devillo Graves, b. 30 Sept. 1841, never married, d. 1857 (of typhoid fever).  Almost the entire family had typhoid at that time.

+1185.   Henry Theodore Graves, b. 11 Feb. 1844, m. Eliza Adeline Leighton, 25 Nov. 1869, d. 6 Oct. 1912.

+1186.   Edwin Boynton Graves, b. 17 June 1846, m. Eva Belle Brand.


Spellman (or Spelman) Graves (550) was born 25 Aug. 1797 at Chazy, N.Y., and died 2 Jan. 1853 in Cortlandville (or McGrawville), N.Y.  He first married Laura King on 15 Feb. 1828 in Cortland Co., N.Y.  She was born 1808, and died 17 July 1846 "in her 39th year."  He was a musician in the N.Y. Militia (the company of infantry organized in 1825 as aid to the military organization of New York state). They lived in Cortlandville.  They were both buried in McGrawville Cem., McGrawville, N.Y.

Spellman married second Mary Lester (Leonard) Kinney in 1847.  The 1850 census for Cortlandville, Cortland Co., N.Y., shows Spellman, Mary, the Graves children, and her two Kinney sons.  She was born about 1808 or 1809 in New Haven, Conn., died 7 July 1891 in McGrawville, N.Y., and was buried in the Kinney family plot.

Mary first married Prentice Kinney in 1825, probably in Conn.  Their children were: Mary Ann Kinney, b.c. 1826; Charles L. Kinney, b.c. 1827, d. 24 Sept. 1892 in his 65th year; Joseph Kinney, b. 4 March 1830; and Levi Kinney, b.c. 1840, d. 5 April 1863 in his 23rd year, all born in N.Y.  Prentice died 5 May 1845, and was buried in the now abandoned Polkville cem.  (His parents, Chester and Silence, and various other Kinney relatives are also buried there.)

After Spellman died, Mary married Zebulon Bellows by 1855.  He died 30 Oct. 1864.  She then married Chillis Harvey sometime after 1872 as her fourth husband.  He died 7 Nov. 1889.  (R‑21, R‑202, R‑203)

Children - Graves

  1187.   Festus Graves, b.c. 1828, m. Martha Graves (#1204).  They had 2 children.  After he died, she m(2) W. B. Muller (or Miller), and they lived at 4424 St. Lawrence Ave., Chicago, Ill.

  1188.   Carthene (or Catherine?) E. Graves, b. 2 June 1840, d. 11 Aug. 1843.  Bur. McGrawville Cem.

  1189.   Laura (or Laurette or Louretta) M. Graves, b.c. 1843.

Children - Graves, by Mary L. Leonard

  1190.   Freeman B. Graves, b. 17 April 1848, m. Mary Allen.


Philena Graves (552) was born 12 April 1802, probably in Chazy, NY, and died 13 May 1850 at age 48 in McGraw (formerly McGrawville), NY.  She married Hiram McGraw of McGrawville, son of Samuel McGraw and Elizabeth S. Whitcomb, the first settlers of McGrawville.  He was born 5 April 1800, and died in 1877 in McGrawville.

Hiram operated a grist mill two and a half miles southeast of Cortland village at Blodgetts Mills, NY.[52]  After PhilenaÕs death, Hiram married widow Martha E. (Calvert) Sturtevant in 1850.  She had 5 children by her first husband.  She died 16 April 1894 at Cortland, NY.52,[53]  (R‑203)

Children - McGraw

+1191.   Dewitt Clinton McGraw, m. Harriet Austin.

+1192.   Henrietta McGraw, m. ‑‑‑‑‑‑ Chapman.

  1193.   Franklin McGraw, b. 1828, d. 1830.

+1194.   Marcus Hiram McGraw, m(1) Martha Melina Sturtevant, 12 April 1862, m(2) Luella Mintanye, m(3) Mary E. Lampman.

  1195.   Merritt McGraw, b. 1831, d. 17 Nov. 1831 (age 3 months).

  1196.   Lemuel McGraw, m. Xenia Cody.  No children.


Minerva Graves (553) was born 15 Aug. 1804, probably in Chazy, NY, and died 11 Nov. 1882 at age 78 in McGraw, NY.  She married John McGraw of McGrawville, NY.  He was brother of Hiram McGraw who married MinervaÕs sister Philena53.  Minerva was present at the first meeting of the Presbyterian Church of McGrawville when it was organized March 1, 1833.  (R‑203)

Children - McGraw

+1197.   Mariva McGraw, m. Hiram Blodgett.

  1198.   Charlotte McGraw

  1199.   Sarah McGraw

  1200.   Martin McGraw

  1201.   Elizabeth McGraw, m. Harvey Greenman.  No children.

+1202.   Henry McGraw, m. Sarah W. DeWolf.


Lyman Graves (554) was born 16 Dec. 1805 in Chazy, N.Y., and died 10 Dec. 1878.  He married Elizabeth Purdy (or Eliza or Elizabeth Calkins of Smyrna, NY) in 1830.  (R‑29, R‑202)

Children - Graves

  1203.   Festus Graves, m. in Minn., and had 5 children.

  1204.   Martha Graves, m(1) Festus Graves (#1187), m(2) W. B. Muller.  Lived at 4424 St. Lawrence Ave., Chicago, Ill.

  1205.   Betsey (or Betsy) Graves, m. Alvin Woodbury.

+1206.   Oscar Devalson Graves, b. 1 Jan. 1846, m(1) Sarahette Boynton, m(2) Mary M. (‑‑‑‑‑‑) Baker, m(3) Esther Shafer Bloomquist, 5 Dec. 1905, d. 11 Feb. 1928.

  1207.   Smith Graves, d. at age 4.



Deborah Bishop (585) was born in 1785.  She married John Laughlin (or Laflin), son of Samuel Laughlin (or Laflin), on 14 Sept. 1806 in Georgia, Franklin Co., Vt.  He was born 19 Feb. 1785 in Georgia, Vt., birth recorded by Luman Graves, town clerk.

The following information is from the National Archives, Bounty Land Files: Can No. 230, Bundle No. 77.

16 Nov. 1850: Affidavit of Henry Hunt, of New Haven, Conn., aged 59 years, who deposed that he was well acquainted with John Laughlin of Georgia, Vt., in 1806 and before that date.  Said Laughlin belonged to Capt. Jesse Post's infantry company and was drafted the last of June to serve 6 months.  He also served in a company commanded by Capt. or Lieut. Herman Hoyt of St. Albans, Vt., in Col. William Williams' Regiment.  The affidavit is not clear as to whether Laughlin served one or two terms of service, but it appears that he actually served two terms, being discharged the first time in December 1812 and the second time at Plattsburgh in November 1813. Hunt stated that he was present at said Laughlin's marriage to Deborah Bishop of said Georgia in Sept. or Oct. 1806; the ceremony was performed by John White, Esq., J.P.  Said Deborah is now a resident of Pottsdam, N.Y.  Hunt has heard that said Laughlin died about two years earlier.

21 March 1851: Affidavit of Edmond Goodrich, of Georgia, Vt., aged 80.  He was present at the marriage of John Laflin and Deborah Bishop.  "I believe that the said marriage was solemnized in the month of Sept. A.D. 1806." Goodrich was well acquainted with said Laughlin and his wife, and their children; some 3 or 4 of their children lived in his (Goodrich's family) "both before and since the death of their father".

17 May 1851: Affidavit of Deborah Laflin, aged 65 years, of Pottsdam, N.Y.  Deposed that she was the widow of John Laflin deceased, "who was a fifer or privet in the Company commanded by Captain Conrad Lax in Regiment of Vermont Militia commanded by Colonel or Lieut. Col. William Williams in the war with Great Britain declared by the United States on 18th day of June A.D. 1812."  Her said husband was drafted on or about the last of June 1812 or in the month of July (of same year) for a term of 6 months and continued in the actual service of the United States until honorably discharged at Swanton Falls, Vermont, "as would appear by the muster roll of said company.  She makes this declaration in the absence of any records and according to her best knowledge and recollection."  Her said husband was a fifer in Capt. Jesse Post's Company, Lieut. Col. Luther Dickson's Regiment, Vermont Militia; he was drafted on or about the 25th of Sept. 1813 for 3 months and continued in the service "in said war in this second tour of duty for the term of fifty-four days and was honorably discharged at Plattsburgh in the State of New York on the eighteenth day of November A.D. 1813."  "She further states that she was married to the said John Laflin in Georgia, County of Franklin and State of Vermont on the fourteenth day of September A.D. 1806 by one John White, a Justice of the Peace, and that her name before her marriage was Deborah Bishop, that her said husband died at Depeyster, N.Y. on the ninth day of October A.D. 1846 and that she is still a widow."

19 October 1859: Letter from Luther Lanphear, of Hammond, St. Lawrence Co., N.Y., to the Commissioner of Patents: Under act of 28 Sept. 1850, Deborah Laflin, widow of John Laflin, of the Vermont Militia, received Warrant No. 55922 for 80 acres of land, dated 14 June 1854; also, under act of 3 March 1855, she received Warrant No. 373987 for 80 acres more, dated 2 July 1856. Widow Laflin desired to convey her land by assignment to her son, M.L. Laughlin, but unfortunately they had employed a person who was unfamiliar with the formalities involved in the transaction... The warrants were returned and duplicates were provided.  (R‑24)

Children - Laughlin

+1208.   Aurilla Laughlin, b. 1809, m. Nahum Wilson, d. 1895 or 1897.



Ely (or Eli) Stevens (598) was born 13 Jan. 1796 and died 26 Dec. 1836.  He married Clarinda Fisher.  (R‑36)

Children - Stevens

+1209.   Harriet Aurelia Stevens, b. 29 Oct. 1817, m. Robert Cearns, Oct. 1836.

  1210.   Jerusha Leonard Stevens, b. 10 Dec. 1819, m. Jonathan Woodbury, 3 Nov. 1853.

  1211.   James Denison Stevens, b. 14 June 1824, m. Frances Campbell.

  1212.   Luthera Stevens, m. William Morrill.

  1213.   Caroline Matilda Stevens, b. 18 June 1831, m(1) Joel Bartlett, 22 Feb. 1868, m(2) David A. Preston, 29 Oct. 1873.

  1214.   Leonard Stevens, b. 16 April 1836, m. Margaret Ann Ridgeray, 7 June 1862, d. 6 April 1901.



Marcus L. French (607) was born 15 June 1807 in NY, and died 12 Aug. 1877 in Kasota, St. Peter, Le Sueur Co., MN.  He married Louisa M. Storrs on 24 Aug. 1835.  She was born in July 1813 in NY, and died 9 Aug. 1900 (or 1909) in St. Peter, Le Sueur Co., MN.  They were both buried in St. Peter, MN.  Their first 3 children were born in NY, and the others in MI.

A profile from Portrait Gallery of the Twenty-Ninth Legislature of the State of Minnesota, Minneapolis and St. Paul, 1895, states:

M. L. French, deceased, was born in New York in 1807.  There he lived until 1839, then removed to Michigan and remained until 1855; came to Minnesota and located on a farm on the banks of Lake Emily.  With the exception of two years spent in the mining districts of Montana, he resided with his family on the farm in Kasota.  Married in 1835 Louisa M. Stores, a native of New York.  In 1877 Mr. French died; his widow and six children survive him.  Ernest died at twenty-three years of age; Fannie is the wife of S. W. Pettis; Edmond M. resides in Mexico; Maretta died at the age of eighteen; Willard lives in Murray county, Minnesota; Enos J. lives in California; J. W. in Nevada and Arthur B. in Kasota.  (R‑37)

Children - French

  1215.   Ernest Reuben French, b. 8 Aug. 1836, d. 16 June 1861.

  1216.   Fanny Ursula French, b. 6 Oct. 1837, m. Stephen W. Pettis, 24 Dec. 1857, d. 21 Sept. 1888.

  1217.   Edmond Marcus French, b. 31 May 1839, m. Jennie Woolridge, 7 Aug. 1864, d. after 1900.

  1218.   Marity Mehatible M. French, b. 4 May 1841, d. 22 July 1859.

  1219.   Sheldon Willard French (called Willard), b. 7 Feb. 1843, m. Matilda C. Bell, d. 22 Aug. 1921.

  1220.   Enos John French, b. 29 March 1845 (Windsor, Ontario, Canada), m. Laurana Wooster, 17 Sept. 1872 (Minneapolis, Hennepin Co., MN), d. 20 Feb. 1932 (San Bernardino, CA).

  1221.   Jay Wesley French, b. 5 April 1847, d. 10 Nov. 1890.

+1222.   Arthur Burton French, b. 30 Nov. 1849, m. Julia Gorine Skarnes, 30 Aug. 1870, d. 26 Aug. 1895.



Elizabeth Redfield (632) was born in 1791 and died in 1857 at age 66.  She married Capt. John Farnham in Clinton, CT.  (R‑42)

Children - Farnham

  1223.   Elizabeth Farnham, m. Henry Brooks.

  1224.   Susan Farnham, never married.  Bur. Clinton, CT.


Lucy Redfield (633) was born in 1793.  She married Martin Griswold on 3 March 1822 in Clinton, CT.  Both their children were born in Clinton, CT.  (R‑42)

Children - Griswold

  1225.   Maria Griswold

  1226.   Charles Griswold


William Harvey Redfield (634) was born in 1797.  He married Elizabeth Elderkin, daughter of Elisha Elderkin and Mary Brintnall, in 1821 in Clinton, CT.  (R‑42)

Children - Redfield

  1227.   Mary Elizabeth Redfield, b. 6 Dec. 1821.

  1228.   Alfred Brintnall Redfield, b. 1 July 1827.

  1229.   Ann Amelia Redfield, b. 18 April 1839, d. 7 March 1853.



Samuel Russell Redfield (665) was born 11 Dec. 1782.  He married Sarah Gould, daughter of Ebenezer Bruce Gould, on 14 Feb. 1803.  (R‑42)

Children - Redfield

  1230.   Juliet Emily Redfield, b. 1 Oct. 1803.

  1231.   Caroline Nancy Redfield, b. 5 April 1806.

  1232.   David Harvey Redfield, b. 31 Aug. 1807.

  1233.   Ebenezer Gould Redfield, b. 20 June 1810.

  1234.   Sarah Emeline Redfield, b. 14 Feb. 1812.

  1235.   Orpha Maria Redfield, b. 25 March 1814.

  1236.   Lucy Gould Redfield, b. 12 Feb. 1816.

  1237.   Mary Jane Redfield, b. 1 Aug. 1818, d. 9 Aug. 1820.

  1238.   Mary Jane Redfield, b. 12 Sept. 1820.

  1239.   Russell Edwin Redfield, b. 2 March 1824.

  1240.   Samuel Russell Redfield, b. 19 Nov. 1826.


Amanda Russell Redfield (668) was born 14 May 1789 in Killingworth, CT.  She married Timothy MÕElwain Shaw on 7 Oct. 1812.  (R‑42)

Children - Shaw

  1241.   Julia Ann Shaw, b. 23 Sept. 1813, m. ‑‑‑‑‑‑ Allen, d. 1853.

  1242.   James Samuel Shaw, b. 19 May 1819.

  1243.   Amanda Shaw, b. 17 Oct. 1821.

  1244.   Frances Shaw, b. 13 May 1824, m. ‑‑‑‑‑‑ Allen.

  1245.   Cortland Harper Shaw, b. 22 June 1828.


Nancy Redfield (669) was born 25 July 1791 in Killingworth, CT.  She married Oliver Phelps, son of Oliver Phelps and Alice Barber, on 4 Oct. 1812.  He was born 26 Oct. 1777, and died 7 July 1848 in Albion, Orleans Co., NY.  (R‑42)

Children - Phelps

  1246.   Mary Ann Phelps, b. 28 July 1813, m. William Clark Lyman, 23 Sept. 1839, d. 23 Oct. 1857.

  1247.   Jane Francis Phelps, b. 14 Aug. 1816 (Hartford, CT), m. Horace M. Babcock, 31 Oct. 1843.

  1248.   William Redfield Phelps, b. 8 Aug. 1818 (Hartford, CT), m. Harriet M. Cone, 7 Jan. 1840.

  1249.   Edward Jackson Phelps, b. 25 Dec. 1823 (Middletown, CT), m. Ellen Eliza Clark, 20 Feb. 1849.

  1250.   Maria Louisa Phelps, b. 28 Dec. 1827 (Hebron, CT).


Bela Hubbard Redfield (670) was born 1 Oct. 1794 in Killingworth, CT, and died after 1870 in Racine, Mower Co., MN.  He married Frances Dewey, daughter of Charles Dewey and Achsal ‑‑‑‑‑‑, on 26 Jan. 1824 in Buffalo, Erie Co., NY.  She was born 25 Oct. 1798 in VT, and died after 1870 in Racine, MN.  (R‑42)

Children - Redfield

+1251.   Amanda Malvina Redfield, b. 22 May 1824, m. Orson E. Card, 23 Dec. 1842, d. 21 Sept. 1843.

+1252.   Charles Samuel Redfield, b. 2 June 1826, m. Mary M. Duffie, 18 Sept. 1853, d. 16 March 1855.

+1253.   William Harvey Redfield, b. 9 Feb. 1828, m. Mary Pillsbury, 1855.

+1254.   Franklin Dewey Redfield, b. 17 Feb. 1833, m. Hulda A. Loomer, 17 Feb. 1858, d. 14 Feb. 1912.


Frederick Augustus Redfield (671) was born 23 June 1797 in Guilford, CT, and died 8 Jan. 1851 in Titusville, PA.  He married Abigail Blaisdell on 17 March 1818 in Titusville, PA.  She was born 14 July 1802 and died 7 Feb. 1888, both in Titusville.  (R‑42)

Children - Redfield

  1255.   Mary Redfield, b. 21 Feb. 1819.

+1256.   William Henry Redfield, b. 2 May 1821, m. Lovina ‑‑‑‑‑‑.

+1257.   John W. Redfield, b. 5 Aug. 1823, m. Charlotte Follwell, 5 Nov. 1842, d. May 1907.

+1258.   Abraham Hale Redfield, b. 21 Feb. 1826, m. Caroline Eva Fink, 25 Oct. 1848.

  1259.   Curtis Fairchild Redfield, b. 5 Oct. 1828, d. 5 April 1833.

+1260.   Corydon Redfield, b. 23 Jan. 1833, m. Anna Clarinda Drown, 15 Sept. 1853.

+1261.   Nancy Jane Redfield, b. 7 Nov. 1835, m. Patrick White, 23 July 1853.

  1262.   Caroline Elizabeth Redfield, b. 5 Jan. 1839.

  1263.   Sarah Redfield, b. 22 Nov. 1841.


William Morgan Redfield (673) was born 22 Dec. 1802 in NY.  He married Phebe Palmer in Jan. 1830.  (R‑42)

Children - Redfield

  1264.   Lauren Redfield, b. 25 Dec. 1834.

  1265.   Charles Fairchild Redfield, b. 26 Aug. 1837.

  1266.   George Hurd Redfield, b. 26 Oct. 1839.

  1267.   Florence Hortense Redfield, b. 18 Aug. 1845.


Charles Seabury Redfield (674) was born 2 April 1806 in NY.  He married Caroline Jane Pease on 31 Jan. 1833.  (R‑42

Children - Redfield

  1268.   David Theodore Redfield, b. 4 March 1834, d. 2 May 1834.

  1269.   Willson Mills Redfield, b. 11 Aug. 1835.

  1270.   Mary Fidelia Redfield, b. 9 Oct. 1843.



Elizabeth Redfield (688) was born in Clinton, CT.  She married Dr. Samuel Carter.  He was baptized in Saybrook, CT, and died before 1860 in Brooklyn, NY.  (R‑42)

Children - Carter

  1271.   Elizabeth Carter, m(1) Charles Dowd, m(2) Dr. Ward.

  1272.   Weltha Ann Carter

  1273.   Susan Amelia Carter, m. Edward Brown (of Brooklyn, NY).

  1274.   Grace Redfield Carter, m. George Pratt (of Ridgefield, CT).

  1275.   Caroline Matilda Carter, m. George Catlin (of Harwinton, CT).

  1276.   Mary Carter, m. Charles Meigs (of Madison, CT), d. before 1860.

  1277.   Harriet Augusta Carter, m. Eli B. Knox (of Buffalo, NY).  Moved west before 1860.

+1278.   Aurelia Carter, m. ‑‑‑‑‑‑ Beebe (of Vernon, NY).


Isaac Redfield (690) was born 19 Sept. 1792 in Clinton, CT.  He first married Amelia Wright.  She was born 13 Nov. 1792 and died 27 Dec. 1822.  He married second Elva Cabey.  (R‑42)

Children - Redfield, by Amelia Wright

+1279.   Samuel Augustus Redfield, b. 13 July 1813, m. Hetty W. Hezekiah, 23 March 1837.

  1280.   Susan Amelia Redfield, b. 1 Dec. 1814, d. 10 April 1816.

+1281.   David Alexander Redfield, b. 11 May 1817, m. Emma Potter, 17 Sept. 1838 (New London, CT).

  1282.   Isaac Henry Redfield, b. 10 April 1819, d. 13 Dec. 1852 (lost at sea on a steamship off Alabama).

+1283.   Charles Redfield, b. 28 Feb. 1821, m. Eliza Dennis, d.c. 1851.


David Redfield (691) was born 6 Dec. 1794 in Clinton, CT, and died 12 Nov. 1852.  He married Chloe Kirtland on 30 Jan. 1821.  She was born 11 Dec. 1803 in Westbrook, CT, and died 20 Sept. 1838.  (R‑42)

Children - Redfield

+1284.   Cornelia Chloe Redfield, b. 30 Nov. 1821, m. George Edwin Elliot, 25 Sept. 1844.

  1285.   Elisha Kirtland Redfield, b. 21 Oct. 1823.

  1286.   Susan Redfield

  1287.   Grace Ann Redfield, b. 12 Aug. 1827, d. 1 Oct. 1828.

+1288.   David Alexander Redfield, b. 14 April 1834, m. Sarah M. Bacon, 29 Oct. 1849.



Dr. Horace Porter Blair (744) was born 16 Nov. 1798 in Williamstown, Berkshire Co., MA, died 14 July 1874 of a malignant tumor in Georgia, Franklin Co., VT, and was buried in Georgia Plains Cem., Georgia, VT.  He was a medical doctor, and shared a medical practice with his father, Dr. Abel Blair, for several years.

He first married Lucia J. ‑‑‑‑‑‑ about 1825 in Georgia, VT.  She was born 28 Feb. 1800, died 12 July 1841 in Georgia, VT, and was also buried in Georgia Plains Cem.

He married second Mary Esther Allen, daughter of Hannah ‑‑‑‑‑‑, in 1841 in Georgia, VT.  She was born 16 April 1820 in Canada, and died 7 April 1912 in Little Sauk Twp., Todd Co., MN.  They apparently divorced, and she married second Sidney R. Smith.

Horace thirdly married Susan Colton in 1844 in Georgia, VT.  She was born 26 Feb. 1795, died 1 Dec. 1886 in Georgia, VT, and was buried in Georgia Plains Cem.

All his children were born in Georgia, VT.  (R‑35)

Children - Blair, by Lucia J. ‑‑‑‑‑‑

  1289.   Mary Jane Blair, b. 1827, m. Harrison Jackson.

  1290.   Amanda Blair, b. 1833.

  1291.   Emma Augusta Blair, b. April 1840, d. 28 Jan. 1841 (Georgia, VT).

Children - Blair, by Mary E. Allen

+1292.   Horace Emmett Blair, b. 17 Nov. 1842, m. Carrie Elizabeth Hoffnagle, 9 April 1866, d. 7 April 1912.


Amanda Blair (745) was born 22 April 1800 in Georgia, VT.  She married Thomas Northrup.  They lived in Georgia, VT.  (R‑35)

Children - Northrup

  1293.   Adah Selina Northrup, b. 20 Aug. 1822.

  1294.   David Blair Northrup, b. 11 June 1824.

  1295.   John Odell Northrup, b. 20 Jan. 1828.

  1296.   Amanda Northrup, b. 11 Oct. 1838.


Augustus Harrison Blair (750) was born 29 June 1813 in Georgia, VT.  He married Catherine M. ‑‑‑‑‑‑.  He was a farmer, and was town clerk from 1850 to 1853.  All their children were born in Georgia, VT.  (R‑35)

Children - Blair

  1297.   Lucia R. Blair, b.c. 1838.

  1298.   Delia C. Blair, b.c. 1840.

  1299.   Ada L. Blair, b.c. 1849.



Albert Gallatin Graves (752) was born 8 March 1803 and died 15 Aug. 1856.  He married Deborah Meigs Crampton, daughter of Jesse Crampton and Deborah Ward, on 15 May 1828.  She was born 16 March 1804 and died 13 Oct. 1862. They lived in Brooklyn, NY.  (R‑202)

Children - Graves

  1300.   Mary Louisa Graves, b. 9 April 1829, m(1) Peter VanTile, 6 Feb. 1848, m(2) James A. Cooke.  Peter was b. 11 Sept. 1822, NY, d. 3 Feb. 1865.  James was b. 17 Aug. 1829, d. 23 Dec. 1883.

  1301.   Deborah Elizabeth Graves, b. 5 Feb. 1831, m. William W. Watkins (of NY), 15 Nov. 1855.  He was b. 27 March 1831, d. 13 Oct. 1862.  Lived in Oneida Lake, NY.

  1302.   Frances Jeanette Graves, b. 6 Dec. 1833, d. 17 Jan. 1834.

+1303.   Jesse Albert Graves, b. 30 Nov. 1834, m. Eleanor D. Harris, 5 March 1861, d. 3 May 1895.

  1304.   Frances Janet Graves, b. 20 April 1837, m. James Wilcox (of Brooklyn, NY), 11 Feb. 1862, d. 13 Feb. 1873.  He was b. 27 Dec. 1825, Madison, Conn., d. 1898.

  1305.   Adelia Ann Graves, b. 13 Dec. 1839, m. John H. Bardwell, 29 May 1867, d. 15 July 1880.

  1306.   Sarah Lavina Graves, b. 4 July 1843, d. 30 Dec. 1867.


Frederick William Graves (755) was born 25 March 1813 in Guilford, Conn., and died 2 April 1896 in Norwalk, Ohio. He married Mercy Leland of Norwalk, Ohio on 14 March 1835 in Medina, Ohio.  She was born 6 Feb. 1815 and died 9 Dec. 1883[54].  They were both buried in Woodlawn Cem., Norwalk, OH.  They lived in Norwalk, OH.  All their children were born at Seville, Medina Co., OH.  (R‑55, R‑202)

Children - Graves

+1307.   Milton Graves, b. 10 Feb. 1836[55], m. Emeline Wells, 19 July 1856, d. 14 Feb. 1912.

  1308.   Andrew J. Graves, b. 7 March 1838, d. 9 Dec. 1840.

  1309.   Mary E. Graves, b. 28 July 1839, d. 9 March 1843.

+1310.   Martha Ann Graves, b. 28 July 1842, m. George W. Phelps, 10 July 1863, d. 24 Dec. 1872.

  1311.   Betsey O. Graves, b. 3 Aug. 1846, m. Isaac E. Tone, 13 Sept. 1871 (Norwalk, Ohio).  Lived at 1427 Woodland Ave., Des Moines, Iowa.


Claudius L. Graves (758) was born 1807 at Guilford, Conn., and died 1863 in Sanderson, Florida.  He first married Mary Ann Clark of Bangor, Me. on 6 Jan. 1830. She died 6 Dec. 1840.  He married second Catherine DeMedicies, of Spanish descent.  She was born 1812 and died 1887.  They lived in Florida.  He was a carpenter and building contractor.  (R‑202)

Children - Graves, by Mary Ann Clark

  1312.   Helen M. Graves, b. 4 Dec. 1831 (Bangor, Me.), m. Benjamin B. Blockwell (of Pennington, N.J.), 13 Dec. 1854.  He d. in Calif.  She later lived in Jamaica Plain, Mass.

  1313.   William Wallace Graves, b. 15 April 1836 (N.Y. City), d.c. 1876 (probably Dunmar (?), Calif.).

Children - Graves, by Catherine DeMedicies

+1314.   Hartwell Vincent Graves, b. 5 April 1855, m. Fanny J. Keyes, d. 5 May 1884.

+1315.   Charles Albert Graves, b. 8 Dec. 1856, m. Catherine Ximanies.



William Graves (766) was born 1808 and died 31 Jan. 1886. He married Emily Dickinson of Clinton, Conn. on 27 Feb. 1833.  She was born 1813 and died 31 Jan. 1886.  They lived in Madison, Conn.  (R‑202)

Children - Graves

  1316.   Sarah Ann Graves, b. 10 Jan. 1834, m. Thomas Pendle.

  1317.   Elizabeth Kelsey Graves, b. 9 July 1835, m. Elisha Fonda.

+1318.   William Trowbridge Graves, b. 3 Oct. 1837, m. Jane E. Morton.

  1319.   Melissa Emma Graves, b. 4 July 1839, m. George R. Spink.

  1320.   Oliver Gilbert Graves, b. 3 July 1841, d. Jan. 1887.

+1321.   George Dallas Graves, b. 6 Sept. 1843, m. Julia A. Updyke, 23 June 1865.

  1322.   Alethe Gaines Graves, b. 14 Feb. 1846, m. Jacob Dwyer.

  1323.   Benjamin Franklin Graves, b. 26 Feb. 1849.

  1324.   Charles Graves, b. 1852, d. 14 March 1854.

  1325.   Carlton Graves, b. 2 Oct. 1856, m. Sadie Benedict.



Ebenezer (ÒEbenÓ) M. Graves (771) was born in 1810 or 1811, possibly in Deep River or North Madison, CT, and died 2 Oct. 1898 in Deep River, CT.  He married Mary C. Beers.  She was born in 1820, and died 9 March 1898 in Deep River.  They were both buried in Fountain Hill Cem., Deep River, CT.  All their children were probably born and died in Deep River, and at least the last two were buried in Fountain Hill Cem., Deep River.  (R‑40, R‑45)

Children - Graves

+1326.   Milton Graves, m. Sarah Brockway.

  1327.   Annette Graves

+1328.   Richard William Graves, b. 1864, m(1) ‑‑‑‑‑‑, m(2) Hilda Carlson, d. 1936.

  1329.   Harriet L. (ÒHattieÓ) Graves, b. 5 April 1868, m. William Shipman, d. 17 July 1938.  No children.



James Anson Graves (772) was born 13 May 1793 in Sunderland, VT, and died 2 Feb. 1841.  He was drafted in the War of 1812.  He was Town Clerk and Justice of the Peace in Sunderland, and owned a large farm there.  One tradition says he held the rank of major in the War of 1812, served 13 years in the state legislature, and was a county judge.  He married Hermione Hitchcock, daughter of Dr. Ebenezer Hitchcock and Theoda Porter, on 20 June 1820.  She was born 23 April 1800 in Manchester, VT, and died 12 June 1885 in Sunderland, VT.  (R‑31, R‑202)

Children - Graves

+1330.   Eben Hitchcock Graves, b. 30 Jan. 1821, m. Jane Bronson Hicks, 30 Sept. 1851, d. 19 Nov. 1890.

+1331.   Harriet Augusta Graves, b. 25 Nov. 1824, m. Malcolm Canfield, 13 March 1855, d. 1909.


Edmund Augustus Graves (774) was born 3 June 1802 at Sunderland, Vt., and died 26 (or 28[56]) March 1884.  He married Jane Landon, daughter of William Landon and Betsey Ann Bradley, on 2 Oct. 1834.  She was born 9 March (or 2 Feb.[57]) 1811 in Sunderland, and died 14 April 1865.  He was a merchant and farmer.  (R‑31, R‑202)

Children - Graves

+1332.   Ralph Landon Graves, b. 1 March 1838, m. Hannah Isabella Miller, 24 Dec. 1865, d. 1 Jan. 1884.



Richard Graves (780) was born 20 June 1792 and died May 1848.  He married Esther Bills.  (R‑202)

Children - Graves

  1333.   Edgar Graves

  1334.   Oscar Graves


Frederick Augustus Graves (783) was born 25 June 1802 and died 15 June 1878.  He married Sarah A. Parmelee (#742), daughter of Samuel Parmelee and Mary Graves of Guilford, Conn., on 20 Nov. 1830.  She was born 28 Oct. 1804.  Her name is also given as Sarah Bishop Parmelee.  They lived in Guilford, Conn.  (R‑202)

Children - Graves

  1335.   Erastus Meigs Graves, b. 14 Sept. 1832, m. Alethe C. Kelley, 5 Oct. 1863, d. 22 June 1877.

  1336.   Helen Ewen Graves, b. 10 May 1834, m. Richard Parmelee, 25 Oct. 1855.

  1337.   Edwin Augustus Graves, b. 19 Feb. 1836, m. Rosalind D. Robinson (widow of George B. Robinson, nee Field), 9 Nov. 1865 (East Guilford, Conn.).  She was b. 3 Sept. 1832, dau. of Harry Field and Polly Charlotte Leach.


George Ambrose Graves (784) was born 5 April 1804 and died 26 Dec. 1849.  He married Elizabeth Jacobs, daughter of Lyman Jacobs and Anna Kirkham of Guilford, Conn., on 31 March 1831.  She was born 29 Sept. 1811 and died 5 Feb. 1846, burned to death by her clothes catching fire.  He was a ships carpenter.  They lived at Guilford, Conn. (R‑202)

Children - Graves

  1338.   George M. Graves, b. 27 Jan. 1832.

  1339.   Ann Maria Graves, b. 12 July 1834, d. 17 March 1837.

  1340.   Frances E. Graves, b. 10 Sept. 1840.

  1341.   Frank Graves, b. 18 Oct. 1844.



Josiah Coan (786) was born 3 Aug. 1786 and died 28 June 1874, both in Madison, New Haven Co., CT.  He married Susan Fowler in 1813 in Madison, CT.  She was born in Oct. 1792 in New Haven, and died 19 March 1852 in Madison, both in New Haven Co., CT.  All their children were born in Madison, CT.  (R‑62)

Children - Coan

  1342.   Lodoiska Coan, b. 6 Feb. 1814, d. 8 Oct. 1851.

  1343.   Catherine Coan, b. 6 Sept. 1819.

  1344.   Ellen Wesley Coan, b. 6 Oct. 1824.



Abram Graves (794) was born 1795 in Sanford, Broome Co., N.Y., and died 3 Jan. 1858.  He married Elizabeth Miller of Chenango, N.Y. in 1818.  She died 7 Jan. 1888 at age 88 years, 9 months.  Most of their married lives were spent on a farm in Conklin about 5 miles from Binghamton, N.Y.  (R‑202)

Children - Graves

  1345.   William Melvin Graves, b. 24 May 1826, m. Levina Wood, 1 Feb. 1846, d. 11 Aug. 1860.

  1346.   George Sheldon Graves, married.  Had 2 sons.

+1347.   Miller Franklin Graves, m. Elizabeth ‑‑‑‑‑‑.

  1348.   Angeline Graves, m. Welcome Thompson.  Lived on Thompson Ave., Binghamton, N.Y.

  1349.   Letitia Graves, m. ‑‑‑‑‑‑ Burchard.  Lived in Scranton, Pa. with her sister Mrs. William Reed.

  1350.   Priscilla Graves

  1351.   Amanda Graves


William Graves (796) first married Asenath Sneden, sister of Phebe and Pamela Sneden.  She died in 1835.  He married second Sarah Maria Bostwick.  He died in 1850. (R‑202)

Children - Graves

  1352.   Cordelia Graves, b. 1827, d. 1878.

  1353.   Almina Graves, b. 1830, m. Samuel S. Mantz.  He died 1883.

  1354.   Joseph B. Graves; lived in Amboy, Ill.

  1355.   William Graves; lived in Franklin Grove, Ill.


Clinton Graves (798) married and had children.  (R‑202)

Children - Graves

  1356.   George H. Graves; lived in Kankakee, Ill.

  1357.   son

  1358.   daughter

  1359.   daughter

  1360.   daughter

  1361.   daughter

  1362.   Diantha Graves, m. William Harper.  Lived in Doraville, Broome Co., N.Y.  Wrote to John Card Graves 13 Dec. 1917.


Hiram Graves (800) was born 1809 and died 5 April 1865. He married Phebe Sneden, sister of his brother William's wife.  She died 18 March 1889 in Newton, Mass.  (R‑202)

Children - Graves

+1363.   John Compton Graves, b. 3 March 1834, m. Abby J. Tracy, d. 5 Dec. 1882.

  1364.   Herman Wesley Graves, b. 1 Dec. 1836, m. Mrs. Buckingham.  No children.

+1365.   Hiram Fuller Graves, b. 29 June 1839, m. Fanny Wiley.

+1366.   Francis Ashbury Graves, b. 27 Dec. 1841, m. Flora Davis.

+1367.   Sidney H. Graves, b. 29 Sept. 1844, m. Sarah Major.

  1368.   Frederick Snider Graves, b. 15 July 1847, d. 18 April 1856.

  1369.   Sarah Jane Graves, b. 10 July 1849, d. 7 Nov. 1850.

+1370.   Avalon Graves, b. 12 Sept. 1851, m(1) Etta Hamilton, 24 Oct. 1876, m(2) Emma T. Daniels, 9 June 1881.

  1371.   Flora Adella Graves, b. 14 Jan. 1855, m. James Lawrence Stelle, 12 July 1905 (Brooklyn, N.Y.).  He was son of Lewis Randolph Stelle and Harriet Ross. Lived at 333 Quincy Ave., Scranton, Pa.



Graves Collins (801) was born 19 Dec. 1796 in MA, and died 5 March 1864 in Triangle, Broome Co., NY.  His will was probated 16 March 1864.  He married Polly Secor, daughter of Oliver Secor.  She was born in 1808 and was still living in 1864.  (R‑32)

Children - Collins

+1372.   Alonzo Collins, b. 1831, m. Helen N. Northrup, d. 1905.

  1373.   Ellen M. Collins (called Helen M. in her father's will)

  1374.   William W. Collins, b. 7 June 1836.

  1375.   Charles Collins, b. 1840, m. Amelia Taft (dau. of Lewis Taft of Triangle, NY), d. 21 Jan. 1873 (Triangle, NY).

  1376.   Adellia Collins, b. 1850; living in 1864.



Edward Graves (806) was born 27 Nov. 1803 near Guilford, CT, and died 19 Aug. 1881.  He married Susan Rose, daughter of Col. William Rose and Susanna Dinsmore, on 10 Oct. 1826.  She was born 15 May 1804 in NY, and died 28 Dec. 1886.  They were in the 1850 and 1860 censuses for Barker, Broome Co., NY.  He was a farmer.  All their children were born in Barker, Broome Co., NY.  (R‑63, R‑202)

Children - Graves

+1377.   Lydia M. Graves, b. 11 Feb. 1828, m. Darius Newell Lamb, c. 1849, d. after 1900.

  1378.   Polly Graves, b. 11 April 1830, d. Feb. 1893.

  1379.   Lucy Ann Graves, b. 12 Aug. 1834[58], m. George W. Burbank, c. 1860, d. Aug. 1920.  He was b. May 1822, according to the 1900 census.  They were in the 1900 census for Binghamton, Broome Co., NY, living next to her brother William, and had never had any children.

+1380.   William Graves, b. 3 July 1837, m. Geneva ‑‑‑‑‑‑, c. 1873, d. 1915.

  1381.   Benjamin Graves, b. 27 Dec. 1841, d. Nov. 1892.

  1382.   John Graves, b. 2 Feb. 1843, d. 25 Oct. 1854.

  1383.   Harriet (ÒHattieÓ) Graves, b. 22 Oct. 1848, d. 17 April 1866.

+1384.   Alonzo Chatfield Graves, b. 3 May 1851, m(1) Della D. Newell, m(2) Emma Drusilla Arnold, 2 June 1892, d. 19 July 1901.


John Graves (809) was born 24 Nov. 1810 near Guilford, Conn., died 12 Sept. 1900 (or 22 Jan. 1896), and was buried in Lisle Cem., Lisle, Ill.  He moved with his father to Lisle, Broome Co., N.Y. about 1814, and to Illinois in 1834.  He married Maria Catherine Upright, daughter of David Upright and Eleanor Peck, on 23 Feb. 1834 in Barker, Broome Co., N.Y.  She was born 4 Nov. 1811 in N.Y., and died 22 Jan. 1896 in Downers Grove, DuPage Co., Ill.  They lived in Downers Grove.  The first two children were born in Lisle, DuPage Co., Ill., and the others were all born in Downers Grove.  All the children were buried in Lisle Cem., Lisle, Ill., except the first, who was buried in Wilton Center, Ill.  (R‑4, R‑202)

Children - Graves

+1385.   Lucy Jane Graves, b. 9 May 1835, m. John Crawford, 6 June 1854, d. 10 Jan. 1909.

+1386.   John Graves, Jr., b. 11 Jan. 1837, m. Laura Phelps Newcomb, 4 April 1861, d. 28 March 1863.

  1387.   Benjamin Morris Graves, b. 24 Feb. 1839, d. 13 Oct. 1861.

  1388.   Abraham Edward Graves, b. 4 May 1841, d. 16 April 1860.

  1389.   Julius Graves, b. 8 April 1844, d. 22 June 1866.

  1390.   Julia Graves, b. 8 April 1844, d. 13 Feb. 1870.

  1391.   Cornelia Graves, b. 7 March 1847, d. 30 Oct. 1870.

  1392.   Cordelia Graves, b. 7 March 1847, d. 25 Feb. 1862.

  1393.   Maria Graves, b. 20 Dec. 1850, d. 10 May 1860.

  1394.   Lydia Graves, b. 7 Aug. 1854, d. 15 Dec. 1874.



Austin Heroic Addis (818) was born 22 Dec. 1808 and died 31 March 1853, both in Cromwell, Middlesex Co., Conn. Cromwell is on the Connecticut River about 15 miles below Hartford.  He married Lucy Ann Phillips on 13 May 1832. She was born in 1814 in England, and died 31 March 1853 in Cromwell, Conn.  (R‑10)

Children - Addis

+1395.   Clarissa A. Addis, b. 16 Dec. 1833, m. Isaac Bartholomew, 3 Nov. 1851.

+1396.   Ellen Addis, m. George Skinner.



Rev. Josiah Merriman Graves (819) was born in Middletown, Conn.  He graduated from Yale College.  He first married Mary Bailey of Westfield, Conn. on 20 May 1832.  He married second Mary A. Stiles of Guilford, Conn. on 9 May 1837.  She was born 29 March 1814 and died 14 Feb. 1873.  She was a daughter of Edmund Stiles5 (Benjamin4, Lieut. Amos3, Robert Jr.2, Robert1) and Wealthy Loomis (dau. of Col. Isaiah Loomis).  Josiah Graves was a minister stationed at Norwich, Conn. in 1840.  (R‑202)

Children - Graves, by Mary Bailey

  1397.   Josiah Bailey Graves, drowned in Conn. River at Middletown, Conn. 15 July 1852, age 17.

  1398.   daughter, d. at age 7.

Children - Graves, by Mary A. Stiles

+1399.   George S. Graves, b. 15 July 1840, m. Eliza J. Loomis, 7 March 1859.


Rev. Joshua Bradley Graves (820) was born 1812 in Middletown, Conn., and died 1 June 1872.  He received the honorary degree of A.M. from Middlebury (Vt.) College in 1841.  He married Eliza Rosekraus on 14 Sept. 1834.  She was born 3 March 1814 and died 15 May 1891.  He was a minister.  The first two children were born at Middletown, Conn., and the third at Troy, N.Y.  (R‑202)

Children - Graves

  1400.   Caroline R. Graves, b. 1836, m. George Rand (a lumber merchant), 15 March 1854 (Middletown, Conn.).

  1401.   Ann Eliza Graves, b. 1843, m. Henry D. Birdsell (a lawyer).

  1402.   Ellen Josephine Graves, b. 30 July 1847, m. Thomas Wells Hall, 20 Oct. 1868.  He was a leather merchant.


Henry H. Graves (821) was born 1813 and died 22 July 1887, both in Middletown, Conn.  He married Emma E. Forbes on 12 July 1837 in Middletown.  (R‑202)

Children - Graves

  1403.   Theodore S. Graves, b. 29 Sept. 1849, d. 3 Dec. 1860.

  1404.   daughter, b. 18 Jan. 1855.



Abisha Doolittle (825) was born 1 May 1801, died 29 April 1886, and was buried in Miner Cem., all in Middletown, Conn.  He married Mary Kelsey, daughter of Jesse Kelsey and Meriam Clarke, on 20 Oct. 1824 in Middletown.  She was born 2 July 1805 and died 5 Nov. 1871, both in Middletown.  (R‑2)

Children - Doolittle

+1405.   Lewis Doolittle, b. 5 June 1836, m. Melissa L. Bailey, 5 June 1862, d. 1919.



Joseph Graves (827) was born 9 Dec. 1808 in Middletown, Conn., and died 28 Nov. 1852.  He was educated at public school, was a mechanic and a farmer, and lived in Middletown, Conn.  He married Louisa Ann Rood of Sandersfield, Mass. on 16 Oct. 1833.  All their children were born in Middletown.  (R‑202)

Children - Graves

  1406.   Lancelot Rood Graves, b. 9 March 1835, d. Sept. 1854.

+1407.   Josiah Mariner Graves, b. 23 Oct. 1836, m. Catherine Cassidy Goodrich, 23 Nov. 1858.

  1408.   Lydia Coralin Graves, b. 27 July 1839, m. Horace Fenton (of Wethersfield, Mass.), 13 Jan. 1859.

+1409.   Orlow Wolcott Graves, b. 23 April 1842, m. Ida Smith, 23 Sept. 1868.

  1410.   Harriet Amelia Graves, b. 27 Jan. 1845, d. Sept. 1853 (Middletown, Conn.).


Patrick Marshall Graves (828) was born 2 Oct. 1815 in Middletown, Conn., and died 18 Oct. 1860.  He married Julia B. Higby on 10 May 1846.  (R‑202)

Children - Graves

  1411.   Cornelia Alwilda Graves, b. 20 June 1847.  Lived in Middletown, Conn. on old homestead.

  1412.   Monroe Weldon Graves, b. 17 Sept. 1852, d. 6 Nov. 1873 (Hartford, Conn.).

  1413.   Emily Elizabeth Graves, b. 17 June 1855.  Lived in old homestead.

  1414.   Flavius Clarence Graves, b. 9 March 1860, never married.  He was a farmer, and lived on the old homestead in Middletown, Conn.



Cyrus Beckley (833) was born 7 March 1796 and died 28 Feb. 1866, both in Weathersfield, VT.  He first married Lucinda (Salmon?) Fifield on 21 April 1828 in Plainfield, NH.  She was born in 1797 (?), died 30 Nov. 1830 in Weathersfield, VT, and was the widow of Dr. James Fifield.

Cyrus married Lucretia Davis, daughter of John Davis and Mary Herrick, as his second wife on 16 Nov. 1834 in Weathersfield, VT.  She was born 3 Dec. 1802 in Weathersfield, VT, or Springfield, VT, and died 11 March 1872 in Weathersfield, VT.  (R‑30)

Children - Beckley

  1415.   Lucinda Fifield Beckley, b. 18 Dec. 1835, m. Henry Proctor Tolles, 31 May 1860, d. 15 Dec. 1880.

  1416.   Lucy Davis Beckley, b. 18 Jan. 1837, m(1) Jonathan Nicholas Hatch, 18 Sept. 1875, m(2) Stillman Lorenzo Barrett (son of Aaron Barrett and Susan Graves), 28 May 1878, d. 13 Jan. 1882.

+1417.   John Cyrus Beckley, b. 12 Nov. 1840, m. Mary Frances Upham, 17 April 1873, d. 28 March 1910.



John Hale (843) was born 12 May 1763 and died 14 Sept. 1837.  He married Eunice Colton, daughter of Moses Colton and Hannah Hitchcock, on 15 Nov. 1792 in Wilbraham, MA.  She was born 28 Nov. 1771 in Wilbraham, MA, and died 15 Feb. 1855.  All their children were born at Springfield (Longmeadow), MA.  (R‑22, R‑206, R‑213)

Children - Hale

+1418.   Silas Hale, b. 11 Dec. 1793, m(1) Clarissa Colton, 14 Dec. 1819, m(2) Rebecca Colton, 2 Nov. 1843, d. 1 Jan. 1854.

  1419.   Philida Hale, b. 2 Feb. 1796.

+1420.   Hannah Hale, b. 10 Aug. 1798, m. Levi Eaton, 29 May 1839, d. 15 March 1843.



Abigail Chandler (864) was born in Jan. 1788 in NY, and died in Feb. 1843 in Wayne Co., PA.  She married Calvin Niles, son of Nahum (ÒNaumÓ) Niles and Susannah Cole, in 1808 in Broome Co., NY.  He was born 21 Oct. 1784 in Chesterfield, Hampshire Co., MA, and also died in Feb. 1843 in Wayne Co., PA.  They were buried in a farm in Honesdale, Wayne Co., PA.  (R‑61)

Children - Niles

+1421.   Calvin Randall Niles, b. 14 Aug. 1811, m. Almina Ashley Pulis, d. 18 Jan. 1866.

  1422.   Harriet Niles, b.c. 1812 (Lebanon, Lebanon Co., PA).

  1423.   Henry George Niles, b. 29 Dec. 1813 (Chenango Co., NY), m. Catherine Pulis, 17 Oct. 1835, d. 22 Feb. 1895 (Cedar Rapids, Linn Co., IA).  She was b. 18 April 1816 (Wayne Co., PA), daughter of Conrad Pulis and Elizabeth Nelson, d. 1901 (Linn Co., IA).  Bur. Baker Cem. (Linn Co., IA).  Six children.

  1424.   Marshall Niles, b. Jan. 1815, m(1) Philena Hudson, m(2) Elizabeth ‑‑‑‑‑‑, 13 June 1872 (West Easton, NY), d. 11 Jan. 1892 (West Eaton, Madison Co., NY).  Three children by 1st marriage.

  1425.   Solomon Root Niles, b. 12 Sept. 1819 (Chenango Co., NY), m(1) Lydia M. Anglesey, m(2) Mary Ann Price, d. 31 May 1896 (Wayne Co., MI).  Lydia was b. 9 April 1825 (NY), d. 9 May 1851 (Petersburg, Monroe Co., MI).  Mary Ann was b. 12 Sept. 1819 (Chenango Co., NY), d. 31 May 1896 (Wayne Co., MI).  Solomon and Mary Ann were bur. Union-Udell Cem. (Ypsilanti, Washtenaw Co., MI).  One son by 1st marriage d. at age 1 ½ years.  He was bur. with his mother in Old Petersburg Cem. (Petersburg, MI).

  1426.   Arthur G. Niles, b.c. 1821, m. Sarah Wilmarth, d. 7 May 1898 (Omaha, Douglas Co., NE).  She was b. 18 Aug. 1829 (Wayne Co., PA), daughter of Galen Wilmarth and Delia Latourette, d. 26 Jan. 1912 (Omaha, NE).  Both bur. Mount Hope Cem. (Omaha, NE).

  1427.   Malinda Niles, b. Jan. 1824 (Coventry, Chenango Co., NY), d. 9 Nov. 1886 (Elkhart, IN).

  1363ah          Augustus Niles, b. 18 Aug. 1828 (Chenango Co., NY), d. 24 Sept. 1902 (Wales Twp., St. Clair Co., MI).  Bur. Lambs Cem. (Wales Twp., MI).



Zenas Hale (875) was born 7 July 1780 in Enfield, Conn., baptized 3 Aug. 1783, and died 16 June 1849 in Westfield, Mass.  He married Mary Hancock, daughter of William Hancock and Tryphena Chandler, on 8 April 1802 in Enfield.  She was born 22 Feb. 1782, and died 19 Feb. 1821 in Enfield (gravestone).  Both their children were born in Enfield.  (R‑11, R‑206)

Children - Hale

  1428.   Mary Hale, b. 12 Nov. 1802, d. 8 April 1820 (Enfield, Conn.).

  1429.   Zenas William Hale, b. 24 March 1810.


Luther Hale (876) was born 17 May 1782 in Enfield, Conn., baptized 3 Aug. 1783, died 13 June 1864 at age 82, and was buried at Old North Cem., Hartford, Conn.  He married Harriet Marsh, daughter of Capt. James Marsh and Mary ‑‑‑‑‑‑, in 1807, before 20 Oct., in Hartford.  She was born about 1785 and died 3 April 1847.

Luther lived in Simsbury in 1815, in Hartford in 1841, and in East Hartford in 1860.  The 1850 Hartford census showed: Uriah Litchfield, age 38; Mary A. Litchfield, age 37; Albert H. Litchfield, age 11; Luther Hale, 66.  On 2 May 1826, Luther and Harriet Hale of Hartford quitclaimed to James Marsh of Hartford, their interest in the dower distributed from the estate of the late James Marsh to his widow Mary Marsh.  Luther bought and mortgaged in 1831, and in 1833 sold property on Chapel Street to Luther E. Hale.  In 1836 he leased part of the Morgan Block.  Luther E. Hale bought and mortgaged the Chapel Street property to Albert M. Hale of Philadelphia, Pa. Luther Hale of Hartford as administrator of the estate of Albert M. Hale of Philadelphia released this mortgage, 13 Aug. 1841.  Luther Hale mortgaged his furniture, 15 Sept. 1843, to James Hale of Augusta, Ga.

The following list of children is incomplete.  (R‑11, R‑206)

Children - Hale

+1430.   Luther E. Hale, b.c. 1808, m. Emeline ‑‑‑‑‑‑, d. 11 Sept. 1864.

  1431.   Albert M. Hale, b.c. 1813, d. 14 July 1838.  Lived in Philadelphia, Pa.  Administration on his estate was granted, 13 Aug. 1841, to Luther Hale of Hartford.

  1432.   Frederick E. Hale; gave a chattel mortgage 15 March 1839 to John Olmsted and Sheldon P. Thacher of Hartford.  Mortgaged his household effects to Luther Hale of Hartford, 21 Feb. 1853; witnesses, William S. Hale and J. O. Hale.  He is probably the Frederick Hale who m. Harriet Jane Rogers, dau. of Asa Rogers and Sarah Reynolds of Hartford, on 16 Oct. 1831 at Hartford.  She was b. 12 Sept. 18--.  She m(2) Henry Moore.

+1433.   Mary A. Hale, b.c. 1813, m. Uriah Litchfield, 11 April 1838.

  1434.   James Hale; living in Augusta, Ga. in 1843.


Calvin Hale (879) was born 19 Feb. 1790 in Enfield, Conn., and died in May 1870 in Lebanon, Conn.  He married Anna Case.  She was baptized in 1793 and died 22 Aug. 1878, both in East Hartford, Conn.  She was a daughter of Thomas Case and Dorinda Roberts, and granddaughter of Joseph Case and Esther Hills.

Anna was admitted to the First Church, Enfield, in 1821, and was dismissed to East Hartford in 1831.  She is listed as a member of the church there before 1840.

The will of Thomas Case of East Hartford, dated 24 April 1833, proved 7 April 1836, named daughters Rinda Bidwell, Elizabeth wife of William H. Hills, and Anna wife of Calvin Hale; grandchildren Alexander and Ralph Stoughton (children of daughter Clarissa, deceased); grandchildren Chauncey, Austin, Sidney, Osmyn and Henry Case (children of son Thomas); and Sarah Case, widow of Thomas, Jr.

Census of 1860, East Hartford: Calvin Hale, a tanner and currier, age 70; Anna, 67; Luther, a tanner and currier, 78.  Census of 1870, Lebanon: Calvin Hale, a farmer, age 55; Rebecca, 54; William, 27, railroad laborer; Isiah, 23, farmer; Alba, 18, house painter; Anna, 74; Mary, 23; William, 6.

All Calvin's children listed below were born in Conn., and were baptized together at Enfield, Conn., 30 June 1822.  (R‑11, R‑206)

Children - Hale

+1435.   Junius Hale, b. 1813, m. Lucretia Maria Beaumont, 11 April 1841, d. 20 Oct. 1861.

+1436.   Calvin Hale, b.c. 1815, m. Rebecca Bingham Loomis, 26 Nov. 1835, d. 1877.

+1437.   Jane Ann Hale, b. 22 Jan. 1817, m. Eleazer Burnham, 6 Nov. 1838, d. 14 March 1879.

  1438.   Dorinda Roberts Hale, m. Charles E. Clark, 25 June 1846 (East Hartford, Conn.).



Eunice Smith (887) was born 14 Nov. 1777 in Sandisfield, MA.  She married Bailey (or Bayley) Goodrich.  He was born 30 May 1778 in Sandisfield, MA, died in 1838 in Lafargeville, NY, and was buried in Lafargeville Cem., Lafargeville.  (R‑34)

Children - Goodrich

+1439.   Theodotia Goodrich, b. 11 Feb. 1802, m. Eli Bergen, 1824-25, d. 13 Aug. 1894.



John Hale (891) was born 21 March 1783[59] (or 18 March 1781) in Tyringham, Berkshire Co., Mass., and died 18 May 1863 in Vermilion, Erie Co., Ohio.  He was a farmer, and belonged to the Congregational Church.  He married Jeneverah Gifford, daughter of John Gifford and Joanna Perry, on 29 May 1806 in Lee, Berkshire Co., Mass.  She was born 22 Dec. 1787 in Lee, Mass., and died 12 June 1868 in Vermilion, Ohio.  They were both buried in Maple Grove Cem., Vermilion, Ohio.  They moved to Ohio from Groton, Tompkins Co., N.Y. before 7 Aug. 1832.  (Groton was Locke, Cayuga Co., N.Y. until 7 April 1817.)  All their children were born in N.Y.  (R‑13)

Children - Hale

+1440.   Lucinda Hale, b. 3 Aug. 1809, m. Calvin Henry Harris, 13 June 1833, d. 18 Jan. 1892.

  1441.   John G. Hale, b.c. 1813, m(1) Clarissa M. ‑‑‑‑‑‑, m(2) Mariette ‑‑‑‑‑‑, d. after 1881 (of Bresherville, Cuyahoga Co., Ohio).  Clarissa d. 27 Oct. 1848.  John listed in 1850 census as living with his parents, no wife.

+1442.   Lancelot A. Hale, b. 1816, m. Mary Betts, c. 1838, d. 1857.

+1443.   Eli Hale, b.c. 1820, m. Sarah Bassett, 8 May 1846, d. 19 April 1861.

  1444.   Franklin Hale, b. 30 April 1821, m(1) Emorett H. ‑‑‑‑‑‑, m(2) Susan M. ‑‑‑‑‑‑, d. 8 Feb. 1894 (Wakeman, Huron Co., Ohio).  Bur. Maple Grove Cem., Vermilion, Erie Co., Ohio.  Emorett b. 7 Sept. 1822, d. 28 Feb. 1864.  Susan b. 1839, d. 1912-15.  No mention of children in his will; it mentions a niece, Emma A. Green, and he left money to her sons, Bertie and Jerry.

+1445.   Daniel Hale, m. ‑‑‑‑‑‑, d. 1859-64.






Francis Sherman Graves (917) was born 17 Nov. 1827 in New York City, NY.  He married Josephine (ÒJessieÓ) Vichton Blackman. She was born 3 June 1841 in Monroe, CT, and died 24 Dec. 1886[60].  They lived in New Haven, CT.  (R‑202)

Children - Graves

+1446.   Francis Henry Graves, b. 8 Sept. 1857, m. Nellie Jane Walker, 14 May 1879.

  1447.   Ida Jane Graves, b. 26 Oct. 1860, m. Dwight J. Finegan, 22 Sept. 1880.

+1448.   Charles Tracy Graves, b. 2 March 1863, m. Mrs. Cora Hammond, 28 Feb. 1884.

+1449.   Arthur Sherman Graves, b. 1 March 1865, m. Carrie E. Bragg, 28 Feb. 1884.

+1450.   Wilbur Field Graves, b. 31 Jan. 1867, m. Margaret Earley, 31 March 1889.

  1451.   Frederick Grant Graves, b. 26 Feb. 1869.  Served in U.S. Navy.

  1452.   Harriett (ÒHattieÓ) Elizabeth Graves, b. 4 Aug. 1872.

  1453.   Ernest Wesley Graves, b. 13 Sept. 1877.



John Graves (919) was born 17 Feb. 1822 and died 4 Nov. 1883.  He first married Nancy Landon on 25 April 1849. She was born 1 May 1823 and died 8 Dec. 1861.  He married second Mrs. Florilla Bailey on 18 Jan. 1863. She was born 29 Oct. 1818 and died 8 May 1876.  He lived in Guilford, Conn.  (R‑202)

Children - Graves

  1454.   Harriet Elizabeth Graves, b. 22 Oct. 1851, d. 9 Jan. 1868.

  1455.   Eliza Stone Graves, b. 18 Oct. 1853.

  1456.   Samuel Landon Graves, b. 18 Oct. 1855, d. 1 March 1862.

  1457.   Anna Nancy Graves, b. 16 July 1861, m. Stanley A. Richards, 4 June 1890.  He was b. 30 Aug. 1858, son of Allen Richards and Ann Boller of New London, Conn.  They lived at 95 High St., Springfield, Mass.



Frances Amelia Graves (923) was born 9 June 1826 (or 1827) in Middletown (or Durham), Middlesex Co., Conn., died in Jan. 1917 in Gridley, Butte Co., Calif., and was buried 19 Jan. 1917 in Live Oak Cem. (now Gridley-Biggs Cem.), Butte Co., Calif.

Although Frances Graves went to medical school in 1862 in New York, no evidence has been found that she became a licensed physician at that time.  In her diary in 1962 she wrote that she owed $250 so couldnÕt get her M.D.

She first married Samuel Sala on 25 (or 23, according to her diary) Dec. 1843 in Wapello, Louisa Co., Wisconsin Territory (now Iowa).  This was his third marriage.  He was first married to Lucinda Devere, and he married second Esther Bell.  He was born 28 July 1806 in PA (or VA), and died in 1876 in IA.  Samuel was a druggist.

According to Old Landmarks of Canton and Stark County, Ohio by John Danner, B. F. Bowen Publisher, 1901, page 149: ÒSam was the butt cut of the family, not in the sense the term was used in the army, but rather as a butt without the cut.  He didnÕt like to go to school and wasnÕt considered as bright as the rest of the family.  He was apprenticed to the plastering trade, in time graduated, did business on his own responsibility, married, moved to Illinois and was lost sight of, except that friends learned of his death.Ó

SamuelÕs mother was Magdeline (or Magdalene) Morgan, said to be a sister of General Morgan, Revolutionary War hero.  His father was Jacob Sala (of York Co., Pa.), who was born in 1769 in Germany, arrived in the U.S. in 1777 from Hesse (Worms), Germany, died in 1858, and was buried at West Point, IA.  At the time of marriage, Frances was 16, and Samuel was about 20 years her senior. They first lived in Grant Co., Wisc.  Then, leaving Grant Co., they returned to Louisa Co.  Samuel had been married twice before, and apparently had a family by at least one of these marriages before marrying Frances.

On Tues., Dec. 23, 1862, Frances wrote in her diary: "Nineteen years ago tonight I married a man I did not love.  Foolish girl.  May God forgive me.  I believe I have tried to do my duty if ever one woman did."

Frances finally divorced Samuel about 1864, and married second James H. Cook of Louisa Co. on 12 April 1870 in Wapello, Louisa Co., IA.  He was born in 1820 in Conn. and of Conn. parents, and died 1898 in Ross Twp. (?), Cherokee Co., KS.  Shortly afterward they moved to Cherokee Co., Kansas, settling in Ross Twp.

From a letter dated March 24, 1878, written by Frances Sala Cook to a newspaper (probably in Iowa) at the time of the death of her son John, she said: "Did you know Sam Sala was dead?  He walked out in the morning and was found dead in a cow yard, lying across a salt trough one hour later.  He died two years ago the 4th of April I think.  I mourned not without hope."

Frances was widowed and lived on in Kansas.  She was now a licensed physician.  (The Sala family had several generations of physicians and druggists in their ranks.)  She was one of the first licensed woman doctors in the country, and was known as Dr. Cook.  She either walked her rounds or rode a horse, and wore heavy trousers under her dress, something unheard of in those days.  She was a small, slightly built woman, and talked constantly, either to someone or just to herself.

At 73 in 1900 she was living alone on her farm in Ross Twp.  Family reports are that she lived to be "about 100," and died in California at the home of her son, presumably Eli.  However, she was actually age 90 when she died in 1917.  The 1900 census shows she was a "mother of four, one living."  The 1910 census for Cherokee Co., Kans., lists Frances A. M. Cook, white female, 85, widowed 12 years, 4 children, 1 living.  (R‑8, R‑14, R‑15)

Children - Sala

+1458.   John Adams Graves Sala, b. 6 May 1845, m. Priscilla House, 7 Dec. 1865, d. 3 March 1878.

+1459.   Eli Henry Sala, b. 11 Aug. 1848, m. Hattie Oena Story, 27 Oct. 1878, d. 4 Jan. 1915.

  1460.   Wealthy (or Mollie?) Sala, b. 10 Aug. 1855 (New Haven, Madison Co., Conn.).  Twin.

  1461.   Amelia Sala, b. 10 Aug. 1855 (New Haven, Conn.).  Twin.  One of the twins died at birth or soon after and the other twin died 6 Sept. 1856.  Their birth date is given as 10 Sept. in one source, but 10 Aug. in the diary of Frances Graves.


Henry Sherman Graves (924) was born 4 (or 24) Feb. 1829 in Middletown (or Durham), Middlesex Co., CT, died 3 June 1888 in Butte Co., CA (or near North Butte, Sutter Co., CA[61]), and was buried 5 June 1888 in.  He also lived in Louisa Co., Iowa in 1838.  He married Mary E. (or A.) Terstegge, a native of Germany, on 13 Jan. 1862 in Calif.  She was born in Aug. 1832 in Germany, died 28 Jan. 1917 in Gridley, Butte Co., CA, and was buried 30 Jan. 1917.  They were both buried in Noyesburg Cem., West Butte, Sutter Co., Calif.  She had first married George Darple (or Darpel), and had a daughter who married Henry Godfrey and lived in Santa Cruz, CA.

A sketch of Henry Sherman Graves, probably from the California State Library, is as follows:

Henry Sherman Graves, a member of the Society of Pioneers, was born in Connecticut but went with his parents to Iowa at an early age.  Shortly after the move, the father died; the boy lived with his mother until he was nineteen.  The year was 1849; a raging gold fever swept through the country.  Young Graves was not immune.  He joined a wagon train heading west, driving a team of oxen across the Plains.  In late 1849 he arrived in Sacramento and got his first job running pack teams to the mines.  During the winters he engaged in farming a small parcel of land he had acquired at the north end of the Buttes through squatters title.  In 1852, he decided to make his permanent home here and started improvements by building a home, some out-buildings, surrounding all with rock walls.  At the same time he continued his arduous running of pace trains to the mines, along with boating provisions from Sacramento to Marysville.  Throughout this hectic hustle and bustle he continued to acquire title to lands in Townships 17 North, Range 1 and 2 East and 16 North, Range 1 East.

In 1862, he met and married Mary Terstegge Darple, young widow of George Darple who had come to California on her honeymoon trip, crossing the plains by oxteam.  Mary and Henry had six children, 3 boys and 3 girls, all of whom grew to adulthood, a remarkable achievement in those days.

About 1865, Mr. Graves built the big home (now in the Brady estate) on North Butte Road, a two-story structure with wide verandas to house his growing family.

He continued to acquire land, buying patent lands from the Federal Government squatters' titles by preemption, and from the State overflow lands and school lands, until by 1888 he had accumulated 4,000 acres.  The major portion was in pasture lands where several thousand sheep grazed.  The balance was farmable land devoted to wheat and barley.

He and his wife Mary were staunch supporters of the Good Templars, a branch of the Masonic order, and dedicated to total abstinence.

In the spring of 1888, Mr. Graves took to bed with a heavy cold that turned into pneumonia, so fatal in those days.  He did not survive.  On the morning of June 3, 1888, the remains of Henry S. Graves, aged 58 years, 3 months and 29 days, were sorrowfully viewed for the last time at his home by his many friends and relatives.  His body was interred in the Noyesburg Cemetery.

Mrs. Graves lived for many years longer, dying Jan. 31, 1917 in Gridley, where she was visiting.  She had attended the funeral of a friend a few days earlier, caught a cold that went into pneumonia to which she quickly succumbed.  The funeral services were held in the family home on North Butte Road.  Interment was in the Noyesburg Cemetery.  (R‑8, R‑15)

Children - Graves

+1462.   Louisa Jane Graves, b. Dec. 1862, m. James S. Doyle, d. 2 Feb. 1937.

+1463.   Frank Henry Graves, b. 2 July 1864, m. Lillie Gay Zumwalt, 2 July 1890, d. 21 Oct. 1944.

+1464.   George Morris Graves, b. 22 March 1866, m. Ida Fairlee, 28 Nov. 1894, d. 22 Oct. 1923.

+1465.   Albert William Graves, b. 1869, m. Margaret Ann Frye, 8 March 1893, d. 7 May 1959.

+1466.   Julia Amelia Graves, b. 15 Nov. 1872, m. Fred Royse, 15 Oct. 1896, d. 2 Aug. 1942.

+1467.   Anna H. Graves, b. 1874, m. Ralph Farnsworth, 24 Sept. 1902, d. 25 Oct. 1930.


John Morris Graves (925) was born 15 Jan. 1831 in Durham, Middlesex Co., CT, and died 21 Oct. 1901 in San Francisco, CA.  He lived in Louisa Co., IA, and was clearing land in St. Elizabeth (later Minneapolis) when he married.  He first married Matilda Whitney in Iowa and took his bride to St. Elizabeth.  She returned to Iowa to have her baby, and died in 1850-51 in Toolesboro, Louisa Co., IA.  The baby died and was buried next to John Adams Graves in the Mallory Cem.  They were listed as a family in the 1850 census for the MN Territory.

He then went to CA, never to return, probably with his brother Henry.  He was in the Calif. gold fields at an early age, then SCA in Mexican War at age 16, then spent years in the gold fields (from 1850 on).  He was in Placerville early with the miners, then to Modesto, Calif. in 1884.

He married second Alletha Anna Witt on 4 July (or Jan.) 1861 in Sacramento, CA.  She was born 20 April 1844 in Rhea Co., TN, and died 1 Aug. 1926 in San Francisco, CA.  His surviving children were by his second marriage.

His obituary follows.


There were a thousand or more Druids at the temple on Sutter street, near Stockton, yesterday to assist at the service of the order over the remains of the late John M. Graves, who at the time of his death last Wednesday was the grand secretary of the Grand Grove of California.

The mortal remains were in a black cloth-covered casket under a canopy of black lace, and at the head were displayed many beautiful floral designs, tokens of sympathy from all branches of the order and friends.  From the Grand Grove was an immense pillow bearing these words: ÒRest ÔPapaÕ GravesÓ; a seven-pointed star from the Past Arches Association, representing the seven cardinal precepts of the order, and a magnificent star from El Dorado Circle of the Druidesses.

Noble Grand Arch Julius S. Godeau and the other grand officers occupied a station at the head of the assembly hall in which the services were conducted.  After a quartet had rendered ÒOne by One We Are Gathering,Ó the noble grand arch spoke a few words in praise of the noble qualities of the one whose loss was being mourned.  The quartet then rendered ÒNearer, My God, To Thee,Ó after which Past Noble Grand Arch George H. Bahrs read the beautiful and impressive funeral service of the order, at the closing of which he delivered a touching eulogy and recounted the life service of the deceased, which commenced in 1846, when at the age of 16 he volunteered for the war with Mexico and served until the surrender.  He engaged in mining in the early days in California, and subsequently went into business in Modesto.  He was always busy with the fraternal work of the Druids, Independent Order of Odd Fellows and the Veteran Odd Fellows.

In closing, the speaker laid upon the casket a sprig of the precious mistletoe, the plant which every Druid holds in the highest veneration, and the quartet sang ÒI Am Nearer My Home.Ó

The local groves of the city in their numerical order, those of adjacent cities, the members of the chapter, the Past ArchesÕ Association, past grand officers, and grand officers moved around the casket to take a farewell look at the face of their deceased brother, and then the friends were accorded the same privilege.  The cortege moved down Sutter street to Stockton, to Market, to Fifth, to Harrison street, where the funeral train was waiting to convey the body to its last resting place in Mount Olivet Cemetery.  At the grave the past grand noble arch read the closing portion of the burial service.  (R‑8, R‑15)

Children - Graves, by Matilda Whitney

  1468.   Matilda Amelia Graves, b. 1850, died in early childhood.

Children - Graves, by Alletha A. Witt

  1469.   George Ralph Graves, b. 26 April 1862 (Sacramento, CA), m. Emma Tarke, 14 Jan. 1890 (Modesto, Stanislaus Co., CA), d. 13 May 1925 (Sacramento, CA).  Lived in Modesto, CA.  Emma was b.c. 1863-4, Sutter Co., CA, d. 21 Jan. 1913, Ceres, Stanislaus Co., CA, cremated San Francisco, CA.

+1470.   John Henry Graves, b. Oct. 1867 (or 1868), m. Loretta Maddux,1891, d. 9 Jan. 1948.


George W. Graves (926) was born 13 Nov. 1835 in Ashtabula Co., Ohio, and died 15 Feb. 1878 (or 1879).  (The following is from a sketch on pp. 262-3 of History of Louisa Co., Iowa, vol. 2, by Arthur Springer, Chicago, 1911.)  His education "was limited because of the brief and irregular sessions of the district schools, which at that period were not very satisfactory owing to the poor and inadequate provisions made for educational facilities in the rural districts.  He was only a child of three years when his father passed away and at a very early age began assisting the older members of the family and his mother in the cultivation of the homestead, continuing at home until he had attained his majority.  He then worked at the carpenter's trade for several years, after which he bought the farm where his widow is now residing.  He engaged in general farming and stock-raising until his demise...  Mr. Graves' political principles coincided with those of the Democratic party, and he always took an active part in all township affairs of a governmental nature and at the time of his demise was secretary of the board of education.

He was united in marriage in June 1856 to Miss Sarah Ellen Fairbanks, a native of Ohio, migrating from that state to Iowa with her parents, who located in Johnson Co., in 1842.  There her mother passed away in 1846, but her father survived until after the Civil War, of which he was a veteran.  There were three children born to Mr. and Mrs. Fairbanks, two of whom are living."  Sarah was born in 1840, died in 1932, and was buried at Toolesboro, Iowa.

George was listed as postmaster in the 1860 census for Wapello, Louisa Co., Iowa, and as a house carpenter in the 1870 census for Wapello.  The 1910 census for Jefferson Twp., Louisa Co., Iowa, lists Sarah Ellen in the household of her son Sherman.  It stated that she was 69 years of age, a widow, had 8 children of whom 4 were living, and her mother and father were both born in N.Y.  (R‑8, R‑15)

Children - Graves

+1471.   Charles H. Graves, b.c. 1859, m. Mary ‑‑‑‑‑‑.

  1472.   Cassie E. Graves, probably died young.

  1473.   Sherman A. Graves, b.c. 1864, d. 1944.  Bur. Toolesboro, IA.  He managed the home farm for his mother, and attended the common schools of Louisa Co., during which time he also assisted in the cultivation of the home farm.  Later he learned the carpenter's trade but did not follow it long, always having remained at home with the exception of 2 years he spent in Calif.  In addition to the cultivation of his fields he was also engaged in the raising and feeding of stock, in which he met with very favorable returns.

+1474.   Allen D. Graves, b. 31 Dec. 1866, m. Carrie Spitsnogle, 1892.

  1475.   Cassie B. Graves, b.c. 1869, d. 1928.  Bur. Toolesboro, IA.  She taught in the Chicago area for 20 years, and then lived in Lake Forest, Ill.

  1476.   Nellie D. Graves, died in infancy.

  1477.   Faith B. Graves, died in infancy.

  1478.   Eddie Graves, died in infancy.


Ann Eliza Graves (927), called Eliza, was born about 1838 in Iowa (according to the 1860 census for Toolesboro, Louisa Co., Iowa).  She married Robert W. Searl (or Searle or Searles) on 3 (or 30) Sept. 1857.  He was born about 1835 in Ohio, was a farmer, and was "deaf and dumb," according to the 1860 census.  All his children could talk in sign language.  (R‑8)

Children - Searl

  1479.   William B. Searl, b.c. 1859 (Iowa).

+1480.   Frank Searl, b. 1862, m(1) Alice Cubbage, m(2) Minerva Livingston, m(3) Sophia Herr.

  1481.   Sheila Searl

+1482.   Charles Riley Searl, b. 1865, m(1) Lillian Casey, m(2) Mable Gretchen Fritts.

  1483.   George Searl

+1484.   Frances Ethel Searl, m(1) ‑‑‑‑‑‑ Hoffmier, m(2) Arthur Underhill.

  1485.   Bert Searl



John Ludlow Hoyt (936) was born 18 Oct. 1834 in Albany, Albany Co., NY, died 16 Jan. 1921 in Pensacola, Escambia Co., FL, and was buried 17 Jan. 1921 in Whitmire Cem., Ferry Pass, Escambia Co., FL.  He married Frances ("Fannie") Elvira Henry, daughter of Daniel Henry and Jane Black, on 23 Oct. 1863 in Burnt Corn, Monroe Co., AL.  She was born 25 Oct. 1836 in Burnt Corn, AL, died 21 Feb. 1914 in Pensacola, FL, and was buried 22 Feb. 1914 in Whitmire Cem., Ferry Pass, Escambia Co., FL.  All their children were born in Escambia Co., AL, and died in Pensacola, Escambia Co., FL.  (R‑57)

Children - Hoyt

+1486.   Mary Elizabeth Hoyt, b. 4 June 1866, m. Kirby Ledbetter Jones, 20 Nov. 1889, d. 22 Nov. 1928.

  1487.   John Henry Hoyt, b. 16 Nov. 1867, m. Allie May Jones, 12 Sept. 1896 (Escambia Co., FL), d. 11 March 1931.  She was b. 16 Dec. 1875 and d. 28 Dec. 1914, both in Ferry Pass, Escambia Co., FL, dau. of Zackery Taylor Jones and Vashti Allie ("Granny Bash") Whitmire.

  1488.   George A. Hoyt, b. 6 Jan. 1869, d. 9 May 1935.

  1489.   Daniel Dudley Hoyt, b. 15 Dec. 1871, d. 20 Sept. 1954.

  1490.   William F. Hoyt, b. 13 Feb. 1874, d. 7 Feb. 1940.



George Titus Graves (941) was born 11 April 1832 in Whitestown, Oneida Co., N.Y., died 20 June 1912 in South Trenton, Oneida Co., N.Y., and was buried in Cold Brook, Herkimer Co., N.Y.  He married Helen Lorinda Davis, daughter of Lewis Davis and Maria ‑‑‑‑‑‑, on 18 Sept. 1856.  She was born 18 Sept. 1838 in Manheim, N.Y., died 19 Dec. 1902 in South Trenton, N.Y., and was also buried in Cold Brook.  George was a carpenter and worked in a saw mill.  At least their first 11 children were born in Cold Brook, Herkimer Co., N.Y.  (R‑58, R‑59)

Children - Graves

  1491.   Charles Henry Graves, b. 7 Aug. 1857, d. 21 Feb. 1858 (Cold Brook, NY).

  1492.   Infant, b. and d. 7 Aug. 1857 (Cold Brook, NY).

+1493.   Charles Lewis Graves, b. 5 Dec. 1859, m. Eva Weiss, 21 Sept. 1881, d. 6 Aug. 1919.

  1494.   Infant, b. and d. 22 Feb. 1862 (Cold Brook, NY).

  1495.   Elmyra (or Almira or Miria) Graves, b. 3 April 1863, m(1) Charles Lanphere or Lamphear (d. 1909), m(2) Fred Bronstatter, 30 Nov. 1919.

  1496.   George Graves, b. 24 June 1865.

+1497.   Lyman George Graves, b. 19 April 1868, m. Ann Genette Gillette, 4 July 1887, d. 29 Sept. 1943.

  1498.   Emma Graves, b. 16 Jan. 1871, d. 24 May 1872 (Cold Brook, NY).

  1499.   Jane ("Jennie") Graves, b. 15 Feb. 1873, m. Peter Sheppard, Jr.

  1500.   Helen Graves, b. 26 May 1875, m. Peter Brown.  They moved to New Hartford, NY.

+1501.   Ellen Graves, b. 26 May 1875, m. George Sheppard, 17 Feb. 1893, d. 9 March 1959.

  1502.   Eugene Francis Graves, b. 18 May 1878.

  1503.   Henry Peter Graves, b. 12 April 1883, d.c. 1943.



John Graves (951) was born 5 Oct. 1840.  He first married Louise DelMonte.  They were divorced, and he married second Carrie Patrick of Poughkeepsie, N.Y. on 8 Nov. 1876.  They lived at 168 East 90th St., N.Y. City, N.Y. (R‑202)

Children - Graves

  1504.   William Bright Graves, b. 28 March 1879.

  1505.   Ethel Marian Graves, b. 29 Aug. 1880.

  1506.   John Alfred Graves, b. 2 Feb. 1882.

  1507.   Carrie Virginia Graves, b. 21 Nov. 1884, d. 19 Oct. 1891.

  1508.   Hilda Graves, b. 8 Dec. 1886.

  1509.   Alberta Graves, b. 6 Aug. 1891.

  1510.   Edith Graves, b. 2 Jan. 1894.



Belinda Leach (968) was born 22 Aug. 1807 in Litchfield, CT, and died 30 Jan. 1864 in Lyons, Wayne Co., NY.  She married Capt. Bartlett Robinson Rogers on 31 Dec. 1829 in Lyons, NY.  He was born 30 June 1807, and died 10 June 1880 in Lyons, NY.  (R‑38)

Children - Rogers

+1511.   Maria Rogers, m. Charles Bostwick.

  1512.   Heman Jacob Rogers

  1513.   Hiriam Rogers, m. Julia Dickerson.

  1514.   Lyman Rogers

  1515.   William Rogers, b. 6 July 1841, m. Sarah Jane Bradley, 19 Jan. 1871, d. 10 Oct. 1883.  She was b. 27 Feb. 1848, d. 7 March 1913.

  1516.   Luther Rogers

+1517.   John Rogers, m(1) Gertrude Jewell, m(2) Lena Brownson.

  1518.   Henry Rogers

  1519.   Jane Rogers


Marietta Leach (972) was born 25 Dec. 1815 and died 7 April 1893, both in Lyons, NY.  She married Charles Allen on 21 Sept. 1837.  He was born 23 Nov. 1811 and died 27 Sept. 1858.  (R‑38)

Children - Allen

  1520.   Harriet Allen


Henry Winchell Leach (975) was born 21 Oct. 1822 and died 31 May 1886, both in Lyons, NY.  He married Christine Aspell on 27 Feb. 1846 in Lyons, NY.  She was born 5 Sept. 1820 and died 14 Dec. 1887.  (R‑38)

Children - Leach

  1521.   Lelah Aspell Leach, b. 17 Sept. 1846 (Lyons, NY), d. 2 Sept. 1847 (Lyons, NY).

+1522.   Ariah Aspell Leach, b. 8 July 1848, m. Hammond Townsend, d. 22 March 1897.

+1523.   Augustus T. Leach, b. 11 July 1852, m. Madeline Glimpse, 8 Nov. 1877, d. 4 Jan. 1899.

  1524.   Augusta Leach, b. 11 July 1852, d. 7 Aug. 1919.

  1525.   Henry Leach, b. 10 March 1855, d. 17 Feb. 1859.


Augustus Mortimer Leach (976) was born 1 Nov. 1825 and died 10 Aug. 1901, both in Lyons, NY.  He first married Mary Jane Smith, daughter of Horace Prout Smith and Sarah (ÒSallyÓ) Harmon, on 7 June 1853 in Lima, Livingston Co., NY.  She was born 21 Nov. 1832 in Wheatland, Monroe Co., NY, and died 13 Feb. 1868 in Brooklyn, Kings Co., NY.  He married second Emma Jerome Richards.  She was born 4 March 1850 in New London, CT, and died 31 Dec. 1922 in Groton, NY.  Augustus and both his wives were buried in a rural cem. in Lyons, NY.  (R‑38)

Children - Leach, by Mary J. Smith

+1526.   Francis Augustus Leach, b. 8 April 1854, m. Marion Emma Tinsley, 24 June 1884, d. 1912.

  1527.   Mary Eugenia (ÒMinnieÓ) Leach, b. 5 March 1856 (Brooklyn, NY), d. after 1925 (Lyons, NY).  Bur. rural cem., Lyons, NY.

  1528.   Mortimer Leach, b. 12 Sept. 1858 (Brooklyn, NY), d. 3 June 1859 (Brooklyn, NY).  Bur. rural cem., Lyons, NY.

+1529.   Emma Louise Leach, b. 21 Sept. 1860, m. Frank Munro Sisson, 23 June 1881, d. 11 March 1930.

  1530.   Charles Pierce Leach, b. 19 Oct. 1864 (Brooklyn, NY), d. 11 Aug. 1865 (Brooklyn, NY).  Bur. rural cem., Lyons, NY.

+1531.   Albert Edwin Leach, b. 29 March 1866, m. Gertrude Arthur Horton, 22 Dec. 1903, d. 8 Sept. 1939.

Children - Leach, by Emma J. Richards

  1532.   Frederic Jerome Leach, b. 17 Nov. 1873 (Lyons, NY), m. Anna Mendel, 1913, d. 1941 (Cleveland, OH).  She was b. 1885 and d. 1970, both in Lyons, NY.  They were both bur. rural cem., Lyons, NY.

+1533.   Arthur Richards Leach, b. 4 Feb. 1878, m. Clara Louise Comfort, 10 June 1903, d. 7 March 1940.



Almira Buell (979) was born 8 Feb. 1814 and died 18 Sept. 1901, both in Killingworth, Middlesex Co., CT.  She married John Griswold, son of Ashbel Griswold and Betsey Harris, on 30 March 1836 in Killingworth, CT.  He was born about 1813 in CT, and died 12 Aug. 1893 in Killingworth, CT, and was buried in Killingworth, CT.  A transcription for the Nettleton Cem., North Parker Hill Rd., Killingworth, CT stated that both Almira, John, and some of their children were buried there.  It appears that this cemetery is also known as Parker Hill Cem.  This family was recorded on the 1850-1880 censuses in Killingworth, CT; their children were born in CT.  (R‑61)

Children - Griswold

  1534.   Hobart Henry (or Henry Hobart) Griswold, b. June 1836, d. 19 Nov. 1915.  Bur. Nettleton Cem.

+1535.   Augusta M. Griswold, b.c. 1839, m. Sylvester Essey Brainard, 10 Nov. 1859, d. 15 Nov. 1863.

  1536.   Mary (ÒPollyÓ) L. Griswold, b.c. 1842.

+1537.   Jeremiah Sherman (or Sherman Jeremiah) Griswold, b. Jan. 1849, m(1) Hannah E. ‑‑‑‑‑‑, m(2) Annie Wingood, 19 Dec. 1880, m(3) Lillie E. ‑‑‑‑‑‑, c. 1890, d. 17 July 1909.



James H. Hafford (998) was born 12 Sept. 1816 in Hoosick Falls, NY, and died 12 March 1886 in the Soldiers Home in Dayton, Ohio.  He first married Florilla Williams on 11 Jan. 1838 in Fremont, Ohio.  She died 26 July 1852. He married second Mamie or Nannie Butts on 9 Nov. 1875. He served in the Civil War.  (R‑207)

Children - Hafford

  1538.   Albert Harvey Hafford, b. 2 Nov. 1839, d. 15 Dec. 1858.

  1539.   William S. Hafford, b. 21 Jan. 1841, d. 23 Feb. 1848.

+1540.   Helen Salina Hafford, b. 24 Oct. 1842, m. Henry Reed, 23 Sept. 1869.

+1541.   Joseph Williams Hafford, b. 19 Jan. 1848, m. Lucy E. McClelland, 21 Nov. 1876.

  1542.   James Hafford, b. 23 July 1852, d. 1 Aug. 1852.


Eveline Hafford (1000) was born 22 Nov. 1819 in Hoosick Falls, N.Y., and died 2 Sept. 1898 in Fremont, Ohio.  She married Edward Tindall of Ohio on 7 Dec. 1837 in Fremont.  (R‑207)

Children - Tindall

+1543.   James Tindall, b. 4 May 1838, m. Martha J. Fields, 20 Nov. 1860.

+1544.   Charles E. Tindall, b. 25 Dec. 1841, m(1) Harriet Sherward, m(2) Clara Grabel, 14 March 1878.

+1545.   Harriet E. Tindall, b. 8 April 1849, m. Charles E. Everett, 23 Sept. 1869.

+1546.   John Roberts Tindall, b. 11 Feb. 1857, m. Rose Sherward, 24 March 1880.

+1547.   William E. Tindall, b. 26 March 1863, m. Ella Dunckenmiller, 9 Sept. 1891.


Harriet Hafford (1001) was born 7 June 1821 in Hoosick Falls, N.Y., and died 10 Nov. 1861 in Fremont, Ohio.  She married Orrin Roberts on 24 April 1848 in Fremont. (R‑207)

Children - Roberts

  1548.   Elizabeth H. Roberts, b. 30 Jan. 1849.  Living in Omaha, Neb. in 1901.

  1549.   Charles H. Roberts, b. 20 Aug. 1850, d. 20 Feb. 1851.

  1550.   Charles H. Roberts, b. 15 Dec. 1851, d. 15 April 1876.

  1551.   John P. Roberts, b. 27 Nov. 1853, d. 4 March 1856.

  1552.   James F. Roberts, b. 4 May 1856.  Living in Calif. in 1901.

  1553.   Fannie T. Roberts, b. 25 April 1858, m. C. W. Close, 1875 (Omaha, Neb.).

  1554.   Chauncey A. Roberts, b. 9 July 1860.  Living in Magnolia, Ark. in 1901.


Esther Ann Hafford (1002) was born 11 Sept. 1823 in Hoosick Falls, N.Y., and died 21 Oct. 1887 in Fremont, Sandusky Co., Ohio.  She married William Bottom Sheldon of Fremont, Ohio, son of David Fitch Sheldon and Sarah Dunton, on 17 Sept. 1845 in her father's home, Fremont. He was born 28 Nov. 1818 in East Rupert, Bennington Co., Vt., and died 11 Aug. 1909.  Both their children were born, married, and died in Fremont, Ohio.

He moved to Pawlet, Vt. in 1835.  He first married Betsey Andrus in 1841 in Vt.  She was a native of Hoosick Falls, N.Y., and died in Feb. 1844.  (R‑20, R‑207)

Children - Sheldon

+1555.   Altie Maria Sheldon, b. 8 June 1852, m. John P. Bell, 17 Sept. 1879, d. 17 Dec. 1939.

+1556.   Harry Griswold Sheldon, b. 5 June 1855, m. Alice Adelia Huff, 22 Oct. 1879, d. 13 Dec. 1946.


Louisa Hafford (1003) was born 5 Aug. 1825 in Hoosick Falls, N.Y., and died 10 June 1889 in Fremont, Ohio.  She married Wesley Colby, son of Enoch Eastman Colby and Mary Hulburd, on 25 Nov. 1847 in Fremont.  He was born 1 Sept. 1819 in N.Y., and died 8 May 1877 in Fremont, Ohio.  They were both buried in Oakwood Cem., Fremont.  He was a farmer.  They were both Presbyterian.  All their children were born in Fremont.  (R‑3)

Children - Colby

+1557.   Maria Louise Colby, b. 31 Oct. 1849, m. James Tyler, 25 Nov. 1875, d. 1934.

  1558.   Frank Colby, b. Sept. 1851, never married, d. 18 July 1875 (Fremont, Ohio).  Bur. Oakwood Cem., Fremont.

+1559.   Esther Graves Colby, b. 11 March 1861, m. George Norman Ash, 22 Feb. 1882, d. 10 Nov. 1933.


Samuel Hafford (1004) was born 15 Feb. 1828 in Hoosick Falls, N.Y., and died 23 March 1909.  He moved to California in 1849.  He married Elizabeth Hohenschield on 23 May 1860 in Vallicito, Calif.  She died by 1901. (R‑207)

Children - Hafford

  1560.   Louis Hafford, married.

  1561.   Harvey Hafford, married.  6 children.

  1562.   Rose Hafford, m. ‑‑‑‑‑‑ Paulson.

  1563.   Harry Hafford

  1564.   Esther Hafford


Warren Graves Hafford (1005) was born 11 June 1830 in Hoosick Falls, N.Y., and died 31 Aug. 1895 in Fremont, Ohio.  He first married Caroline (or Catharine) Fitch on 1 Jan. 1856 in Fremont.  She died 2 March 1866.  He married second Julia Purple on 13 March 1867.  (R‑207)

Children - Hafford, by Caroline Fitch

+1565.   Ferris Samuel Hafford, b. 23 March 1857, m(1) Della C. Osborne, 4 Sept. 1878, m(2) Emily Hutchins, 24 Aug. 1886.

  1566.   Lindon Morse Hafford, b. 20 July 1858, d. 2 Sept. 1872.

+1567.   Ansel Warren Hafford, b. 16 Feb. 1862, m. Alice Wilson, 1 Jan. 1884, d. 12 March 1889.

Children - Hafford, by Julia Purple

  1568.   Harriet Sophia Hafford, b. 24 Nov. 1870.

  1569.   George P. Hafford, b. 14 Nov. 1873, m. Laura G. Smith, 5 Sept. 1899.



Aaron H. Graves (1006) was born 13 June 1821.  He married Elizabeth Thayer on 25 Jan. 1849.  She was born 20 April 1827 and died 25 Jan. 1888.  He was a prominent businessman in Troy, N.Y., where they lived.  (R‑202)

Children - Graves

  1570.   Mary Kate Graves, b. 15 Nov. 1852, m. Jared L. Bacon, 23 April 1874.  He d. 7 May 1881.

  1571.   Lizzie Thayer Graves, b. 8 Nov. 1860, m. William S. Alexander, 1 Jan. 1887.



Warren Henry Graves (1010) was born 29 Oct. 1839 in Hoosick Falls, Rensselaer Co., NY, and died 22 March 1919 in Rockton, Winnebago Co., IL.  He married Clarissa A. Farnsworth on 21 Jan. 1867.  She was born in Sept. 1832 in Canada, and died in 1916 in Rockton, IL.  They were buried in Rockton Township Cem., Rockton, IL.  (R‑202)

Children - Graves

  1572.   Walter T. Graves, b. July 1871, m. Evelyn C. Coaker, d. aft. 1940.  Bur. Rockton Township Cem. (Rockton, IL).

  1573.   Nettie C. Graves, b. Oct. 1874 (Rockton, IL), d. 1935 (Rockton, IL).  Bur. Rockton Township Cem.



Warren G. Bond (1024) was born 13 April 1823 in Lewis Co., NY, and died 24 Oct. 1896 in IL.  He married Harriet M. Canfield on 13 July 1844.  She was born 22 Sept. 1820 in NY, and died 14 May 1913.  They were buried in Cottonwood Cem., Whiteside Co., IL.  This family was recorded on the 1870 census in Ustick, Whiteside Co., IL; their children were born in IL.  (R‑61)

Children - Bond

  1574.   Edna E. Bond, b. 5 Nov. 1847, m. Delos Parkle Martin, 18 Oct. 1865, d. 2 Oct. 1924 (Winslow, Kitsap Co., WA).  He was b. 6 Dec. 1836 (Alexandria, Jefferson Co., NY), d. 31 Aug. 1922 (Bainbridge, Kitsap Co., WA).  Both bur. Kane Cem. (Bainbridge, WA).

  1575.   Loretta Harriet Bond, b. 15 Feb. 1850, m(1) William J. Reed, 31 Dec. 1868, m(2) William Pearson, c. 1909, d. aft. 1930.

  1576.   Emily Viola Bond, b. 21 Dec. 1851, m. Austin Goff, 18 March 1872, d. 3 Dec. 1872.

  1577.   George Egbert Bond, b. 5 June 1854, m. Sarah Bulkley, 20 Dec. 1876, d. 15 July 1881.  Bur. Cottonwood Cem.

+1578.   Vesta Melissa Bond, b. 10 July 1856, m(1) Wilson Cornelius Springer, 1 Jan. 1874, m(2) Norris Coleman, 7 Sept. 1910, d. 21 Aug. 1951.

  1579.   Olive J. Bond, b. 28 Aug. 1858, m. Alonzo Springer, d. 15 Feb. 1946.

  1580.   Ada A. Bond (twin), b. 2 March 1861, d. 14 Sept. 1861.  Bur. Cottonwood Cem.

  1581.   Ida A. Bond (twin), b. 2 March 1861, d. 21 Sept. 1861.  Bur. Cottonwood Cem.

  1582.   Isabell Irene Bond, b. 27 Aug. 1863, m. Walter Ashley Wilbur, d. May 1929 (IA).  Bur. Lone Tree Cem. (Sioux Rapids, Buena Vista Co., IA).  Ten children.

  1583.   Alva W. Bond, b. 26 Sept. 1865, m. Mary S. Walker, c. 1888, d. 10 June 1956 (Port Blakely, Kitsap Co., WA).  Bur. Kane Cem. (Bainbridge, WA).



Sylvester Graves (1029) was born 23 Sept. 1826 in Denmark (or Deer River), Lewis Co., NY, and died 11 Sept. 1850 in Panama of malaria, while returning from the gold rush in California.  He married Elmina M. Mantle on 2 Jan. 1848.  She was born in 1830 or 1831 in Oswego Co., NY, and died 14 Aug. 1885.  (Dr. and Mrs. John W. Graves, R‑17, have several letters from him to his wife Elmina written about his voyage in 1848 from NY City to Sacramento, CA.)

After Sylvester died, she married second Charles W. Derby and had 6 children: George Derby, b. 10 Dec. 1853; Emma Derby, b. 15 Oct. 1856, m. Gideon Slye, 27 May 1877; Fred Derby, b. 2 Aug. 1859, m. Mary Slye, 14 Sept. 1898, d. 29 Jan. 1942; Frances Derby, twin of Fred, d. Spring Valley, WI; Herbert Derby, b. 12 March 1863, d. 4 April 1929; Elizabeth Derby, b. 12 Feb. 1868, m. Silas Wright Thayer, 18 Jan. 1905, d. 16 Sept. 1952. The first 2 were born in St. Lawrence Co., NY, the next 3 in Diana, Lewis Co., NY, and the last in Harrisville, Lewis Co., NY.  (R‑17)

Children - Graves

+1584.   Eugene Graves, b. 17 Feb. 1849, m. Cynthia ‑‑‑‑‑‑.

+1585.   Sylvester Graves, b. 15 Feb. 1850, m. Philetta Eliza Bedell, 8 March 1877, d. 10 June 1925.



Andrew W. Graves (1032) was born 13 April 1833, and died 25 March 1889 in Grand Rapids, Mich.  He married Martha A. Barlow of Brockport, N.Y. on 7 Jan. 1857.  He was a railroad engineer.  They lived in Grand Rapids, Mich. (R‑202)

Children - Graves

  1586.   Leon S. Graves, b. 1 Nov. 1857 (Union Grove, Ill.), m. Frank Bresee, 24 Oct. 1882 (Grand Rapids, Mich.).  Lived in St. Louis, Mo.  He was a Supt. at St. Louis and Eastern RR Co.  No children.

+1587.   Charles B. Graves, b. 15 April 1860, m. Mae Residorph, 15 May 1890.

  1588.   Nellie May Graves, b. 9 April 1862, m. Harry C. Angell, 28 Nov. 1882.  Lived in Grand Rapids, Mich.



Horatio Graves (1038) was born 8 Dec. 1829.  He married Anna R. Potter on 2 April 1866.  They lived in Hale Co., Texas.  (R‑202)

Children - Graves

  1589.   Amy W. Graves, b. 9 Aug. 1867.

  1590.   Helen B. Graves, b. 30 June 1869.

  1591.   Lottie Graves, b. 3 Oct. 1873.


Henry C. Graves (1039) was born 6 Oct. 1833 in Chestertown, N.Y.  He married Arminta B. Potter on 20 Nov. 1868.  She was born 23 Feb. 1846 in New York City. They lived in Parma, Mich.  (R‑202)

Children - Graves

  1592.   Edith D. Graves, b. 16 Jan. 1870, m(1) Frank Roberts, 3 June 1888, m(2) Dr. C. D. Hubbard. Frank d. 26 June 1891.  Edith and 2nd husband were living in Huntington Park, Calif.

  1593.   George W. Graves, b. 10 Oct. 1872, m. ‑‑‑‑‑‑ Sylvester.  Lived at 701 West Poplar St., Stockton, Calif.  No children.

+1594.   Henry Shelley Graves, b. 16 March 1874, married.

+1595.   Herbert E. Graves, b. 7 July 1877, m. Florence Higgins, 30 Aug. 1900.

  1596.   daughter, b. 25 Aug. 1881, d. 15 Sept. 1881.

+1597.   Lavergne Graves, b. 14 Sept. 1885, married.



Ralzemon (or Ralzeman) Phelps (1049) was born 26 Dec. 1802 in East Granville, Mass., and died 8 July 1873 in Winchester, Conn.  He married Emma Pinney, daughter of Joseph Pinney, on 20 April 1829.  She was born in 1800 and died 23 Sept. 1877, both in Colebrook, Conn.  He was a farmer in Winchester, Conn.  All their children were born in Winchester, Conn.  (R‑209)

Children - Phelps

  1598.   Emeret Phelps, b. 19 Aug. 1830, d. 6 Jan. 1842.

  1599.   John Pinney Phelps, b. 14 Dec. 1834, m. Nancy M. Gorham.


Hannah Phelps (1050) was born 12 Oct. 1804 in East Granville, Mass.  She moved with her father to Granville, Ohio in 1806.  She first married Chester C. Clough on 3 Dec. 1824 at Granville, Licking Co., Ohio.  They were married by Ahab Jinks, a rather colorful character.

Chester was born 10 Nov. 1797 in Hebron, N.Y., died 29 March 1840 in Granville, Ohio, probably in a cholera epidemic that swept through about that time, and was buried in the Old Colony Burying Ground, Granville[62].

Next to Chester's grave is that of his son Wilson. Directly behind Chester's tombstone in the next tier is that of Capt. John Phelps, Hannah's father.

An excerpt from a book states: "...breaking ground in the construction of Ohio and Erie Canal (1940).  Gov. DeWitt Clinton of New York was there ... a military band ... Chester Clough, drummers.  (Rev. Henry Bushnell, M.M., History of Granville, Etna, and Kirkersville, Ohio, Columbus, OH, Mann & Adair, 1889, pp. 128-9.)

The name Clough was changed to Cluff after 1825.  A granddaughter said it was because no one pronounced it right.  (Other Cloughs became Clowes.)

The Licking Co. records show Hannah Cluff marrying Albert G. Heater (not Healon, as given in the Phelps Family) on 16 June 1841, by Botell, M.G.  They are not in the 1850 Ohio census.  The Phelps book shows that Hannah had two more children by her second husband in Majority Point, Ill.  In 1850, Hannah's oldest son, Chester P. Cluff, was living with the William Tower family.

All children by the first marriage were born in Granville, Ohio, and the two by the second marriage were born in Majority Point, Ill.  (R‑16, R‑209)

Children - Cluff

+1600.   Chester P. Cluff, b. 15 May 1827, m(1) Laurinda A. Tower, 26 Sept. 1850, m(2) Mary A. Tower, 13 Dec. 1877, d. 15 May 1895.

  1601.   Harriet Cluff, b. 27 Sept. 1829.

  1602.   Walter Cluff, b. 17 March 1832.

  1603.   William Cluff, b. 16 April 1835.

  1604.   Wilson Cluff, b. 17 Feb. 1837, d. 8 Dec. 1847. Bur. Old Colony Burying Ground, Granville, OH.

Children - Heater

  1605.   Albert G. Heater, b. 27 April 1842.

  1606.   Hannah E. Heater, b. 15 Oct. 1844.



Rufus H. Graves (1059) was born 8 March 1821 in Hartford, Licking Co., Ohio.  According to page 938 of History of North Idaho, Rufus lived in Laclede, Idaho, and owned a farm of forty acres nearby which he ran while also owning various other property.

He was "the son of Claudias and Electia (Rose) Graves, natives of Massachusetts, but immigrants to Ohio in 1790, where they lived for 47 years.  The father was born in 1788 and served in the war of 1812.  His father served in the Revolution as a teamster.  Our subject received his educational training in the public schools and at the age of 27 went traveling to various sections of the country. He also did considerable rafting.  Then he farmed, and in 1851 he moved to Wisconsin where he bought a sugar maple farm and did well on that for all the intervening years until 1885, when he sold and came to Kootenai county (Idaho).  He used to make many hundreds of pounds of maple sugar and much syrup.  In Kootenai county he turned his attention to raising stock and hay and did well until 1901, when he sold his place and returned to Wisconsin, where he visited for one year and then came back to the west and bought his present place, which he handles now, dwelling in town.

In September 1850, Mr. Graves married Miss Hester A., daughter of Henry and Jane Knoll, natives of New York and Canada respectively.  Seven children have been born to this happy union, four of whom are living...

Mr. Graves is an active Republican, and always is influential in the campaigns."  (R‑28)

Children - Graves

  1607.   Henry Graves, married.  Living in Laclede, ID.

  1608.   Effie Graves, m. John Campfield.

  1609.   Hattie Graves, m. Lawrence Lutz.  Twin of Nettie.  Lived in Appleton, WI.

  1610.   Nettie Graves, m. Edward Lutz.  Twin of Hattie.  Lived in Appleton, WI.

  1611.   other children



Clarinda Graves (1064) was born about 1822 in OH, and died after 1880.  She married Isaac Decker Finch, son of Isaac Finch and Elizabeth Coykendall (or Kuykendall), on 10 Dec. 1840 in Licking Co., OH.  He was born about 1818 in OH, and also died after 1880.  This family was recorded on the 1850 census in Kingston, Delaware Co., OH, the 1860 census in Spring Creek, Tama Co., IA, the 1870 census in Franklin, Story Co., IA, post office Ames, and the 1880 census in St. Joseph, Buchanan Co., MO; their children were born in OH.  (R‑60)

Children - Finch

  1612.   Martha Jane Finch, b. 11 Dec. 1835[63], m(1) Isaac Homer Craven, m(2) Aaron Sickels, 11 April 1866 (Elsie, Clinton Co., MI), d. 4 Jan. 1914 (Harbor Springs, Emmet Co., MI).

  1613.   Sarah E. Finch, b.c. 1841.

  1614.   George W. Finch, b.c. 1843.

+1615.   Oliver G. Finch, b.c. 1844, m. Lucinda Augusta Mackenzie, d. 26 April 1900.


Chandler Matthius[64] Graves (1065) was born about 1828 in OH, and died between 28 June 1864 in New Orleans, Orleans Co., LA of typhoid fever, and was buried in Chalmette National Cem., Chalmette, St. Bernard Parish, LA.  He first married Abigail Lathrop, daughter of Leman Lathrop and Hannah Welch, on 17 Nov. 1847 in Fond du Lac Co., WI.  This family was recorded on the 1850 census in Winneconne, Winnebago Co., WI.  She was born 29 Nov. 1828 in Montpelier, Caladonia Co., VT, and died 10 Jan. 1912 in Ellendale, Dickey Co., ND.  It appears that Chandler either divorced or deserted Abigail and their children.  He married second Mary Carkins, daughter of Levi Carkins and Lepha (ÒLefyÓ) Richmond, on 16 Nov. 1854 in Walworth, Walworth Co., WI.  She was born 24 Nov. 1833 in Camillus, Onondaga Co., NY, and died between 21 June 1860 and 14 Feb. 1861.  This family was recorded on the 1860 census, dated 21 June 1860, in New Hampton, Chickasaw Co., IA.  Chandler married third Sarah Carkins, MaryÕs sister, on 14 Feb. 1861 in Chickasaw Co., IA.  She was born 13 May 1835 in Camillus, NY, died 14 June 1911 in IA, and was buried with her half brother, George Carkins, in Riverside Cem., Charles City, Floyd Co., IA.  In 1860, Sarah, her parents and siblings, were recorded in the household of Chandler Graves.  In 1870, Sarah and Frank Graves, age 9, born IA, lived in New Hampton, IA next to her parents.  Chandler served in the Civil War, Iowa Inf., Co. 21.  Sarah filed for his pension on 12 March 1877.  On the 1880 census, Sarah still lived in New Hampton; she resided with her widowed mother and half brothers.  On the 1895 Iowa State Census and the 1900 census, she was recorded as Sarah Carkins and lived with her half brother, George Carkins.  (R‑60)

Children - Graves, by Abigail Lathrop

  1616.   Melissa Emeline Graves, b. 29 Nov. 1848 (Berlin, Green Lake Co., WI, m(1) Charles J. Smith, 1 April 1870, m(2) Francis (ÒFrankÓ) Ashton Harvey, d. 24 Aug. 1936 (Pine Co., MN).

  1617.   Julia Ann Graves, b. 6 Jan. 1851 (Berlin, WI), m. George Lafayette Harvey, c. 1873, d. 2 July 1935 (Frankfort, Spink Co., SD).

Children -Graves, by Mary Carkins

  1618.   Chandler M. Graves, b. 2 Nov. 1855, d. 1856.

  1619.   Mary Maria Graves, b. 5 June 1857 (IA), d. aft. 1860.  Only recorded on the 1860 census.

  1620.   Sarah L. Graves, b. 1 March 1859, d. 27 Jan. 1860.

Children -Graves, by Sarah Carkins

  1621.   Frank Graves, b.c. 1861.  Only recorded on the 1870 census.



Joel W. Graves (1077) was born 5 May 1832 in Chazy, N.Y.  He first married Louise McCullough on 1 June 1854.  She was born 7 Dec. 1828 and died 17 May 1874.  He married second Susanna C. Collins of Lower Canada on 2 June 1875.  She was born 30 April 1843 and died 24 March 1885. He thirdly married Isabella Hall, greatgranddaughter of Seth Graves (#278), on 13 Feb. 1889.  She was born 29 March 1851.  They lived in Chazy, N.Y.  (R‑202)

Children - Graves, by Louise McCullough

+1622.   Sidney H. Graves, b. 19 March 1855, m. Myra H. Fisk, 22 Sept. 1884, d. 1921.

  1623.   Mary A. Graves, b. 23 April 1857, m. David Dunning (of Chazy), 12 Nov. 1884.

  1624.   Frank Graves, b. 1 Dec. 1858, d. 30 Jan. 1875.

  1625.   Fannie E. Graves, b. 30 Dec. 1861, d. 3 Aug. 1882.

  1626.   Laura Hall Graves, b. 27 Oct. 1863.



Orval Graves (1082) was born 23 Sept. 1817 and died 9 Feb. 1889.  He married on 16 May 1844 in Jamestown, Ind.  His widow was in her 85th year in 1908.  Their first three children were born in Granville, Ohio, and the last two in Clear Lake, Ind.  (R‑202)

Children - Graves

  1627.   Elmer Elton Graves, b. 23 April 1845, d. 14 March 1858.

  1628.   Lelia Orlinda Graves, b. 10 July 1850, d. 24 Jan. 1858.

  1629.   Ella Elvira Graves, b. 28 Dec. 1852, d. 6 Oct. 1855.

+1630.   Henry A. Graves, b. 25 Nov. 1856, m(1) Jennie Boon, 10 Aug. 1881, m(2) Lou D. Smith, 27 Sept. 1893.

+1631.   Burton O. Graves, b. 1 March 1861, m. Clara Holcomb, 18 June 1884, d. 10 Dec. 1893.


Alvah Graves (1085) was born 14 June 1831 in Granville, Ohio.  He married Emily Hopkins on 10 Sept. 1854 in Fremont, Ind.  (R‑202)

Children - Graves

  1632.   Lewis Graves, b. Aug. 1861, married.



Ira A. Graves (1087) was born 22 July 1825 in Granville, Ohio, and died 9 Feb. 1876 in Fort Smith, Ark.  He married Edna Hildreth.  They moved to Fort Smith in 1871. She died Nov. 1878.  (R‑202)

Children - Graves

+1633.   Frank Elton Graves, b. 7 Nov. 1858, m. Missouri Frances Morris, 19 March 1881, d. 26 Sept. 1884.

+1634.   Fred E. Graves, b. 7 Nov. 1858, m. Dora Elizabeth Handlin, 6 May 1886.

+1635.   Henry Graves, b. 11 Feb. 1863, m. Missouri Frances (Morris) Graves, 11 Feb. 1885, d. 1923.

  1636.   Ella Graves, d. at Fort Smith, Ark.

  1637.   Mary Graves, d. at Fort Smith, Ark.

  1638.   Abbie Graves, d. at Fort Smith, Ark.

  1639.   Martha Graves, d. at Fort Smith, Ark.


Philander A. Graves (1090) was born 29 Jan. 1831 in Granville, OH (or possibly in Liberty Twp., Union Co., OH), and died 20 Nov. 1914 in Hartford, OH.  He first married Martha E. King, daughter of Tillotson King and Mary F. Chester, on 15 March 1854 in Alexandria, OH.  She was born 9 Dec. 1834 (or 15 Aug. 1835) in Granville, OH, and died 6 Feb. 1899 in Hartford, OH.  They lived in Croton, OH.  The first two children were born in Hartford, OH, the next four in Pharisburg, OH (except for Lura, born in York Center, OH), and the last three in Newton, OH.  He married second Melvina Lockwood in 1899.  Philander was a druggist and a storekeeper.  (R‑39, R‑202)

Children - Graves, by Martha E. King

  1640.   Clara F. Graves, b. 11 Jan. 1855, m. Oscar Robbins, 4 Sept. 1873 (Newton, Ohio), d. 29 May 1881 (Hartford, Ohio).  Lived at Dayton, Ohio.

  1641.   Jennie A. Graves, b. 15 March 1856, m. F. D. Stone, 9 Sept. 1877 (Hartford, Ohio), d. 9 Nov. 1885 (Hartford, OH).  Lived in Croton, OH.

  1642.   Della L. Graves, b. 20 March 1858, m. Douglas Willison, 11 Oct. 1883 (Hartford, OH).  Lived at Croton, OH.

  1643.   Linnie P. Graves, b. 26 April 1861, d. 31 Aug. 1863 (Pharisburg, OH).

+1644.   Lura Minerva Graves, b. 14 April 1865, m. Franklin Henry Wells, 12 March 1890, d. 3 Oct. 1923.

  1645.   Minnie L. Graves, b. 22 Nov. 1867, m. Frank D. Stone, 28 Dec. 1886 (Granville, Ohio), d. 6 Dec. 1890 (Hartford, OH).  Lived in Croton, OH.

  1646.   Albert T. Graves, b. 25 Feb. 1870, d. 29 Jan. 1875 (Hartford, OH).

  1647.   Orial A. Graves, b. 14 Jan. 1872, d. 1 Oct. 1903 (Hartford, OH).

  1648.   George H. P. S. Graves, b. 23 May 1874, m. Bertha B. Jones, 16 June 1896, d. 24 Sept. 1961 (Centerburg, OH).  Called Uncle Henry, he was the father of Francis Graves Haugh.


Martha C. Graves (1093) was born 18 Feb. 1843.  She married Arthur Henry Hamiston.  (R‑202)

Children - Hamiston

  1649.   Bertha Hamiston, m. ‑‑‑‑‑‑ Whitaker.  Lived in Cedar Falls, Iowa.



Edward Sherman Graves (1097) was born 28 Nov. 1833 and died 3 July 1880, both in Richfield, Ohio.  He was a builder and contractor.  He married Eveline Elizabeth Thomas on 3 Dec. 1857 in Richfield.  Their first 8 children were born in Mo., and all the rest in Richfield, Ohio, except for Edith, who was born in Royalton, Ohio. (R‑202)

Children - Graves

  1650.   Anna Laura Graves, b. 13 May 1859, m(1) Elmus H. Jagger, 10 Sept. 1881, m(2) James A. Storey, 26 Nov. 1891.  Lived at 40 Branch Rd., Cleveland, Ohio.

  1651.   Arthur Ellsworth Graves, b. 2 May 1860, d. 6 Aug. 1862.

  1652.   Eva Adelaide Graves, b. 29 Nov. 1862.  Lived at 18 Terrace Ave., Brooklyn Village, Ohio.

  1653.   Edd Ransom Graves, b. 16 Oct. 1863, never married. Lived at 18 Terrace Ave., Brooklyn Village, Ohio.

  1654.   Frank Sherman Graves, b. 15 Jan. 1865, never married.  Lived at 18 Terrace Ave., Brooklyn Village, Ohio.

  1655.   Chilion James Graves, b. 15 Feb. 1866, d. 13 Oct. 1869.

  1656.   Minnie Mary Graves, b. 12 March 1868, d. 17 Oct. 1869.

  1657.   Martha Washington Graves, b. 25 June 1869, m. William Kirke (Supt. of Schools).  Lived in East Cleveland, Ohio.

  1658.   Stella Maria Graves, b. 19 April 1873.  Lived in Brooklyn Village, Ohio.

  1659.   Myra Emily Graves, b. 17 June 1874.  Lived in Brooklyn Village, Ohio.

  1660.   Edith Clare Graves, b. 15 Jan. 1876.  Lived in Brooklyn Village, Ohio.

  1661.   Mabel Orpha Graves, b. 13 July 1877, d. 1879.

  1662.   May Helen Graves, b. 26 Oct. 1879.  Lived at 18 Terrace Ave., Brooklyn Village, Ohio.


Edmond Augustus (or Augustin) Graves (1099) was born 30 Nov. 1835 in Richfield, Ohio, and died 27 Nov. 1887 in Macon City, Mo., where he had lived since 1881.  He married Sarah Tuttle on 6 Nov. 1863 in Shebina, Mo.  He was at one time County Clerk of Shelby Co., Mo.  (R‑202)

Children - Graves

  1663.   Alfred Lewis Graves, b. 7 Sept. 1864 (near Cambria, Macon Co., Mo.), m. Anna Trader Reed (of Triplett, Mo.), 30 Nov. 1890 (Brunswick, Chariton Co., Mo.).  She was dau. of Johnson M. Reed and Georgia Ann Triplett.  Lived near New Cambria, Mo.

  1664.   Alice Mae Graves, b. 22 May 1866, m. Henry Johnson, 25 Dec. 1871.

  1665.   Arthur Herbert Graves, b. 2 Dec. 1871.


Enoch Harmon Graves (1101) was born 9 Nov. 1839.  He married Huldah Mosier in 1870.  They lived in North Royalton, Ohio, where he died.  (R‑202)

Children - Graves

  1666.   Irene Graves, b. May 1871, d. Fall of 1871.

  1667.   Archie Graves, b. 29 Nov. 1873.

  1668.   Blanche Graves, b. Dec. 1875.


Elbert Lewis Graves (1102) was born 29 July 1842.  He married Emma McKee on 15 May 1878.  She died 2 May 1891. They lived in Mt. Vernon, Knox Co., Ohio, where he died. (R‑202)

Children - Graves

  1669.   Myrtle Graves, b. 10 Jan. 1879.

  1670.   May Graves, b. 16 May 1881.

  1671.   Claude Graves, b. 10 March 1883.


Alfred Austin Graves (1106) was born 20 May 1851.  He first married Kate McKay in 1881.  He married second Annie Lewis on 27 Sept. 1891.  They lived at 2915 26th Ave., South Minneapolis, Minn.  (R‑202)

Children - Graves

  1672.   Ethel Emily Graves, b. 19 Nov. 1882.

  1673.   Clarence A. Graves, b. March 1884.


Frank Ferdinand Graves (1107) was born 3 Feb. 1854.  He married Laura Boyce on 4 Oct. 1876.  In 1908 they lived at 633 Shatlo Place, Palmwood, L.A., Calif.  (R‑202)

Children - Graves

  1674.   Earl F. Graves, b. 16 Feb. 1878, d. 26 Nov. 1889.

  1675.   L. Edna Graves, b. 11 Sept. 1880, d. 3 Feb. 1886.



Ransford Dunreith (or Dunwreath) Graves (1112) was born 10 Aug. 1809 in Durham, Conn., and died 2 July 1895 in Canandaigua, Ontario Co., N.Y., where he moved when he was 23.

He married Mary Ann Stone, daughter of Daniel Stone and Thankful Webb, on 10 Dec. 1833.  She was born 13 April 1815 and died 29 May 1879, both in Canandaigua. (According to Mr. Harry Williams, she was born in Cayuga Co. in 1817.)

All their children were born in Canandaigua.  (R‑12, R‑202)

Children - Graves

+1676.   Helen T. Graves, b. 21 Sept. 1834, married, d. 21 April 1864.

  1677.   B. Egbert Graves, b. 2 April 1836, d. 12 Jan. 1837.

+1678.   Harriet Sophia Graves, b. 2 Sept. 1838, m(1) Charles Marcellus Williams, 30 Sept. 1858, m(2) William Pike, 13 July 1899, d. 21 Nov. 1911.

  1679.   Lydia (or Lida) Adelaide Graves, b. 1 Feb. 1840, never married, d. 6 April 1856.

+1680.   Charles Dunreith Graves, b. 5 April 1843, m. Cordelia ‑‑‑‑‑‑.

  1681.   Edna M. Graves, b. 20 Feb. 1846, d. 6 Sept. 1867.

+1682.   Ann Eliza Graves, b. 21 Sept. 1848, m(1) John Cooley, m(2) Lucian Smith.

+1683.   Edward Hyde Graves, b. 8 Dec. 1851, m. Jessie A. Penoyer.

  1684.   Ida Jane Graves, b. 4 Jan. 1854, never married, d. 17 May 1930 (Canandaigua, NY).  She raised the children of her sister Ann.

+1685.   Frank A. Graves, b. 22 June 1856, m. Maggie Gertrude Whitman, 28 Feb. 1882, d. 10 Oct. 1913.

  1686.   Ransford Dunreith ("Doc") Graves, Jr., b. 27 Aug. 1858, probably d. 1916.  (Mr. Foster, R‑33, said his mother left a newspaper obituary for Doc, and wrote the year, 1916, and his age at death, 57 years.)  He had a jewelry store in Corning, N.Y., which he willed to his sister Ida.  She let Harold Canfield, one of the grandchildren of her sister Ann, run it, but he couldn't make it successful, so she sold it.



Lorenzo Hand Graves (1126) was born 22 Feb. 1834 in McGrawville, N.Y.  He married Emma McGraw on 22 May 1860 at Delavan, Wisc.  She was born 10 Dec. 1836.  They lived in Seattle, Wash.  All their children were born at Delavan.  (R‑202)

Children - Graves

  1687.   Gertrude Mabel Graves, b. 30 Nov. 1862.

  1688.   Albert Newton Graves, b. 10 Dec. 1868.

  1689.   Lena Marcia Graves, b. 5 Nov. 1872.


Myron Gardner Graves (1127) was born 30 Sept. 1836.  He married Lydia A. Kenyon, daughter of Phineas H. and Ann Kenyon of LeRoy, Dodge Co., Wisc., on 26 Dec. 1869.  She was born 30 Aug. 1848.  They lived in Brownsville, Wisc. (R‑202)

Children - Graves

  1690.   Eva L. Graves, b. 17 Oct. 1870, m. George Tulledge, 13 Dec. 1892.  Lived at LeRoy, Wisc.

  1691.   Walter K. Graves, b. 20 July 1872.

  1692.   Hattie E. Graves, b. 11 July 1874.

  1693.   Nellie L. Graves, b. 22 July 1877.



Walter Godfrey Graves (1130) was born 9 Nov. 1831.  He married Amelia P. Mather.  She was born 17 Sept. 1827, probably in McGrawville, NY (according to her obituary), and died in 1894 in Bijou Hills, SD.  She married second Joseph B. Kinney on 23 Feb. 1854.  According to one source, Walter was a soldier for the Union in the Civil War, and died in service in Arkansas.

From the 1850 Cortland Co., N.Y. census, it appears that Amelia was married to Walter, and they were living with his parents at that time.  Cortland Co. information also indicates that Walter was a student at the N.Y. Free College and probably died during a smallpox epidemic there[65], in time for Amelia to marry Joseph Kinney in 1854. However, that story of Walter's death disagrees with the report of his death in the Civil War.

Amelia was a sister of Polly Mather who married Roswell Graves (#569).  Amelia and Polly were orphans and were probably raised as foster children by one or more Graves families.  They grew up in McGrawville, NY.  In The Genealogy of Rev. Richard Mather, by Horace E. Mather, Polly and Amelia are listed as 2 of the children of Nathaniel Filmore Mather and Polly Robertson, and Amelia is listed as Phebe A. Mather rather than as Amelia P. Mather (as written in the Kinney family Bible).

In a 1941 letter from Amelia's daughter, Mary Kinney Stroube, to Amelia's granddaughter, Pearl Amelia Kinney Smith, Mary wrote: "When I was small my father had a picture of my mother taken before she was married.  Her hair was combed down over her cheeks (regular Puritan maiden) and she wore a big poke bonnet.  It was an old-fashioned daguerrotype picture.  She was so little and looked so sweet.  I wanted that picture more than anything, but my father [Joseph B. Kinney] took it back to New York and gave it to some of his friends."  (R‑21, R‑202)

Children - Graves

  1694.   Eddie Graves; lived in Bridgeport, Conn.

  1695.   Hattie Warle Graves; lived in McGrawville, N.Y.

  1696.   Cora Merricle Graves; lived in McGrawville, N.Y.


Rufus Holton Graves (1131) was born 4 Aug. 1833 and died 1 Sept. 1886.  He first married Eleanor C. Phelps on 20 Aug. 1856.  She was born 26 July 1838 and died 16 July 1879.  He married second Mrs. Augustus Cuoen (or Cuven) of Cortland, N.Y. on 30 Nov. 1880.  They lived in McGrawville, N.Y.  (R‑202)

Children - Graves, by Eleanor C. Phelps

+1697.   William P. Graves, b. 29 July 1858, m. Mary L. Kinney, 11 Aug. 1874, d. 11 May 1876.

  1698.   Anna O. Graves, b. 10 Nov. 1863, m. Fred Berggren, 23 Sept. 1886.  Lived in Hoboken, N.J.

+1699.   Fred DeLoss Graves, b. 13 Sept. 1873, m. Mary Adeline Waid, 31 Oct. 1895, d. 4 April 1950.


Elbert Newton Graves (1138) was born 17 Feb. 1846 in McGrawville, Cortland Co., N.Y., and died 11 May 1895 at his residence, 4746 Dearborn Ave., Chicago, Ill.  He served three years in the U.S. Navy, and in 1874 moved to Mitchell, Iowa.  He married Annie Sophy Bean of McGrawville, N.Y. on 3 Nov. 1874 at Osage, Iowa.  They moved to Chicago in 1891.  He was a member of Landmark Lodge 422 F.A.M. and was highly esteemed.  (R‑202)

Children - Graves

  1700.   Elbert Rufus Graves, b. 25 July 1875 (Mitchell, Ill.).


Austin Ernestus Graves (1140) was born 8 (or 7) Nov. 1848 at McGrawville, N.Y.  He moved to Palmyra, N.Y. in 1861 and to Iowa in 1869.  He married Libbie A. Penney on 14 Nov. 1871.  She was born 4 July 1854 in Wilmot, Kenosha Co., Wisc.  They lived at Ledyard, Iowa.  All their children were born at Stacyville, Mitchell Co., Iowa. (R‑202)

Children - Graves

  1701.   Winifred Graves, b. 2 Sept. 1872, d. 7 June 1873 (Stacyville, IA).

  1702.   Herbert Elmo Graves, b. 28 Jan. 1874, d. 24 Sept. 1874 (Stacyville, IA).

  1703.   Orrin Lester Graves, b. 9 Jan. 1877.

  1704.   Bernice Harold Graves, b. 1 Oct. 1880.



Edwin D. Graves (1143) was born 30 Dec. 1840.  He married Emma S. Lewis of Blodgetts Mills, N.Y. on 12 Feb. 1868. They lived in Cortland, N.Y.  (R‑202)

Children - Graves

  1705.   Mabel L. Graves, b. 28 March 1870 (Blodgetts Mills).  Graduated from State Normal School and taught at DeReyter High School.

  1706.   Lewis B. Graves, b. Truxton, N.Y.  Lived in Cortland, N.Y.


Adin Webb Graves (1146) was born 5 April 1850 in Solon, Cortland Co., N.Y.  He married Ida May Richmond on 15 May 1873 in Ontario, Wayne Co., N.Y.  She was a daughter of William Richmond of Ontario and Martha Hamilton.  She was born 4 May 1833.  They lived in Byron, Genesee Co., N.Y., where he owned a flouring mill.  (R‑202)

Children - Graves

  1707.   Frank Adin Graves, b. 23 Nov. 1874 (Ontario, N.Y.).

  1708.   Mattie Sophia Graves, b. 29 Nov. 1883 (Byron, N.Y.), d. 7 May 1890.


Charles Graves (1147) was born 14 June 1853.  He married Sarah M. Butterfield on 2 May 1871 at Blodgetts Mills, N.Y.  They lived at Indian Falls, Genesee Co., N.Y. (R‑202)

Children - Graves

  1709.   C. Leman Graves, b. 25 May 1872.

  1710.   Lena S. Graves, b. 1 Aug. 1874, d. 25 Sept. 1892.

  1711.   Jennie Graves, b. 12 July 1876.

  1712.   Arlie Graves, b. 17 Sept. 1879.

  1713.   Leon Graves, b. 5 Oct. 1882.

  1714.   Harry Graves, b. 13 April 1887.

  1715.   Altie Graves, b. 28 May 1889.

  1716.   Earl Graves, b. 14 Feb. 1893.



Helen Henrietta Ransom (1165) was born 20 Feb. 1836.  She married William Hobson.  They lived in LaGrange Co., IN.  (R‑203)

Children - Hobson

+1717.   George Ransom Hobson, married.



Riley Merrill Graves (1166) was born 22 April 1821 at McGrawville, N.Y.  He married Ruth Maria Webster, daughter of Dr. Henry K. Webster of Ithaca, on 26 July 1846 in Ithaca, N.Y.  She was born 3 Oct. 1827.  They lived in Winnetka, Cook Co., Ill.  (R‑202)

Children - Graves

  1718.   Leila Graves, b. 3 Aug. 1857, m. J. T. Dale, 30 Sept. 1880.  Lived at 2719 Prairie Ave., Chicago, Ill.


Julius Spencer Graves (1167) was born 21 Nov. 1822 (or 1823) in McGrawville, NY, and died 21 Dec. 1900.  He married Maryette Peckham, daughter of Joseph Peckham and Abigail Smith, on 24 May 1846 in Allen, Allegany Co., NY.  She was born 19 June 1827 in Cortland, NY.  Their children were all born in Freetown, Cortland Co., NY.  They lived at East Clarence, Erie Co., NY. (R‑202, R‑203)

Children - Graves

  1719.   Justus H. Graves, b. 10 June 1847 (Freetown, N.Y.), m. Sophia Anna Burke (of Chicago, Ill.), 30 March 1876, d. before 1933.  Lived at 83 Werder St., Chicago, IL.

+1720.   Justin R. Graves, b. 10 June 1847, m(1) Emma L. Higgins, 17 Dec. 1873, m(2) Hester Bates, d. before 1933.

  1721.   Abbie Evelyn Graves, b. 1 Feb. 1850, m. Erwin G. Boynton (of East Clarence, NY), 21 Nov. 1871, d. 29 April 1887 (Colorado Springs, CO).

  1722.   Mary Elizabeth Graves, b. 25 Aug. 1855, m. ‑‑‑‑‑‑ Riegal.  Lived in Evanston, IL.

  1723.   Stella Maria Graves, b. 15 May 1857, m. Lemont A. McLachlin (of Garden City, KS), 14 Oct. 1891. Lived in Coolidge, KS.

+1724.   Ernest Webster Graves, b. 2 Oct. 1861, m. Myrtie B. Cummings, 23 March 1892.

  1725.   Melvin Wilbur Graves, b. 31 Dec. 1863, d. 18 Aug. 1865.


Melvin Webster Graves (1168) was born 11 Sept. (or Oct.) 1824 in McGrawville, NY, and died 8 Oct. 1863.  He married Emma Hunt on 25 Dec. 1855.  She died in the spring of 1867. They lived in Jacksonville, Florida.  (R‑202, R‑203)

Children - Graves

  1726.   Henry Graves, b. 18 Oct. 1856, d. 8 Nov. 1856.

  1727.   Charles Francis Graves, b. 24 Aug. 1857, d. 17 March 1878.

  1728.   Willie Graves, b. 26 July 1859, d. 23 Aug. 1859.

+1729.   Arthur Asher Graves, b. 2 Aug. 1860, m. Emma Elizabeth Persels, 7 Dec. 1882.

  1730.   Mary Emma Graves, b. 6 Jan. 1862, d. 20 May 1879.


Ann (or Anna) Lydia Graves (1171) was born 14 May 1835 in McGrawville, NY, and died 17 Jan. 1923.  She married Charles F. Gray (or Grey) on 11 Oct. 1855 in Texas Valley, Cortland Co., NY.  He was a banker, and was born 7 Jan. 1830 in Buffalo, NY.  (R‑203)

Children - Grey

+1731.   Howard Graves Grey, m. Lizzie Tillinghast.


Evelyn (or Evaline) Gennette Graves (1173) was born 8 Feb. 1838 in Blodgetts Mills, NY, and died 31 March 1923.  She married Rev. Henry T. Scoville (or Scovill) of Evanston, IL on 31 Oct. 1870 in Winnetka, IL.  They lived in Evanston, IL.  (R‑203)

Children - Scoville

  1732.   Melvin Scoville; living in 1933.



Lyman Wilbur Graves (1176) was born 26 April 1823 in McGraw, Cortland Co., NY, and died 18 July 1876 in Palmyra, Jefferson Co., WI.  He first married Julia Ann Duncan about 1844 at Palmyra, WI.  He married second Emeline Sophia Graves (#1132), daughter of Lester Graves and Olive Holton, on 9 Feb. 1858.  She was born 22 April 1835 in McGrawville, NY, and died 1 Sept. 1878 in Palmyra, WI.  He was a farmer, a city policeman of Palmyra, WI, and a land speculator.  He owned a lot of property around Palmyra and Eagle, WI.  Both Lyman and Emeline were buried in Hillside Cem., Palmyra.  (R‑53, R‑202, R‑216)

Children - Graves, by Julia A. Duncan

  1733.   Lovina Maria Graves, b. 30 Oct. 1845, d. 14 March 1863.

+1734.   Orville Lyman Graves, b. 30 March 1850, m. Mary Dora Saukerson, 3 May 1872, d. 7 May 1918.

  1735.   Morivia Jane Graves, b. 31 Oct. 1852, d. 6 March 1863.

  1736.   Cynthia Lundin Graves, b. 2 April 1855, d. 22 Feb. 1888.

Children - Graves, by Emeline S. Graves

  1737.   Frank M. Graves, b. 25 Nov. 1859, never married, died in a hunting accident.

+1738.   Fred Eugene Graves, b. 23 Nov. 1861, m. Clara May Todd, 1 Oct. 1890, d. 29 April 1916.

+1739.   Merritte Elmer Graves, b. 9 Aug. 1866, m. Anna Vasku, 24 March 1894, d. 16 Nov. 1945.

+1740.   Olive Justeina Graves, b. 30 Aug. 1872, m. Charles M. Todd, 5 April 1892, d. 29 April 1926.


Hiram M. Graves (1178) was born 17 Feb. 1827, died 26[66] May 1881 in Palmyra, WI, and was buried at Mount Hope Cem., Brooklyn, Green Co., WI..  He married Lois Elizabeth Slosson, daughter of James Slosson and Fannie Barnes, at Palmyra, WI.  He was in the Civil War in the 11th Wisc. Infantry.  After he died, his widow lived in Evansville, WI.  She was born 19 March 1833, died 23 Feb. 1908 at Arriba, CO, and was buried next to Hiram in Brooklyn, WI.  Their first two children were born in Palmyra, WI, and the third in Stoughton, WI.  (R‑9, R‑26, R‑27, R‑202)

Children - Graves

  1741.   Hector Graves (oldest), d. 9 May 1852 (in infancy).

+1742.   Elizur Hiram Graves, b. 27 Dec. 1853, m. Leonora Arvilla Slauson, 4 Oct. 1877, d. 19 Jan. 1936.

+1743.   Charles Sumner Graves, b. 1 Dec. 1856, m. Emma Jane Boyden, 3 Dec. 1882, d. 12 March 1915.

  1744.   Lawrence Everest Graves (called Everest), b. 4 (or 14) Sept. 1866 (Stoughton, WI).  No children.

  1745.   Ida Bell Graves (youngest), died in infancy or as a small child.


Orlando Wilbur Graves (1179) was born 27 April 1829 in McGrawville (or New York City[67]), N.Y., and died 24 June 1892 in Orange, Calif., where his widow continued to live.  He married Sarah A. Clark on 11 May 1854.  (R‑202, R‑203)

Children - Graves

  1746.   Florence M. Graves, b. 16 Sept. 1856, m. Julius A. Smith, 3 Jan. 1884.  Lived in Slayton, Minn.

  1747.   Leroy Eugene Graves, b. 6 Nov. 1858.

  1748.   Ada Lunette Graves, b. 15 July 1868.


Willard Purdy Graves (1182) was born 31 July 1838 in McGrawville, NY, and died 12 Jan. 1922 in Alexandria, VA.  He married Lucy Melvina Libby, daughter of Asa Libby and Lucy Cushman House, on 19 Dec. 1864 in Manchester, NH.  She was born 20 Nov. 1838 in Jay, Maine, and died 26 Feb. 1912 in Alexandria, VA.  They were both buried in Presbyterian Cem., Alexandria, VA.  She was a direct descendant of Miles Standish.  They lived in Alexandria, VA.

About 1850, when Willard was about 12 years old, his family moved from McGrawville, NY to Palmyra, WI.  WillardÕs father died in 1857 when Willard was 19, and left his property to his children by his second marriage.  Elizur had already given his land grant in Palmyra to his children by his first marriage, and Willard gave his share of his inheritance to his younger brothers.  By being frugal, he worked his way through Milford Academy at Palmyra, WI.

On the day that President Lincoln called for volunteers for the Civil War, Willard enlisted at Milwaukee, WI as a private in Co. A of the 1st Wisc. Infantry.  At the expiration of that enlistment, he reenlisted in the 11th Regt., Wisc. Infantry Volunteers, as a musician in the band, 2nd Class.  His service extended from Oct. 1, 1861 to Aug. 11, 1862, when he was discharged with the band at St. Louis, MO.  He served in Virginia, and in the campaign west of the Mississippi River, contracted malaria in Arkansas, a fever which afflicted the troops.  His application for disability pay was denied because he had not served two years, the minimum requirement.  However, for some time he remained with the troops and nursed his friends who were ill.  He was with the regiment at the capture of Vicksburg, July 4, 1863.  He then made a visit to McGrawville and Cortland, NY, where he had many relatives and friends.  Later he rejoined the Wisconsin troops, and was with them when they were ordered to Washington, DC, and took possession of Alexandria, VA.  Here he began the work of an unofficial sutler, maintaining a small shop for supplying the soldiersÕ needs in camp.

Willard had intended joining a younger brother, Elijah, who was in Colorado searching for gold.  However, Elijah died in Denver in 1863 (age 24) of mountain fever, before Willard joined him.  The epidemic was so severe that there were not enough people well to care for the sick.  ElijahÕs grave could not be identified.

Willard met his future wife, Lucy, in Alexandria, VA, while she was visiting her sister Zerviah.  Willard, though not in the service at the time, still wore his uniform.  All the men of LucyÕs family who could bear arms were in the Army.  Lucy returned to her home in New Hampshire, and the following winter Willard went north to Manchester, NH, where they were married Dec. 19, 1864.  They returned to Alexandria to live.

It is interesting to realize that a northern family could settle in a southern town during this period, make friends, and become a part of that town.  WillardÕs loveable and friendly disposition doubtless made this easier.  He became a successful merchant of Alexandria.  He was a Master, Oct. 17, 1867, and on Aug. 28, 1896 he was Senior Vice Commander of the Thomas P. Davis Post #46 and alternate Representative to the Dept. Encampment of Virginia and North Carolina, GAR.  The family were members of the Old First Presbyterian Church in Alexandria until that church was disbanded when they united with the Second Presbyterian Church.  Their home at 623 South Fairfax Street was built before the Civil War and was a three story center hall frame house.  It was for many years the center for family gatherings at Christmas and Thanksgiving.  With thirty or more often present, the children often overflowed to a table in the adjacent sitting room.  Willard and his wife Lucy both died in the home.

All their children were born in Alexandria, VA.  (R‑202, R‑203)

Children - Graves

  1749.   Willard Purdy Graves, b. 26 Sept. 1865, d. 14 Feb. 1866.  Bur. Presbyterian Cem., Alexandria, VA.

  1750.   Myrtilla Melvina Graves, b. 4 March 1868, never married, d. 7 Dec. 1939 (Alexandria, VA).  Bur. Presbyterian Cem., Alexandria, VA.

+1751.   Herbert Cornelius Graves, b. 17 Aug. 1869, m. Clara Edith Emma Walter, 4 Sept. 1894, d. 26 July 1919.

  1752.   Lucy Mariah Graves, b. 3 Aug. 1871, never married, d. 27 June 1946 (Alexandria, VA.  Bur. Presbyterian Cem., Alexandria, VA.  Lucy worked for Clara Barton, President of the American Red Cross, and went with her on two expeditions during the Spanish American War, out of the country, the first to England, and the second to Santiago, Cuba.  After Miss BartonÕs retirement, Lucy went with the Smithsonian Institute for a time and then to the U.S. Geological Survey, where she was Chief Clerk of the Alaskan Branch until her retirement.

  1753.   Mary Ellen Graves, b. 14 Aug. 1873, m. Fred M. McGraw, 25 June 1902, d. 25 July 1946.  See #1776 for descendants.

+1754.   Asenath Moore Graves, b. 10 Sept. 1875, m. George Albert Chadwick, 29 May 1905, d. 28 Nov. 1961.

  1755.   Willard Purdy Graves, b. 3 Feb. 1878, never married, d. 20 June 1913 (Mexico).  He was drowned in the Gulf of Mexico during a storm while trying to rescue a man who had been washed overboard.


Henry Theodore Graves (1185), called "Thede" or Theodore, was born 11 Aug. 1843 (or 1844) in McGrawville (name changed to McGraw in 1963), Cortland Co., NY, and died 6 Oct. 1912 in Siloam Springs, Benton Co., AR.  He married Eliza Adeline Leighton, daughter of Freeman Leighton and Eliza Ann Davis, on 5 Nov. 1870 in Palmyra, Jefferson Co., WI (or Siloam Springs, AR[68]).  She was born 5 Nov. 1849 in Fulton, Rock Co., WI, was christened in Palmyra, WI, and died 20 Nov. 1935 in Lincoln, Lincoln Co., KS.  They were both buried in Lincoln, KS.  They lived in Lincoln, KS.  (R‑7, R‑203)

Children - Graves

  1756.   Mabel Ellen Graves, b. 19 April 1877 (Clay Center, Clay Co., Kans.), never married, d. 6 April 1958 (Santa Barbara, Calif.).

+1757.   Willard Edwin Graves, b. 5 April 1880, m(1) Almyra Alford, 6 June 1907, m(2) Edna Bertha Murphy, 25 Nov. 1915, m(3) Anna Belle Murphy, d. 10 Dec. 1966.

+1758.   Henry DeVillo Graves, b. 8 July 1882, m. Prudence Webb, 14 May 1908, d. 29 May 1960.

+1759.   Ray Leighton Graves, b. 6 Feb. 1887, m. Elinore McCulloch, d. 25 March 1946.


Edwin Boynton Graves (1186) was born 17 June 1846 (or 17 May 1847).  He married Eva Belle Brand, called Belle. They lived in Welcome, Minn. and Clark, S.D.  (R‑19)

Children - Graves

  1760.   Myrtle Lena Graves, b. 8 July 1876.

  1761.   Willard Purdy Graves, b. 4 Aug. 1878.

  1762.   Theodore Henry Graves, b. 4 Aug. 1878.

  1763.   Lora Belle Graves, b. 15 Nov. 1880.

  1764.   Nellie Alberta Graves, b. 12 Feb. 1882.

+1765.   Roy Edwin Graves, b. 19 Dec. 1886, m. Prudence Hubbard Hersey, d. 1965.

  1766.   Howard Edison Graves, b. 29 July 1892.

  1767.   Harry Graves, b. 26 Sept. 1894, d. 30 July 1901.

  1768.   Elizur Benjamin (ÒBenÓ) Graves, b. 7 Sept. 1897.



Dewitt Clinton McGraw (1191) married Harriet Austin.  They lived in Binghamton, NY, where he was a dentist52.  (R‑203)

Children - McGraw

+1769.   Edith McGraw, m. ‑‑‑‑‑‑ Fancher.

  1770.   Clara McGraw; no children.

  1771.   Dewitt McGraw; no children.


Henrietta McGraw (1192) married ‑‑‑‑‑‑ Chapman.  (R‑203)

Children - Chapman

  1772.   Nellie Chapman

  1773.   May Chapman


Marcus Hiram McGraw (1194) died in Cortland, NY.  He first married Martha Melina Sturtevant52,53, daughter of Dr. Walstein Bird Sturtevant and Martha E. Calvert, on 12 April 1862.  She was born 8 March 1844 in McGrawville, NY, and died 12 Oct. 1889 in Cortland, NY53.  He married second Luella Mintanye.  He thirdly married Mary E. Lampman52.  The mother of MarcusÕ first wife, Martha, married second as his second wife MarcusÕ father Hiram53.  Marcus and family lived in McGrawville, NY and Cortland, NY52.  All the following children were born in Cortland, NY.  (R‑203)

Children - McGraw, by Martha M. Sturtevant

  1774.   Willis Herbert McGraw, b. 2 Aug. 1863, d. 27 Jan. 1865 (Cortland, NY).

  1775.   Martha Philena McGraw, b. 19 Dec. 1865, never married, d. 2 Dec. 1933 (Cortland, NY).

+1776.   Fred M. McGraw, b. 10 April 1868, m. Mary Ellen Graves, 25 June 1902.

+1777.   George W. McGraw, b. 21 Aug. 1870, m. Julia K. Bush, 26 Sept. 1895, d. 25 Sept. 1957.

+1778.   Willis Henry McGraw, b. 15 Oct. 1872, m(1) Anna Murphy, 30 April 1902, m(2) Elizabeth Watson, 22 Jan. 1916.

  1779.   Helen McGraw, died young.



Mariva McGraw (1197) married Hiram Blodgett.  (R‑203)

Children - Blodgett

  1780.   Mary Blodgett, m. Charles VanTuyl.


Henry McGraw (1202) married Sarah W. DeWolf.  (R‑203)

Children - McGraw

+1781.   William H. McGraw, m. Bessie Benedict.

  1782.   Mildred McGraw

  1783.   Elizabeth G. McGraw

  1784.   Arthur G. McGraw

  1785.   Arietta W. McGraw



Oscar Devalson Graves (1206) was born 1 Jan. 1846 in McGrawville, NY, and died 11 Feb. 1928 in Seattle, King Co., WA.  He first married Sabretta (or Sarahette) Boynton of Palmyra, NY, daughter of Edwin Boynton and Cynthia Celia Bela..  She was born 18 Nov. 1849 in NY, and died 21 July 1888 of typhoid fever.  This family was recorded on the 1880 census in Mitchell, Mitchell Co., IA and the MN State Census in Martin Co., MN in 1885.  Oscar and Sarahette were buried in Mount Pleasant Cem., Seattle, WA.  He married second Mary M. (‑‑‑‑‑‑) Baker on 14 Feb. 1890 in Seattle, WA.  She was born in March 1845 in NY, and died 19 April 1904 in Seattle, WA.  This family was recorded on the 1892 Washington State Census and the 1900 census in Seattle, WA.  Oscar married third Esther Shafer Bloomquist on 5 Dec. 1904 in Seattle, WA.  She was born about 1865 in WI, and died after 1940.  They were recorded on the 1910 census in Seattle, WA and the 1920 census in Bakersfield, Kern Co., CA.  (R‑29)

Children - Graves

  1786.   Cecilia Cynthia Graves (twin), b.c. 1872 (Fairmont, Martin Co., MN), d. 13 June 1897 (Great Falls, Cascade Co., MT).

  1787.   Julia Eliza Graves (twin) b.c. 1872, m. ‑‑‑‑‑‑ Shipley, d. 15 Nov. 1927 (Seattle, WA).

  1788.   Helen Minerva Graves, b.c. 1873 (Fairmont, MN), d. 23 Feb. 1923 (Baker Co., OR).

  1789.   Edwin Lyman Graves, b. 20 Feb. 1876 (Osage, Mitchell Co., IA), m. Helen Malson, d. 23 Feb. 1935 (Edmonds, Snohomish Co., WA).  Both bur. Evergreen Washelli Memorial Park (Seattle, WA).  Eight children.

  1790.   Lawrence Homer Graves, b.c. 1878 (Osage, IA), d. 24 Jan. 1939 (Seattle, WA).

  1791.   Rose Evelyn Graves, b. Oct. 1879 (Osage, IA), m. ‑‑‑‑‑‑ Cameron, d. Jan. 1952.  Bur. Mount Pleasant Cem.

+1792.   Devalson Delay Graves, b. 4 Aug. 1883, m. Mary Frances Copp, 20 Feb. 1906, d. 25 Nov. 1935.

  1793.   Smith Harlan Graves, b. Nov. 1886 (MN).



Aurilla Laughlin (1208) was born in 1809 and died in 1895 or Sept. 1897 (according to her death certificate) of senility.  She married Nahum (or Naham) Wilson.  He was born in 1811 and died in 1896.  He was a farmer.  They were both buried in DePeyster, N.Y.  (R‑24)

Children - Wilson

+1794.   Virgil Milton Wilson, b. 17 May 1845, m. Melicent Rachel Truax, 1868, d. 16 July 1912.



Harriet Aurelia Stevens (1209) was born 29 Oct. 1817 in NH.  She married Robert Cearns in Oct. 1836.  He was born 19 Aug. 1815 or 14 Aug. 1814 in Ireland, died 7 Sept. 1892, and was buried in Butte, Boyd Co., NE.  All their children were born in Ontario, Canada, at least some in Pittsburgh Twp., Frontenac Co.  (R‑36)

Children - Cearns

  1795.   Margaret Cearns, b. 30 Oct. 1837, m. Joseph Hitchcock (?).

  1796.   Harriet Cearns, b. 20 Aug. 1839, m. William Adair (?).

+1797.   Clarinda Cearns, b. 10 Aug. 1841, m. William A. McKee, 22 Jan. 1866, d. 8 June 1914.

  1798.   Jane Cearns, b. 1842-3.

  1799.   Luthers (or Lutherea) Cearns, b. 5 Aug. 1845 (Pittsburgh Twp., Frontenac Co., Ontario), m. A. Simpson, 23 Jan. 1866.  She may have been known as Sarah.

  1800.   Mary Cearns, b.c. 1848 (Pittsburgh Twp., Frontenac Co., Ontario), m. Archibald Stigney, 20 Aug. 1866.

  1801.   John Cearns, b. 24 Jan. 1850, m. Hellen ‑‑‑‑‑‑.

  1802.   Elisabeth Ann ("Betsy") Cearns, b. 15 Jan. 1852, m. Cyrus Young, 6 July 1874, d. 1931.

  1803.   Robert Cearns, b. 11 Feb. 1854, m(1) Mary Ellen ‑‑‑‑‑‑, m(2) Mrs. Christina Ellen Ellis.

  1804.   Caroline Matilda Cearns, b. 22 Dec. 1855.

+1805.   Ellen Maria Cearns, b. 14 Dec. 1857, m. John Hale Taylor, 4 March 1874, d. 22 Feb. 1941.

+1806.   Lydia Ann Cearns, b. 3 Feb. 1859, m. Rolla A. Ellis, 2 Aug. 1880, d. 19 April 1895.



Arthur Burton French (1222) was born 30 Nov. 1849 in MI, and died 26 Aug. 1895 in Kasota, MN.  He married Julia Gorine Skarnes, daughter of Jens Olsen Skarnes and Anna Marie Gudbrandsdatter, on 30 Aug. 1870 in St. Peter, Le Sueur Co., MN.  She was born in Oct. 1852 in Norway, and died in 1928 in Ashmere, WA.  All their children were born in MN.

A profile in History of the Minnesota Valley by Rev. Edward D. Neill, Minneapolis, 1882, states: Hon. A. B. French is a Democrat and Representative from the Nineteenth District.  He was born in Michigan forty-five years ago and came to Minnesota in 1855, is married, and has resided in Le Sueur County for thirty-nine years.  His post-office is St. Peter, and for the past twenty-three years he has always held some township office, principally that of Justice of the Peace.  In 1894 he was elected to the Legislature, and, in the session of 1895, made a record for careful and prudent attention to his duties as a member of that body.  (R‑37)

Children - French

  1807.   Marcus John French, b. 24 Aug. 1871, m. Ida Belle ‑‑‑‑‑‑, d. 1948.

+1808.   Willard Ole French, b. 20 Oct. 1873, m. Grace ‑‑‑‑‑‑, d. 1960.

+1809.   Fannie May French, b. 8 Nov. 1874, m. Franklyn H. Moses, d. 1955.

+1810.   Birdie Maritta French, b. 28 March 1877, m. Arthur Dell Bossuet, d. 1967.

+1811.   Clinton Enos French, b. 29 Dec. 1881, m. Jennie May Moore, 14 May 1911, d. 23 Feb. 1951.

+1812.   Burton Walter French, b. 5 Dec. 1883, m. Mildred Iris McGraw, d. 1978.

+1813.   Jay Leroy French, b. 8 Nov. 1885, m. Musette Irene Spooner, 3 Aug. 1911, d. 7 Jan. 1978.

+1814.   Mabel Lenora French, b. 21 Oct. 1888, m. D. Garrison, 18 June 1914, d. 1978.

+1815.   Franklin Raymond French, b. 4 Feb. 1891, m. Louise Buchanan, 30 June 1922, d. 1970.

  1816.   Edna Ramona French, b. 30 June 1893, died in infancy.



Amanda Malvina Redfield (1251) was born 22 May 1824 and died 21 Sept. 1843.  She married Orson E. Card on 23 Dec. 1842.  (R‑42)

Children - Card

  1817.   Henry Truman Card, b. 22 May 1843, m. Jeanette D. Loomer, 13 Nov. 1862 (WI).


Charles Samuel Redfield (1252) was born 2 June 1826 and died 16 March 1855.  He married Mary M. Duffie on 18 Sept. 1853.  (R‑42)

Children - Redfield

  1818.   Frances Cordelia Redfield, b. 31 Aug. 1854.


William Harvey Redfield (1253) was born 9 Feb. 1828.  He married Mary Pillsbury in 1855.  She was born about 1839 in NH.  Their first 3 children were born in WI, and the other 3 in MN.  (R‑42)

Children - Redfield

  1819.   Lauren Oscar Redfield, b. 12 Nov. 1855.

  1820.   Harry Redfield, b.c. 1858.

  1821.   Eudora Redfield, b.c. 1861.

  1822.   Jessie Redfield, b.c. 1864.

  1823.   Addie Redfield, b.c. 1866.

  1824.   Charles Redfield, b.c. 1869.


Franklin Dewey Redfield (1254) was born 17 Feb. 1833 in Cattaraugus Co., NY, died 14 Feb. 1912 in Middleville, Wright Co., MN, and was buried 16 Feb. 1912 at Lake Howard Cem., Howard Lake, Wright Co., MN.  He married Hulda A. Loomer, daughter of Delorme Loomer and Catherine C. Mowers, on 17 Feb. 1858 in WI.  She was born 1 Dec. 1837 in Marquette Co., WI, and died 3 June 1900 in Howard Lake, MN.  All their children were born in WI.  (R‑42)

Children - Redfield

+1825.   Franklin Dewey Redfield, Jr., b. 13 Feb. 1860, m. Ida Belle Ball, 11 May 1879, d. 12 Sept. 1924.

  1826.   Mettie A. Redfield, b. 21 Dec. 1864, m. ‑‑‑‑‑‑ Card, d. 14 June 1876.

  1827.   Florence J. Redfield, b. 28 Oct. 1875.



William Henry Redfield (1256) was born 2 May 1821.  He married Lovina ‑‑‑‑‑‑.  (R‑42)

Children - Redfield

  1828.   Sarah Louisa Redfield


John W. Redfield (1257) was born 5 Aug. 1823 in Titusville, PA, and died in May 1907 in Eleva, WI.  He married Charlotte Follwell on 5 Nov. 1842.  She was born 1 April 1822, and died 16 Sept. 1878 in Mondovil, WI.  (R‑42)

Children - Redfield

+1829.   Warren Lorain Redfield, b. 5 Aug. 1843, m. Clara Elinor Little, d. May 1907.

  1830.   Mary Jane Redfield, b. 1845.

  1831.   Elizabeth M. Redfield, b. 1847.

  1832.   Walter L. Redfield, b. 1857.


Abraham Hale Redfield (1258) was born 21 Feb. 1826.  He married Caroline Eva Fink on 25 Oct. 1848.  (R‑42)

Children - Redfield

  1833.   Frederick Augustus Redfield
