The Soldier in later Medieval England

The Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) of the U.K. has awarded a Research Grant worth just under £500,000 to Dr Adrian Bell of the ICMA Centre and Professor Anne Curry of the University of Southampton to challenge assumptions about the emergence of professional soldiery between 1369 and 1453. More about this project and its databases can be found on their website

The project has an innovative methodological approach and will be producing an on-line searchable resource for public use of immense value and interest to genealogists as well as social, political and military historians. The project employs two Research Assistants over three years and also includes one Doctoral Research Studentship - all of whom began work on 1st October 2006. The whole team is working on a jointly authored book, conference papers, and articles.

This page gives the results of a search on 21 July 2009 of the 3 databases of this project for the surnames of Grave, Graves, Greave, Greaves, Greve, Greves, Greeve, Greeves, Grieve, and Grieves. The only variations found were Grave, Greve, and Greves.

First Name De Surname Status Rank Captain Name Commander Year Nature of Activity Reference Membrane
John Greve Nottingham, Thomas de Mowbray, earl of Nottingham, Thomas de Mowbray, earl of 1389-1390 Standing force Scotland (East March) TNA_E101_41_17 m5d
Thomas Greve Esquire Man-at-arms Fitz Walter, Walter Lord Fitz Walter, Walter Lord 1384 Standing force Scotland (West March) TNA_E101_39_38 m3
John Greve Man-at-arms Edward, Duke of York Henry V 1415, 1st quarter Exped France TNA_E101_45_2 m4
John Greve Archer Colville, John Henry V 1415 Exped France TNA_E101_45_4 m8
Thomas Greve Man-at-arms Beauchamp, Richard, Earl of Worcester 1421 Exped France TNA_E101_50_1 m2
William Greve Archer Huntingdon, John Holand, Earl of 1439 Standing force, Acquitaine TNA_E101_53_22 m3
Nicholas Greve Man-at-arms Conyers, Robert, Sir York, Richard, Duke of 1441 Exped France TNA_E101_53_33 m5
Nicholas Greve Man-at-arms Conyers, Robert, Sir York, Richard, Duke of 1441 Exped France TNA_E101_54_9 m2
First Name De Surname Status Rank Captain Name Commander Year Nature of Activity Reference Membrane
Gilbert de la Grave Man-at-arms Neville, William de, Sir Neville, William de, Sir 1374 Exped Naval TNA_E101_33_13 No 2 m1
John Grave Archer Nottingham, Thomas de Mowbray, earl of Nottingham, Thomas de Mowbray, earl of 1389-1390 Standing force Scotland (East March) TNA_E101_41_17 m5
William Grave Man-at-arms Tiptoft, John, Sir Tiptoft, John, Sir 1415-17 Standing force, Acquitaine TNA_E101_48_4 m1
Peter Grave Archer Luttrell, Hugh, Sir Exeter, Thomas Beaufort, Duke of 1418 Garrison TNA_E101_48_19 m4d
First Name De Surname Status Rank Captain Name Commander Year Nature of Activity Reference Membrane
Robert Greves Archer Rempston, Thomas, Sir Huntingdon, John Holand, Earl of 1439 Standing force, Acquitaine TNA_E101_53_22 m6
William Greves Archer Standish, James Beaufort, John, Duke of Somerset 1443 Exped France TNA_E101_54_5 m9
First Name De Surname Status Rank Captain Name Sub-Captain Commander Type Date Duration Location Reference Membrane Place County Occupation Nationality
John Greve Protection 14270216 to France TNA_C76_109 14 Berkhamstead Hertfordshire Yeoman
First Name De Surname Status Rank Captain Name Sub-Captain Commander Type Date Duration Location Reference Membrane Place County Occupation Nationality
John Grave Lancaster, John of Gaunt, duke of Protection 13860318 1 year Spain (Ispann') TNA_C_76_70 m20
John Grave Wales, Henry, Prince of Protection 14121107 1 year Calais town TNA_C76_95 m2 Wrangle Lincolnshire*
John Grave Hales, Robert, Prior of the Hospitallers Protection 13800921 13801201 Scotland TNA_C71_60 m7
First Name De Surname Status Rank Captain Name Lieutenant Field Commander Nature of Activity Location Date
John Greve Archer Talbot, John Lord Garrison creu Rouen town 14360617
Robert Greve Archer Warwick, Richard Beauchamp, earl of Personal retinue/field 14271215
Nicholas Greve Man-at-arms Ogard, Andrew, Sir Garrison Vire 14320616
Nicholas Greve Man-at-arms Ogard, Andrew, Sir Garrison additional/Field Vire 14341105
Thomas Greve Archer Garrison Harfleur 14450515
First Name De Surname Status Rank Captain Name Lieutenant Field Commander Nature of Activity Location Date
Simkyn Grave Archer Woodville, Richard, Sir York, Richard Plantagenet, duke of/Shrewsbury, John Talbot, earl of Garrison detachment in field 14420714
John Grave Archer mounted Oldhall, William, Sir Garrison Essay 14251118
John Grave Archer mounted Oldhall, William, Sir Official retinue Normandy (seneschal) 14241111
John Grave Man-at-arms foot Warwick, Richard Beauchamp, earl of Garrison Honfleur 14390404
First Name De Surname Status Rank Captain Name Lieutenant Field Commander Nature of Activity Location Date
Thomas Greves Archer mounted Willoughby, Robert Lord Field Siege of St Severin 14320502
Mayow Greves Archer Gower, Thomas Garrison Evreux 14300401
John Greves Archer Gower, Thomas Garrison Evreux 14300403
John of Greves Archer Beaumont, John Lord Garrison Evreux 14310515
William Greves Archer Scales, Thomas, Lord Longworth, Ellis Garrison detachment in field Siege of Louviers 14310921
John Greves Archer Harrington, Richard, Sir Garrison Evreux 14311107
John Greves Archer Harrington, Richard, Sir Garrison Evreux 14321104
John Greves Archer Harrington, Richard, Sir Garrison Evreux 14330209
John Greves Archer Harrington, Richard, Sir Garrison Evreux 14331224
William Greves Archer mounted Bedford, John, duke of Merbury, Richard, Sir Arundel, John Fitz Alan, earl of Garrison detachment in field Field 14340802
John Greves Man-at-arms foot Ogard, Andrew, Sir Garrison Vire 14340917
Nicholas Greves Man-at-arms Ogard, Andrew, Sir Garrison Vire 14340917
John Greves Man-at-arms foot Ogard, Andrew, Sir Elyngham, Thomas Garrison Vire 14341119
John Greves Archer Guethin, Richard, Sir Garrison Mantes 14370522