Rev. 12 Dec. 2005, Gen. 292







John B. Graves (1) was born about 1824 in NC, and died about 1854 in Blount Co. or Marshall Co., AL.  He married Ann Dean, daughter of Sarah ‑‑‑‑‑‑.  She was born about 1825 in NC, and died after 1880.  The family was listed in the 1850 census for Jackson Co., AL, as follows: John B. Graves, 26, NC; Ann, 25, NC; Elizabeth, 1/12, AL; Lemuel Graves, 33, NC.  It seems likely that Lemuel (Genealogy 178) was a brother of John; he may be the Lemuel, b.c. 1828, with wife Rebecca, in the 1860 census for Marshall Co., AL.  Living next door in the 1850 census was Sarah Deane, 54, probably Ann's mother, and Ann’s siblings Rebecca, age 23, Thomas, age 17, Marth?, age 16, and Nancy, age 10, all born in NC.

After John died, Ann (listed as Mary A.) married second Adam Whisenant, son of Henry Whisenant, on 7 Feb. 1855 (or 1856) in Marshall Co., AL.  He was born about 1790 in NC, and died 10 Dec. 1870 in St. Clair Co., AL.  They had children Amanda Whisenant, born 22 Jan. 1857, died 23 Jan. 1925, Nancy Whisenant, born about 1860, married Bud Burgess and moved to Conway, AR, and Lydia C. Whisenant, born about 1861, married ‑‑‑‑‑‑ Paty, and also moved to Conway, AR.  The family was listed on the 1860 and 1870 Lawrence Co., AL censuses and the 1880 census in Etowah Co., AL.  (R‑1, R‑2, R‑3, R‑4)

Children - Graves

+2.  Sarah Elizabeth Graves, b. 18 Aug. 1849, m(1) Elias Oden, 1868, m(2) Andrew Jackson Tolton, 4 June 1874 (or 1875), d. 13 April 1939.

+3.  Mary J. Graves, b.c. Oct. 1852, m(1) William P. Whisenant, 17 April 1870, m(2) Thomas James Burgess, Jr., c. 1908, d. 5 June 1940.

  4.  Goodman Graves, b.c. 1854.






Sarah Elizabeth Graves (2) was born 18 Aug. 1849 in Belfonte, Jackson Co., AL, and died 13 April 1939 in Etowah Co., AL.  She first married Elias Oden in 1868 in Lawrence Co., AL.  She married second Andrew Jackson (“Jack”) Tolton, son of William D. Tolton and Bettie Cook, on 4 June 1875 (or 1874[1]) in Bluff City, Morgan Co., AL.  He was born 1 Jan. 1833 in AL, TN or NC, and died 10 March 1904 in Keener, Etowah Co., AL.  He had first been married to Lou Dunn, and second to Amanda Day, before his marriage to Sarah.  Sarah had two step-children, Mary Tolton and William Tolton, who were Andrew’s children by Amanda Day.  Sarah and Andrew were buried next to each other at Duck Springs Cem., Attalla, Etowah Co., AL.  She lived with Ben, her oldest son, and his family in her later years.  It has been said that Sarah Graves was full-blooded Cherokee Indian, but no evidence to support this story has been found.  There is information from a Cherokee application made in 1904 by Jack and Lou Dunn’s daughter, Mary E. Tolton Slate.  The application was based on her father Jack and grandmother Bettie Cook being part Cherokee.  This application was denied for lack of evidence.  (R‑1, R‑2)

Children - Oden

+5.  Benjamin F. Oden, b. 12 April 1870, m. Ida J. Wilbanks, 24 Dec. 1893, d. 18 April 1905.

+6.  Mary Oden, b.c. 1872, d. 15 March 1935.

Children - Tolton

+7.  John Thomas Tolton, b. 2 May 1877, m. Ruie Williams Malone, c. 1902, d. 31 Oct. 1934.

+8.  Luther Andrew Tolton, b. 7 Oct. 1879, m. Ida Adelle Daniell, d. 18 June 1958.

+9.  William Pinkney Tolton, b. 18 Dec. 1881, m. Mary Florence Curry, c. 1894, d. 12 July 1939.

  10.  Dolphus Mat Tolton, b. 28 Feb. 1884 (Etowah Co., AL), m(1) Elizabeth Smith, 26 June 1919 (Pomona, Los Angeles Co., CA), m(2) Harriett Eusebia Knipe, 16 Oct. 1929 (Las Vegas, NV), d. 28 Nov. 1964 (Pomona, CA).  Elizabeth was b. in Pomona, CA.  Eusebia was b. 10 Dec. 1894 (OK) and d. 27 June 1986 (Los Angeles, CA).  No children.

+11.  Ausie Columbus Tolton, b. 4 April 1887, m. Elizabeth Lucinda Hulsey, 25 Dec. 1917, d. 19 April 1962.

+12.  Jessie E. Tolton, b. 24 July 1889, m. Charles W. Hall, d. 30 June 1958.


Mary J. (‘Polly’) Graves (3) was born in Oct. 1852 in Alabama, died 5 June 1940[2] in Etowah Co., AL, and was buried in Duck Springs Cem., Attalla, Etowah Co., AL.  She first married William P. Whisenant on 17 April 1870 in Lawrence Co., AL.  He was a relative of her stepfather, Adam Whisenant.  They were recorded on the 1870 census living next to her mother, Anna A. Whisenant, her siblings and step-siblings in Lawrence Co., AL.  William was born about 1849 in AL.  There is a 3-year old William P. Whisenant, son of Henry Whisenant and Mary ‑‑‑‑‑‑, recorded on the 1850 census in Cherokee Co., AL, but it is unclear if this is the right one.  Polly was recorded on the 1900 census in Etowah Co., AL as a 47-year old widow.  She married second Thomas James Burgess, Jr., son of Thomas James Burgess and Mary (“Polly”) Whisenant, about 1908.  He was born about 1848 in AL.  They were recorded on the 1910 Etowah Co., AL census; four of Polly’s six children were living.  On the 1920 census, her husband’s first name was recorded as William; his widowed sister, R. V. Stephens, also lived with them.  R. V. (Rebecca) was the widow of A. Berry Stephens.

Polly was listed as 8-year-old Polly Whisent [sic] on the 1860 Lawrence Co., AL census living with her mother and stepfather, sister Sarah Whisent [sic], and brother Goodman Whisent [sic].  (R‑2, R‑4)

Children - Whisenant

+13.  Neely B. Whisenant, b. 10 June 1874, m. Lee B. McCormick (or McCormack), 15 Dec. 1896, d. 12 Dec. 1968.

+14.  Rebecca Whisenant, b. 1 Oct. 1885, m. Josh J. Brackett, c. 1902, d. 22 Feb. 1923.

  15.  Eber Whisenant, b. May 1891, d. 9 Feb. 1940 (Etowah Co., AL).  Recorded as single on the 1910 Etowah Co., AL census; incorrectly recorded as Eber Burgess on the 1920 Etowah Co., AL census; recorded with his widowed mother Polley [sic] Burgess on the 1930 Etowah Co., AL census, still unmarried.






Benjamin ("Ben") F. Oden (5) was born 12 April 1870, died 18 April 1905, and was buried in Duck Springs Cem., Etowah Co., AL.  His name was apparently changed to Tolton at an early age; he is listed as Benjamin Tolton on his marriage license.  He married Ida J. Wilbanks on 24 Dec. 1893 in Etowah Co., AL.  This family was recorded on the 1900 census in Etowah Co., AL.  Ida was born 1876 in GA, and died 13 Oct. 1956 in Etowah Co., AL.  She was recorded as a 34-year old widow on the 1910 census in Etowah Co., AL.  (R‑2)

Children - Tolton

  16.  William Oatry Tolton, b. Aug. 1894.

  17.  Lular Ardell Tolton, b. Feb. 1897.

+18.  Luther Marse Tolton, b. 15 Dec. 1899, m. Mamie Sherill, d. 11 Sept. 1977.

+19.  Olin Tolton, b. 24 April 1901, d. Aug. 1978.


Mary Oden (6) was born in May 1872, and died 15 March 1935 in Gadsden, Etowah Co., AL.  According to R‑2, it is not known whether Mary ever married.  The 1900 Etowah Co. census listed her as a 27-year old widow; she and her children lived next to her mother and stepfather.  She and her children later took the Tolton surname.  She was recorded on the 1920 census with sons John, Earl, and Breland in Etowah Co., AL and the 1930 census with son Breland, still in Etowah Co., AL.  (R‑2)

Children - by Mary Oden

  20.  Carrie Birtie Oden Tolton, b. Sept. 1892.

  21.  Ruby E. Tolton, b. Oct. 1895, m. ‑‑‑‑‑‑ Brooks, d. Oct. 1972.

+22.  Raymond B. Tolton, b. Nov. 1898, m. Eula ‑‑‑‑‑‑, c. 1923, d. Nov. 1935.

  23.  John Butler Tolton, b. 18 Oct. 1902, d. Oct. 1966.  Dates are from the SSDI.

  24.  Earl D. Tolton, b. 10 July 1905, d. March 1978.  Dates are from the SSDI.

  25.  Breland (or Brealon) Tolton, b. 2 March 1909, d. June 1987.  Dates are from the SSDI.


John Thomas Tolton (7) was born 2 May 1877 in Etowah Co., AL, and died 31 Oct. 1934 in his automobile in Attalla, Etowah Co., AL from a heart attack.  He was an insurance salesman.  He married Ruie Williams Malone, daughter of William H. Malone and Charlsie Catherine Burgess, about 1902.  She was born 22 Jan. 1879 in Etowah Co., AL, and died 31 May 1949 in Gadsden, Etowah Co., AL.  This family was recorded on the 1910 and 1920 census in Etowah Co., AL.  They were both buried in Oak Hill Cem., Attalla, AL.

There is a family story that Ruie's parents did not want her to marry John, and one night she slipped off to the railroad station in Attalla and met John.  Together they rode the train to somewhere in GA and got married.  (R‑2)

Children - Tolton

+26.  Grady Lee Tolton, b. 23 June 1904, m. Lucille Guest, d. 21 March 1934.

  27.  Henry F. Tolton, b. and d. 1909.

+28.  Nubern Larnce Tolton, b. 27 May 1911, m. Clara Lee Beasley, d. 16 March 1963.


Luther Andrew Tolton (8) was born 7 Oct. 1879 and died 18 June 1958, both in Etowah Co., AL.  He married Ida Adelle Daniell, daughter of Rev. John William Daniell and Jane L. Wade.  She was born 16 Sept. 1887 and died 14 Aug. 1968, both in Etowah Co., AL.  They were both buried in Crestwood Cem., East Gadsden, Etowah Co., AL.  (R‑1, R‑2)

Children - Tolton

+29.  Maurine Louise Tolton, b. 29 Jan. 1915, m. Earrold Adams, 1933, d. 17 Jan. 1978.

+30.  Frances Sue Tolton, b. 21 Aug. 1919, m. Wally Ruud.


William Pinkney (“Pink”) Tolton (9) was born 18 Dec. 1881 in AL, and died 12 July 1939.  He married Mary Florence Curry about 1904.  She was born 10 May 1881 in AL, and died 19 March 1904.  They were recorded on the 1910 census in Etowah Co., AL; Mary stated that two of her three children were living.  Pink and Mary were both buried in Union Hill Cem., Morgan Co., AL.  (R‑2)

Children - Tolton

  31.  William H. Tolton, b.c. 1907.

  32.  Roy E. Tolton, b.c. 1910.

  33.  Rufus Tolton


Ausie Columbus Tolton (11) was born 4 April 1887 in Attalla, Etowah Co., AL, died 19 April 1962 in Tampa, Hillsborough Co., FL, and was buried in Hopewell Methodist Church Cem., Murrayville, GA.  He married Elizabeth Lucinda Hulsey on 25 Dec. 1907.  She was born 6 July 1887, died 20 Oct. 1958 in Winter Park, Orange Co., FL, and was also buried in Hopewell Methodist Church Cem.  (R‑2)

Children - Tolton

+34.  Bennie Tolton, m. Edna ‑‑‑‑‑.

  35.  Ethel Tolton

  36.  Frank Tolton


Jessie E. Tolton (12) was born 24 July 1889 in AL, and died 30 June 1958 in Etowah Co., AL.  She married Charles W. Hall.  He was born 22 Dec. 1876 in AL, and died 30 Jan. 1954 in Etowah Co., AL.  They were both buried in Crestwood Cem., East Gadsden, Etowah Co., AL.  (R‑2)

Children - Hall

  37.  Mae Belle Hall, b. 14 July 1905, m. Zack David Laney, d. 20 April 1974.  He was b. 6 Feb. 1899 and d. 15 Jan. 1960.  Both bur. in Crestwood Cem.



Neely B. Whisenant (13) was born 10 June 1874 in AL, and died 13 Dec. 1968.  She married Lee Benjamin McCormick (or McCormack) on 15 Dec. 1896 in Etowah Co., AL.  He was born 29 June 1879 in AL according to his World War I Draft Registration Card filed in Etowah Co., AL, and died 24 Dec. 1918.  They were both buried in Duck Springs Cem., Attalla, Etowah Co., AL.  They were recorded on the 1900 census in Etowah Co., AL; they lived with her widowed mother, Polly Whisenant.  She was recorded as a widow with her children in Etowah Co., AL in 1920 and 1930; her children were born in AL.  (R‑2, R‑4)

Children - McCormick

  38.  John C. McCormick, b. Dec. 1898.

  39.  Clarence McCormick, b.c. 1900.

  40.  Edgar McCormick, b.c. 1905.

  41.  Lurine McCormick, b.c. 1906.

  42.  Annie McCormick, b.c. 1908.

  43.  Sarah McCormick, b.c. 1910.

  44.  Flint McCormick, b.c. 1912.

  45.  Fannie Lee McCormick, b.c. 1917.


Rebecca Whisenant (14) was born 1 Oct. 1885 in AL, died 22 Feb. 1923 in Etowah Co., AL, and was buried in Duck Springs Cem., Attalla, Etowah Co., AL.  She married Josh J. Brackett about 1902.  He was born in Oct. 1881 in AL.  This family was recorded on the 1910 and 1920 censuses in Etowah Co., AL.  On the 1920 census, his name was listed as O. J.  He was recorded as a 49-year old widower on the 1930 census in Etowah Co., AL.  (R‑2)

Children - Brackett

  46.  June Brackett, b.c. 1906.

  47.  Alma Brackett, b.c. 1908.

  48.  Oscar J. Brackett, b.c. 1909, d. 2 May 1948 (Etowah Co., AL).

  49.  Woodrow Brackett, b.c. 1912.

  50.  Marlin Brackett, b.c. 1916.

  51.  Elmer Brackett, b.c. 1923.


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[1] Sarah married Andrew in 1875 according to R-1 and in 1874 according to R-2.

[2] Alabama Deaths, 1909-59, Vol. 28, Roll 4, Certificate 13609.