Success stories of individuals and families whose ancestry and connections
have been determined as a result of the DNA study fall into several different
categories, as shown below. These findings would probably never have been
discovered by traditional genealogical searching, since much of the needed
documentation was not available and some of the connections were not even
The families of Deacon George Graves of Hartford, CT (gen. 65) and Thomas
Graves of Hartford, CT & Hatfield, MA (gen. 168) were found to be
connected. They were probably brothers. This is especially significant
because the probable origin of George Graves is believed to be in the area
of Hertford, Hertfordshire, just north of London. He had relatives in London
and probably in Nazeing. This means the origin of Thomas Graves should also
be in this same area.
The families of John Graves of Concord, MA (gen. 166), Rear Admiral Thomas
Graves of Charlestown, MA (gen. 28), and John Greaves of St. Mary's Co., MD
(gen. 247) are connected. This is important for determining ancestry in
England, since much is known about the ancestry in England of Rear Adm.
Thomas Graves.
Humphrey Isaac Greaves of NC (gen. 50) and Thomas Graves of NC & Maury
Co., TN (previously gen. 94) were found to be connected to the family of the
Quaker family of Thomas Graves of New Castle Co., DE (gen. 85). The exact
connection of Thomas Graves of NC & TN was previously suspected and has
now been confirmed, and this family has been added to genealogy 85. The
family of Thomas J. Graves of OH & DE (gen. 472) is also connected to
this group, but the exact connection has not yet been found.
The family of Marcus Graves and Betsey W. ------ of Bristol Co., MA (gen.
457) is closely related to that of Samuel Graves of Lynn, MA (gen. 83), and
Marcus is almost definitely descended from Samuel.
William M. Graves and Mary Holloway of TN (previously gen. 356) was found
to descend from Johann Sebastian Graff (John Graves, gen. 105), and the
genealogy was added to gen. 105.
Beverly Graves of Caroline Co., VA (gen. 217), John Graves of Halifax Co.,
VA (was part of gen. 169, now gen. 145), and Archibald Pratt Graves and
Martha Jane Caulder of SC (gen. 851) are all very closely related.
Thomas Graves and Sarah Matilda Grider of KY (gen. 109), Basil Graves of
GA and AL (gen. 172), Lewis Marion Graves and Martha Lisco of Newton Co., GA
& FL (gen. 785), and Elijah Graves and Agnes Lacy of KY (gen. 443) were
all found to be part the branch of the family of Capt. Thomas Graves of VA
(gen. 169) descended from John4 Graves (who had sons John5
and Thomas5 who married Ann Davenport). The exact connections for
the first 3 families have been found and those families have been added to
the Capt. Thomas Graves genealogy.
The part of the family of Capt. Thomas Graves of VA (gen. 169) descended
from John4 Graves (who had sons John5 and Thomas5
who married Ann Davenport) was shown to be closely related to William
Greaves and Susanna ------ of Whitfield, Northamptonshire, England (gen.
John Graves of Frederick Co., VA (gen. 116) is closely related to Thomas
Graves and Ann ------ of Cambridgeshire, England & Australia (gen. 683).
The family of Samuel Graves of Lynn, MA (gen. 83) is closely related to
Herbert Fletcher Graves/Greaves and Sarah Wright of Lincolnshire, England
(gen. 428). This apparent connection to the family in Lincolnshire confirms
an undocumented hypothesis of the origin of the family.
In addition to the families of John Graves of Concord, MA (gen. 166), John
Greaves of St. Mary's Co., MD (gen. 247), and Rear Adm. Thomas Graves of
Charlestown, MA (gen. 28) being descended from known ancestors in England of
Rear Adm. Thomas Graves, all these families are also closely related to the
Greaves family of Macclesfield, Cheshire, England (gen. 334). The
Macclesfield family may be descended from the Greaves family of Beeley,
Derbyshire (gen. 228), although the first test on a descendant has not
confirmed that connection.
DNA testing has shown that the previously accepted family of Capt. Thomas
Graves of VA (gen. 169) actually consists of more than one family, and
possibly as many as four. That is, the family is actually descended from
more than one unrelated immigrant ancestors. Part of the family (apparently
the part descended from Francis2 Graves) is connected with that
of John Graves of Concord, MA (gen. 166). This part is definitely not
descended from Capt. Thomas Graves of VA. This contradicts a scholarly study
published in 1936 and accepted by many hereditary societies since then.
There are 3 other branches of the family. It is possible that all three of
these are descended from Capt. Thomas Graves, but it seems more likely that
they are descended from three different ancestors. A second part of the
family (descended from John2, Ralph3 Graves) is
closely related to Thomas Graves of Hartford, CT (gen. 168) and George
Graves of Hartford, CT (gen. 65). A third part of the family is probably
descended from Thomas2 Graves. This branch has not yet been found
to connect with any other family. A fourth part of the family is descended
from John4 Graves (who had sons John5 and Thomas5
who married Ann Davenport), and is closely related to William Greaves and
Susanna ------ of Whitfield, Northamptonshire, England (gen. 47).
The most obvious example of this is for the family of Capt. Thomas Graves
of VA (gen. 169). One line that was previously shown to be descended from
Francis2 Graves (because of a Bible record giving a date of birth
as 1712 instead of 1706), was shown by DNA analysis to be descended from
Thomas2 Graves instead. In addition, a line from Thomas Sims
Graves (descended from John2 Graves) and another line from an
unknown son of Ralph3 Graves were both determined to be from
Francis2 Graves.
Occasionally a branch of a family will carry a surname that is not that of
the male ancestor of that branch. This can be because of adoption, name
change, extra-marital affair, or other reason. For a line from the Quaker
family of Thomas Graves of New Castle Co., DE (gen. 85), it was believed
that the children of Polly5 Graves, daughter of Thomas4
Graves, was not married to a Graves man even though she gave the Graves name
to all her children. This was confirmed by DNA testing.