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Graves Family Association


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The information on this page is most of what was previously available before the National Reunion for those interested in attending. A report of the reunion may be added to this page later. The reunion was very successful, with almost 250 people attending over the 4-day period.

Pictures taken at the reunion can be seen at the following locations.

National Reunion
June 14-17, 2007, Williamsburg, VA - 400th Anniversary of the founding of the Jamestowne settlement and the arrival of Capt. Thomas Graves. We will be meeting in Williamsburg, VA, at the Patrick Henry Inn. If you are interested in helping plan or helping in any way, contact Ken Graves or join the email discussion list on Yahoo at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/gravesreunion2007. The program will include presentations on the Graves/Greaves family research, including the families of the British Isles, and the latest DNA study results; tours of Jamestown, the eastern shore of VA (including the area where Capt. Thomas Graves lived and Hungar's Church), and colonial Williamsburg; and possibly other attractions. The final schedule and registration form is now available. You need to send your payment for the tours and dinners to be sure you are included. (You do not need to send a copy of the registration form as long as you provide all the requested information with your payment.)

Rooms at the Patrick Henry Inn have been sold out for a while. However, an occasional room may become available because of cancellations, etc. To reserve a room or to ask about other nearby accommodations, contact Best Western Patrick Henry Inn, York and Page Sts., Route 60E, PO Drawer 3678, Williamsburg, VA 23187-3678, phone 800-446-9228. (For special attention, ask for Philip Bradshaw.) Their website is www.wmbgva.com. Be sure to tell them you are part of the Graves Family Association group.

In addition to reserving a room at the Patrick Henry Inn (or elsewhere), you need to register for the reunion itself, the tours, and the dinners. If you are planning to attend, please complete the registration form and send it to Ken Graves. Otherwise you may miss the registration deadline.
Transportation: If you are concerned about transportation to and from the airport or in Williamsburg, click on this link.

Helpful information (including a schedule of statewide events) can be found on the following websites: