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Graves Family Association


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As a result of our DNA study, it has been found that there is a group of families that are all related to John Graves of Halifax Co., VA (born about 1735, genealogy 145), and probably all descended from an ancestor in Caroline Co. and Halifax Co., Virginia. We have not yet found a related family in England, but that discovery is probably only a matter of time. If you go to the Graves Family Association website and click on the link in the DNA Study section for Charts, and then scroll down to the section for Graves Families of Caroline Co. & Halifax Co., VA, you will see all the family segments that are presently believed to be part of this family. Note especially the family of Richard Graves and Jane Fielding presently included in genealogy 169. The DNA results make it clear that the descendants of this couple do not belong as descendants of Capt. Thomas Graves (gen. 169). Since the DNA result of a descendant of Richard Graves and Millie Murrell matched other descendants of this part of genealogy 169, it is apparent that there were two different men named Richard Graves, and the same Richard Graves did not marry Millie Murrell and then Jane Fielding. A DNA test result has now been received for a descendant of William Lynch Graves (genealogy 84). This result exactly agrees with that for the descendants of Richard Graves and Jane Fielding. It has been believed that this Richard Graves and William Lynch Graves were brothers and sons of a John Graves, possibly the one shown in genealogy 169 as their father (but belonging in a different genealogy).


  • If possible, the lines of Richard and James Graves (the other sons of Richard Graves and Jane Fielding) should be DNA tested so that we can be sure the tentative conclusions discussed above are correct.
  • DNA study participants need to be found for the other families of Pike Co., AL and elsewhere that may be related.
  • Research is needed to find how all these families are connected.