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Graves Family Association

Research Program

Part 1: The gathering of records for Graves/Greaves families and their descendants, including census records in the U.S., the British Isles, Canada, and elsewhere, IGI records, military records, vital records, wills, etc. These records will be gathered by volunteers, put into a computer database, and the database will be available for searching by GFA members. The records listed below are the start of this effort. Part 2: The researching and finding of documentation for Graves/Greaves ancestry in the U.S., Canada, the British Isles and elsewhere. Where possible, this will be done by volunteers, but most will probably be done by professional genealogists. We will be searching for the origin and earlier ancestry of immigrants to America (and other countries), and will also be looking for links to earlier ancestry within America and ancestry of families in the British Isles. The program has already started, and will be reported in the Graves Family Bulletin and on this website.

Contributions of Money and Time Needed

Both money ($50 minimum suggested) and people willing to do research and record gathering, and to guide the research program, are needed. Contact Ken Graves for more information.

Specific Research Projects

Although every Graves/Greaves/Grieve/etc. family undoubtedly has many research problems that they would like to see addressed, the Association will be selecting those that are of broadest interest and greatest impact for study and support. A list of the research projects that have been identified and progress to date is below. Clicking on the link of interest will take you to the page for that project. Please feel free to suggest other projects that should be included, especially if you would like to help.