This is a list of all The ÔGravesÕ in the Biographical Index of South Australians 1836-1885.  (Provided by Trevor Brown.)

As you can see, there are several families and a lot of unconnected people.


1). GRAVES Ezra par: John and Lydia b: 6.10.1849 CAM ENG d: 30.8.1908 Rosewater SA occ: Butcher, res Rosewater

m: 22.1.1871 SA Sarah Ann nee MERRITT par: Joseph and Jane nee FRANKLIN b: 4.8.1849 Adelaide SA d: 9.7.1915 Rosewater SA

 ch: Olive Ethelwynne GERARD (1886-1974)


2). GRAVES Geo Arthur b: 6.8.1859 Heyworth VIC arr: by 1882 fr VIC occ: Policeman res: Adelaide


3). GRAVES Geo Paul par: Geo and Mary Ann nee ROCHE b: 16.9.1854 Bowden SA d: 28.6.1923 bd: WTC rel: RC


4). GRAVES George res: Bowden, Rel: RC

m: 28.11.1850 Nth Adelaide SA Mary Ann nee ROCHE ch: Geo Paul (1854-1923), Jas (1856-)


5). GRAVES George b: c1828 YKS ENG arc: 1856 NAVARINO occ: Labourer


6). GRAVES George b: c1816 d: 23.10.1867 Kapunda SA res: Kapunda Rel: Rc


7). GRAVES Henry arr: 1838 occ: Royal Marine res: Victoria, NT


8). GRAVES Henry res: Adelaide

m: 16.12.1858 Nth Adelaide Sarah Matilda nee JACKSON

ch: Matilda MEDLYN (1868-1921)


9). GRAVES Henry arr: by 1859 occ: Painter res: Pt Adelaide


10). GRAVES James b: c1826 Hull YKS ENG d: 31.1.1894  bd: Campbelltown arc: 1849 MARION

occ: Cordwainer, Gardener res: Paradise rel: C/E

m: Mary b: c1827 d: 4.11.1884

ch: Jas (c1855-1894), Wm (c1863-1931), Thos (c1867-1933)


11). GRAVES James b: c1827 YKS ENG d: 6.12.1889 bd: Pt Augusta SA arc: 1850 STAG occ: Joiner

res: Adelaide, Pt Augusta rel: Meth


12). GRAVES James par: Jas and Mary b: c1855 SA d: 9.10.1934 bd: Campbelltown SA occ: Gardener

res: Campbelltown, Newton rel: C/E, Meth

m: Lucy Emma b: c1860 d: 16.10.1932

ch: Adelia (1883-), Alice Jane (1888-1889), Doris Marian (1894-), Leonard Jas (1895-1949)


13). GRAVES James par: Henry b: 1862 AUS? d: 30.7.1929 Adelaide SA bd: WTC occ: Carrier

res: Mile End, Thorngate rel: C/E

m: Eliza Emily nee HARDEN par: Jas and Emily Jane nee BARKLA b: 10.8.1861 Kapunda SA d: 16.5.1935 Adelaide SA

ch: Vera Lilian (1892-1900), Ruth Alison WEIR/SAYER(1s8 93-1930), Sylvia Ruth KOLLOSCH(1895-1982)


14). GRAVES Jane b: c1832 YKS ENG an: 1850 STAG 0cc: Domestic Servant res: Adelaide rel: meth


15). GRAVES Jas Thos arr: by 1878 occ: Butcher res: Ardrossan, Maitland rel: Wes.

m: Mary Ellen

ch: Lucy Jane PINDING(1 880-1925), Hedley Vincent (1882-)


16). GRAVES John b: c1835 CAM ENG d: 15.10.1854 Adelaide SA bd: WTC arr: 1838 PESTONJEE BOMANJEE

0cc: Labourer res: Adelaide rel: Prot


17). GRAVES John b: 11.10.1804 Cottonham CAM ENG d: 18.5.1877 Adelaide SA bd: Walkerville SA

res: Rosewater rel: Meth

m: Lydia b: c1809 March CAM ENG d: 5.6.1886 Rosewater SA

ch: Ezra (1849-1908), Israel


18). GRAVES Mary A. b: c1825 YKS ENG arr: 1850 STAG rel: Meth


19). GRAVES Richard b: c1835 YKS ENG arr: 1850 STAG rel: Meth


20). GRAVES Robert b: c1817 d: 25.3.1855 bd: WTC res: Port Road


21). GRAVES Shapland d: after 1905 arr: by 1866 occ: Teacher res: Salisbury, Mt Lofty, Wallaroo


22). GRAVES T. arr: 1838 EAGLE fr TAS


23). GRAVES Thomas b: 10.3.1819 CAM ENG d: 10.8.1900 Kent Town SA bd: WTc arr: 1846 LADY BRUCE

occ: Trader, Wholesale Grocer, Pastoralist res: Adelaide, Kent Town, Glen Osmond

m: Eliz nee GROSE* b: c1825 d: 28.3.1902

ch: Eliz SNOW, Sarah, Blanche (-1920), Walter, Wm Henry (1851-1855), Jas (1855-1858), Thos Jas (c1861-1916)


24). GRAVES Thomas par: Jas and Mary b: c1867 SA d: 7.3.1933 bd: Nth Brighton SA occ: Gardenerres: Newton, Campbelltown

rel: C/E

m: 20.3.1893 Campbelltown Alice Ellen nee DURBRIDGE b: c1872 d: 30.11.1953

ch: children


25). GRAVES Thos Jas par: Thos and Eliz nee GROSE* b: c1861 SA d:29.3.1916 bd: WTc

m: Sarah b: c1848 d: 7.9.1939


26). GRAVES William b: c1796 arr: 1849 JOHN MUNN occ: Gardener res: Adelaide rel: Prot

m: unknown


27). GRAVES William b: c1818 YKS arr: 1850 STAG 0cc: Dockyard Worker rel: Meth

m: by 1850 Anne b: c1818


28). GRAVES William par: Jas and Mary b: c1863 SA d: 21.11.1931 bd: Campbelltown SA occ: Gardener res: Paradise rel: C/E

m: Mary Louisa b: c1864 d: 16.12.1929

ch: Arnold Harrold (c1887-1903), Robt Henry (c1890-1922)


29). GRAVES William b: c1853 d: 14.7.1910 bd: Walkerville SA arr: by 1878 0cc: Storekeeper res: Nth Adelaide

m: (1/2) Anne Eliz Rebecca b: c1854 d: 28.5.1878 SA

ch: Eva Amy PETERS(c 1876-1934)

m: (2/2) Clara Ann b: c1856 d: 14.7.1932


30). GRAVES William arr: by 1880 res: Mt Gambier

m: Jane nee TESTER ch: Matilda Victoria (1880-)


31). GRAVES Wm Jackson b: 16.7.1860 Kapunda SA d: 7.11.1921 occ: Labourer, Policeman res: Adelaide

m: unknown

ch: no issue


                    Numbers 10, 12, 24 & 28 are my family.

10). GRAVES James b: c1826 Hull YKS ENG d: 31.1.1894  bd: Campbelltown arc: 1849 MARION

occ: Cordwainer, Gardener res: Paradise rel: C/E

m: Mary b: c1827 d: 4.11.1884

ch: Jas (c1855-1894), Wm (c1863-1931), Thos (c1867-1933)


12). GRAVES James par: Jas and Mary b: c1855 SA d: 9.10.1934 bd: Campbelltown SA occ: Gardener

res: Campbelltown, Newton rel: C/E, Meth

m: Lucy Emma b: c1860 d: 16.10.1932

ch: Adelia (1883-), Alice Jane (1888-1889), Doris Marian (1894-), Leonard Jas (1895-1949)


28). GRAVES William par: Jas and Mary b: c1863 SA d: 21.11.1931 bd: Campbelltown SA occ: Gardener res: Paradise rel: C/E

m: Mary Louisa b: c1864 d: 16.12.1929

ch: Arnold Harrold (c1887-1903), Robt Henry (c1890-1922)


24). GRAVES Thomas par: Jas and Mary b: c1867 SA d: 7.3.1933 bd: Nth Brighton SA occ: Gardenerres: Newton, Campbelltown

rel: C/E

m: 20.3.1893 Campbelltown Alice Ellen nee DURBRIDGE b: c1872 d: 30.11.1953

ch: children


Number 26 (William) could possibly be the father of my James. The birthdate matches the information in the

                  1841 English census. He arrived in the same year (1849) as my James (who arrived 10.02.1849)

26). GRAVES William b: c1796 arr: 1849 JOHN MUNN occ: Gardener res: Adelaide rel: Prot

m: unknown



Numbers 11, 14, 18, 19 & 27 are probably all related. They all came from Yorkshire on ÔSTAGÕ in 1850.

Number 17 are the parents of number 1.

Number 4 are the parents of number 3.

Numbers 6 or 5 could be the same George as number 4.

Numbers 7, 8 & 9 could be the same Henry or 2 or 3 different ones. (and number 13 could be the son)

The other numbers donÕt seem to have any connection (but IÕll keep searching).